Transcript for:
Exploring Fossil Fuels and Pollution

[Music] hello kids how are you doing today welcome back to reading for vocabulary I'm Brian Stewart we're on lesson six fossil fuels so in this lesson we will focus on let's learn about how plants from long ago can cause pollution today and of course pollution is not good for our bodies so our topic our subject is health right so that's what we'll be talking about in this lesson let's take a look here first of all what are fossil fuels there are many kinds of fossil fuels in this video here we can see these machines working in a field or in a plane what are these machines doing they're getting oil from the ground they're pumping up oil from deep underground and oil oil is a fossil fuel we make gas out of oil right Yong Yong you I think you say in Korean killing you right where you go to the judo so the gas station and you get fuel right so oil is made into gas it's a type of fossil fuel also will look at other types of fossil fuels in this lesson okay our first word for the vocabulary he's very happy he's very proud I hope you get the same thing he got an a-plus yay right it can be done yes you can get an a-plus it is possible yes you can do it right it's possible you can do it you can do it it is possible oh yeah number two Wow very exciting picture of course he is a firefighter fire fighter and the word though is not firefighter it is to need now when we say to need what's another word for that it's require a firefighter needs water to put out the fire he requires water to put out the fire to require now may be a little difficult pronunciation require require so to require is to need something you say Pele Johanna Wright Pele Johanna I need it I need it I require it it I must have it okay number three this is a big city looks like New York Central Park is in the background but when we talk about all big cities any big city connected with a city connected with a city we say urban urban so if you live in a city you are living in an urban setting you are living in an urban setting but if you live on a farm in the countryside you are living in a rural setting so urban and rural rural pandeiro right they are opposites so I live in a city I live in an urban place or setting I live in a farm I live in a rural place or setting okay so rural is countryside urban is city okay number four having to do with factories so when we say when we talk about factories and factories that are making things and machines the process of manufacturing we're usually talking about industrial topics or industrial things industrial is an adjective having to do with factories this job is an industrial job right this business deal is an industrial business deal having to do with factories in dust real industrial Industrial okay so the pronunciation it's a long word in dustry Oh industrial okay Oh your next one number five well this is very interesting what is this if we look closely this is rock right it's part it's a piece of rock but there's some strange looks kind of scary it's a spider right it's a spider that died a long long time ago and at long time ago this rock was mud it was soft and the spiders body laid there and got covered with mud and got pressed and because of the pressure it turned into rock so that all that is left of the spider is this form or this shape in the rock it's all that remains all that remains the remains of the spider is all that is left of this spider is the shape of the spider in the rock so if something is gone something is it goes away or something dies sometimes there are there's a little bit that remains from that thing that died a long time ago remains remains next one number six to come together when things come together what do they do they form something okay so they form a field they might form a landscape when you put like wood and concrete and other materials together you can form a house or a building it's when you make you have many things or materials come together they form or make or create some other thing they formed something okay seven are you hungry looks like somebody's cooking something right a series of actions or changes when you cook something you're doing a series of actions step one step two step three you follow many actions or changes different steps we call all of those steps together that's called a process what is the process of making chocolate chip cookies what is the process of making a pancake you follow the different steps those steps are a process how to do something okay next one number eight maybe your mom or dad does this a lot maybe you do it right if the light goes out in your room you know you flip the switch it doesn't work it's time to change something for something else so you take the old light bulb it's a light bulb by the way you take the old light bulb and you put a new light bulb in its place what are you doing you are replacing replace the old one with a new one you replace the old one get rid of the old one put a new one you replace it replace the old one with a new one replace the old light bulb with a new light bulb okay number nine to let go right very interesting picture I think it's been photoshopped okay but anyway this person is letting these doves these birds go right to let go means to release let go right if you love something release it if it comes back to you it loves you too but if it doesn't come back it never wants to be oh well so anyway to release something to release let it go let it go release it release release let it go number ten to save now this looks strange what are they saving well they're say what what are they doing they're digging in the ground they're going to plant trees or bushes so they are trying to save the earth so what are they doing they are conserving especially when we talk about protecting the environment or trying to save the earth we are talking about conserving the earth now you can also conserve other things if you are careful with the electricity you use in your house turn off the light when you leave the room you want to conserve electricity if you want to conserve water when you wash your hands don't run the water the whole time run the water get your hands wet turn it off use soap then turn it on again and wash the soap off conserve water save water save electricity save the earth conservation project okay conserve conserve is the way we pronounce that 11 well what's that doesn't look very pretty but it's very important a black stone burned for heat what do we call it we call it coal see is a hard case sound come Cole Cole Cole is a black stone like we see in this picture and we burn it for heat if you go to what do you say bulgogi or Gogi cheap bulgogi cheap you want to get bulgogi or some places where they have the of the outside barbecue right they put coal in the fire underneath and they burn it right and that's an example of coal you can see it every day right so black stone burnt free heat is coal coal is very important for our modern life next one you don't worry about this you're not driving but when you get older you have to be careful look at the gas right because when you become when you when you use up all the gas you use up all the gas no more topsail right then you have run out of gas run out run out and the way to use it run out of Momo run out of gas run out of food run out of water that means you used it all up you used it now it's all gone we can use up all the water we can use up all the food in your refrigerator we can use up all the electricity right that means we don't have anymore it's opposite pop-up sale we run out okay number 13 to make dirty imagine that this is not water maybe this is some chemical that's coming out of these pipes into the stream it's making the stream or the river dirty what is it doing it's polluting so when we make the environment dirty we are polluting the environment and sometimes factories or industrial places industrial companies will pollute the environment because of what they're doing their activities make dirty water it makes dirty air or it makes things that we throw away in the ground so dirty land if we make something dirty we are polluting the environment pollute pollute okay next one fuel that was very fast fuel is very energetic isn't it so it jumps on the screen okay something that produces heat or power is fuel and it's interesting to look at this picture because you say well where's the fuel it's not an engine he's using his legs the fuel is inside his body he ate breakfast that morning the breakfast is the fuel the food that we eat helps us produce heat or in this case power right when we put gas in our car that's the fuel that makes the engine go it gives a power to the engine so fuel there's many kinds of fuel right and this word of course is fuel okay next one a very peaceful picture very nice picture looks like the American West looks like where I'm from okay a part of a place if we look at this very wide landscape very big what very big area an area is a part of a place right so the area in your house right that's an area your bedroom is an area your kitchen is an area it's part of a place okay wow this is very exciting picture right this looks like it's downtown in a very large town downtown in a very large town but what's a very large town a very large town we have a special word for that right if there's just a few people living together just a few houses we say that's a village okay it's a village if a few more houses a few more buildings we can say it's a town but more and more like this huge buildings very tall buildings millions of people living together we say that is a city so village town city okay okay let's go over the vocabulary here we have an interesting and exciting of fun vocabulary exercise it's a puzzle and this is a crossword puzzle that you have in your book we could say it's a crossword Americans say cross word puzzle crossword puzzle so our object is to solve the puzzle we say it's crossword because you have words that go down and you have words that go across right and you have to fill in the boxes with the letters crossword one down and a cross first we start with a cross the clues for a cross now these are the words that we're going to put in the crossword puzzle there are eight words let's go over them first possible possible require require urban urban industrial industrial remains remains form form process process and replace replace those are the words we need to fit into the crossword puzzle now when you do a crossword puzzle usually they give you the clues for the words that are going across and then in the next section they give you clues for words that go down in the puzzle right down first we're going to talk about the words that are going across for these clues we have pictures okay so for number one we have a picture that is our clue this is a picture of a city now when we talk about the city setting right what do we say I taught you two words right first I taught you in the city you say it's urban and in the countryside you say it's a rural but this is a city so this is the word we need urban and we can see you are be a and one two three four five one two three four five that's an important point about crossword puzzles you have to fit the same number of letters the same number of letters in the blank so you're looking for a five letter word that goes with this picture let's see that in number three going across number three we have one two three four a four letter word that matches this picture remember we talked about this picture when things come together they do something right what do they do they form something so they form a field or they form a landscape to form okay next one number seven oh my gosh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten a 10-letter word we're looking for a 10-letter word that goes with this picture so which is a 10-letter word that goes with this picture in this picture we can see this is the inside of a factory so having to do with factories remember the word we said that was industrial one two three four five six seven eight nine ten that's our 10-letter word that matches the picture okay number eight aha we're following a certain series of steps to cook something or you know to make something it doesn't have to be cooking it can be anything we need one two three four five six seven seven words where is a seven letter word that mean has to do with this picture one two three four five six seven AHA that's our word it is process process of course you can't just do the number of words you have to make sure it matches the picture right a process is a series of steps that you do a series of actions or changes to do something okay that was the words that were crossed they all had pictures now we're looking at the words that go down in the in the puzzle the words that go down the clues are part of a sentence it's like filling in the blank except in this case the blank is the box right the boxes for each letter of the word what word makes sense in this sentence baby is beep care and attention babies need something right babies need care and attention what's another word for need that we talked about would it be require one two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven AHA that fits and it makes sense babies require care and attention that's true so that's the correct answer number four I gave the beep of my lunch to the dog I gave the what of my lunch to the dog well think about that do you have a dog when you eat food your dog looks at you like this right so after you finish eating maybe you don't eat everything so you give what's left to your dog right what is left is the what it's the remains you give the remains of your lunch maybe a piece of bread or maybe some rice or maybe a piece of Apple dogs eat apples right so you give the remains of your lunch to your dog but don't do that actually because your dog will beg you every time you eat right so it's not good to give the remains of your lunch or dinner to your dog give them their food separately okay next one number five down new cars will beep the older cars remember we talked about this you change one thing for another if something's old that doesn't work you remove it and you put a new one in its place what are you doing you are replacing new cars will replace the older cars so you were replaced you will replace the old one with a new one replace new cars two new cars will replace the older cars they will replace the older cars okay number six it is beep but not easy so when we talk about this is a little bit more difficult right this you can do many things some things you can do are very easy but some things you can do are very hard don't give up even though it's very hard you can do it it's what it's possible it's possible but not easy just because something is hard or not easy doesn't mean it's not possible right many things in your life will be hard to do but you can do it it's possible it is possible to do ok that wraps it up for the vocabulary crossword puzzle it's kind of fun putting a crossword puzzle together isn't it but in every crossword puzzle you have to find the clues across and then down and you can mix them up and of course remember pay attention the number of letters in each box okay well let's take a short break here we'll come back soon and we'll go over the reading passage together hey guys welcome back to the reading section let's continue with this lesson talking about fossil fuels let's go over the reading first let's read it together what do plants have to do with pollution aren't plants good for the earth the plants we see around us help keep the air clean this passage starts off in an interesting way because it's asking kind of a interesting question what do plants have to do when we think about plants and pollution we don't think that plants make pollution it's kind of strange to think about that so that's why we have this question what do plants have to do with something else it's an strange combination what a plants have to do with pollution plants don't pollute the earth plants are good for the earth so that's what this question is asking us it's making us think about a strange relationship or a relationship we don't normally think about and that's you know aren't plants good for the earth that's continuing that idea that same idea the plants why do plants have something to do with pollution right they're supposed to be good for the earth they're not bad for the earth they don't pollute the earth why do they have something to do with pollution well the plants we see around us those plants the plants we see right now help keep the air clean that's true because plants take in air carbon dioxide and they give off oxygen in that process they clean the air if we're around many plants or in a forest we can breathe nice fresh air right plants help keep the air clean but those are plants we see around us the plants we see now the plants of today however but plants from 300 million years ago are polluting the planet ah there's our answer how is this possible let's learn about how plants from long ago can cause pollution today so it's interesting the way this reading started out it started out by saying the plants we see around us are good for the earth how are they bad for the earth how can they pollute the earth it's not the plants we see every day it's the plants that lived 300 million years ago a long time ago right those plants are polluting the in Planet they're polluting the earth how how is that possible how can that be how can plants that lived such a long time ago how can they pollute the earth now that's what this passage is about that's the topic of this passage so let's learn about how plants from long ago can cause pollution today the reading will answer those questions that we asked let's find out we require a lot of energy to heat our homes run our cars and light our cities most of this energy comes from fossil fuels like coal oil and natural gas we have two good sentences here two good sentence constructions here first we require we need right we need energy in our modern life we use a lot of energy don't we we use energy this sentence tells us or gives us three examples of how we need energy do you see the three examples the first one is to heat our homes that's the first one right this too goes for each one right we need a lot of energy to heat our homes to run our cars that's the second one to light our cities that's the third one this two right here that's the first part of the infinitive verb form and it goes with the three verbs to heat our homes to run to lights notice that all the verbs are the same form heat run light that is parallel structure parallel structure so it is a very good structure to look for when you're reading also if you're writing use parallel structure don't change the verb forms all the verbs have to be the same form if you use infinitive they're all infinitive if you use gerund ing they're all ing in this case they're all infinitive root form of the verb to heat to run to light so those are the three ways that we require a lot of energy right the next sentence is similar most of this energy comes from fossil fuels like now this tells us we're going to get three examples of fossil fuels okay fossil fuels there's three kinds of fossil fuels what are they number one is coal oops that one looks like a V number two is oil and number three is natural gas coal oil and natural gas are examples of fossil fuels and this word here like indicates that it's going to give us an example right there are many kinds there are many types of fossil fuels like for example coal oil and natural gas three examples so we have two sentences here that are kind of similar in their construction one of them tells us it gives us examples of how we use or how we need a lot of energy the second sentence sentence gives us examples of what kinds of fossil fuels there are right so these are good types of sentences okay but anyway talks about of course our overall topic you know we need a lot of energy we use these types of fossil fuels now burning fossil fuels may give us the energy we need but this also creates a lot of air pollution when fossil fuels are burned they release harmful gases that mix with our clean air so here we get to the idea of pollution right before we see we need fossil fuels we need energy we get energy from fossil fuels now when we burn when we burn those fossil fuels that may give us sure that that's possible it makes it possible to get the energy we need so we need that energy for those three things right so we get the energy by burning fossil fuels however but right if we get the energy we need that's a positive thing but there's a negative thing and we say but positive negative opposites pandeiro we use but but this also creates a lot of air pollution that's the negative thing give us the energy we need that's positive creates a lot of pollution that's negative we're combining those two ideas we use but when fossil fuels are burned they release they release they give off they let go harmful gases harmful gases dangerous gases gases that are not good for us or the environment that mix they mix they get together with our clean air usually our air is clean natural air is clean we can breathe it very well but when we burn fossil fuels when we drive a car when we build a factory when we produce energy we're giving off bad gases that mix with our clean air and it's hard to breathe it's hard to breathe in the city isn't it with many cars going by oh the pollution air pollution is not good okay this is a big problem in urban areas where there are many people huge amounts of fossil fuels are burned in big cities industrial cities like London England in the late 1800s had so much smoke in the air that it was hard to see the Sun Wow let's go over this in more detail okay we were just talking about you know we burn energy that creates air pollution mixes with our clean air that this this idea or this process this circumstance is a big problem especially in urban areas in cities urban means city urban area that's a city why because there are many people together so many people together need more and more energy so huge amounts huge amounts a lot of fossil fuels are burned in big cities because there's so many people each person has to have certain energy needs they have to heat their house they have to drive their car they have to use electricity for their homes right so more people more fossil fuels are burned more air pollution is created industrial cities we talked about industrial means having to do with a lot of factories factories and machines the whole idea of using machines to create power was born in England and especially London England that's where factories were first developed especially in the late 1800s it's part of the Industrial Revolution right so industrial cities like London England in the late 1800s they didn't think about the pollution they just saw hey we can use machines instead of people we can save money we can make more things so they didn't think about the pollution just had many factories and the problem was it created so much smoke so much that when you see so much you need to expect that later on so much something that and then the results okay so much smoke in the air this is kind of like the cause and this is the result there was so much smoke in the air that it was hard to see the Sun imagine that so much smoke there's so much smoke in the air you cannot even see the Sun on a day where there's no clouds in the sky that's terrible that's really bad pollution so much Momoa that and then results okay okay here's a picture of a video of coal this kind of shows you know a coal factory or a coal mining place and this is a coal mine obviously there's many big equipment front-end loader and then you maybe this is a haul truck in the background but this is what a typical mine looks like right in this case this is a coal mine I actually used to work at a gold mine a long time ago I wasn't digging I was in Human Resources but anyway this is what it looks like many modern mines look like this they have big machines big vehicles to move the dirt around and the dirt is carried on conveyor belts so this coal is taken up into a place where it can be shipped to different places so people can use the coal for different purposes okay let's come back to the reading many people got sick okay again we're thinking about London England in the late 1800s many people got sick and had trouble breathing okay so because of all this air pollution so much smoke in the air that we can't see the Sun we're breathing that smoke people get sick they have a hard time breathing so what does all this have to do with plants we come back to question that we asked at the beginning of the passage what do plants have to do with pollution so what does all this all this you know fossil fuels burning fossil fuels making smoke mixing with clean air what has all that have to do with plants what does it have to do with how is it related what is the effect what is the cause and effect relationship what does it have to do with good question what is it what does all this have to do with plants well well fossil fuels are formed from plants over time plant remains change into coal oil and natural gas but this process takes millions of years that means fossil fuels can't be replaced quickly or easily so this explains what plants have to do with pollution today first of all we see fossil fuels are formed from plants formed remember form means to come together to make something or to create something those fossil fuels we heard about before oil gas natural gas those are made where do they come from they come from plants that died a long long time ago over time it takes a long time over time plant remains remains here is a noun remain can also be a verb for example I will remain here but it's not a verb here it can be a little confusing plant remains no no not the plant stay there the left over parts of the plants when the plants die what's left that's what we're talking about plant remains the remains of the plants change into coal oil and natural gas are three types of fossil fuels coal oil natural gas they come from plants did you know that that's very interesting by the way it's not just plants it's also animals dinosaurs their dead bodies are turned into coal oil and natural gas too so not just plants it's also animals but plants also a big part of it but this process it takes a long time step by step process it takes millions of years we can't imagine a million years I mean the earth has been around for millions and millions billions of years but we can't even imagine 1 million year much less 300 million years it's such a long time right we haven't even been around for a million years we've only human beings have only been around for about 200,000 years right so a millions and millions of years that's a long time we can't imagine how long that is but this process takes millions of years that means the fact that the process takes millions of years that fact means fossil fuels can't be replaced quickly or easily of course right we can't make new oil natural gas or coal we would have to wait a million years can we wait a million years no maybe we won't live that long right of course we won't live that long we can't even imagine what a million years in the future will be like we can't imagine that we can't replace these fuels quickly or easily today we are using fossil fuels faster than they are being made one day the earth will run out let's conserve our fossil fuels to make sure this doesn't happen ok so what we're saying here is today we're using fossil fuels faster then they are being made right now fossil fuels are being made right it takes millions of years it's a very very slow process but right now what's happening it's been happening for millions and millions of years it will continue to happen for millions and millions of years but the problem is we're using those things we're using oil natural gas coal faster than they can be made if you use something faster than it can be made obviously one day one day in the future you will run out at some point in time we'll run out of fossil fuels we won't have any more because we're using them too fast right if your mother buys a bag of potato chips every week and you eat the potato chips very quickly you eat at them all in two days you ran out you have to wait until next week when your mom buys a new bag of potato chips right but if you think about it if it's if it's such a long time your mom only buys potato chips once every twenty years right you eat all the potato chips you ran out what are you gonna do for those years until you get new potato chips it's kind of a very simple example but it's a kind of a same idea okay so the idea is let's conserve let's save our fossil fuels to make sure this doesn't happen or in other words eat just a small portion of potato chips each day let's conserve save them slow down on how quickly you eat them or use them so they last for a long time and you don't they don't run out so this run out it doesn't happen you don't run out okay it's a good idea okay so now we've come to our reading comprehension questions and as always the first question is what is this story about what is the general subject or topic of the reading passage we have our four choices here a industry B pollution C urban areas and D coal oil and natural gas now this is a little bit more Kim the road difficult right because we could say it's about plants right but plants is not one of our choices here right what we're talking about let's go over the choices one is industry industry did we talk about industry well we talked about industry in a little bit we talked about industrial London we talked about industrial areas creating smoker or pollution in the air that mixes with the clean air but that wasn't the main subject of the reading passage it was only a small part it was a detail be this stories about pollution we talked about pollution quite a bit but that wasn't the overall subject of the passage right we didn't talk about pollution we in terms of you know what types of different pollution there are or how pollution is really created in air land or water so we really didn't talk about pollution as the subjects of the reading passage it was a part of the sub reading passage but it wasn't the overall subject see urban areas urban areas we only talked about very briefly it was one of the details when we were talking about using fossil fuels people in urban areas use a lot more fossil fuels they need more and more of it and so the pollution that they create is is more and more there but that was just a small detail what we're really talking about in this passage is coal oil and natural gas okay of course plants have created these and as I said before also animals right dinosaurs and animals that lived a long long time ago so but we're really talking about coal oil and natural gas fossil fuels how are they made what do we use them for what is the negative effect of fossil fuels and also that we have to be careful about using fossil fuels because one day they will run out so all of this passage we talked about many different aspects or many different concerns or issues about coal oil and natural gas that was the main subject of the reading passage okay number two we use the energy from beep to heat our homes what do we use the energy from where do we get our energy right do we get our energy from waves waves what kind of ways the ocean waves why waves sound waves no we didn't talk about waves at all right be the moon we get our energy from the moon yes no sorry we don't get our energy from the moon that's a little crazy right we don't get any energy from the moon do we get energy from factories well you could say yeah there are power plants our factories but that's not the real source of the energy I mean we have C and D left where does the energy really come from where is what is the original source is it the factories or fossil fuels well it's fossil fuels of course factories is like the middle man right fossil fuels are transported to factories turned into forms we can use and then it comes to us so you could say we use the energy from factories but really we use the energy from fossil fuels that's where the origin where it starts right factories just change the fossil fuels into forms that we can use okay so we get our energy from fossil fuels to heat our homes okay number three fossil fuels beep when they are burned what happens to fossil fuels or what is true about fossil fuels when they are burned and we get energy from them fossil fuels can be replaced when they are burned no they can't be replaced on the air burn it takes millions of years to replace fossil fuels and burning is not something you do to replace them right doesn't make sense fossil fuels requires a lot of energy well first of all we'd have to get s out of there because that's plural but anyway that kind of tells us it's a wrong answer anyway or require a lot of energy fossil fuels require a lot of energy when they're burned no fossil fuels generate energy when they're burned that's not right fossil fuels release harmful gases is that true yes that's what we're talking about one of the main subjects that we're talking about is that fossil fuels release harmful gases and that creates air pollution okay so fossil fuels release harmful gases when they are burned that creates air pollution fossil fuels go to London England that's kind of silly right that's incorrect fossil fuels oh you're burning me I got to jump on a train to London no that's crazy right so that's just a silly answer the right answer of course is see fossil fuels release harmful gases when they are burned we burn fossil fuels to get energy that's positive that's how we get energies but the negative side is that they release harmful gases okay number four fossil fuels are made of what what are fossil fuels made of we talked about one thing in particular that fossil fuels are made of hardened lava all right wait a minute that's from another lesson right that's from a lesson we studied a little while ago lava of course is the molten rock that comes up from the earth right but we're not talking about that in this unit and besides it's not true anyway lava doesn't create energy lava is just rock right hardened lava is just rock be plant remains ah fossil fuels are made of plant remains that's what the whole passage was about at the beginning remember it said what do plants have to do with fossil fuels our pollution right what's the connection we found out that plants a long time ago that died and their remains are made into or turned into coal natural gas and oil those are fossil fuels so fossil fuels are made of plant remains the leftover parts of plants not old garbage and not smoking gases its plant remains okay so how can we wrap up this lesson by saying certain things about fossil fuels and of course this is one type of fossil fuel we talked about three there's just one this is coal right the other two are oil and natural gas what can we say about fossil fuels well one thing we can say is that plants from 300 million years ago are polluting the planets they're not doing it by themselves were using plants from 300 million years ago and why as we use them we are polluting the planet it's a negative effect okay we can also say most energy comes from fossil fuels like coal oil and natural gas so most of our energy comes from those three sources that are made from plant remains from a long time ago and finally when fossil fuels are burned they release harmful gases that mix with our clean air okay so that's basically like a summary of this lesson the fact that we use fossil fuels fossil fuels were made of plant remains plants that died millions and millions hundreds of millions of years ago right those plant remains or are formed into three types of energy we have oil we have gas and we have coal as we can see in this picture so those are our three types and when we burn those via fossil fuels when they are burned we release harmful gases into the air they mix with our clean air and makes pollution so it's a very interesting lesson it shows us that we have a problem nowadays right we have to be careful we have to save these fossil fuels we can't use them too fast we have to conserve them because one day will run out okay well that about wraps it up for today we'll see you guys next time take care