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when there was an argument about homosexuality and debauchery and an immorality and arguments that Paul had but people you know concerning things like lesbianism and feminine being effeminate and all this stuff we all get about today that's all stuff look what's the look this is deep inner pauses I don't need a corny scripture to you these are even nature proves that the same good minute okay I know something I read the Bible so I don't want to assume that Romans chapter 1 Paul is talking about all these things we fighting over the day you know same-sex marriage and lesbianism and all it's a process look he says you don't need God to write something on the wall for you look at verse 18 the wrath of God is already revealed from heaven against all the Garlin godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness have an important suppress the truth means I saw something on CNN yesterday still makes me sick thinking about it oh man who became a woman so they claim they think it says her name was Steve or something like that and I'm watching this program don't turn a TV off okay I'm sitting there thinking what is this let me read what it was verse 18 this is Bible this exact we just saw on CNN it says the wrath of God is already revealed against that men suppress the truth by their wicked you got your penis off and call it a vagina now you know it a nun but you suppress the fact that it ain't no you suppress the truth the truth is use a man but you suppress it you put some hormones and get a better Bobby and now you're telling me is a woman you ain't no woman anybody with me here they suppress the truth the honest truth is I'm a male what did I say oh sorry what my baby our stuff comes out sometime hey neighbor tell the truth let me tell you something all my homosexual friends I love you guys and girls lesbians but you are simply dishonest if you want to have that kind of sex just say so but don't try to convince us to sanctify it function it and give a dignity just say that what you want to do that's all if you want to use an exit as an entrance just tell me the honest truth don't try to get me to dignify it Sanctifier glorify it and then make it legal this is crazy you're suppressing the truth the truth is this is an exit this if nature say this an exit it's a garbage disposal this gets rid of waste [Applause] the iron attacking nobody biology simple 101 500g 101 it's a law the law of my rectum is excretion it's a law no legislation can transform that into something else so you see a fellow walking around with his wrist break just say tell them legally you are a brother by law you are a brother your walk don't cancel that law at all your earrings don't touch that law you your relationship don't change that law it's a noise so they speak on us we go tell God I will violate your law okay thank you very much [Music] [Applause] thank you you're making me behave interestingly go to verse 19 the deference 19 come on all you young people read this please verse 19 confirm you are getting tempted verse 19 says come on I want to read about trying to bypass them I will you read this bring this back to your mind now it says in verse 19 of Romans 1 since what may be known about God is plain to them because God has made it plain to them in nature for since creation of the world God's invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen being understood from what has been made the dog's got sense I've never seen two male dogs getting it on and in vain time we got pork kick they they they they why dogs they still got tense he said it made plain through what creation so that men are without excuse [Music] so long these laws are built into nature oh by the way might be the next one for although they knew God they go to church take communion yes they knew God they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts are darkened although they claim to be wise yeah they have become fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal men and birds and animals and reptiles therefore God gave them over in their sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their own bodies with one another can I go the further the ex they exchanged the truth of God for a lie this is clean you telling me it's legal and nature said is illegal not meat nature says this time we two women cannot have children okay you know to lie and tell me this with you what you are be honest now God already gave you home saying honey you gonna self-destruct but at least don't try to let don't make all of us both to support some illegal and I said naturally naturally illegal this is why democracy is so dangerous I am very suspicious of democracy because it makes laws based on majority not based on what is right if he's never must agree we try to make wrong right I want to also correct something I've been hearing for years in this country the voice of the people is the voice of God that's a lie because what you telling me to be nothing if he none of us agree on something it must be God's wife are you crazy he's act like Joshua Georgia says look I don't know what you're but as for me and my health sometime you gotta go by your own self come on give God Han God's voice I tell you walk alone don't let the majority convince you to do evil look Irish verse 25 they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served created things rather than creator who is forever praised because of this God gave them over to shameful lusts even their women exchanged natural relations to unnatural ones in the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women who were inflamed with lust for one another and men committed indecent acts by reading the Bible and this is actually one another with other men received in themselves even themselves the due penalty for their perversion the Bible calls it now let me tell you you cannot pervert what is not real come on say this again perversion implies that there's something that is right that you have excused to be wrong it's perversion you cannot take right and make it wrong you can prove worth it so Paul is correct person is perversion sex is good but you can provide it you cannot pervert what it's not present and what it's not good it has to be present first then you pervert it is by using a knife that you bought the sliced tomatoes and you slice someone's throat the knife is innocent but you perverted the knife and made it a weapon so as a male I am pure and that's Richard is a male is pure but we're not built to go together when we can this path written don't worry about a thing [Applause] but we can decide that's the problem to come together that's called perversion of the male entity provision now if you try to scientific provision dignify provision and then legalize perversion it's impossible because it will never work two males cannot produce I cannot they can pass all the laws they want taking it thinking of operations surgery they cannot it will never work [Music] you you [Music] [Music]