Neuronal Communication and Signal Transmission

Jul 16, 2024

Neurons and Action Potentials

Structure of Neurons

  • Neurons: Form the nervous system.
  • Three main parts:
    • Dendrites: Receive signals from other neurons.
    • Cell Body: Contains the main organelles including the nucleus.
    • Axon: Wrapped in a fatty substance called myelin for protection.

Signal Reception and Transmission

  • Neurotransmitters: Chemical signals received by dendrites.
    • Bind to receptors on the dendrites.
    • Open ion channels, converting chemical signals into electrical signals.
  • Action Potential: Triggered if the combined effect of many dendrites changes the overall charge enough.
    • Transmits the signal within the cell.
    • Travels through the axon at speeds up to 100 meters/second.

Ionic Basis of Electrical Charge

  • Ion Concentrations: Differ inside and outside the cell.
    • Outside: More Na+ (sodium), Cl- (chloride), Ca2+ (calcium).
    • Inside: More K+ (potassium), A- (negatively charged anions).
  • Resting Membrane Potential: About -65 millivolts.
    • Relatively negative net charge compared to the external environment.

Depolarization and Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials (EPSPs)

  • Ligand-Gated Ion Channels: Open in response to neurotransmitters.
    • For example, Na+ channels allow sodium to enter the cell, decreasing the negative charge (depolarization).
  • EPSPs: Net influx of positive charge due to neurotransmitters.

Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials (IPSPs)

  • Cl- Ion Channels: Allow chloride ions to enter, causing a net influx of negative charge.
    • Leads to hyperpolarization (more negative charge).

Threshold Value and Action Potential

  • Threshold Value: Usually about -55 millivolts.
    • Activates voltage-gated Na+ channels at the axon hillock.
    • Starts a chain reaction along the axon.
  • Firing of the Neuron: When the action potential propagates along the axon.
    • The membrane potential can reach +40 millivolts.

Repolarization and Refractory Periods

  • Inactivation: Sodium channels stop allowing sodium in after depolarization.
  • Potassium Channels: Open slowly, allowing K+ to exit the cell.
    • Helps repolarize the cell.
  • Sodium-Potassium Pump: Transfers three Na+ ions out and two K+ ions in.
  • Refractory Periods:
    • Absolute: Sodium channels are inactivated.
    • Relative: Sodium channels return to a closed state, but strong stimulation is needed due to open potassium channels.

Role of Myelin

  • Myelin Sheathing: Provided by glial cells (Schwann cells or oligodendrocytes).
    • Prevents ion flow in myelinated regions.
    • Nodes of Ranvier: Where ions can flow.
  • Saltatory Conduction: Rapid movement of charge, making the action potential appear to "jump" from node to node.

Quick Summary

  • Action potentials in neurons are triggered by EPSPs leading to rapid depolarization and electrical propagation along the axon.