Embracing Boredom for Creative Growth

Oct 5, 2024

Lecture Notes: The Importance of Boredom and Mindlessness in Creativity


  • Speaker shared personal story about having a baby in 2020 and the onset of COVID-19 shutdown.
  • Quarantine experience led to unexpected reflections and creativity.

Life During Quarantine

  • Speaker was primarily focused on maternity leave and caring for a newborn.
  • Transition from a busy psychiatrist role to a more sedentary, routine life.
  • Initially filled time by binge-watching "Love Island" (a UK dating show).
  • Encountered an obstacle when the streaming account was inaccessible, leading to boredom.

The Impact of Boredom

  • Boredom triggered a reset in the speaker's brain.
  • Led to creative thoughts about improving access to mental health information.
  • Resulted in the creation of educational content which garnered a large following.
  • Opportunities arose: book deal, development of an ADHD management app, speaking engagements on burnout.

Understanding Focus and Distraction

  • Discussed the concept of multitasking and its inefficiency.
  • Multitasking leads to rapid shifting of focus, using up brain fuel (oxygenated glucose).
  • Consequences: increased fatigue, difficulty staying on task.

Default Mode Network (DMN)

  • Importance of the DMN: becomes active during restful periods, like daydreaming.
  • Engaging the DMN leads to:
    • Accessing forgotten memories
    • Tapping into repressed emotions
    • Problem-solving with new perspectives
  • DMN's role is heightened for those with focus issues.

Balancing Networks

  • Neurotypical brains: DMN and executive network work reciprocally.
  • Individuals with focus issues may have both networks active simultaneously, complicating concentration.
  • To enhance focus, it is essential to access the DMN and allow it to aid creativity.

Strategies for Mindlessness

  • Mindfulness, meditation, and exercise help reorganize brain networks but are not the focus here.
  • Encouraged to practice "brain babbling": free association of thoughts without censorship.
  • Example: Starting with a word (e.g., "cell") and allowing thoughts to flow freely to stimulate creativity.


  • Emphasized the need for mindlessness to foster creativity and problem-solving.
  • Mindlessness can lead to breakthrough moments and increased connection between focused and daydreamy states.
  • Call to action: Find time in daily life to indulge in mindlessness for improved mental performance and creativity.