hello Scholars Dr AAR here talking about your first week one lab um uh talking about forces and acceleration so generally sometimes I do some support videos just to show you how to get through the online um virtual simulations some of them are intuitive and some of them just you need a little confidence boost here with uh someone walking you through the intro so when you first open up your lab uh I've got some background information that um some of I've written original some of that I borrowed from colleagues um and so you're going to want to read through that because it helps you on your quiz but ultimately you just scroll down after you're done with you're reading and taking notes on that to this website here um if you want to download this document I recommend it so you can just type your answers directly in it you'll have to enable editing um and um I'm going to go ahead and click it should open uh some interactive simulations and you're going to choose use net force we're going to name these guys 43 21b for the blue and 1 234 for the red according to the instructions in the lab we're going to make sure all these boxes are checked here so we can look at speed and some of the forces and basically at this point all you do is shows you click net force we're going to look at Balan and unbalanced forces using a little tug of- War Machine type of deal and you fill in the table so it says first take person 2B and person 2 R put them on the left and the right and U fill in your table and add up the forces to see what the net force is going to be um answer the questions that follow and um you'll be done with that section so again I'll just show you that simulation you just take 2 B and two R and um you could play around with does it matter at which position that they're in and see its effect um and you just hit go and of of course because they are you know have the same mass and pulling with the same Force um there's no net move no net motion so all right when you're done with that um you'll click on acceleration you can either click the home button and click acceleration or go straight down to here and click acceleration um I ask you in the instructions to select values and masses so you'll select those and you can see that you can type in some things and you're going to apply a force based on the instructions it says Uh set friction To None a couple make sure you're at 50 um kilogram Mass I think that's the default so you're good and then you're going to set the force sequentially at 50 100 150 200 and 250 Newtons and then um because the mass is constant at 50 kilograms but the force is not you're going to look at the acceleration of course Newton's Second Law force is equal to mass times acceleration so you should be able to just mathematically check yourself um and see if the lab is simulating it correctly so you'll fill in the table there and play around with the simulation and then the final process you're going to look at um forces in motion on a ramp so talking a little bit about simple machines so you just control click on that opens up a new simulation um this is um run through your browser um I'm using Chrome as my browser I'm not sure if it works well with um Internet Explorer Safari uhu but you'll need a a Java to complete this if you have any technical difficulties contact uh tudis and so you'll click on the simulation to start running it I believe I also have it as a clickable link in the document and you're going to be starting with a crate with a mass of 100 kilograms and um coefficient of sliding friction .3 coefficient of static friction at 0.5 so you first add 100 Newtons and then 200 Newtons and answer the questions um then you're going to figure out how much force is required to overcome the static friction um and of course the sliding friction this um I'm going to go ahead and give you um a quick spoiler alert um the it takes a while to load sometimes um when you apply 100 Newtons nothing happens and that kind of threw me off for a little bit because I didn't know if I was doing the simulation correctly um and it turns out you can push the crate with a force of 100 Newtons and it's not going to move because you haven't overcome the sliding friction or excuse me S static friction so if I type in 100 Newtons and there's my dog Max um and hit go um nothing happened and I was like what's going on why isn't it working well you just have to push it with a greater force and so um kind of spoiler alert there it's going to be over 500 Newtons before you can actually start to move that so follow through the um instructions on what it asks you to do it's going to walk you through some different um manipulations and you respond accordingly answer a couple postlab questions file save and submit to Canvas I hope that helps uh a little bit and um let me know if you have any questions thanks so