all right I am crazy tired and it's crazy late so that'll explain the kind of quiet tone at the moment but the utmost congratulations I had to record this I had to record this congratulations to Neo he did just get the shiny real Lou this man has been single encounter shunting for this thing for the past 18 months is also a proud owner of a shiny should ninja he's just one of the craziest shiny hunters in Pokemon I'm excited to finally come and actually see I don't know if he's in channel one or where he's at he said he's in Challenger cave I believe let's see Challenger cave he ever I can't even seek as a chat and everything Channel question mark Channel let's see if we can get it it's just nuts I I know I'm quiet I feel like I'm way I'm way under selling this but it is nuts channel four okay let's head over to it I'm just very tired but this is a crazy achievement and I mean Neo's one of the best uh Channel 4 Challenger cave I don't see him here maybe I'm missing he'll just follow someone maybe it's deeper in the cave will follow summertime let's see here we go up here okay he hunts up here Neo wow and leading with this shiny [ __ ] ninja into it hey it's gorgeous what's crazy about this for those who don't know Neo got 35 other shinies before seeing the shiny Riolu um took him 18 months like I mentioned earlier this is a crazy crazy rare shiny one of the rare shinies in Pokemon uh one of the reasons why shiny Lucario is so unbelievably rare is because if you want to re-breed for this most people go for the egg hunting method for this but some go for repel Neo probably knows repel is probably better if he's doing it but um if you want to breed for shiny Lucario you have to you have to it'll get bred down into Riolu every time and you have to evolve it back into Lucario to re-breed that that batch that session so really really rare shiny with one of the top three rarest shinies in Pokemon like I'm talking Shaman [ __ ] ninja Riolu are like the top like top three in my personal opinion and uh he already has Shaman and he's about to get Riolu and no one has shamans uh yeah Harry here the Azure ninja he's about to get Riolu and no one has Shaman so he literally has two out of the three rarest shinies in the game and literally no one has a shiny Shaman so this is just this is nuts huge congratulations to Neo once again I'm I'm hard underselling this I'm very tired it's very late trying to keep my voice down but this is phenomenal it's a historic moment for him it's a historic moment for team Mister it's a beautiful shiny quick ball comes out really matching the shiny colors on Riolu as well good luck to him it's beautiful I know that in this location he's had a ton of shiny I believe sneasels he's had a ton of crazy different shinies I think it's Sneasel Snover uh there's something else here there's tons of other Pokemon here tons of other random shinies uh that exists here and he has gotten 35 35 single encounters he has to repel hunt while he's here which cost a lot of poke in per hour I don't know how much potion it's it's actually cost him um I wonder what her his total I'm curious one of his total encounters and I'm curious too of how many encounters he was dry on this current session or this current you know hunt it's crazy to think about imagine being 35 phases you know 36 phases into a shiny hunt kind of makes your stomach like get get a little sick get a little tense just thinking about it being something like 36 phases into a shiny hunt would uh would drive any man insane it would make any Normal Man crumble but uh not Neo not Neo he really really pulled through on this one so hopefully uh we'll see him catch it here in a quick sec and then we'll actually check out the IVs in a quick sec but he has every right to to relish this moment cherish it and just and just I guess you know get bask over this Glory it took him this long it took him to 18 months it's a beautiful shiny take your time oh master ball honestly if he wants to I respect it I I think obviously trying not to match but whenever possible but it's a [ __ ] shiny real who cares and it said it's his and it's his shiny real though everybody's trying to bait him into the master ball as well he's one of the best one of the best shunters in the entire game it's pretty nuts everybody's saying Master Ball let's see how it goes just beautiful such a nice looking shiny such a rare shiny run away everybody's family master ball you'll get another Master oh he actually threw the master ball he's crazy for it I respect it I mean do it in style do it in style you can't you might as well if you're gonna use one of your master balls in a luxurious way you might as well spend it getting one of the rarest shinies in the entire game I that is that is one of the few master ball catches I would not I would not shame someone for that was incredible congratulations Neo I mean that was just a once in a lifetime Pokemon moment let's go ahead and head back to the PC hopefully we can actually see him go link it yeah everybody's spamming Link Link Link I want to see the stats really quick and then we'll go ahead and call it talking too much for how late it is the date May the 14th was the day that Neo got it congratulations to him I'm free I know he's been wanting to end this for a while once again any Normal Man 36 phases of shinies is just absolutely insane absolutely nuts absolutely crazy does it have fireworks clue I'm waiting for the link waiting for the link come on Neo show it off go off the yellow boy there it is let's see sassy nature One Time's 31 I mean sassy plus the 31 IV in it dude just congrats to him it's phenomenal look I like that look at that catch time 11 59 51 P.M so like essentially midnight that's that's that special I don't know that's really cool congratulations to Neo that's phenomenal uh it was really I can't believe I was online at this time I didn't expect to be online I haven't really been online much today but that was that was nuts congratulations once again Neo and if you guys watch like watching stuff like this make sure to like the video and subscribe I'll see you guys later peace foreign