Transcript for:
Understanding Cell Structure and Functions

hi everyone this is teacher jane of teach talk where learning is fun and easy if this is your first time watching our videos don't forget to subscribe and click that bell button so you'll get notified on our next videos welcome to shenzhen amazing [Music] from grade 7 to grade 12 including topics in general science biology chemistry physics and earth science addito bidang [Music] in this shenzhen amazing episode we will be focusing about the cells its structure and function let's have another trivia manga first we actually start off as a single cell very small later when we are born and when we grow up we have 37.2 trillion cells now that's very incredible guess what that number doesn't include the bacteria and microbes residing inside and outside of our body in this video we will be talking about the cells its structure and function since we are humans let's start by exploring our own type of cell the animal cell simulants cytoplasm the cytoplasm is where the organelles are suspended we have mitochondrion or mitochondria plural mitochondrion is where the cellular respiration takes place cellular respiration this process produces atp or adenosine triphosphate the energy currency of the cell parameter energy to do our daily activities we feel less energetic another organelle is the lysosome it is where the breakdown or cellular digestion of carbohydrates fats and proteins take place this is also called the suicide sac of the cell kapag metaman of foreign substances the lysosome ingests it and breaks it down paramegameth another organelle that we can find in the cytoplasm golgi bodies these are responsible for transporting modifying and packaging proteins and lipids at dial ceiling in charge the packaging of proteins and lipids which secret certain substances for our body another organelle is cytoplasm endoplasmic reticulum it is a network of pathways through which materials flow to different parts of the cytoplasm for short etoyung hyuwenang cell materials specific we have two types of er we have smooth and rough in the plasma critical continuous picture we encourage the part in bed the ribosomes this is the smooth endoplasmic reticulum it is responsible for lipid metabolism and detoxification of drugs on the other hand jung rough endoplasmic reticulum naman meronshang embedded ribosomes which are responsible for making proteins one part of the cell which we can observe is the cell membrane or plasma membrane it is a double layered differentially permeable membrane of the cell anubang ibisabi then differentially permeable it permits some materials to pass through the cell and nissan pak fashion materials means materials in this way the cell maintains its equilibrium and stays normal we have the nucleus the nucleus is said to be the control center of the cell why is it so because it contains chromosomes so chromosomes akikitanatan and genetic material nangisang organism which contains the instructions from parent to offspring we are done with the basic parts of the cell let's proceed to the cell parts that we can only see in plants this is a picture of a plant cell parts which are exclusive or nasa plants first the cell wall which is the rigid outer protective cover of the plant cell the animal cell merontaeing cell membrane as protective coat perosa plant cell merencil extract coat or cover which is rigid to protect the plant cell it maintains the plant cell shape another part of mahiki tanatensa plant cell only is the large central vacuole young color blue is a picture it is responsible for intracellular digestion space feeling and control of cell turgor unavoiding self-trigger it refers to the turgidity you will discuss more about it on a separate video remember the terms hypertonic hypotonic isotonic malacking role ancient plain and large central vacuole topic another part exclusive to plant cell are plastids the most famous plastid is chloroplast which is responsible for photosynthesis or the food making process in plants aside from chloroplast we also have other plastids just like chromoplastid which contains carotenes and centrophiles which are different colors or different pigments in plants puntanavantaya exclusively found in animal cells this is an animal cell our cell is like this the centrosome plays an important role in cell division and avoiding cell division it is a way in which our body makes new cells in order to replace oparama fill in new manga places manga cells that already died variation in structure and form of cells different appearance compared to the plant cell and animal cell they are stuck side by side and they protect the underlying parts of the leaf their parts are also arranged differently halimbaba mara misilan chloroplast while the guard cells which are kidney shaped they form the stomata or the breathing force of the plants panama exchange and gases when the guard cells are swollen they form a curve at yon yung open in stoma and during that time papa and carbon dioxide if it is closed or young guard cells the stoma is closing the substance through the stomach we also have cells in the stem of a plant unlike other plant cells these cells serve a special purpose as passage of food and water and are elongated and thickened [Music] then we have root hair cells so roots long plant metamanga small hair which are composed of cells as well these root hair cells increase the absorbing capacity of roots paramasmadaming minerals and water and mate in another one the cells with cilia in our windpipe au jung passageway papuantesa lungs what is the purpose blacket mycelia parama remove on dust particles from the air we inhale this is a type of defense of our body parandima de lima contaminate lungs then we also have white blood cells or angating manga leukocytes these white blood cells engulf okina infectious agents that enter our body in order for us to not get sick it's good time pada malama nathan if you really learn something you will have a three minute quiz after that we will check so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] time's up let's check if correct answers no number one it contains the cell's genetic material the answer here is the nucleus and genetic material and aka stores have chromosomes number two it helps remove dust particles from the air we inhale makita number three it releases energy to be used by the cell another process to release energy cellular respiration assanita take place some mitochondrion number four it contains chlorophyll and responsible for photosynthesis sub plants we have chloroplasts and last item number five a network of pathways in the cell highway non-cell this is the er or in the plasmic reticulum we want to see how much you've learned kindly comment your scores in the comment section below that ends our change amazing episode for today don't forget to subscribe like and share this video to your friends so that we can learn together bye [Music] [Music] you