A very good morning friends. Today we will discuss about a cholesterol degradation. So in the degradation of cholesterol it will give bile acids. Then it gives vitamin D and it is responsible for synthesis of steroid hormones.
steroid hormones. So it is a precursor for these three compounds bile acids, vitamin D and steroid hormone. Coming to the bile acid synthesis with the help of hydroxylase enzyme this cholesterol is converted into hydroxycholesterol.
Hydroxycholesterol with the help of important enzyme that is that is hydroxylase. It is converted into 7-hydroxycholesterol. Now through several steps this 7-hydroxycholesterol it is converted into colic acid and chinodeoxycolic acid.
which on conjugation with glycine and taurine gives glycolic acid or glycopolate and tarocolate. Similar here it gives glyco Chino deoxy colate or taro chino deoxy colate. So these substances after conjugation with glycine and taurine they are known as primary bile acids.
So these are the primary bile. acids primary bile acids now these primary bile acids on deconjugation and dehydroxylation they are converted into deoxy Cholic acid and Lithocolic acid. So these are the secondary bile acids. These are the primary bile acids.
these glycocolate, tarocolate, glycocinodeoxycolate and tarocinodeoxycolate they are primary bile acids and this deoxycolic and lethocolic they are secondary bile acids. So important function of bile acids in our body It forms the bile salts that is sodium and potassium salt of this glycocolate, tarocolate, glycocinodeoxicolate and taroconoconodeoxicolates. They form the bile salts and bile salts help in the digestion and absorption of lipid.
So it is an important function of bile salt in our body. So this cholesterol is converted into hydroxycholesterol which gives colic acid which get conjugated and gives the primary bile acids. They are on the...
Deconjugation and dehydroxylation they are converted into secondary bile acid. So this is the first product that is bile acid. Cholesterol act as a precursor for bile acids.
Now coming to the second that is the vitamin D synthesis. In vitamin D synthesis the cholesterol which is present in the skin in the form of semen Dehydrocholesterol. So 7-dehydrocholesterol it is present in the skin. It is activated by the UV rays.
So UV rays activates this 7-dehydrocholesterol and converts this 7-dehydrocholesterol into cholecalciferol. which with the help of 25-hydroxylase this reaction occurs in the liver with the help of 25-hydroxylase this cholecalciferol it is converted into 25-hydroxycholecalciferol which on 1 alpha hydroxylase it is in the kidney it is converted into 125 dihydroxycholecalciferol so another name is calcitriol so calcitriol it is a active form of vitamin D vitamin D3 so it is a active form of vitamin D which is synthesized from the 7 dehydrocholesterol in the skin then liver and kidney There is synthesis of calcitriol from the cholesterol. Now coming to the third that is the steroid hormones. So cholesterol act as a synthesis for the cortisol.
It is responsible for synthesis of cortisol. Then it is useful in the synthesis of mineralocarticoid that is aldosterone. It is responsible for synthesis of 6 steroids which includes estrogen, progesterone.
testosterone etc. So these are the steroid hormones which are synthesized from the cholesterol. So cholesterol act as a precursor for three important compound that is bile acids, vitamin D and steroid hormones.
So this is all about the degradation of cholesterol. Thank you all of you. Keep watching.