Lecture on John 5

Jun 19, 2024

Lecture on John 5


  • Season of Opportunity: Christmas as a time to talk about Jesus more freely.
  • Prayer: For wisdom, courage, and boldness in using this time to glorify Jesus.

John Chapter 5:19-47


  • Jesus at the Pool of Bethesda: Heals a man, instructs him to rise, take up his bed, and walk on the Sabbath.
  • Sabbath Controversy: Religious leaders accuse Jesus of breaking the Sabbath.

Verses 19-21

Key Themes

  • Unity with the Father: Jesus does nothing independently; only what the Father does.
  • Love and Revelation: The Father shows the Son all things.
  • Jesus's Authority and Power:
    • He can raise the dead and give life (parallels the Father).
    • Claims to ultimate power.

Verses 22-23

  • Judgment: The Father entrusts judgment to the Son so that all honor the Son as they honor the Father.
  • Deity of Jesus: Clear claim to being God.

Verses 24-30

Hearing and Believing

  • Those who believe in Jesus have everlasting life.
  • Voice of the Son of God:
    • The dead will hear His voice and live.
    • Jesus holds the power of resurrection and judgment.
  • Resurrection: Two kinds—resurrection of life and resurrection of condemnation.

Relational Dynamics

  • Operational Unity: Jesus acts according to the Father’s will, not independently.
  • Judgment Day: The Son's voice will call forth the dead to either life or condemnation.

Verses 31-47

Authenticated Claims

  • Jesus presents multiple testimonies validating His claims.

Witnesses to Jesus

  1. John the Baptist (Verses 33-35)
    • Respected by the religious leaders; testified about Jesus's truth.
  2. Jesus's Works (Verses 36)
    • Miracles and acts (including healing on the Sabbath) as evidence of His divine mission.
  3. God the Father (Verses 37-38)
    • Public endorsement at Jesus’s baptism.
  4. Scriptures (Verses 39-44)
    • The religious leaders searched the Scriptures but failed to see how they testified of Jesus.
  5. Moses (Verses 45-47)
    • Moses wrote about Jesus; rejecting Moses's writings equated to rejecting Jesus.

Additional Insights

  • Importance of believing in Jesus for eternal life.
  • Jesus’s claims were audacious but backed up by compelling witnesses.
  • Avoiding blind faith: Jesus provides substantial reasons to trust Him.
  • Repeated Call: Daily renewal of faith in Jesus.


Reflection on Communion

  • Preparation: Recognizing Jesus through the study of Scripture and the act of communion.
  • Prayer: Gratitude for Jesus's claims and backing them up; asking for renewed faith.