Transcript for:
Fick's First Law of Diffusion

fix first law of diffusion is a fundamental  principle in the field of physics and Engineering   that quantitatively describes how particles  move from regions of higher concentration to   lower concentration this video covers the medical  definition and provides a brief overview of this   topic so if you're ready let's get into it named  after adol Fick a 19th century German physician   who first formulated the law this mathematical  relationship serves as the Cornerstone for   understanding diffusion processes in various  systems the law stated mathematically as the   following where J is the flux or the amount of  substance passing through a unit area per unit   time D is the diffusion coefficient and dcx is  the concentration gradient along the direction   of X in the context of gas exchange in the lungs  fixed first law can be employed to explain how   oxygen and carbon dioxide move between the alv air  spaces in the lungs and the pulmonary capillaries   the Alvi are tiny air sacks in the lungs where  gas exchange occurs in the pulmonary capillaries   are tiny blood vessels that wrap around the Alvi  when you inhale air it flows into the lungs and   fills the Alvi this air has a higher concentration  of oxygen compared to the blood in the pulmonary   capillaries conversely the blood in these  capillaries has a higher concentration of carbon   dioxide than the air in the Alvi according to fix  first law oxygen will diffuse from the Alvi into   the blood and carbon dioxide will diffuse from the  blood into the Alvi but both moving along their   respective concentration gradients several factors  can influence this diffusion process including the   thickness and surface area of the respiratory  membrane as well as the diffusion coefficients   for both oxygen and carbon dioxide diseases like  osma or pulmonary fibrosis can alter these factors   thereby affecting the efficiency of gas exchange  so as you can see fixed first law serves as the   foundation for understanding the mechanics of  diffusion in various systems in including the   complex and vital process of gas exchange in the  lungs it quantitatively captures how molecules   move from regions of high to low concentration  which in the context of respiration ensures that   oxygen is efficiently taken up by the blood for  Cellular use while simultaneously allowing for   the removal of waste products like CO2 this  law illustrates the physiological mechanisms   that allow for Effective respiration and by  extension the sustenance of life itself if   you want to support the Channel please like  and subscribe I would greatly appreciate it   and there should be some other helpful videos  popping up on your screen right about now that   I think you will enjoy and just a quick reminder  we are not doctors this video is for informational   purposes only thank you so much for watching have  a blessed day and as always breathe easy my friend