Transcript for:
SAP Build Anwendungen und Automatisierung

so today we are going to cover about these are the core agenda of for today's session so what is build and what are the key features that are available in build and what is build process automation so then how do I set up build apps on sap btp Tri so so we're just going to explore these topics today and we can get started from here so what is build build is a low code development platform available in btp and actually it allows any any developer right like you don't have to be extensive developer actually so you can develop any Enterprise application without any extensive coding knowledge or actually like you can develop a simple application and build like so we have developed a small approval process I can show you how I developed like so it's all a drag and drop because if you are from Fury background or if you are from actually automation background right like it has been integrated into a single tool where it's a low code version where actually you can develop a simple application with without any extensive coding knowledge so that is available in your btp so we'll show you how to do everything in the btp the TR account so the the key features of build is Sol visual Pro programming so like I might know like there was a service which is launched for work workflow entirely it's workflow management sap has done some kind of next level of upgrade or I would say next level of product Movement by integrating your workflow process as well as your Fury application as well as with your other components and it integrated and it brought into a session called visual programming where it can actually type your functions and your data variables everything as a drag and drop and then actually it helps you to automate everything let's take an example you can create your simple UI application where in the UI application you can input your data over there and once you have the data so then you can actually do a seamless Automation and actually like if you want to integrate like I so I I have a process where I want to send a information to multiple customers so you can do a simless integration of those things as well as and and if I want to do a kind of decision making so that is also possible with this complete build app so these are the key features of your build apps and we can actually show you how that has been completely designed so then in this build build process automation we are actually providing your this it helps you to Pro provide your smooth transition like from your St an example you have a big UI application where you want to embed your workflow automation right like it helps you to automate complex business process into a simple one and also reduce if you remember in the olden days when you use workflow management you have to write lot of data binding elements to trigger a to trigger data to your workflow but actually now it's been integrated it's been simplified using build apps so if you can if you develop a simple UI and and if you have a API trigger like you can trigger any number of automation process in the background and so then it can trigger your workflow and it can also trigger your seamless automation inside that one and we can also call your multiple backend system and if you want to do an automation based on your outlook SDK or automation based on your word word document or automation based on your Fury app everything is possible because it has touched upon multiple SDK components so then due to this one actually your life cycle of your application and development cycle has been reduced a lot because it TI us with a lot of SDK pre-built component and also it increase efficiency of the development and and coming back to the automation so in this one we are actually going to talk about flow management robotic process automation Deion management right like if you touch upon the earlier version of your workflow management so that's a couple Services where you you have your business process that's nothing but your workflow process as well as your business rules now sap actually migrated all your workflow management and your entire decision management and also it enhanced a product within that is something called robotic process automation where you can as I said earlier we have actually lot of sdks with sdks we can do all the robotic Automation and also now because a is the on that is coming into the key play into the market now so it also has embeded AA functionality let's take an example if you create a simple scenario it prompts with some kind of a code to you so and also sap is in the coming year like let's take an example in the next fiscal year or something or in the next fiscal quarters sap is trying to bring Genera AI based technology using where actually you can type your prompt and based on the prompt it can actually suggest you what the code you can integrate for your build app so that's on the road map though it has a if you if you using Enterprise account they're giving a beta version of those things but that is coming as next feature element over there so in this build build functions right like we have various functionality like a code generation as I mentioned earlier like if you type something it prompts you with a lot of functions that helps you to come autogenerate the code and also it actually suggest some kind of a process automation like let's take an example it has pre lot of pre-build process that are available in your vpa that helps you to bring lot of process into that one and it it brings actually helps you to do the development optimization if Fusion development is something like you can integrate with multiple components and services using your destination let's take an example if you want to do a automation based on with a lot of things then you can actually do do you can use your BPA explicitly where you can have your agent running and agent can do a lot of automation like there are two kind of BPS automation that you know internet bot and unn Bot so that is also possible with that one and also it has as I mentioned there are build-in functions like actually like if you if I want to do a Outlook SDK automation if I want to do automation Excel automation or Wifi automation everything is possible with that one build is something like it actually integrates your Fury development as well as it integrates your BPA like which business process which the ear world it's called aspa it it actually integrates everything so now this is a intuitive drag and drop capability of easy application development okay so and it is actually it is very useful for the developers because it it more talk about on the config side rather than coding perspective right because it gives you a section where you can Define all the parameters as a coding parameter rather than you can do any development and also you can actually touch base with all the cross functional teams to speed up your development process as well as give the prompt result within a certain period of time okay so then as a customer let's take an example if you're working with multiple C side project or if you are a customer that you are actually want to migrate from your existing Fury app to your build app so this helps you to optimize and develop completing your development the earliest and also this let's take an example you have lot of Auto repeative task in your organization you can automate those all repetive task everything and also like you have a governance process TI up where you can have your process visibility as one of the factor where actually you can see where your automation is happening and if you have if you have developed a process with the internet bot and who is the governance team or which team is the more relevant governance team that is responsible for this one and also like this is completely used by many companies on the around the world the worldwide actually then and it creates lot of productivity and creativity across various Industries so we'll show you some of the key services that has been tied up into the build apps and actually like I'll show you on a demo application that I buil actually on this build app how it has been okay so this are the example because a citizen developer and also like I don't talk more about this one like because this is something like you you are going to integrate with this one and also this is a feature footprint for your sustainability management and also it actually allows lot of sap and Cloud customer to do a lot of automation over here so next coming back to the use case as well as application development right like it helps you to create a cohesive user experience as well as create an automative job and business processes as I mentioned earlier like it's a BPA process it's tied up into your build apps we'll show you a process how we can create everything over build apps then and also helps as let's take an example if I'm a citizen developer I don't have to be a expert in my entire coding language I can use low code and all the programming language and also it can be used by many company website right like you can call any website URLs or any URL that you can integrate using your rest rest API calls and also you can create multiple destinations you can by integrating with your multiple backend system and this is a completely advantage of going as a build apps it reduce your cost for the development and Automation and also it helps you to encourage improve collaboration between the developers and subject because because now we are talking about the automation process so each and every business area will have it helps you to integrate with them and create a brand new process with a complete collaboration okay so then you can also create a workable prototypes and also it can also you can also create a reusable artifacts when I talk about artifacts you can create a reable build apps application processors and all those things and it has a pre-built API components and it has pre pre-existing apps which integrate with your sap and nonp system and also it is an helps you to run for your Enterprise application as safe as possible in the open envirment as you know btp is always socks compliance audit compliance platform from SCP and also it is secured Network which comes under very highly secured Network area because sap is investing lot in btp rather than others application because that's a cloud is a feature and as you know like we have lot of customers want to move to btp at ear years with lot of new services available and build apps well is one of the key Focus for sap to grow in that sector okay so when I talk about actually like disadvantage like the only I I don't want to talk too much about the disadvantage like you you have an option to create multiple apps but actually flexibility is something like when you want to customize something like you have to create any number of application like so if you want to reuse some component the reusable factor is not matur yet sap is working to refine that reusable Factor as much as possible and also and Al it it occasionally unfit like some some example right like if I develop one code component of the SDK or some kind of a business process if I want to tie up to multiple Services it's something like it is might whatever process you might be using it might be fit for the single requirement it might not be fit for other requirement that's a kind of a thing like we have to sit with and find out how we can actually take it forward from that so just to a brief introduction like how if you want how you want to onboard yourself into btp so like these are the steps first you need to have your Cloud identity services to be installed in your cockpit like install cloud services if you go to the cockpit and go to Service Marketplace and actually you can follow this step and you can create the services and you can create the instance and you can create the subscription I will show you how I have done in my cockpit account and in my trial account how I onboarded myself into the cloud ID services so next Once you onboard yourself into the cloud ID Services then you can click click on your account and you can activate your account completely so then once this is done you you you will have a seamless integration to authenticate yourself with that ID services so you can use two options like I will show you the identity management also how it has been integrated in my cockpit so you can actually go with with your default ID Services also and the new ID Services which we are for provision as additional over here okay so then once you go into the trial account okay so then you can see the step actually where you you will be provisioning your own security so because in this mainly we are talking about the trust configuration where I'm giving my own user ID and adding my user ID to the trial to the ID Services whichever ID servic just I have provision to my traal account so then I'm actually giving list of roles to myself and adding to myself to onboard into sap build apps and other application because these are the roles that is needed like I need a restate developer role admin role and the developer Ro and all those roles so everything is completed because once you have the ID Services enabled you will have a single sign on established for your all the apps whatever you see like you will have your update apps enabl single sign enabl for your build apps as well as for your EPA okay so then next is something like once you have your build apps let's take an example you will have I'll show you how many services that I have provision for this my trial account like if I want to have my entire service functioning at at most feature right like I need to have this this roles like I need to have build apps admin Ro build apps developer role and reg adment role example okay so you once you all these roles then you will be able to onboard yourself into the trial account and you will have all your options over there okay so just these are the settings so let me go to to my cockpit and I'll show you okay I into my cockpit so as I as I mentioned earlier I have actually onboard myself if I go to instuction Services where I have given my ID Services let me show the ID services so this is my trial account okay so I I'm ENT my trial account so then if I go here in my ID services so I come to my trust configuration where so so as I mentioned in my slide like I have configured this ID services so this is a custom ID service and you can also onboard yourself into the default ID service so the reason why we are going with the custom ID service is because to establish single Shin on between your build apps as well as to your all your application develop all the apps that that you're developing okay so that's the main purpose of onboard creating a custom ID Services over here so then coming back to your services and instances right if I go to instance and subscription so I have actually subscribed for sap B process automation build apps so as I mentioned like this is a service that I have actually created uh separate service just helps you to enable single sign on okay between your build apps application as well as with your BP BPA component and also you need business application Studio which is nothing but bass to develop any Fury application like like you need if you want to create a form out of your Fury application and everything like if you want to develop a custom outflow process anything you can actually use your bass to develop that one okay so let's actually go to apaa I'll actually show you like if I click on this one this is nothing but actually I'm into my Lobby so if I come to my Lobby I have developed this projects like example as a demo I have created a sales order management application and and other applications like sales order application which is which is my core build apps application and this is nothing but my process automation application where you can have your entire process automation things this is my overview process okay so if you see here I have created approval form which is nothing but your ufi simple form as well as approval notification and various data types and your and this is completely orchestrated using sales AO processing process so this actually touch upon this automation process so you you have your trigger and you have your approval conditions you can see your conditions here and also you have your approval form whether if it is approved or rejected like you will have a if it is rejected it will go for a notification if it is approved it will actually in this application with a good note okay so this is about your entire BPA process with the with the build apps I have created as a demo application over here so I can even actually show an simple form so that I have created using build apps so let me type something and I'll show you in the process visibility how you are able to see that one you give this name and I can give some material number as B Dash can give dollar amount as dollar $50 $500 or I can give $5,000 as my delivery number delivery date I can give as 0 7 14 sorry and I'm clicking on submit here yeah so you can see the process has been triggered so with the API call and if I go to my Lobby and if I go to the process workflow and instance where you can see your current running process take some time to come up actually yes so this is a process just I trigger and you can see all the data about the process like it is auto approved or it's actually what are the steps that actually gone through into my process like this this is my entire approval flow what are the steps that actually gone into that process you can see everything in the detail log over here and you can also see all this context now pre-build everything in a low code way if if you if you work in the previous workflow management you have to type you have to code all all these things to create this context binding now this has been made very easy with the build apps when when in the modern way of doing the workflow process automation this is just a quick application of the demo like and also you can have your mind box earlier if you remember if you have your portal application like portal site where you will have a separate tile called Mind box where you can actually see the task list of task which comes to you you can you can have the same feel over here for in box all right so if you have any questions please raise your hand so if you into Cloud Foundry you can onboard yourself into AWS or Azure or into Google Cloud okay in the cloud perspective and once you once you there if you go to your service instance right like let me show know service instance okay yeah the service instance you can actually type something called sap build automation like just you can type okay service okay service Market Place correct yeah okay correct Serv you can actually yeah you need to create sap build apps and build process automation so you need to onboard to yourself all all those things build okay okay from there we can go okay thank you really helpful thank you first question is this sap build app is totally code free like our SA capm or this require any coding background so uh this is a low code version so like here if if you want to integrate capm service like you can have a separate capm developer also because I'll just give a trend right like if you are a fury application developer you have knowledge on cap it is good to know about build apps so that is the upcoming Market in the market Trend right like but if if I'm a workflow developer where I I have only limited knowledge on my build app on the coding perspective even I can goad and develop all all my build apps very easy don't want to know exy development like it's all low code version you can but actually is good good as a fury developer with capm knowledge good to onboard thems into build apps but if if you do not have much coding experience it is easy to manage like it's all now automated I would say lot lot of pre-build libraries are available that you can actually help yourself to easily learn appro this okay got it and in future should we align with this jni topic or it will be a totally different me build app and that sap Jo Jo is nothing but a Integrated Service so you might have he about open source technology which is nothing but sap GitHub co-pilot okay so GitHub copilot is something like once you type your prompt it helps you to bring lot of code prompt into your system so want to have their market share into all the Genera asps that's what they brought a jeel jeel is totally different and your build apps is totally different so Jo is the generate component of sap version where actually it helps you to integrate with multiple sap services and products sap build up is B it cover the workflow processes also correct correct correct it work so now there is no workflow management and there is no irpa everything is come under the symbol single simple and sing Single number lock called sap build and what do you call sap Han modeling background that's all not much with ab app or coding Ori or any any such kind of coding experience I have I don't have basically will I still be able to succeed everywhere I'm hearing that btp is the next World right so to irres of my role you know I'm playing some senior role but I just want to sustain my you know surveil within the market no how can you suggest that even if I take this course will I be able to see it so in this course right we will touch mostly on the build apps like build process automation so build process automation is a next feature to automate lot of services example right so as a as a senior developer or a senior person in a company right like if you do not have the coding knowledge also so build apps also has a theory component let's not talk about the theory component but it is we we are actually going extensive on BPA with BPA it's just a drag and drop like you you can create your own BPA process and you can put all all your inbuild function over there and also you can understand easily it's all visual component over there right like it is easily can design your own process and you can become as automation developer so that's what you can land yourself as automation engineer so that will help you to get lot of new jobs because BP build vpa as well aspa is are coming as a separate job offering in the mod eliminate your build apps also so sap build build process automation coming as separate job nowadays could you touch base on a little bit of like what are the prerequisites required because we are getting this question quite a lot you know I've been in the question is I've been in sap for a while you know whatever majo what are the prerequisites what do we need to start this training and excelerate after the training how do we proceed further you know you know what's what type of practice what type of job roles a little bit on that coming back to the prerequisite right like look so all the participants like if I even actually I'm AB person I can actually land as a build automation engineer and also like if if I do not have the coding knowledge coding exper extensive coding experience into Fury uii and everything you can onboard yourself into build process build engineer sa build engineer okay and let's take an example if I have my carrier on my Fury application or Fury or ufi or workflow management application I can actually bring become as a citizen developer with all build apps Trend over there like so there are two carrier part has been set like you can bring become as a build adaps engineer as well as you can become as automation engineer so if you have less coding experience you can come as automation engineer if you have a entire knowledge of extensive btp knowledge you can become a sub and does it support all the industries all the domains like you know all of it okay so as you know like a is is an upcoming era as well as it is actually happening with a modern all the trend over in the in the market right like is going to be the future a lot of lot of innovation automation happening in the a space SFP also want to land their their area and and also as you know like btp is the way to go for lot of customer to build build their complete application into the upcoming era so automation plays a major role and sap is complete Innovation or complete investment happens in sap build btp and build is going to play a key role on that excellent excellent thank you so much raise your hand ask a question let's keep this interactive guys I'm a SCP ufi and fury consultant developer so I just wanted to know because currently I'm developing the freest style applications in SCP web ID and it is going to obsolete so how can I start in the SCP build apps or how can I migrate our application from SCP web ID to the SCP build apps is it possible or how it is connected to the b means what is the prefer so if you go to Bass now sap also gives some plugin to migrate your entire web ID based application into modern era of creating application using bass so you can migrate your application and also like if you are if you are from I think if you're using web ID you are from Neo background so is and now it's completely Cloud Foundry and and you know as you know Neo is going to be absolete in 2025 you if you want to completely stop entire investment or I would say stop operational by 2026 end of 2026 and already they made a decision not to invest anything on Neo by 2022 so now there is no services that are LED in Neo and and the way to go is you need to convert your applications into CL and there are lot of pre-build plugins that helps you to convert your because I have extensively worked in one of the customer actually I have migrated my web ID application into bass application and I have deployed those application into into Cloud phone btp system because here actually right if you are into the modern era you not have the the structure like app routers and you will not have something on the services and all those things right once you migrate your project over here once you import your project into your CL it helps you to create all those different components like app rter Services other other other Sai modu components right like once you deploy that one you will have your entire bass application that will be deployed into your btp so then you can also you integrate your application into build apps so build apps is something something like you create your entire automation or orchestration flow you can integrate into build apps so it is easy for you like you can also try to show you how to convert that as a separate training or a separate session it is it is actually possible thank you how this build app will be helpful in terms of functional consultant as you said UI developer or a Apper can use how the functional can add on value in this so functional is functional is something like I don't those are the they are called as subject matter expert in all the core business process if I am a functional consultant if I learn about automation process I can create my own automation system own automation project in BPA and I can I can I can also help to Auto do a lot of automation Industries let's take an example I'm a functional consultant from SD so if I know how to create a sales or automation process with all supply chain process I can create my own vpa or irpa based automation process using build and that helps me to it will be a good learning for me to give get exposure to automation side of sap new modern era and and and carry my journey in that space too so so because Wi-Fi developer or any developer right they might have touched upon Fury development as well they can actually do all those Fury based development but if you are a functional consultant you know the entire supply chain automation or something like that like you can help you to on board into a BPA oriented automation process you can become as automation engineer on your ideas this my a up Sal Auto process right because I have taken a sales Auto process over here and I have created a simple automation process and this is completely low code version I do not develop anything like if even if I remove myi application you can build your entire automation process which unint bot kind of application and you can develop your own process within your as automation through BP okay so this is about your BPA and I'll touch upon other components over here so like you have your own approval form AO appr notification example like and you can also monitor all your application using workflow instance this is a back back and door where you can actually monitor this one and CP also coming up with something called process visibility so the process visibility helps you to see who is the actual intended person or it will gives you a perspective who is a current appro approver for your particular task or something task or approval form okay so this is about your complete BPA build demo application so yeah so just a simple form I developed and I just integrated with workflow which is nothing but your automation engine and then I just shown you how you can monitor all your B apps here we in our training we'll go in depth of multiple sessions like we will categorize into multiple sectors like one sector is with using Theory based application development another one is automation based application we'll have multiple scenarios in both the both the sides and you will able to understand all the scenarios in could you touch up on a little bit on the use cases you're going to use in the training little bit more so when when I talk about the use case here like we can do a process creation automation process like if if I am how do I create my own automation process using CP BPA and I will actually then if I am a u UFA developer like the same thing I will actually use multiple sdks like Outlook SDK word SDK and also if you want to create a bot based agent another use case is something like you want to create 100 thousands of orders and I have all the order information in my Excel sheet how do I automate the entire Excel report into order creation process I'll use IRP or BPA to do all this automation process also if I if I'm a uifi developer where my my job is to create a ufi application and how do I integrate my entire ufi application into this build process I'll show we'll show multiple example starting from the beginning like how you can create a form on the form how you can actually trigger that form to have your multiple steps of process to do all this automation so we are going to cover BPA perspective of automation using Bots and we are going to cover based application build apps that can catch up on multiple business process automation thank you yeah so I just have a one question so so what would be the use cases or what percentage of use cases would this build sap build would solve and the basses I mean normally bass is very extensive and I do understand it's a lot of not not a sort of low code environment but then lots of Industries and companies would prefer that because of the flexibility it gives right so what kind of are what percentage of use cases do you feel will the build be solving down the bus let's let's take an example if you are a core UI developer or core I would say open source developer right like bass is a way to go but actually 70% of your coding skill will be reduced in build when you come to build so like you know if you know only 30% of the functions and how to use the libraries you can play around with build and you can create lot of automation over here so I would say like 70% will be reduced from your bass to Bild here all sdks as well as open libraries as well as your then Library functions so that helps you to create lot of process okay so in case of if I have to API that I have with any of the sap or non sap applications right so do we still have the HS or the build-in modules or sdks to do that as well the integration cap are also built in yes we have those apis and integration capabilities also built within your build apps and there are multiple triggers either you can trigger through your UI application or you can actually have your own UI trigger within your preconfigured bots so let's say I if I have a bot through my through bot I can give the the input for API trigger so if I have a agent running on my system right so I can have a so through my agent I can input that action to the yes that is possible okay so also we'll be able to develop a similar related application and we'll be able to publish it into the internal stakeholders or the internal users who can consume this as yes so let's there are various scenarios right you might actually have your Fury application in your portal site so if you have a launch pad into your btp you will create a p portal based application in your portal site so your application remain asses so from there your background mechanism will be built so build is comes complet automation engine where it can integrate to multiples multiple components and if you have your any if you if you have a native Fury app on sitting your S4 or or any system that is also you can trigger from that so wherever you have your application from there your bu you can trigger it build up we just keep the UI ass and then we just rewire the backend processes that helps a lot thank you thanks a a lot for the great session which was really helpful thank you so if you are a new if you're new to sap I would actually recommend to either onboard yourself as if you know some kind of automation or some kind of functional knowledge about like is it can be a if you know about supply chain industry function or you can know about education industry knowledge any any kind of a functional knowledge that helps you to to correlate particular supply chain in particular yeah supply chain yeah yeah supply chain industry right like do you have any experience on sap sap system like creating orders and all those things in sap zero no I only know that is important but if you have that minimal knowledge of supply chain industry that you can actually correlate something with youra and automation process but it is good to have some kind of like how to create an order like because sap deals with lot of tables internally as a system right like this helps you to just create automation process but if you want to see the real estate order you need a CP thing but you can learn along that one in coming days right like let should not be a toughest job but you can learn this things in the coming coming session or coming when you start your car into but if you have a background of Supply change it helps you to create automation process and can have another kind of a session or training to onboard yourself into sap SD and M so that we can actually become as an expert in this okay thank you so much other other there are some questions on the Q&A section like the first one which is posted is as far as I understood my by using sabp also we can make use of sap apis provided by sap for each core module to automate automize automatize automatize processes using business automation from btp is that right or am I wrong can read and answer that question please okay so coming back to that one right like so I have used the same btp API to create I have created my own form so in this form I have actually used sap pre-built apis and I have triggered that BPA process using that API so that is true we you can actually if suppose if you have a purchase order is created depending on the purchase order you can actually even do the same thing whatever process that you do you can create your own business process and you can actually take it forward from there so coming back to the next question so if you are 12 years of experience in AB will this technology help me to yes definitely like that that will be helpful to onboard yourself into a automation engineer and if you are Keen to let's take example like since you are ABAB developer it is good to have a fury experience because now btp is the next era ofp and because zp is investing into btp and they want to do lot of new co-innovation into gel using sap sources automation engineer or native build apps engineer anything about the curriculum anything about the training please ask the question I I also want to show you what what how what and how we will cover the training program you want me to take a quick session on the LMS so just kind of show them how the LMS will be how the documents will be shared all of that stuff if you want so if you can see my screen once you enroll with us I'm I'm just showing you our S4 data migration training which is going on right now just to give you an idea as to what you get from our earning management system how we conduct the training how the materials are shared video recordings how the sessions are conducted you know how you can get all your questions answered in the session offline off the session okay so this is our learning management system you will have access to this learning management system after you have enrolled with us for the training program the schedule of the training is Saturday and Sunday 9:30 a.m. Central or if you're in the Indian time zone it is it is about 8:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday three hours each day each session 2.5 to 3 hours and then so this is how you're going to get the LMS this can be opened from anywhere on any device so you can use it from your cell phone tablet laptop computer desktop whatever and you can access the session so this section right here you can raise any tickets you have about the server or anything like that curriculum will be posted right here you'll see all the curriculum the course which will be covered material sections I'll come to this section in a little let me go to the video recording so all the sessions you attend so right now these these participants for data migration are attending the session right after the session each and every video will be posted you can watch the video this is local to that particular LMS it's not accessed by anyone outside of the learning management system all those who have enrolled will have access to this they can see all the videos of the completed sessions so topic names will be listed you can see all of this stuff this is how the video recordings are shared you can watch these videos again from any device from you know any place as long as you have access to this learning management system also all the session topic links will be posted here so you can just click and attend the session Zoom links just like how you attended today so they had session on six July 6 July 7th now the next session will be July 13th this is the again I'm just showing you as a sample we are we are very particular about attendance so we'll take attendance and mark the attendance right here for you now let's get back to the material section we build all our course materials which includes the session PowerPoints assignments assessments inhouse so I'm going to show you a little bit just let's take one of the Powerpoints as you saw today's PowerPoint similarly we'll create all the Powerpoints but again the training is the Powerpoints is used only for you know like a structure for the training it's not a PowerPoint style of training where you're going to go into the PowerPoint the trainer is going to explain and then you know we are going through the PowerPoint PowerPoint training does not really work it has to be Hands-On so we follow an 8020 Hands-On to Theory type of training so most of it will be on the system itself but just so you can follow a structure we will have all the PowerPoint shared with you all of that is going to be here your assessments will be here as well let me just open just one of them I'm just opening it randomly lab activities assignments will be here all those again as you can see this is all local to I mean build by us we build everything inhouse you will have access to all of these documents and server details if there is anything will be posted here this particular data migration training has a lot of servers you know there's like six servers connected to each other all that we do ourselves we have we do end to end configurations we provide service for you know everything with all the data everything we configure all of this beforehand to provide best training so that's it about the LMS and learning man agement system and everything if someone has any question about this please ask of the server like after learning management system like know once I enroll into the course I am accessible for LMS I understand so on the server part right like so we are trying to have interprise account for btp based on the number of participants we will give um we will create so in btp because if you have Enterprise version you will be able to get a full fluit session Enterprise account right like we'll give BT Enterprise account as well as we'll give for Han Cloud access with RDP access and also because RDP is needed for you if you want to go ahead with something on the agent right like we will we'll install the agent into your bdps into yourp also and then you can start your session everything over there so we'll share all the details so if you come to your LMS and you'll have all the details over there my question was around validity of the account oh the validity so for for your server access you will be given access depending on the training so let's say the training finishes in a month you will have a month access if it finishes in two months you will have two month access but you will surely have the ability to extend that access as well all right again the training we are expecting this training to go for like at least a month so you'll have access for a month but if you want to extend that access we will provide that access as well okay if you want to Pro extend it and practice it for six months we'll do that three months we'll do that what would be the training perod for okay the training actually starts from next weekend coming weekend and it's Saturday and Sunday 9:30 a.m. Central Standard Time for 2 and a half to three hours each session that is in India it is uh p.m. C EST goes for two and a half to three hours you're expecting this training to finish in six weeks so one and a half month or 5 weeks depending on 3 hours or 2 and a half hours we also have lot of different options for installment payments as well they both are done through either Clara in on stripe in us and you have Emi options for India as well we'll send you all that through emails after the session also team like we have we have attached the course curriculum as part of our email you can also go through the course curriculum and and also we'll find tun something if you need additional topic we'll actually take on the fly in the session also everything is there as part of your email if you need additional details and also we do corporate trainings as well we are actually very big on corporate training we are we provide training for TCS KPMG Micron freshworks LTI we have about 250 customers sap customers for whom we train direct we are their direct vendors so if your employer and your team your manager has you know requirements please get back to us we offer at this point about 220 courses so that is also there and then we have a video platform where we sell videos we have lot of stuff we you know we have dedicated servers dedicated client servers again end to- endend implementation for quite a lot of courses in sap all the latest versions We have so again we have a dedicated portal for our video training as well if you if you've got some emails from us you'll see that we have a dedicated portal for video training as well if you go to Zar tech. if you you can see my screen sh we have about 129 or 130 courses in sap a lot of these courses are all live these are all video training programs again I'm not trying to sell you any video training program but you can always see all these courses we have on our platform we sell bundle packages to customers who buy 20 30 users for all the 129 courses or your individual courses prices are also here it's it's a very detailed course you get everything from you know your videos assignments assessments everything a lot of people do like to go through trainings at their own pace so we have all of that here as you can see this is a video training program for MDG again as a sample I'm showing you this video again assessment assignment quiz the whole nine yards is given to you also another thing which we do is we have a at the end of the training you get all the certification guides everything the whole nine yards you get on our platform another thing you get from us when you sign up is that at the end of the training you get a certificate of completion which is validated I mean it's a it's got an ID let's say you want to complete the certification and post it on your LinkedIn you know under Awards and certificates that's perfectly fine you want to showcase this online and then your employer wants to verify it they can come on our website verify that everything is all listed here so that's again this is just a video training platform it has nothing to do with the live training live training is a different SE you know this is a public badge anyone can join so yeah for the for the recorded video sessions which you which we just showing right so if I get it so is is it a lifetime validity that I have access to these videos no you will have access to these videos through our portal for one year there is no lifetime access okay so even for the live sessions we do have the same sort of a validity G right the live sessions are for the duration of the session so it's about one and a half months like depending you know it's a 30-hour course so if we cover five hours a week then it's going to go for six weeks that's live and then those same sessions which you attended live you will have those videos for a year yes okay yeah I mean the vality again Remains the Same for one year that's what yeah yeah yeah yeah absolutely okay yeah thank you so just to to Al point it the session will be more interactive so like we will touch very Less on PP so like we we want like we have a lot of lab activity so like once you we have the servers we will let you to do lot of lab activity and step by step this this is going to happen from your day one like we'll help you to on board to your trial account and also we'll first actually on board to to our Enterprise account and we'll mimic the same thing to your trial account then we'll take it from there like it's we're going to be more interactive and more lab activity perspective and we can learn more about the concepts and you can come up with your own scenario if you your organization we'll try to solve the problem as much as possible what I understand is you will get we will get the Enterprise account because I think btp is sap is already providing the free account correct so correct so yeah we will provide Enterprise account because as a company we have our separate Enterprise account we will onboard your you to our Enterprise account and during the training period you will actually able to access all those Services especially on the build apps and DP and also for you will have access to RDP as well as to your S4 Hana system but as far as resources we can provide you all the resources we have probably like about 200 or 220 questions set we can provide you that we can provide you all the links to the resources as far as doing what you have to do it's your you know you have to do that so we'll provide you the resources but we don't prepare anybody for anything you know what I'm saying don't have any idea about the build apps and in Industry what's work they are doing actually in build apps so means in course are you are you going to cover that what exactly the projects is in the market and how they are executing and how to prepare for it yeah so to touch up on that point right like because bu apps is something like Nish one or just upcoming service because based on my realtime experience so what is a use because I'm actually working on the top five companies what how they are looking into build apps and everything so I can actually touch up on those scenarios and use cases how it's been used and how the customers want to on board move migrate themselves from existing Fury application to build apps I'll just walk through those some some scenarios and new cases that will give some new idea like New Perspective how we can onboard yourself into that space too so other we have some questions how does btp connect us4 yeah so there are there are two parts right like you can create a destination in in build apps so if you come if if you come to sap build there is something called destination configuration that also ties up to your btp cockpit destination so once you create a destination in your build so the same Des will be created into your btp and through that you can actually connect your sort system we will show you in our also like S4 Han we'll try to we'll connect our S4 Hana system and and you can also practice as in your own of TR it's I'm a functional consultant what kind of automation that we can see from sales order perspective we already have open text tools for automatic order creation how btp is different from that so I touch upon that perspective like so if you have a aut creation process especially you might have cre hear about RPA agent or bot right like so because irpa was one of the product intelligent robotic process automation was one of the product launched recently and so if you want to create 100,000 or 10,000 orders using your Excel sheet you can create your own automation process using build BPA and with that one you can do lot of automation like order creation process order approval process a lot of things you can do from that so I have seen some customers have created a lot of lot of automation using BPA build and then they have automated through sap build automation process not through other open tools because once you have everything in your same ecosystem that helps you to design very little things then because if you go to open text you need to create your own data structure API contract lot of things but if you are into the same umbrella of sap or sa ecosystem you can reduce your development time or overall development site data so this is one of the part or automation through sales order process could you tou Bas a little bit more on the certification of you know what what certifications they can take after this training or or how much more preparation they have to do for that certification so sap WEP do not have extensive on btp do not have btp but as sap has a fullstack developer certification on btp so under fullstack developer like you have most of the session on build as well as Fury application as well as BPA component so using that one like you can actually like if you take a btp fullstack developer or a fullstack engineer so there are multiple levels like you have advanced level you have actually Medium as well as beginner level right like you can take any of this one like this ties up to those certification this training will help you to ties up to those certification sap full thank you so much I can see another one like if can you share if this app in btp or AB so these apps are in actually btp but on this question example right like if if you if you want to develop anything on ABAB like you need to go to Bass like you can actually pull your entire ABAB workbench into bass and you can start your development and build your own function module or your rfc's over there and you can create your own service and actually push back from bass to your backend system so from there you can actually integrate Your Bass with btp bass on btp with your ab system and you can actually start your development over time so bass is nothing but business application Studio it is it is completely you can integrate your entire development for a app in so we will show you how to use bass as part of this training like how to create a fury application or UI application but to pull the workbench or something like that that that comes as part of separate training because we going to talk about touch upon mostly on the build apps only not on the backp yes so you can create application in and bass and it will run on btp yes and also if you create any Fury application that also can be deployed and running on your S4 last one [Music]