Transcript for:
Breaking Bloodline Curses Lecture Notes

I want to share with you today about breaking  bloodline curses. Recently there was a very famous   "breaking" on "serious" generational curses  trend that was going on on TikTok you know,   and they made light of things that are passed on  in your family that you don't want your children   to pick up on. The problem though is taking the  word generational curses, is everything about   generational curses is very serious. There is no  such a thing as an unserious generational curse.   Now I understand that this is watched, people  online there's those of you who are here and   some of you come from backgrounds where the idea  of demons, idea of curses and Christians in one   sentence do not go together. And so I do want  to address that today in this message and help   to break certain strongholds, as well as tonight  I believe the Lord is going to bring freedom to   people and He's going to bring healing to people  in Jesus name, amen. The word generational curse   does not exist in the Bible. Nor does the word  Trinity. Nor does the word pastor. There is a   one mention of pastors as an office but there is  no mention of the word pastor. Elder, shepherd,   others. But not the word pastor. But the concept  of the Trinity is throughout the Bible. It's the   fundamental belief of us as Christians in our  view of who God is. The view and the idea that   something can go from one generation to another  through the bloodline, for a Christian it's   actually one of the fundamental beliefs of what  it means to be a sinner in need of God's grace.   Is what we believe as this thing that somebody  long time ago named Adam did something really   bad and because of that all of his descendants  are born with something called sin. So if there   is any group in the world that embraces this crazy  idea that stuff goes through the bloodline, it is   Christians. That's why we're born with sinful  nature, through the sheer bloodline. Those of   you who maybe do not believe in that, think about  it when you go to the doctor and you say to the   doctor, you know I have this problem. Your doctor,  who's probably not a charismatic and doesn't do   deliverance, will ask you, does this run in your  family? You say, doctor I don't believe in that   stuff. I'm a Christian, I speak in tongues.  He says, answer my question. Does diabetes,   does cancer, does this run in the family?  Because some doctors have more understanding   on the spiritual realm then unfortunately some  Christians. Just because you bury your head in the   sand, it doesn't cause the curses to disappear.  People of God perish for lack of knowledge. Yes,   we can be born again and therefore legally these  curses do not have a right to be in our life,   but something being legal and something being  real are not always the same. The Bible says,   God gave the promised land to Israel in Abraham  but they didn't enter the promised land until   hundreds of years later. God promises things,  He gives them to us but until you possess them,   occupy them, appropriate them. All of our healing  happened on the cross, yet when we get saved the   healing doesn't instantly manifest. Israel didn't  possess the land they were promised. They only   possessed the land they fought for. In fact, some  scholars will even say they never possessed the   promise that they were given. They only possessed  as much as they were willing to fight for. God   has given you the legal verdict of heaven that  the curses have been nailed on the cross. But   that doesn't always automatically translate  in every area of our life. What it does give   us is now faith to fight. It's when Goliath fell  that the rest of the Israelites went to war, not   back home. The defeat of Satan on the cross does  not remove battle. It initiates it. The defeat of   Satan on the cross ends the bondage and starts  the battle. Many Christians think, when I get   saved the battles will be over. My friend, no. You  for the first time will fight because all other   times you were being enslaved. You were not being  fought against. You were in bondage. Battle is the   privilege of the free people. Bondage is the price  of slavery. That's why I want you to say this with   me, it ends with me. God wants to bring an end  to every generational cycle of sin, proclivity   to a particular behavior, and a disease or for a  defeat. Now without being the prophet of the doom,   naysayer that only sees the negative. I do believe  not only in generational curses, I believe in   generational blessings. And I know a lot of  people who were like, I remember people would   come up and they, I don't believe in generational  curses. I said, do you believe in generational   blessings? Yes. I don't believe Christians can  have demons. Do you believe that Christians can   give place to demons? Yes. You just contradicted  yourself. So I'm a fourth generation believer. I   don't believe and the Scripture doesn't teach us  that we become believers from our mother's womb,   or because our dad was a pastor or a leader.  Four generations ago, my great-grandfather,   his name was Phillip. He became a Christian, and  the Soviets put him into prison. Put him for 10   years in prison but after 5 years they released  him. They decided to teach him a lesson. So as he   was walking in the fields they forced him to get  into their little carriage. And as he got into   the carriage they started to physically abuse him.  So he decided to jump from the carriage, except as   he was jumping off his foot got stuck in between  the planks. So his body start dangling and the   Soviets, these army guys, instead of stopping the  horses, they sped them. So my great-grandfather   for 40 minutes, his body dangling as they were  racing those horses. One racing the horses and the   other one beating my great-grandfather. He died  shortly after that. My parents, my grandparents   on both sides served Jesus. One of the reasons  I'm in ministry today, I genuinely believe as   it happened with Moses. The Bible doesn't start  Moses's story with Moses. It says, by faith his   mother. All of us ignore and forget, Moses didn't  start with Moses. It started with his mom. There   is a generational blessing. See what you do  in secret is not a secret. It's generational. You may weep in secret, sow in secret. Nobody  knew my great-grandfather. The Communist wanted   to delete his name but see you can't delete  generational blessings. You can't stop that   because four generations later, in another  country, there's going to be a little guy   who is going to preach the Gospel. Communism is  dead in former Soviet Union but the Christianity,   the message of Jesus is still spreading.  And therefore I believe that God wants   to reverse generational curses  into blessing. Somebody say, yes. Amen. I'm going to share with you a few points  and give you something to write with. Six points.   Typically it's a Sunday service, three points  and three sub points. It's not a Sunday service,   it's Friday night. We don't party anymore and  there's only party at the church. So we're just   going to sit here for just a little bit, and  I want to share with you some things about the   Word of God and then we're going to pray. I want  you to write this down. If you're believing and   taking notes, write this down. Whatever is cursed  will wither. Whatever is blessed will multiply. To understand generational curses we must  understand how curses and blessings work.   In the Bible, the Bible says Jesus cursed  the fig tree. It died slowly. But Jesus   blessed the five loaves and two fish and  they multiplied supernaturally. One of   the ways you can spot a curse in somebody's  life is when everything they touch withers. Some kind of an invisible force is working  against. They could have a big fig tree but   it withers. And the way you spot a  generational blessing in somebody   is if they touch something little, it helps  many. And I believe somebody in this room,   God wants to release generational blessing,  where the five loaves and two fish will   multiply. Where you may not have a lot  but with a little bit of God's blessing,   that's why Jacob did not ask for money. He  says that you would bless me. I have the money,   I have the stuff, I have children but I need  a supernatural backing to bring an expansion   in my life. I need God's supernatural power  on my side and that is called a blessing. We must understand the curses, first mention of  a curse in the Bible did not come from a warlock   or a wizard. It came from God. God cursed the  ground. God cursed the snake. Noah cursed his   son. God said, I will curse anyone who curses  Abraham or Abraham's descendants. That's why   it's not good for you to go right now and attack  Israel. Just not economically wise. Even if you're   not a Christian, just think economically,  no good. It's one of the things God says,   I will curse. Meaning your big stuff, your big  opinion and just because you got indoctrinated   by this Marxist mentality that is in the United  States, it will hit your pocket. Curses work. So   we see that in the Bible. Balaam tried to curse  Israel but the big idea is this. The curses,   once they come into someone's life, there are  a few signs that they operate, and the Bible   gives us Deuteronomy 28. And I'm not going to go  through all of that, I'm just going to highlight   seven main things that will happen when somebody  has a curse operating in their life. Number one   is they will have a chronic sickness that will  go from generation to generation. Number two is   they will have phobias or fears. Number three is  repeated negative destiny of parents. Number four,   premature deaths in the family. Number five  is poverty. Number six, repeated accidents or   being accident prone and number seven, loneliness,  divorce, barrenness or unable to get married. Now,   anyone can experience any of these in their  life. What begins to happen where you realize   this is not just a normal thing is number one, if  it happens to everyone in your family. And number   two, when applying discipline, medical help and  other things. You've done those things. You eat   your broccoli, you do your stuff, you exercise  and you notice you take one step forward, three   steps backwards. I'm not saying you're cursed. I'm  saying entertain the possibility you're dealing   with something bigger that is physical and you  don't want to bring a knife to a gunfight. You   don't want to fight spiritual issues with physical  fists. You don't just want to go and clean the   spider web, you got to start looking for a spider.  You don't just want to mop the floor, you want   to find where there is a broken pipe. Okay, you  cleaned the floor yesterday. You cleaned the floor   before. You cleaned the floor the day before. Your  grandma's been cleaning this floor, your great   grandma's been cleaning the floor. Somebody needs  to wake up and realize we have a pipe problem. This thing keeps reappearing. Let's look for  a spider instead of a better broom. We're not   ignoring the need for discipline, discipleship,  counseling, medicine and all of those things   that are right in their place. But if you are  keep doing exactly same thing, perhaps maybe,   we're dealing with something that's bigger than  the physical symptoms that we're trying to treat.   Generational curses. The second thing I want us  to write down is whatever is not transformed by   God in one generation usually gets transferred  to the next. Abraham lied out of fear. Isaac   lied out of fear. Jacob lied out of fear.  Jacob's kids took lying to another level. They   all lied about their wives. Jacob lied about his  inheritance. Jacob's kids lied about dead brother. You see a lot of lying going on. These were  God's people but it did not mean that every   area of their life they walked in freedom and in  submission to God. And for those of us who have   a hard time reconciling that, think of Lazarus  coming out of a tomb. He was fully resurrected   and fully bound. You can be alive and restricted.  You can be alive and something is holding me back.   I speak in tongues but I don't know why I can't  move, and that's why Jesus tells people around   Lazarus, loose him. Jesus doesn't give us a  doctrinal explanation for why we should stay   in a grave clothes. Jesus is a good Jesus.  Comes to give life and more abundantly and   He wants you to be free. No nightmares at night.  No repeated sicknesses and diseases. No repeated   failures and setbacks from the devil, where you  just seeing the darkness constantly moving in.   He wants you to be loosed and free. What we  must understand is in Exodus, the verse that   is constantly usually used for explanation  of generational curses, Exodus 25. It  says: That tells us there's a precedent of someone on  violating God's principles and laws. Somebody   really getting on God's nerves by violating God's  commandments, that God says, it didn't say here   just if you do occult. He says, if you hate Me,  I will visit up to four generations. Now most of   you will know that it doesn't, curses don't stop  after four generations. They don't stop until   somebody stops them, and you are that somebody  where curses stop in your generation. It ran   until it ran into you because you're not a hater  of God, you're a feeder of God. you love God. You   love God with all your heart, and all your soul  and all your mind. And therefore those curses and   those iniquities are no longer legal or welcome  in your life. Somebody give God some praise now. I remember when me and my wife, we bought this  rental property. It was a long time ago and we got   a really good deal on it because it was a really  bad shape. And the guy before us was a lawyer,   an attorney. And he didn't, the renters he had,  they didn't keep this property really well. It   had weeds as high as like my waist. And I remember  we bought the property, it was ours, but the guy   before us left all of that to the next owner. Now  what I could have done is simply make videos about   how bad this previous owner is because he passed  on this bad lawn. But instead what I started to do   is I started to first mow the lawn, pull the  weeds, fertilize the lawn and within about a   year or two years, that lawn was unrecognizable.  You must understand, when your parents who did   the best they could, your grandparents, they did  the best they could. Maybe have left you with the   lawn that has weeds, no seeds and bunch of snakes.  Instead of when we talk about generational curses,   we're not pointing fingers. We're rolling up  sleeves, killing snakes, pulling weeds and   planting seeds. We're not blaming, we're battling.  We're not blaming, we're building something for   the next generation, why? Because if the previous  generation didn't deal with those demons,   then next generation will have inheritance from  God because this ends with me. The guy I sold the   house to, the rental property, never had to deal  with those weeds, why? Because I had to work a   little bit hard. That's why some of you, when  you became a Christian, your Christian life is   a little bit harder than maybe somebody else. And  please understand and the reason why it's harder   is because you're dealing with generational  things. Other people are planting seeds, you   have to deal with weeds first and this might be  hard, it might be long but please understand, you   are setting a foundation for the next generation  because your ceiling is going to be their floor. Whatever one generation does not repent,  renounce and resist, will be repeated in   the next generation. Now it's not an absolute  statement, so for those of you who the word   "will" I just said, it triggered you. Just put  maybe, because again it doesn't mean 100% in   every situation. But generally, as a general rule.  Look at this study. Israel was ruled by 19 kings,   all were bad. And have you ever read book  of kings and this is what it always says,   "And he did evil in the sight of the  LORD, and walked in the way of Jeroboam,   and in his sin by which he made Israel to sin."  Interesting. Jeroboam was the guy and though   Israel had many dynasties, everyone kept going  back to one guy, one guy. One guy set this record   and everyone after him like dominoes, boom, boom,  boom, boom, we're evil. Look at the king of Judah,   the kingdom of Judah. The kingdom of Judah had  20 Kings, eight of them were good, and anytime   one guy was good, First Kings 19 would say this,  "Asa did what was right in the eyes of the LORD,   as his father did." There is a connection. That's  why some of you are like, man I'm so blessed and   everything. Never forget to give credit to the  generation that broke the wind for you. One of the   reasons I introduced myself now by mentioning my  pastor is because I'm not lucky. I'm a result of   laws God set in the universe. He, my uncle worked  hard. He didn't see some of that success but I'm   reaping. That's why if you're not seeing, somebody  will be walking in that fruit you are working on   right now. It's going to be your children, it's  going to be your grandchildren, and if you are,   if things come too easy for you, you're like this  is not fair. No, the reason why it's not fair,   somebody, somebody paid a price, somebody's  silently sowed, somebody's silently sacrificed,   and you're standing today on their shoulder.  Always give credit where the credit is due. Amen. I read this study according to the book  written in 1900s by A.E. Winship. He decided   to study Jonathan Edwards and then Jonathan  Edwards, he went to track his whole family.   And then at the same time as he was studying  Jonathan Edwards, he studied another family   that existed at the time. The other family  was called Max Juke. Max Jukes had about   1,200 descendants and this guy tracked down his  descendants and found out 310 of them were very,   very poor. 300 of them died in infancy from lack  of good care in good conditions. 50 women lived   their lives in prostitution and in a very  bad loose lifestyle. Seven were murderers.   60 were habitual thieves who spend an average  of 12 years in prison. 130 were criminals who   were convicted more or less often of a crime.  He goes at the same time another family tree,   he studies the family tree of Jonathan Edwards.  Finds out he had 11 children. One wife,   11 children. One was U.S Vice President  Aaron Burr. Three were US Senators, three   were Governors, three were Mayors, 13 were college  presidents, 30 were judges, 65 were professors,   80 held public office, 100 were lawyers, 100  were missionaries, pastors and theologians. One was a crooked tree. The other one seemed  pretty good. I believe if you came from a tree,   family tree that was crooked, you  are the one that's going to end   that. And you will be that tipping point  in your generation for the glory of God. The next thing I want you to write down, number  three. The curse doesn't come just on the  person. It usually comes on the house of a person.  Proverbs 3:33 says this, the curse of the   Lord is on him who does witchcraft. That's not  what it says. The curse of the Lord is on the? I   can't hear you. The house of the wicked. The curse  of the Lord is what? On the house of the wicked,   but He blesses, I can't hear you. He blesses the  home of the just. So something we westerns must   understand is that we are so individualistic and  there's nothing wrong with that to some degree,   but Bible deals a lot of times with homes more  than it deals with individuals. For example,   it was Noah's family was in the ark.  Israel will sacrifice a lamb for a house,   not for an individual. Rahab brought her dad, her  mom, her sisters and brothers into the house. Not   just herself. Joshua said, me and my house will  serve the Lord. The Bible says, Centurion believed   with his household, Cornelius believed with his  household, Lydia believed with her household,   jailer believed with his household, ruler of  the synagogue believed with his household,   Paul baptized the household of Stephanus. I  believe you and your house, not just you. It   might not be today, it might not even be tomorrow  but that promise is for you and your house. God   blesses the home of the just. Any just people  we have in this room today? I believe every one   of my family members will go to heaven with me.  I'm praying for that, I'm interceding for that,   and I'm telling every demon and every devil and  every weapon formed against them, that family,   there is a lamb for that family. There is a prayer  for that family. That family belongs to God. The   harder they sin, the greater the preachers there  will be one day. God thinks of homes and houses,   not just individuals. The curses operate the same  way. The curse of the Lord is on the house of the   wicked. Which tells me you better be in the right  house. One of the things you must understand if   you're feeling there's a curse in your life, make  sure you get into God's house because the house   of the just, Jesus is the just, Jesus is the  righteous, will be blessed. So one of the ways   that God wants to do and break curses in our life  is to disconnect us from the history of our family   and connect us to the destiny of His home. I'm  connected to God's house. That's why David says,   I will dwell in the house of the Lord. That's  where my roots will go in. Not just the house   of Jesse but the house of Jesus. That's why  David says, I will behold the beauty of the   Lord and I will dwell in God's house all the  days of my life. those who are flourishing like   palm trees are planted in the house of the Lord.  Stop church hopping. Stop walking around saying,   I am the church. You're not the church, we are  the church. The church is ekklesia. Ekklesia is   an assembly. Have you ever seen an assembly where  one student comes together in the gym and says,   I am the assembly. Those people usually  see doctors. I know it sells good t-shirts,   I am the church. That's like a Supreme Justice  walking around say, I am the Supreme Court. No   you're not, we are the Supreme Court,  we are the church. You must understand,   if you break generational curses but you  do not ground yourself in the local church,   you're in between places. You left the history  and never stepped into the destiny. That God says,   the curse is on the house of the wicked and God  doesn't give middle ground. He says, I bless the   home. You got to be in somebody's home. If you  don't have a local church and Facebook is not a   home, zoom is not a home. I understand it worked  for covid. Covid is over. Find a local church,   plant yourself in the local church, find a home  of a just. Curses don't break only when you shout,   I break the curse. If you really want to walk in  the blessing, you got to be grounded in the local   church. I remember a young man that we led to the  Lord, we played soccer on Sundays and he came to   us, didn't speak any English. We right away got  him saved, baptized. He didn't even know what he   was doing but we're like, you'll understand later.  This is important for you. He comes from a family,   broken family. Dad, mom, divorced Step, step,  step, step sisters and step, step, step, step   brothers and no guilt and condemnation to those  who come from that, but I told him one thing. He   comes, gets saved in our church and then he gets  married. And I told him, I say young man. I want   you to listen very carefully. I know that you're  in love and everything but what you have against   you is you have generations, you don't know  one family member who's still married. I said,   if you stay in the church, the time will come,  generational curses will come knocking. We'll help   you break them. Moves out to a different state  and sometime later I get a call from the wife,   hey he wants to leave me. I call him and I said,  do you remember the conversation I told you about   generational curses? Well the devil came knocking  and you're not in church. The family moves   back to our city. We work with him, I lead him  through prayers of renouncing and I said listen,   but these renouncing prayers are not going to  change anything if you do not get God blesses   a home of a just. You don't have a just home right  now because you're you're still very new in this.   You barely just started. You need to be planted  in somebody's home, that's the church. And I   remember 6 months later, he's doing good, he's  walking, he's memorizing the Scriptures, he's   learning. He's like I'm going to, I'm going to  fashion for my life based on what I see in God's   house. Instead of what I've seen in my house.  And I remember one more time he gets the exactly   same attacks and they usually came like this. No  feelings for his wife, usually some chica shows   up in DM's around the same time. And then for some  reason he doesn't feel happy and he feels like he   needs to get out because he's wasting his time.  And I remember I met with him one more time and   I said listen. This, this is a curse. This is not  you. And together with Jesus, if you stay grounded   in the local church, grounded in God's Word, let's  continue to fight it. I remember we did one more   prayer. He says, I'm going to give this a shot  and this was about 10 years ago. Till this day,   three children, walking with God, doesn't think  of his life outside of new home that he has built.   Every family member looks at his family and says,  we don't recognize you. Why? He found a different   home. You got to find a home of the just. If you  come from the home of wickedness where lying,   cheating, where sickness and disease and all of  these things were there. I'm not saying you disown   that home. What I'm saying is plant yourself in  the house of God. It's not enough to shout till   you turn blue, I break every curse, if you are  occasional in your church attendance. It's not   enough to stomp on the devil and shout seven  times so that your Jericho wall will fall down,   if every Sunday you don't show up at  church but you go to kids football games.   Your kids are not going to be professional  football players anyway and you know that. But you can break the curse by being in the home  of the just. So that your child knows that Sunday   morning we go to church, we worship God, we honor  God. Why? Because this is the way my family is. My child doesn't want to come to  church. She's seven, what do she know. I was 20 and my dad didn't give me an option. Amen. Number four, write this down. Some battles  did not start with you but they will end with you. When Israel came out of Egypt, their first  enemy that attacked them unexpectedly,   viciously, mercilessly was Amalek. And you  don't see God making a lot of these promises   in the Bible but Amalek really offended God,  and God said this about Amalek. He says,   I will wipe Amalek out of the face of the  earth. And God says, in every generation,   I will have war with Amalek. So first king of  Israel appears, his name was Saul. One of the   first assignments God gives to Saul is to fight  his enemy, Amalek. Now Saul of course instead   of fighting Amalek, kind of spares some people.  In fact that, the whole Amalek story, the Lord,   Prophet Tomy used when we start doing the ministry  of deliverance and I came under scrutiny a little   bit, being called weird. Some places stopped  inviting me after that. They say, oh that's   a demon guy. We just we don't want to ruin the  carpet. All of that kind of crazy stuff, and I   knew the deliverance is not pretty, deliverance is  wild. Deliverance not one of those things you know   like, and I remember went to the Lord in prayer  and I said, Lord, um can I just um not do it. I said, can we just pass this ministry, we have a  lot of weird brothers and sisters in the Kingdom,   give that to them. I'm not weird. I don't  want to be called weird and I do not, I don't,   I don't like that ministry. I like healing better. It's nicer. More quiet. And I remember the Holy Spirit  convicted me. It was Friday night vigil and   He said, when I anointed Saul to fight  Amalek and he didn't fight My enemy,   I lifted My anointing. And this what  I felt the Holy Spirit say. He says,   if you don't fight My enemy,  you don't need My anointing. He says you'll keep the title, you just won't  have the anointing. He says, I don't anoint you   to be famous. I anoint you to break yoke. If you  don't want to break anything, you don't need that   anointing. He says if you want to be cute, get  out of ministry. If you want to be famous get   out of ministry. But He says if you want to  be faithful, that's what you signed up for,   He says I will anoint you. I didn't say everyone  will like you. If you want everyone to like you,   sell ice cream. Don't cast out demons, don't  heal the sick and definitely don't plant the   church. And at that night I wept on that  floor, and I cried and I said, Jesus,   if you give me that precious anointing, I don't  care, keep that anointing upon my life but I will   fight against Your enemy to set Your people  free and my reputation can go in the trunk. So Saul didn't do that. Saul pleased people,  instead of fighting God's enemy. That's why   some of you don't do deliverance. It's not  because theologically it makes sense. It's   because you're afraid of what people say about  you. That some of you, you're maybe even in   ministry and you're like, absolutely no. I will  not do ministry. And I just want to remind you,   remember whose enemy you don't want to beat.  It's God's enemy and it's this enemy that's   beating your people. And so you got to fall in  love with God more than with your reputation,   denomination or what people say about  you. I'm not saying to be rebellious.   I'm not saying to be nasty. I'm not saying  to be disrespectful. What I'm saying is you   got to love Jesus more and His people  than your own reputation. So King Saul,   he loved people to please people, more than  to serve and lead them. He spares Amalek. He loses the anointing. 500 years years later,  the descendants of Amalek resurfaces in  Babylon. It's a Book of Esther. Hamon,   the Bible says exactly is a descendant  of Agag. The interesting part, Mordecai,   the Bible says, he was a descendant of  son of Kish, which was Saul's father. So Mordecai, Esther, 500 years  are facing an enemy great, great,   great grandfather refuse to finish. And  that's why Mordecai said to Esther, he says,   you were anointed for such a time as this. I'm  paraphrasing it because for such a time as this,   this battle might not have started with you  but God, it will finish with you. It will   end with you and you don't see Amalekites  after that again because Esther rose up,   Mordecai rose up. I prophesy today in this  room there are Esthers, that are Mordecais. You   might not have started that battle but God you  will end that. You will end that in your life. God will set you free. God will set  your generation free and you will set   a different routine for the future generations.  Somebody say, it ends with me. Somebody shout,   it ends with me. 1 Peter 1:18, "Knowing that  you were not redeemed with corruptible things,   like silver and gold, from your aimless  conduct received by tradition from your   father." Somebody shout, I was  redeemed. Galatians 3:13, it says,   Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law,  having become a curse for us (for it is written,   "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.")  Number five, deal with daddy's demons. First Kings chapter 2:46, "So the king  commanded Benaiah the son of Jehoiada;   and he went out and struck him down, and he died.  Thus the kingdom was established in the hand of   Solomon." David dies. Before he dies, he passes  on to his son Solomon, the throne. And he says,   Solomon you're the next king. Gives him the mule,  gives him everything. I love this about David   because David doesn't just pass on the throne, he  knows something Solomon doesn't. All of David's   enemies will become Solomon's enemies and they  are smarter than Solomon. So David tells him the   list of all the enemies he has been living with.  Joab, he says don't forget what he did. This guy,   don't forget about him, don't forget about this.  This guy is really bad. He says, I'm going to die.   They will continue to will harass you. Keep an  eye out, on this, on that, on that. I wish God   will give us more Davids who will not only pass  to their children cars and houses but remind them   your daddy has been battling with depression,  keep an eye out for depression. I wish God will   give us more of those fathers and mothers who will  tell the next generation not only of what good God   has done but say, hey, that's been a struggle  of my life. I've been struggling with weight   all my life, keep an eye out on weight issue,  why? Because that's been going in our family,   keep an eye out on him. And the Bible says when  Solomon executed all of his father's enemies,   then he was established. One of the first  things Solomon did before he got the wisdom,   before he built the temple is he dealt with  daddy's demons, with daddy's problems, and why?   Because David prepared Solomon and says listen,  keep an eye out for this, this and this, because   you didn't just get a throne from me, you also  got all of my enemies. And it's not the enemies   that are in the Philistine, it's the enemies that  are in the court. It's the enemies that went in   and went out every single day, that pretended to  be friends, that you learn to "cohabitate" with,   "collaborate" with, that you learn to "live with."  But God wants you to conquer those things some of   you been cohabitating with. God wants you to  confront some of those things that you have   developed a connection with, and say no. This is  not normal. I'm not going to normalize cancer in   my family. I'm not going to normalize depression  in my family tree. I'm not going to normalize   it. I will neutralize it. I know the previous  generations normalized that and they lived on   pills. But this is going to be a new generation  and this royal priesthood, chosen generation, new   creation in God, we will neutralize what previous  generations normalized. Living from hand to mouth,   working hard and never having enough was normal  for my grandpa but I will neutralize what they   normalized because the Bible says that He will  cause my cup to run over. I know the previous   generation always died at 45 out of heart disease  and that seemed normal. That's not normal for me.   I will live till old age and I will serve God. I  neutralize premature death. I neutralize premature   death in my family tree. Cancer has to die, every  terminal disease has to die, why? Because somebody   is rising up who will execute, execute and exile,  execute and exile, execute and exile. Somebody   say, execute and exile. Spiritual powers need to  be executed, they need to be removed and there are   things that need to be broken in our own minds  that have to be dealt with. The family. Maybe   you grew up in a family where you were constantly  taught, we are not a family that goes to school.   We don't finish education. We are not a family  that has a marriage that lasts and if we do last,   we're like cats and dogs. We hate each other.  And that was normal and plates were flying in the   house where you grew up. In your house, you have  to neutralize that. Like Solomon did and said,   Joab, I know you're my dad's homie. You dead.  Yeah, I'm not going to live with you. My daddy   suffered with you all his life. He neutralized  Joab. Dad normalized him. He neutralized   others that David warned him about. If you notice  something that goes in your family, I'm not saying   to live in panic. I'm just saying keep an eye out.  Be aware of the fact that it perhaps, most likely   could be knocking on your door. And when it does,  you don't get surprised. You do what Solomon did.   You might be young and inexperienced but you got  the authority. The Bible says the enemies who were   experienced and young were holding on to the altar  shaking. They had a lot of experience in warfare,   Solomon was a young, young lad but what  the difference Solomon had is he had the   authority. You might not have a lot of experience  against these old age demons and curses but you   got the authority, and the authority trumps  access. Authority over rules, revokes access   and if you walk in your authority you will subdue  every single generational bloodline curse in your   life and walk in the blessing of God. Somebody  shout, it ends with me! Somebody shout, it ends   with me! Your parents decided your history. Your  choices will decide your destiny. One doctor said,   your genes loaded the gun but it's your lifestyle  that pulled the trigger. You choose today. Your   gun maybe got loaded by your ancestors. You can  pull the trigger or you can remove the magazine,   remove that bullet from the chamber. When my wife,  when I married my wife, beautiful, young girl from   a pastor's family in Moscow. Happy as they could  be. The moment we get married she started to have   chronic nightmares. I mean I'm talking about  nightmares, she would yell in her sleep. Woke   me up and I'm a good sleeper. One of the gifts  that I have is sleeping. I could sleep really   well. I can sleep fast and I sleep really good,  and I would wake up during the night from her   yelling and screaming in the dream. I would wake  her up and as a deliverance ministry of course   you know we did the deliverance and all of that.  Something I'm going to deal with tomorrow morning.   Do not miss tomorrow morning. I'm going to deal  with breaking mental strongholds because with   Lana's deliverance, there was something different  that happened. But I remember I asked her, I said,   eventually we start talking and not only she had a  problem with nightmares, she moved into Tri-Cities   where I lived which is three and a half hours from  where she lived, Vancouver Washington and she felt   alone. She was literally the happiest person I've  ever seen. Happy, bubbly all the time. She comes   to Tri-Cities and she's like Lot's wife, frozen.  During worship, she cannot raise her hands. She's   like literally just like, like a monument. And  I like, what's happening to you? She's like,   I don't feel like I belong here. I was like,  what do you mean? You're a pastor's wife,   you're good. Everybody loves you. Nobody loves  me. I was like, where's this even coming from?   The nightmares, this loneliness. She started to  have problems in her work. Every single thing   start really just pretty much going wrong. It got  to the point prophet where one night she said,   I'm going back home and I was like, you know I'm  going to follow you. I was like, you ain't going   nowhere from me. I'm going after you. And I was  like, I'm going to go after you. You're not going   anywhere. I mean not in a like a domineering  way but I'm like, I'm going to chase you. So she didn't go. Something happened. This is what psychologists  say, that your genes, what's deposited in your   genes can lie dormant for decades until  triggered by they call it acute stress,   which usually comes as a result of a life change.  So this is psychology. I just finished one class   on psychology. I'm in a Bible College, Bible  University and so and when I was studying that,   I was remembering I was talking to my wife  and she says that's exactly what happened to   her. Her grandma and everyone in the women  in the family has battled with loneliness. That was there. Never dealt with, lied dormant as  long as she was in the right house, right church.   She got saved at the young age, everything was  good. A change of life but the bullet was always   there, waiting for you to pull the trigger. And  sometimes what pushes that trigger is a stressful   situation and it almost like wakes up. Doesn't  resurrect because that curse hasn't been dealt   with. It wakes up something that's been lying,  been dormant, waiting to be activated. And it's   always been there. The goal today is not to blame  our family. The goal today is that we deal with   stressful situations but we also understand  God wants to remove whatever the parents,   grandparents put into your gun. He wants to empty  that because if you do not have a loaded gun,   you can pull the trigger all day long, nothing  comes out of it. Other person can go through the   same change in their circumstances, no problems,  why? Because nobody loaded a gun. But if certain   things were pre-loaded in your family tree, those  triggers can really cause things to just come out   and you're like, where is this coming from? And my  goal today is not just to live a stress free life.   It's to live a free life where stress doesn't wake  up generational curses but I can bring my stress   to Jesus. I can bring my cares to the Lord without  repercussions that they will wake up some dormant   thing that's been passed on from generation to  generation. Now some of you may be like wondering,   wait so what do? Do I sign up for ancestry and  find out where my ancestors came from? The Bible   doesn't tell us to go back into your past and dig  for stuff. The Bible tells us to go forward to God   and look for Him. I always tell people, don't look  for curses, look for God. But when God reveals   something, deal with them. If you go into this  excavation into your past, I'm going to tell you   one thing. You're going to find things that the  blood has covered already. You're going to find   things you repented of, things you renounced  of. You're going to try to re-repent again,   re-renounce again. It will be an endless cycle.  It will never end and you will live in your past   instead of living in your future. The teaching on  deliverance, the teaching on generational curses   should never cause you to turn your face from  Jesus into the dirt of your parents' life. Your   face is on Jesus. The Bible doesn't say, look  for an open door. It says to look for the face   of God. We look for Jesus but as God opens things  up, as the Holy Spirit highlights things, we deal   with them because He gives us power to deal with  the things He exposes. Can somebody say amen. Ezekiel 18:14, "If, however, he begets a son  who sees all the sins which his father has done,   and considers but does not do likewise;" the Bible  says after that God is not going to punish that   son. So it seems like what but in Exodus it says  God will visit with the iniquity of the father?   You must understand, if the next generation  doesn't stop it, this cycle continues. But if the   next generation, as Ezekiel says, sees what's been  happening in the family tree and considers his,   this ends with me. I'm not a hater of God, I love  God. This is not normal. I reject that from being   normal. I'm going to neutralize that. I'm going to  come against it by the power of the Holy Spirit,   and God says God is going to reverse things.  Jeremiah 31: 29-30 it says, "In those days they   shall say no more: 'The fathers have eaten sour  grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge.'   But everyone shall die for his own iniquity;  every man who eats the sour grapes, his teeth   shall be set on the edge." Which simply means  you can choose today through the power of the   Holy Spirit to put an end to the cycle that's been  passed on to you. I want you to rise to your feet.   I'm going to give you just six steps. Probably  won't remember them but they all start with R's.   That's a blessing of being a pastor. Number one,  recognize signs of generational curses. Recognize   them. If you don't see them, forget about it. But  if you're seeing a repeated cycle recognize it.   Number two, repent of any known sins, and I'm  going to lead you in that today. Number three,   release any offense and unforgiveness that you  personally have because the devils, demons love   to hold on to people because of offenses and  unforgiveness. Especially toward your parents.   Number four, renounce every generational curse.  You may say, why do I need to renounce that? I'm   just going to repent. Think of this. Let's just  say you have a subscription with Netflix and you   deleted the app. How many of you know that you  still have to unsubscribe? This is why you need   to renounce. Somebody subscribed. You can delete  the app. They'll still charge a credit card. Until   you cancel that subscription. Somebody have made a  covenant with the devil, they dedicated their next   generations. You're over here five generations  later, you absolutely have no idea what they did   in over there with those demons in Mexico. You're  like just living your life for Jesus and there in   Jamaica, those generations dedicated all of their  generations to the devil. You deleted the app,   why is it charging my credit card? That's  why renouncing is very powerful. Number five,   rebuke every demon that came through the curse.  Number six, remove any demonic object from your   possession. People sometimes ask me, what about  this? I have one rule. If it's in doubt, if you're   in doubt, throw it out. Come on, you don't want  no snakes skeletons roaming in your house. So if   you're looking at it and it looks so funny at you.  Garbage can. It's a viper and it's looking at you.   You're like no, you're getting off of the wall  in my house. Items from your ex, especially if   you're trying to get married. Oh but it's a ring.  Trust me girl, you want a new ring. Not that one. Those you can sell. Make some money, come  on somebody, and donate to the building on   Sunday. Number seven, renew your mind and I'm  going to deal with that extensively tomorrow.   it's going to be life-changing about breaking down  demonic strongholds in accordance with God's Word.   I'm going to lead you in the prayer of renouncing  and repentance in just a moment, but before we do   that, I want to give an opportunity to anybody in  this room who does not know Jesus Christ as their   Lord and as their Savior. Before we deal with  demons, let's deal with something that's most   important and that is our sin. Maybe you're here  today, you got dragged, bribed or pulled into this   service. Perhaps you come and you've been coming,  but you have not given your life to Jesus Christ.   You perhaps consider yourself a good person but  you admit you're not good enough because you   say things like, nobody's perfect. So you already  admit, you're not perfect. Maybe you're Catholic,   maybe you're from some Christian background.  Going to church doesn't make you a Christian.   It's like going to the airport. That doesn't  mean you're going to end up on the airplane.   It's airplanes that take you from point  A to point B. Not airports. The church is   the airport. We connect you to the airplane  called Jesus. He's the way, the truth and life. Second category of people are those  you backslid, and if you know what the   word backslid means you know what that means.  You used to walk with Jesus. You walked away,   you stopped practicing your faith. You may be just  completely college happened and church politics,   you've seen too much. Whatever the reason and  excuse is but you're here today. The preaching   of God's Word, the worship, the presence of Jesus  in this room. Nothing about me but just Jesus's   presence has been convicting, and in fact there's  been a little burning in your heart saying,   I miss this. No one closing their eyes and nobody  bringing their heads down. If you're here and you   don't know where you will spend eternity, and  this is not to guilt anybody but you're not   right with Jesus today. I'm going to ask you to  quickly come out of your seat and come stand right   now right here. If you walked away from Jesus  just come, just come, just come, just stand,   just come. Some of you, I know you've been  watching my YouTube videos. Watching Vlad doesn't   get you saved. It's coming to the Lord Jesus  Christ. Most likely somebody's praying for you,   somebody's been interceding for you. Come on,  just come. If you brought a friend with you   and they don't know Jesus, ask them right now.  Say, do you want to go to the front? Do you want   to surrender your life to Christ? And walk with  your friend. Friends don't let friends go to hell. Just come. The greatest miracle is not deliverance. It's  to be saved from our sin and to be made new. Going to this conference cannot make you  Christian anymore and going to Starbucks will   not make you a latte. You have to surrender  to Jesus. You have to repent of your sin.   You have to place your trust completely and  fully in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Let's go. I want no one to leave this place today  without being right with God, without being   right with God through Jesus Christ. Not through  trying more, better, but through Jesus Christ. If there's anyone else. If you brought a friend with you, you can turn  to them. But if person next to you kind of looks   funny, turn to them and say, hey, do you know  the Lord? Are you going to go to heaven when   you die? Have you repented of your sin? Are  you living as God wants you? If they say no,   you say, let's go. Let's go. This  is the night. It's the best time,   tonight is the best night to get  right with the Lord. Come on. Hell is hot, forever is very long and  Jesus is the only way to salvation. Thank you Jesus. I want you to stretch your hands like you're  receiving a gift. For those of you in the front,   I want you to stretch your hands like this right  now. Those of you watching us online, you can join   us as well. Right there in the chat you can let  us know, I want to be saved. Just drop that in the   chat. I'm going to lead you in the prayer. Prayer  doesn't save, Jesus saves but sinners pray and   God hears them. According to Romans chapter 10,  the Bible says, if we confess with our mouth and   believe with our heart. I can hear what you say  with your mouth but I can't know what's happening   in your heart. I believe the Lord is working on  your heart. So we're going to right now say this   prayer out loud with me, say Lord Jesus Christ,  I believe, You are the Son of God who died on the   cross for someone like me. You were buried and  You rose again and You're coming back to judge   the living and the dead. I repent of my sin, of  everything I've done, of how I lived. I ask You   please wash me with Your precious blood. I'm done  running, hiding from You, rebelling against You. I   fully surrender, I give You my life. I give You my  crazy stuff. I give You my curses, those demons,   those addictions. I surrender. Wash me, change  me, fill me with the Holy Ghost and right now   I accept You in my heart as my Lord and as my  Savior. Church stretch your hands right now and   ministry team just lay your hands on them right  now. Just pray for them, let the Lord fill them,   let the Holy Ghost right now touch them. Chains be  broken off of their life. Church come on stretch   your hands, open up your mouth, begin to pray. If  you're baptized in the Holy Spirit, pray in the   Holy Spirit for the next 30 seconds. Just ask the  Lord to touch them. Ask the Lord right now to set   them on fire, give them a brand new heart, give  them a brand new life, bring deliverance into   their heart from the kingdom of darkness in Jesus  mighty name. Lord let them move from darkness to   light, let them move from death to life, let  them move from sin to righteousness, let them   move from the kingdom of Satan to the kingdom of  the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray for everybody that's   watching us online, that the miracle will happen  Lord, breakthrough will happen to their spiritual   journey with You, in Jesus mighty name, in Jesus  name, amen, amen. Those of you in the front,   thank you Lord. Just look up at me for just a  second. I know you're receiving prayer, just look   up at me for just a second. If you live in Houston  area and you do not have a local church, I want   you to come here. This is where the Lord touched  you, this is where you will grow. If you have a   local church that you attend to, go to that local  church and tell somebody, I recommitted my life to   Jesus. Get a Bible, begin to read. Delete probably  TikTok and just download the YouVersion Bible app.  Begin to read the Bible, begin to go to a local  church. If you haven't been water baptized, get   water baptized. It's very powerful. Being a kid  water baptism, that doesn't count. Get baptized   as an adult, when you know what you're doing.  Not when your parents made a decision for you,   and begin to walk with Jesus for His glory.  Church can we give them a round of applause. Hallelujah. So right now,   right now I want you to follow, I want  you to follow, just follow the team. Pastor David. okay, so follow  Pastor David. Church can we give   them a round of applause one more  time. Just follow Pastor David.   Right here brother. They'll pray  for you more and bring you back. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Lord. Where's  the worship leader? Come on somebody.  We're going to pray right now for renouncing of  generational curses. We're going to pray also   for those people that need deliverance. If you're  in this room and during this message you realize   that I was talking about your family or I was  talking about you. Or maybe perhaps there's a,   you realize you're battling with a demonic  torment in your life. Whether it's in your sleep,   whether perhaps it's intrusive thoughts and today  you're believing that the Lord wants to set you   free. You have faith that Jesus is going to.  You're not looking to me to set you free. You're   looking to Jesus to set you free. For those of  you who feel like there's pattern of curses and   you ready to renounce them, you're ready to leave  them. I'm going to ask you to just come forward,   just to come forward and we're going to pray,  we're going to believe. It's a safe place,   Jesus is in control and nothing  is impossible with God, amen. There is power in the name of Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Lord. Just raise  your hands to the Lord, just worship Him. Jesus we worship You. Jesus we honor You. Jesus we welcome You. Holy Spirit, You are  welcome here. Your power breaks every yoke. [Music] There is power in the name of Jesus. Thank you Lord. There is power in the name of Jesus, to break every chain, break every chain,  to break every chain. To break every chain,   break every chain, break every chain. There is power in the name of Jesus, to break every chain, break every chain,   break every chain. To break  every chain, break every chain,   break every chain. Say there is power in the name  of Jesus, there is power in the name of Jesus Yes, there is power in the name of Jesus. Yes, there is power in the name of Jesus,  to break every chain, break every chain,   break every chain, To break every chain,  break every break chain, break every chain.  There is power in the name of Jesus. Oh there  is power, there is power in the name of Jesus. Say there is power. There is power in  the name of Jesus to break every chain,   break every chain break every chain. Thank you Jesus for Your power, for Your name. I'm going to first lead us in  prayers together of renouncing, and then we're going to command every  unclean spirit, every demon behind those   curses to come up and out. There's power  of Jesus in this room. It's a safe place,   for those of you who are like, man but I don't know what's going to happen.   Jesus is in control. You don't have to manifest  to be free, but if something does happen just,   just let it out. We are not here to  be cute. We are here  to be free. For those of you who are like, well Vlad needs  to touch me. Nah, Jesus needs to  touch you. There is power in the name of Jesus,   and right now by the power of the Holy  Spirit that name will work wonders. Say this with me, heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of  Your Son, Jesus Christ. I come   with repentance on behalf of my family tree, seeking forgiveness from all their sins  committed against You. I honor my family,   but I turn away I turn away from all their sins. I repent from their idolatry,  they're mocking disabled people,   illicit sexual relations, stealing  and bearing false witness. I repent on their behalf for  rebelling against spiritual   authority, practice of magic and witchcraft, and for anti-Semitism, for ceremonial oaths and  promises that bind them to ungodly organizations. I renounce every generational curse of nervous  breakdown. Every demon behind anxiety  attacks, hopelessness, depression, inability to control  my thoughts, my emotions and my desires, I command you, come out in Jesus name. Say, I renounce every generational curse of chronic disease, every spirit  of infirmity,   deformity, pain, arthritis, allergies of all kind, hay fever and all kinds of respiratory problems, sinus problems, infection, cancers, tumor, ulcers,   eczema, acne, warts, hernia, blindness, paralysis,  all problems with ears, glaucoma, cataracts,   deafness and all kinds of spiritual bone breaker  and back breaker. Come out in Jesus name. Come out in Jesus name. Say I renounce every generational  curse of  infertility, every spirit behind low sperm count,   barrenness, miscarriage. Come out in Jesus name.  Say I renounce every curse of family breakup,   spirit of divorce, adultery,  fornication, perversion,  constant   fighting, be removed in Jesus name. I renounce every generational curse of poverty, any demon behind lack of  finances, spirit of Mamon,   greed and materialism be loosed out of my life. Say I renounce every generational curse of   accidents, every spirit of  death behind car accidents, murder, epilepsy, self mutilation, abortion,  abnormal grief, mourning and sorrow,  and convulsions. Come out in Jesus name. And right now I take authority  over every and any unclean spirit   that is tormenting your life behind the scenes. In the name of Jesus Christ, I  command every  spirit of infirmity, I command every spirit of   fear, I command every spirit of death,  I command every spirit of depression,   I command every spirit of lust and perversion  to come up and out right now in the mighty   name of Jesus. Up and out right now. Every spirit  spouse, out in the name of Jesus Christ. Come out,   come out right now. Up and out right now. Loose  your grip and come out right now. Loose your grip   and come out right now in the name of Jesus. Every  spirit of control, every spirit of witchcraft,   every spirit of occult, in the mighty name of  Jesus Christ you've been captured. Up and out   right now. Up and out right now. Come out  in the name of Jesus. Come out in the name   of Jesus. Come out in the name of Jesus Christ.  Come out in the name of Jesus Christ. Your legal   right has been broken. Right now out in Jesus  mighty name. Out in Jesus mighty name. Out in   Jesus mighty name. I want you to say this  out loud with me. Say, you unclean spirit. Say, you demon, anywhere  you are hiding in my life,   in the name of Jesus I command  you out. Out! Out! Out! Out! Come on, command it out. Command  it out. Some of you will throw up,   some of you yell it out. Whatever it happens,   it's coming out right now. It's coming out  right now. Just breathe it out, just breathe it out in the name of Jesus Christ. Up and out  right now in the name of Jesus Christ. Every   unclean spirit, up and out right now. Out. Loose  your grip right now. Come up and out right now.   That ancestor curse, that ancestor curse in the  name of Jesus Christ, up and out right now. Holy   Ghost fire in Jesus mighty name. Holy Ghost fire  in Jesus mighty name. Anywhere you are you unclean   spirit, tormenting, hiding behind the scenes, up  and out right now. Holy Ghost fire in the mighty   name of Jesus. Holy Ghost fire in the mighty  name of Jesus. Holy Ghost Fire in the mighty   name of Jesus Christ. The ministry team, when  you see somebody next to you that's manifesting,   pray for them right now. Let's command the unclean  spirit to come out right now. When the Holy Ghost   captured them, just command them out, command them  out and deliverance is as easy as breathing. In   the mighty name of Jesus Christ, in the mighty  name of Jesus Christ, every demon that enter   through trauma, every demon that enter through  abuse, every demon that entered through rejection,   in the name of Jesus Christ come out right now.  Every unclean spirit that's been passed on through   the bloodline, right now in the mighty name of  Jesus Christ, up and out. Every demon that came   through abortion, come out right now in the name  of Jesus Christ. Loose your grip right now, loose   your grip right now, loose your grip right now.  Some of you will feel nauseous for just a moment,   do not be afraid. Just release that, just release  that right now. The Holy Ghost is in control,   the Holy Ghost is setting people free through the  name of Jesus Christ. Right there where you are,   receive your freedom right now. Just take  a deep breath and just breathe it out. The   Lord is setting you free right now. In the name  of Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus. Say this   with me, say, you unclean spirit, the cause of my  suffering. Say, you demon, the cause of my pain,   you demon the cause of my setback, in the name of  Jesus I come against you. In the name of my God,   you tormented my life long enough. Your time is  expired, and right now I command you anywhere   you are, come out! Come out! Come out! Come  out! Come out! Come out! Come out! Come on,   just place your hand up on yourself. Come out  in the name of Jesus Christ. Come out in the   name of Jesus Christ. Come out in the name of  Jesus Christ. Depression and anxiety, out in   the name of Jesus. Masturbation and pornography  addiction, come out in the name of Jesus. Spirit   of homosexuality and lesbianism, come out in  the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus Christ,   come out right now. Come out right now in the  name of Jesus. Up and out. Up and out in the   name of Jesus. Up and out in the name of Jesus  Christ. Be free in Jesus name. Be free in Jesus   name. Be loosed right now in the mighty name of  Jesus Christ. Any way that you come out of right   now unclean spirit, do not harm that person.  Up and out, in the mighty name of Jesus. Up and   out in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I command  every Incubus and succubus, every night creature,   every Lilith, every Leviathan, every Jezebel,  in the mighty name of Jesus Christ you tormented   these people long enough. Right now, up and  out in the name of Jesus. Every mermaid spirit,   come out in the name of Jesus. I cancel  every oath. I cancel every blood covenant   that they made with your family, in Jesus name be  broken right now. Every spell cast against you,   in the name of Jesus be reversed right now, be  canceled in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus,   I command every spirit of unforgiveness, every  spirit of bitterness and offense right now to   come up and out in the name of Jesus. Every spirit  of offense and bitterness, come up and out right   now. Every resentment, up and out in the name  of Jesus Christ. Out in Jesus name. Out in Jesus   mighty name, in the name of Jesus, thank you  Jesus. I want you to lift your hands right now. Let's take a deep breath and just breathe it  out. You're in the place of deliverance right   now. This is the arena of freedom. We may not be  able to touch every person but the Holy Spirit   is touching you where you are at. In the name of  Jesus we've renounced those curses and we speak,   I speak God's blessing over your life right now. I  speak God's blessing over your family right now. I   speak God's blessing over your health right now in  Jesus mighty name. Come on just worship the Lord   for just a moment. Let's pray in the Holy Ghost.  Let's pray in the Holy Ghost. Lord, I thank You   that You're flushing out, You are turning the  tables in my temple. I thank You that You're   cleansing my temple right now. I thank You that  You are touching my life right now. I thank You   that You are disconnecting, You are disconnecting,  You are disconnecting, chains are falling off.   I'm coming out of this prison of limitation.  I'm coming out of this prison of generational   curses. These chains are being broken right now.  In the name of Jesus, I'm going to walk different,   my finances will be different, my mental state  will be different, my health will be different,   why? Because the Lord Jesus is setting me free.  Whom the Son sets free. Not who Vlad, not who   apostle or the prophet but whom the Son sets free.  And Jesus you are setting me free right now. Right   now, right now, Holy Ghost fire. Holy Ghost fire.  Holy Ghost fire fall afresh right now. Holy Ghost   fire fall afresh right now and consume every  darkness, and consume every darkness. Holy Ghost   fire fall right now. I hear the chains breaking.  I see the chains, I see somebody coming out of   the prison right now. The prison of generational  curse, the prison of barrenness. I see somebody   coming out of the prison of depression,  somebody coming out of the prison of anxiety,   somebody coming out of the prison of night  terrors, somebody coming out of the generation   cycle of premature death. You will live and not  die, says the Lord, and declare the works of God.   I see a prison door swing open, and somebody  coming out of those prison doors right now. [Music] I hear the chains broken. I hear the,   I hear the chains falling.  I  hear the chains broken. Deliverance is breaking out   all over this room including online. God  is setting people free online right now. Some of you will need to right now just,   deliverance is breaking out right now. Just  receive that right now in the name of Jesus. [Music] I hear the chains falling. I hear the  chains falling. I hear the chains falling. I hear the chain falling, I can hear the  chains falling.  I can hear the chains falling. I hear the chain fall. Oh yes I do,   I hear the chains fall. I hear the  chains fall, I hear the chains falling. I hear the chain falling. Oh I can hear the   chains falling. I hear the chains falling. Oh I  hear, I hear the chains, their falling right now. Oh yes, I can hear the chains, their falling  off right now. I hear the chains falling. Oh I can hear the chain falling. Yes I do. I  hear the chains falling. I hear the chain, I   hear the chain, I hear the chain falling. Oh I can  hear, I can hear the chains falling off right now. I hear the chains falling. I can hear it,   I can hear it. Can you hear it? I hear  the chains falling. Do you hear it? Yes, I hear the chains falling. I hear the  chains, I can hear the chains, their falling. I hear the chains falling, I can hear the  chains falling. I hear the chains falling. I can hear the chains, their coming  off now. I hear the chains falling. I   can hear it. I can hear it. I can hear the  chains falling. I hear the chains falling. I can hear, I can hear, oh I can hear the  chains. I hear the chains falling. Do you hear,   do you hear, do you hear it? Do you  hear it? I hear the chains falling. Thank You Holy Spirit. Thank You for the work  that You are doing. I want you to place your   hand on the shoulder of your friend next  to you right now. I want you to right now   just speak a generational blessing. So Lord,  may their home be blessed, may their home be   blessed. If it's your husband and wife, just  join your hands and just pray right now. Say,   may our home be blessed. Right now just may our  home, may there be a generational blessing over   our home. Lord, may Your angels guard our home,  may there be divine protection over our home,   may there be divine health over our home, may  there be divine mental health over our home,   may over our home there will not be accident and  prone but pleasant surprises, pleasant surprises,   blessings of God that are coming into our home.  May our home be like the blessing of Abraham.   Father in the name of Jesus, I pray right now  over this congregation. I pray for every family.   I pray in the name of Jesus that Your blessing  is going to come upon the homes. I pray for the   young homes that are battling with things they're  coming from, in the name of Jesus may the roots   grow in the house of God. In Jesus mighty name, I  pray that their children will begin to have a new   legacy. I bless this people right now. I bless  their families. I bless their finances. I bless   right now their health. I bless right now their  relationships. I bless right now their businesses.   In the name of Jesus I bless the fruit of the  womb, in Jesus name, in Jesus name, amen. I want   you to look at me for just a second. Just, just,  just a second. Those people that are praying and   ministering, let them minister. For those of you  that have a pain in your body, and I wanted to   do that tomorrow but I do feel right now by the  Lord to to pray for them right now. If you have a   sickness in your body or you have a pain in your  body, I would like to pray right now with you,   right there where you are at. As you see I'm not  able to move because the moment I leave the stage   right now, what's going to happen is that it's  just not going to end until tomorrow morning.   And so and another thing is that I don't want, the  challenge that happens with somebody like myself   where people know me a little bit more is that  everybody begins to line up. What I love about   what's happening right now is the Holy Spirit is  moving and the Lord is using all of us including   the team, because in God's kingdom God doesn't  give Holy Spirit junior and senior. We all have   the same Holy Spirit, and another thing, there  is an anointing in the room right now to set the   captives free. There's an anointing in the room  where a lot of the ministers maybe even are new   or fresh, the Lord will begin to use the power  powerfully to set the captives free. But what   I want to do right now is because I do believe  something just broken over many people's lives,   I want to pray specifically for healing right now.  I've seen people be healed of cancers. I've seen   people been healed and verified by the doctors  of Lupus, including seizures. I know nothing is   impossible to God. Me and my wife could not have  children for 13 years, but 10 years ago the Lord   gave me a promise and today my wife is pregnant  right now. The Lord is a good God. Now maybe   you're standing there and you honestly do not feel  any faith at all. It's not about your feelings,   it's about your knowledge. Do you know that  Jesus died on a cross and by His stripes you   were healed? Faith begins where the will of God  is known. So I'm going to ask you right now,   place your hand where there is pain, place your  hand where there is sickness. If you have a cyst,   a tumor, arthritis, asthma. Whatever it is, just  place your hand there. Don't be distracted by the   noise. This is normal. This is what happens when  the Lord is moving. Some are getting delivered,   some are being healed, some are going to get  baptized in the Holy Spirit. Let's place your   hand there. I'm going to lead you in a prayer  and I want you to release your faith. Most of   us don't have a problem with not having faith,  we're just not releasing our faith. Release your   faith right now together with me. Say this  out loud with me, say Lord Jesus Christ,   I believe by Your stripes I was healed 2,000  years ago. And right now, I decree and declare my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. My  body is not for sickness. It's for service.   It's to serve Jesus. I command that  pain to leave right now. Exit my body.   I command that sickness leave right now.  I command that discomfort, pack your bags, and out of my body and no  more in the name of Jesus. I receive God's healing by faith. I receive  God's touch by faith in the name of Jesus. Now I want you to stretch your hands and begin to  give it to the Lord. Just give that sickness to   the Lord. He bore it. It's illegal in your body.  Just give it to the Lord, say Lord you took it on   the cross. I don't want it. I don't want this in  my body. I promise to give You my body to serve   you. I'm not going to use this body to smoke,  sleep around or do sin. This body belongs to   service. This body belongs to You. Just come on  just lift it, lift your hands right now for next   20 seconds and you say, Lord I recommit myself  to You. Lord, I yield myself to You right now.   I recommit my body to You right now in the name  of Jesus. Just give that to the Lord, just give   that to the Lord right now. Father, I thank You  for Your healing virtue that's flowing right now.   I command sickness to leave. I command disease  to leave right now in the mighty name of Jesus   Christ. That deformity, disappear right now in  Jesus name. Deaf ears open, blind eyes open right   now in Jesus name. Skin infection, leave right  now in the mighty name of Jesus. Every gastritis,   eating, digestive problems, leave right now in  Jesus mighty name. I take authority right now   over every generational cycle of chronic disease,  leave in Jesus' name. Be healed in your body.   Lower back pain, be healed in Jesus name. Joints,  pain with the joints be healed in Jesus name.   Lupus be broken right now in the mighty name of  Jesus. I up root every disease, everything that my   Father did not plant in your system, right now be  uprooted. Fibroids be gone in Jesus mighty name,  in the name of Jesus. Thank you Lord.  Thank you Lord. Just say, thank you Jesus. Amen. I want you to right now release your faith  by doing this. If you had pain and you couldn't do   something without pain, I want you to do that  right now. If you couldn't bend without pain,   I want you to try to bend without pain. The Bible  says that Jesus told a man with a withered hand,   stretch your hand and his hand  was made well when he stretched   it. Sometimes people don't realize it. It's  right after you pretty much do something you   couldn't do in that atmosphere like  this, the healing of God manifests.   How many of you notice that the pain  after prayer is gone? Wave your hand.