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Overview of Graph Networks Lecture
Aug 2, 2024
Stanford S24W Course - Lecture on Graph Networks
Instructor Introduction
Josan (guest instructor on behalf of Yuri)
Former head TA of previous course offering
Graph Networks
Recap of Previous Lecture
Key Concept:
Node embedding
Encode nodes into a low-dimensional vector space
Learn a function to embed graphs into low-dimensional space
Core Problem:
Define the embedding function (f)
Node Embedding
Similarity Function:
Represents how nodes are close in the network
Encoder Function:
Maps nodes in the graph to embedding space
Encoder: Maps nodes to embeddings
Decoder: Defines similarity function
Similarity Functions
Random Walk-Based Similarity:
Nodes co-occurring in short random walks are similar
Shallow Encoder:
Uses an embedding matrix with columns representing nodes
**Limitations: **
Large parameter size, not suitable for large graphs
Only applies to seen nodes during training
Attribute Ignorance:
Doesn't incorporate valuable node attributes
Deep Graph Encoders
Improvement Over Shallow Encoders:
More expressive and powerful
Deep Graph Encoder:
Multiple layers of neural network transformations
Output Types:
Node embeddings, subgraph embeddings, entire graph embeddings
Machine Learning Tasks on Graphs
Node classification (e.g., drug toxicity prediction)
Link Prediction:
Recommender systems (e.g., user-item interactions)
Community Detection:
Anomaly detection in financial networks
Network Similarity:
Graph-level tasks (e.g., drug molecule classification)
Basics of Deep Learning
Optimization Problem:
Minimize loss function with input (X) to predict label (Y)
Input Data Types:
Vectors, sequences, matrices, graphs
Loss Functions:
L2 loss for regression, cross-entropy loss for classification
Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
Building Block:
Linear transformation + bias + non-linear activation (ReLU, sigmoid)
Two-dimensional input, three-dimensional hidden layer, one-dimensional output
Deep Learning for Graphs
Plan and Summary
Local Network Structure:
Describe the aggregation function for local neighborhood information
Computational Graph:
Specify computational architecture with multiple layers
Training Model:
Supervised and unsupervised learning examples
Graph Learning Method Properties
Permutation Invariance:
Graph does not have canonical ordering, output should be identical for any order
Permutation Equivariance:
Node representations should remain the same, order changes align with node labeling
Combine node and its neighborhood embeddings through shared neural weights and permutation-invariant functions
Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN)
**Process: **
Define computational graph based on local neighborhood structure
Propagate and transform information iteratively
Unroll computational graph iteratively for node A, considering neighbors and neighbors of neighbors
Number of Layers:
Corresponds to how far to look in the network (e.g., 2-layer GCN for diameter 2 graphs)
Neighborhood Aggregation:
Average neighbors' embeddings, apply neural transformations
Mathematical Representation of GCN
Node attributes (X_v)
Node embedding (D_v)
Layer-wise Transformation:
Combine node's own embedding and averaged neighbors' embeddings
Apply activation functions like ReLU
Permutation Properties:
Ensured through shared weights and aggregation functions
Efficient Training
Matrix Form:
Rewrite local computations to global sparse matrix multiplications (e.g., D^-1 * A * H)
Parallel Computing:
Utilize GPUs for efficient sparse matrix operations
Training Paradigms
Supervised Learning
Drug toxicity classification using node embeddings and cross-entropy loss
Unsupervised Learning
Use graph structure for self-supervision
Random walk-based similarity, matrix factorization, node proximity
Inductive Learning
Use trained network on unseen nodes or new graphs
Use Cases:
Predicting interactions in new protein interaction networks, new nodes in online platforms like YouTube
Similarities and Differences
Neighbor Aggregation:
GCN shares weights equally among neighbors, CNN uses predefined filters for structured data
Permutation Invariance:
GN handles arbitrary graph structures, CNN relies on pixel position in images
Parameter Sharing:
GCN shares parameters for all neighbors, CNN has unique weights for each pixel position
Basics of neural networks, motivation for graph deep learning, properties and architecture of GCN, training methods, comparison with CNN
Full transcript