Hey Jasmine, have you done your TOK Essay? What TOK Essay? Through your journey in the Diploma Programme you will find that most of your time will be spent on your laptop. It will be your one companion through this tough time. and you will bring it... EVERYWHERE Due dates will be your worst nightmare. And like all DP students, you will procrastinate to the very last minute. Not because you want to, but because you have no time. And you will find yourself full of ideas gathered from all parts of your course, but when it comes down to it, you will struggle to write even a single word. Having to do six subjects along with your Extended Essay, TOK and CAS points means you literally have no time on your hands. it's crunch time late nights spent on IAs and Written tasks will consume your time. But you will always manage to find some food to snack on. On top of all your home assignments you will find that there will be weekly tests. you will encounter many focused students, though you will find your own mind wandering off. and you will think about... Nature... Food you ate last night... or the recent funny vine videos that you’ve watched. Before you know it, the test it over. And you will think you have done a terrible job, and seek comfort in those who also feel the same way. but do not fall for such empathetic action because while you received your expected score of a 34, that person you sought comfort from, received a ‘suprising’ score of 97. And now that you have time to hang out, your graphic calculator took over your life. You will find your calculator literally everywhere. and now your friends are judging you. CAS is life. And you will find yourself trying to turn everything into cas hours. Is shopping a part of Creativity hours? Urgh...So much walking... It this part of Action hours? Oh...Someone needs my help...Here i'll help you...ok Ok this is heavy... I bet you this is Service hours...Yeah...it's Service hours But don't worry, we all went through it, and so will you.