Transcript for:
Understanding the Concept of Deep State

when I get back into the Oval Office we will totally obliterate the Deep State we will we will establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to declassify and publish all documents on deep State spying censorship and corruption in March 2023 Donald Trump launched his third presidential campaign calling the 2024 race the final battle at a rally in Waco Texas he starkly declared either the Deep State destroys America or we destroy the Deep state but the destruction of the rule of law is a tremendous threat to Western civilization and I say I was asked the other day and I took a little heat for it they said who's our biggest threat is it China sir is it Russia I said no our biggest threat are highlevel politicians that work in the United States government like MI Carell Nancy palosi Schumer Biden justice department because that's poisoning our country what they've done to our nation just think of it what they've done to our nation the stakes of this election could not be more clear either we surrender to the Demonic forces abolishing and demolishing and happily doing so our country or we defeat them in a land land slide on November 5th 2024 either the Deep State destroys America or we destroy the Deep State that's the way it's got to be today we dive into the question is there a deep state in the US there's three branches of government in the United States executive legislative and judicial there isn't a fourth branch in the Constitution and yet it's that fourth branch of government the administrative State the people in three-letter agencies that are really running the show today they're the ones making the laws of this country not the laws that pass Congress but effectively the laws that affect the way you and I live our lives affect the way that businesses are able to operate through regulations that they write but here's the perversion of that nobody elected those people to exercise legislative power the people we elect to run the government should be the ones who actually run the government not these unelected bureaucrats who are writing regulations that I have long viewed as unconstitutional but then are not only writing those regulations but enforcing those regulations which violates the separation of powers enshrined in the founding of this country Congressman Rich McCormack has also brought attention to the Deep State issue stating the Deep state has evaded the Constitutional authority of Congress for far too long we're the people's house because we are the closest to the people we have the most crucial duty to oversee the executive branch and hold the bureaucracy accountable for their actions since the founding of our nation this oversight function has been a Cornerstone of our democracy yet time and time again we see Witnesses from the executive branch refusing to answer the questions of the people they quibble over details and Dodge questions our hearings have become political theater Witnesses act like teenagers caught out after curfew and the Deep State evades the Constitutional oversight Authority that the people's house is supposed to yield the term deep State refers to a supposed covert network of federal employees particularly from the FBI and CIA who allegedly collaborate with powerful figures in the financial and business sectors this network is believed to wield influence alongside or even within the democratically elected US government in the CIA we didn't give a hoot about democracy I mean it would fine if if a government was elected and would cooperate with us but um if it didn't then democracy didn't mean a thing to us and I don't think it means a thing today the phrase deep State originated in the 1990s initially describing a suspected long-standing deep state in Turkey however the term gained prominence in the US during Barack Obama's presidency with concerns over the accuracy of drone strikes and the revelations by NSA contractors Edward Snowden in 2013 there's definitely a deep State trust me I have been there Snowden told the nation in 2014 by the time Donald Trump became president the concept of the deep state had gained widespread acceptance so what you see today is really just the beginnings of that fundamental reorganization and revamp of the federal government I believe in giving my predecessors credit for what they accomplished that includes president Trump for exposing the rot of a deep State an administrative state that was previously not exposed by either party he rolled that log over we saw what crawled out former strategist for president Donald Trump Sebastian Gorka echoed these concerns stating you can't say the Deep state is now a tinfoil hat conspiracy it's real a man who was elected by 64 million Americans won and then received more votes than any other incumbent president in history my former boss president Trump was accused of colluding with Russia was accused of tax fraud was accused of misogyny was accused of being islamophobe was impeached not once was impeached twice after he left office was targeted by the southern district of New York's um prosecutor for tax fraud and and and then had his home which is under 24-hour Secret Service protection raided by armed agents of the f FBI on some spurious classified document charge which by the way for those who aren't familiar with it every president maintains the highest security clearance till they die Jimmy Carter still has tssci IQ clearance it's it's weird but he does and the idea that President can't have classified information even after he leaves office especially when he says he declares the documents related to the Russia collusion hoax are Declassified there's only one person in the world who can declassify by Fiat and that is the president of the United States which he did before he left office so if you look at just this string of events and then the January 6 committee and then the leaking of his IRS tax records you can't say the Deep state is now a tin foil hat conspiracy it's real and now thanks God bless Elon Musk thanks to what we're seeing in the Twitter files drops Beyond even the FBI when the Department of Homeland security is literally telling the biggest news platform social media app to delete these accounts and to delete these tweets you don't need a lot of propaganda to say America is pro you know is is is in a state of rank corruption and of course the conspiracy theories will flourish in this environment so don't get me wrong we have real problems that have to be looked at in this new Congress Trump freak frequently used the term deep state to criticize leaks and whistleblowers within the US intelligence Community especially during Robert Muer's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election former Overstock CEO Patrick burn has made startling Revelations about his involvement with the Deep state burn claims that he worked with the FBI to arrange an $18 million bribe to Hillary Clinton from a foreign government allegedly to ensure the Deep State's control over her in the 2016 election I'm going to say it here I bribed Hillary Clinton $18 million I facilitated a bribe for Hillary Clinton on January 14th 2016 right here in this town Hillary on behalf of the FBI I they came to me around December 1st 2015 they told me Hillary Clinton had accepted a bribe from Turkey for $20 million they told me that there that I would be working for a group in New York FBI agents who had authorization to set Hillary Clinton up in a sting they asked me to facilitated a bribe for her an $18 million bribe from another government the bagman from that other government was I was to befriend and I was to get that person 10 minutes alone in a room with Hillary Clinton I did on January 14th 2016 Hillary Clinton was in this town and she met in a way that was kept off her schedule she accepted an $18 million bribe but General bar knows this this is the the Derm they know this was what is behind it all and I'll even tell you I'm going to drop one more thing I've been waiting to say this publicly I had Hillary Clinton I caused Hillary Clinton I facilitated a bribe and she took a second bribe for $18 million and I worked with the FBI as I did that they're deeply involved in this they came to me 3 days later and told me I had to forget about it and forget that it ever happened and I said what are you talking about and they gave me one excuse they said Hill's going to win and it's been determined it's been decided upstairs nothing nothing's going to be able to stop that now so she's going to win and she's going to send her people over to the FBI and ask who was part of investigating Hillary and any of us who were part of it are going to be destroyed and that includes you too Patrick and so this Mission has been scrubbed from the highest level and I said yes sir and I came but two or three weeks later I was back with three federal agents this time three federal agents and I let them know that wasn't sitting corre and and this is in Salt Lake City Utah and that that wasn't sitting well with me and I'd like to know why we had almost a year before the election they could have had me and another person in front of a grand jury in a week and gotten her indicted and they told me and this is this is the key to understanding what's happened uh in the LA in America they told me this is word for word Patrick you uh what's really going on is this President Obama has his people across the federal bureaucracy at this point but especially the Department of Justice Hillary Clinton is going to be president for eight years and nothing's going to change that but think of there being a bunson burner within the Department of Justice that evidence about the two bribes who were part of gathering is going to be sitting on the bunson burner and the hand on the bunson burner is going to be one of Barack Obama's people if Hillary's a good girl and defends Obamacare that flame stays low if she's a bad girl and thinks for herself it's going to get turned up high that way Barack Obama is going to manage Hillary Clinton for the eight years she's president then she's going to step down and Michelle's going to run and Patrick that's the plan that came out of the lips of a federal agent it was confirmed to me this spring they the durm investigation has located has that plan was called the uh operation snow globe that was Brennan Obama's name for it they snow globe they were trying to get Hillary to step into a snow globe I'm looking for a prop a snow globe that anytime they wanted they could then pick up and shake for eight years uh my bribe was the bait to get her to step into the snow globe that's all from a this isn't a theory I'm the guy in the room I'm acknowledging I took part in all this and I I thought I was helping them conduct federal law enforcement it turned out that I was having them helping them set up Hillary Clinton for for a deep state to controller and that's and I said so that's why and I came in public a year ago with some pictures that showed me with this Russian redhead Maria boua that said and so I'm saying this entire thing this last 5 years has been a coup from Obama against Hillary that when Trump one in a fluke it got morphed into the Russian collusion delusion and I say that as the guy that had Romancing Maria and bribing Hillary Clinton so I'm about as involved in this as you can get and I promise you that's exactly what happened and what we're seeing here is the last act play out I was off the last act play out and the reason I mentioned that I knew in October 2018 that this was going to happen was because in 2018 I was offered uh a federal agent came to tell me Patrick you need to understand there are billionaires walking around this world that we made and we're prepared to do the same for you you just have to stay calm you just have to stay quiet through the election and by that election I knew he meant 2020 election so I've known that they were going to hijack this election since October of 2018 according to opinion polls from 2017 and 2018 approximately half of Americans believe in the existence of a deep State American businessman and former presidential candidate vivc ramaswami has also weighed in on this issue ramaswami argued that a deep State rather than President Joe Biden is actually running the US government my feeling about Joe is I actually maybe much less than other Republicans spend a lot less of my air time sitting around criticizing him because I don't even think that it any real sense of the word he is the operative president of the United States I think he is like so many politicians a figure he's a puppet for this managerial machine that sits underneath him so it's like a bad version a nightmarish version of like the Greg papovich San Antonio Spurs right it almost doesn't matter who's playing point guard because it's a machine that operates irrespective of who's actually playing whatever role they're playing and he just happens to be really the instrument the puppet who's playing the role of the US president and viewed as such see a lot of people wonder why would they nominate this man who has this many cognitive deficits or is unable to construct full sentences in some ways for the people who are operating that machine and that's not one person who's like the wizard of sitting behind the scenes it's a whole machine it's actually more convenient when the president doesn't have independent thoughts of his own when the president itself is just a cog in that wheel the idea that this is one man who's actually calling the shots as the leader of the executive branch is a farce he's not the people who were electing to run the government that's the myth we tell ourselves in America today that we tell ourselves we go through these elections the people we elect to run the government they're the ones running the government then we hold them accountable it's all a fairy tale the people were electing to run the government they're not the ones actually running the government it is this managerial bureaucracy this machine that's independent of the people who we elect but the people who we never elected are the ones really pulling the strings many January 6 Capital writers were inspired by conspiracy theories notably those propagated by qanon which claimed that a deep state was plotting against Trump trump has vowed to dismantle this supposed deep state if reelected promising to remove Civil Service protections for thousands of government employees I plan to dismantle the Deep State and reclaim our democracy from Washington corruption once and for all and Corruption it is first I will immediately reissue my 2020 executive order restoring the president's authority to remove Rogue bureaucrats and I will wield that power very aggressively second we will clean out all of the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus and there are plenty of them the Departments and agencies that have been weaponized will be completely overhauled so that faceless bureaucrats will never again be able to Target and persecute conservatives Christians or the left's political enemies which they're doing now at a level that nobody can believe even possible third we will totally reform fisa courts which are so corrupt that the judges seemingly do not care when they are lied to in warrant applications so many judges have seen so many applications that they know were wrong or at least they must have known they do nothing about it they're lied to Fourth to expose the hoaxes and abuses of power that have been tearing our country apart we will establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to declassify and publish all docu doents on deep State spying censorship and Corruption and there are plenty of them fifth we will launch a major Crackdown on government leakers who collude with the fake news to deliberately weave false narratives and to subvert our government and our democracy when possible we will press criminal charges sixth we will make every inspector General's Office Independent and physically separated from the Departments they oversee so they do not become the Protectors of the deep State seventh I will ask Congress to establish an independent auditing system to continually monitor our intelligence agencies to ensure they are not spying on our citizens or running disinformation campaigns against the American people or that they are not spying on someone's campaign like they spied on my campaign eighth we will continue the effort launched by the Trump Administration to move parts of the sprawling Federal bureaucracy to new locations outside the Washington swamp just as I moved the Bureau of Land Management to Colorado as many as 100,000 government positions could be moved out and I mean immediately of Washington to places filled with Patriots who love America and they really do love America ninth I will work to ban Federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at the companies they deal with and that they regulate so they deal with these companies and they regulate these companies and then they want to take jobs from these companies doesn't work that way such a public display cannot go on and it's taking place all the time like with big Pharma finally I will push a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress this is how I will shatter the Deep State and restore government that is controlled by the people and for the people recently an assassination attempt on Trump led to a surge of conspiracy theories online one widely shared post viewed over 6.9 million times claimed the attack was orchestrated by the CIA with figures like Mike Pence Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama accused of complicity but the Deep State isn't just an American phenomenon former UK prime minister Liz truss has also sounded the alarm calling out the Deep state within the economic and bureaucratic establishments in the UK she even claimed that the presence of a deep state is far worse in the UK than in the US I wanted to cut taxes I wanted to cut the size of the administrative State and those people didn't like it the economic establishment in Britain wanted to keep things the way they were and they did they got me but I have learned from that Steve was it the economist that got you was it the financial times of London are these the people we got this the party the city of London are they the ones that run the deal over there these These are the friends of the bureaucratic establishment they are the friends of the deep State and they work together with bureaucrats of which we've got many more in Britain than you have here in the United States to keep things the same and people in Britain aren't happy about that they want change but it's being stopped and that's why we need a bigger bazooka the Deep State narrative isn't limited to political and economic spheres Archbishop vgo has made bold claims about the intersection of religion and hidden power he asserts that Pope Francis is a zealous cooperator in the great reset accusing him of pursuing the demolition of the church to replace it with an organization of masonic inspiration forth Revolution terrorized by CLA shra and the family or international finance find in bergolo not a neutral spectator which would itself already be an aard of thing but actually a zus cooperator who abuses his own moral Authority in order to support adesta outside the church the project of the dissolution of traditional Society while ad didn't with within the church he pursues the project of the demolition of the church in order to replace her with a Phil philanthropic organization of masonic inspiration and it is scandalous this apply to both to civil and ecclesiastical World confirming the pum shy the criminal conspiracy between the Deep State and the Deep Church so is there a deep state in the US while opinions vary widely and evidence remains elusive the debate continues to shape American politics and public opinion what do you think let us know in the comments below