Creating a Chart with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript using Chart.js

Jul 2, 2024

Creating a Chart with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript using Chart.js


  • Video on how to create a chart using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Use of Chart.js library to design the chart.

Setting Up the Project

  1. Folder Creation
    • Create a folder named chart.
    • Open folder in VS Code.
  2. File Creation
    • Create index.html for HTML content.
    • Create style.css for CSS styles.
    • Create main.js for JavaScript code.

HTML File Setup

  • Basic HTML5 template: ! + Tab.
  • Link CSS file: <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">.
  • Link JavaScript file: <script src="main.js"></script>.
  • Create HTML structure:
    • Heading: <h2 class="chart-heading">Popular Programming Languages</h2>.
    • Container: <div class="programming-stats">.
    • Chart Container: <div class="chart-container"><canvas class="my-chart"></canvas></div>.
    • Details: <div class="details"><ul><li>Python: <span class="percentage">30%</span></li></ul></div>.

JavaScript File Setup

  • Reference HTML canvas element: const myChart = document.querySelector('.my-chart');
  • Initialize Chart.js chart:
    new Chart(myChart, {
        type: 'doughnut',
        data: chartData,
        options: { /* Customize chart options */ }
  • Define chart data:
    const chartData = {
        labels: ['Python', 'Java', 'JavaScript', 'C#', 'Others'],
        datasets: [{
            label: 'Language Popularity',
            data: [30, 17, 10, 7, 36],
            backgroundColor: [/* Color list */],
  • Populate the unordered list using JavaScript wrapper function:
    const populateUL = () => {
        chartData.labels.forEach((l, i) => {
            let li = document.createElement('li');
            li.innerHTML = `${l}: <span class="percentage">${[i]}%</span>`;

CSS Styles

  • Heading Styling: .chart-heading (font, color, text-transform, etc.)
  • Chart Container: .chart-container (width, centering, etc.)
  • Hide Default Legends:
    options: {
        plugins: {
            legend: { display: false }
  • General Styles (e.g., margin, padding adjustments).
  • Flexbox for layout alignment.
  • List item styling and percentage span.

Final Adjustments

  • Use of Google Fonts for specific typography.
  • CSS transitions for hover effects.
  • Box-shadow adjustments for UI richness.

Running and Viewing

  • Use Live Server extension in VS Code to view changes in a browser.
  • Final confirmation by testing real-time data updates in the chart and the list.


  • Complete guide to creating a dynamic chart with additional details using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Chart.js library.
  • Users are encouraged to inspect the source code if needed (link provided in the video description).

Additional Resources

  • Source code link for better referencing.
  • Encouragement to ask questions in the comments for clarifications.
  • Invitation to like the video and subscribe for more similar content.