hey there I want to continue what we started like two weeks ago um I'm teaching you how to get rich starting from zero and I've had a lot of comments and I want to address this because I've had a lot of comments people saying when is this guy going to get to the how to get rich starting from zero and and and and and and and I find that fascinating I and I can appreciate the lack of patience and I can appreciate your desire to get it but I like I started getting to it when I first opened my mouth two weeks ago um the idea that how to get rich starting from zero I mean think about it you're an adult think about whatever age you are think about however long you've been working I started working when I was 14 I'm 63 so I started working like 20 uh what is that uh 39 years ago got my first job right and so the idea that you can work for most of your life and barely e out a meager existence and then somebody's going to get on a 30- minute video and tell you how to get rich starting from zero in 30 minutes I I think that desire is delusional there's more there's so much to it there's so many nuances what I'm attempting to do in this video so I'm attempting to show you like how do you get rich starting from zero if it were just one just step one step two step three step four if it were that simple and that easy everybody would already be doing it but there's so much more to it than that and so I'm going to read you some numbers because I had my account and give me some more numbers um so um and right currently um currently if you average out our revenue for the last 4 and A2 years it's um a little over 9 $9 million per year okay A little over 9 million for the last four years but when I look at that like individual Revenue 2020 1,584 6037 that's what we generated in revenue for 2020 20121 6, 58,000 um $554 that's 2021 2022 15, 630,000 $22749 2023 12, 814,000 190 um and the reason I'm giving you specific numbers is because anybody can talk about how to make $10 million anybody can talk about how to make 50 million 100 million but nobody makes num re does generates Revenue in even numbers for a whole year it just doesn't work like that so I'm giving you specific numbers so you can understand that there are specific things that you have to do and yes it it's taking like when I created this outline I created this outline to teach it in one sitting and here I am part three so yeah you may have to go back and watch part one again and you may have to go back and watch part two again and you have to go back and watch part three again and maybe there'll be a part four maybe I'll get through all of it today but regardless like you have to put in the work and the work the most valuable work you will ever do is the work you do on yourself and so becoming the person who can even receive what I'm talking about is a bigger part of the work than me giving you steps that you're think you're going to go f fulfill just because you know what they are the reality is if I only talk to you about what to do instead of about who to become what's up Steve um instead of who to become right if I don't talk to you about who to become before I talk to you about what you have to do if you're not the person who can do it you're not going to do it anyway even if you know what to do and that's most people's story right you know it it ain't what like it's not people say I I don't understand the Bible okay but it's not the parts of the Bible you don't understand you got a problem with it's the parts you do understand it's not the parts of life that you don't understand that you have a problem with it's the parts you do understand you ain't doing and so what we got to do is we got to get to the place where we understand that becoming the person who is able and willing to do the thing is as critical as the steps in fact more critical than the steps on how to do the thing and until you get that down you're it doesn't matter who talks it doesn't matter if it's me if it's Alex Orosi if it's Jordan Peterson doesn't matter if it's Dan lock it doesn't matter who it doesn't matter who it is anybody teaching you how to create wealth it doesn't M if you don't become the person it doesn't matter who's teaching you're still not going to do it because the formula that God gave in Genesis chapter 1 is be do have which means don't be can't do can't do can't have be a little do a little do a little have a little be a lot do a lot do a lot have a lot and so the number one objective that would be beneficial for all of us to have is how can I become more than I've been being okay so now that I said all that let's get into um how do to get restarting from zero and I read the passage um and I'm not going to read the whole thing because I did that on Parts one and two but ver Deuteronomy 8:18 but Thou shalt remember the Lord thy God for it is he that giveth Thee the power to get wealth that he may establish his Covenant which he swear unto thy Fathers as it is to day let me let me start with that part the Reason God promised to give his children wealth was not just so they could buy do stuff but what so he could establish his Covenant which he swear unto our fathers what does that mean well if you go back and you read Genesis CH 12 and Genesis chapter 13 and then you read Genesis chapter 14 you will see that in Genesis CH 12 God called a man named Abram I believe I believe that Abram's name was the source of Abram shame and the source of Abram's pain because his name means High father but he couldn't have any children and so he's the high father with no children and so every time somebody called his name it reminded him of who he was not right and so just like there are people in your life right now who won't let you forget who you were in the past so you can step into who you're supposed to be in the present and the future God said to Abram you've got to get out of the land of the familiar you got to leave your country you got to leave your Kindred you got to leave your father's house and the reason you have to leave those four things is because if you stay there they will not let you step into your new identity that I'm going to give you which is exalt which is um which is um father of many nations not I'm not going to take you from being the high father with no children to being the father of many nations and God said if you will leave the land of the familiar by the way do you understand God is calling all of us from the land of the familiar if what you knew work to do what you're supposed to do you'd already be doing it right it's the stuff you're familiar with that's got you stuck like Chuck in a pickup truck it's the stuff you know how to do that's got you broke as a joke and ready to joke so we got to learn something we got to learn how to become a different kind of a new kind of person it's not about just learning how some new stuff to do okay so um God said if you will leave I'll bless you in ways you can't bless yourself I'll give you things you can't get yourself I'm going to take the source of your shame make the source of your Fame he said I'm going to bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed that was God's call on Abram's life the very next chapter says in Genesis 13 verse number two it says and Abram was very rich in cattle and Silver and Gold God gave Abram the power to create wealth so much so that that was in Genesis chap 13 that in Genesis chapter 14 when Abraham waged war against five nations with 3 I think 18 servants that were born in his house he waged war against five nations and one and then wouldn't accept any reward from the kings of the kingdoms who he saved because he didn't want them to say they made Abraham Rich why because he wants the world to know that my blessing comes from above it doesn't come from around me it comes from above me okay so because God promised to bless Abraham God and and Abraham's seed after him and according to Galatians Chapter 2 by the way Christianity does not replace the Jews so don't get that in your goofy little Doctrine that's a goofy little Doctrine right goofy little churchan we replace the Jews yeah the Brits thought that too but they didn't either um anyway another conversation for a different day there's no replacing the Jews that's God's tree and then when you receive Christ as Savior then you get grafted into their tree you don't replace their tree by the way there's so much in the Bible about trees it's mind-blowing um so so when you understand that we're grafted in a tree the scripture says we are the Seed of Abraham by faith in Christ Jesus and HS with him of the same promise God keeps his promise to establish his covenant not just so you can have a Lamborghini or Rolls-Royce or Mercedes-Benz or BMW there nothing wrong with those things but those are not the purpose of the wealth that God has blessed you to create the purpose of the wealth that God has blessed you to create is to establish his Covenant which he swear unto our fathers as it is this day that's the reason okay now and and a covenant by the way is not a contract it's the opposite of a contract a contract is an agreement between two or more individuals based upon a mutual ual distrust a covenant is an agreement between two or more individuals based upon a mutual love and trust and when you enter into Covenant with somebody you're literally swearing on your own existence you're swearing on your life to keep your promise and if you don't keep your promise you die the death of a mutilated animal so when God says I'm doing this to establish my Covenant God's literally saying if I'm lying I'm dying in fact the word truth is alaf meav and ala is God and meav is the word met which means death which mean which implies it doesn't mean this but it implies that if God does not keep his word then God himself has to die and if God dies everything ceases to exist so literally the existential nature of the universe is predicated upon God keeping his word okay so now that was a whole mouthful let's get into um the we talked about last week proficiency and skill set Innovation marketing and sales and money management now we're going to talk about proficiency of your tool set uh you need to have Proficiency in your tool sets that you use for building your awareness everything all transformation begins with awareness you have to become aware of what's missing you have to become aware of what's possible you have to become aware of what's possible for you you have to become aware aware of who you have to become you have to become aware of what you have to do and then you have to become aware of what you can have you don't have to become aware of all of those at the same time but your awareness has to be be becoming increasingly more and more and if you are like our do you understand that the awareness that we have of the things that we have awareness of also make us unaware of the things we don't have awareness of like our awareness is a blind spot the biggest hindrance to no learning is thinking that you already know and you may actually already know but the things that you know we you have to become hyper intentional not to let those things keep you from learning what you don't know and so it's it's it's interesting when you have conversations with people and you can see clearly that they're previously programmed preconceived notions that they think are original thoughts that they were born with that they learn from somebody else who may or may not have had their best interest in mind they operate as if that is the gospel truth right like well this is what I believe you oh oh you got to work hard for 8 hours work for 8 hours pay I I get that that's what you believe but you weren't born believing that so where did that belief come from and does it serve you and does it give you the ability to serve other people and doesn't give you the ability to serve your family at the highest level I get that that's what you believe right um um um making money is evil okay that's great I understand that you believe that but you weren't born believing that that money is inherently evil you somebody programmed you to believe that and the dangers of being programmed to believe that is we will never work to produce intentionally something that we despise subconsciously and so if you subconsciously despise wealth it doesn't matter who teaches you what you're not going to create wealth because you you you will be a double-minded man you'll have a desire for the wealth but at the same time you'll have dis a disdain for the same wealth and the scripture says a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways let not that man think he shall receive anything of the Lord so what I've got to do is I've got to figure out how can I how can I get my understanding of Doctrine to be more congruent how can I get my understanding of the way life Works to be more in line with the way life works and less in line with the way the people who I learned from thought life worked even though that may or may not be how life worked m I wish I had some help in here and so so so you've got to you've got to increase your awareness and the only way to increase your awareness is by learning what you don't know and the only way to learn what you don't know is to be okay with the idea that what you currently believe may not be so if it is so you don't have to worry about it not being so if it's so like I don't have like I believe the Bible but I'm open to somebody coming and challenging me by the way if you don't know the Bible if you've never studied the Bible like I don't know the Bible but I'm a pretty diligent student of it and I've studied it for a long time I'm open to somebody having a conversation with me that doesn't believe the Bible why I'm not afraid of what they might say why because I've made myself infinite I've made myself um um what's the word not infinitely familiar I've made myself um consciously and unconsciously familiar with the principles of scripture over a long enough period of time that I'm not worried about somebody shaking my faith but even when I read my read the Bible I attempt to approach it without out a preconceived notion even of the things I already believe so that the spirit of God can show me what I don't know yet I don't approach it seeking to prove what I know I approach it seeking to learn what I don't know and the same thing is true in business like yes I'm successful but could I be more successful yes our business makes a lot of money could it make more money say well I don't think it matters if you could make more money I'm going to let you go ahead and keep believing that delusion I'm not I don't even have time to work on that right now but just like every other aspect of my life my desire is to max max out my life financially without it being detrimental to the other aspects of my life that are as important and so if you're like like how how much money do you want to make as much as I can that's the that's my total answer and I know a lot of people don't like that I know a lot of people watching YouTube I can't believe you said that this guy is such a Prosperity Gospel pre whatever whatever do your thing like but but if your only argument against someone's opinion is calling them a name that in your mind disqualifies their opinion you might want to go back and study some okay just say it like maybe you should come up with a logical argument like come up with some actual reasons why you disagree as opposed to just emotionally disagreeing because that's what the people who programmed you programmed you to believe and feel hashtag just say it okay so increase your awareness how read more books turn your television off if you are struggling financially a television like a TV you're or watching movies on Netflix on your computer or your phone or Amazon you're watching other people live fake lives and that time that you're spending watching them live fake lives live fake lives is keeping you from developing a real life you're watching other people live their dreams while you're live in a nightmare it doesn't make any sense well it doesn't make sense to me maybe it does make sense maybe there's something I'm missing that possibility does exist however I don't believe it's the case so um so you're awareness has to increase your awareness of the possibilities increase when you read more books when you attend more seminars when you study more when you have think time do you have think time do you have time to just sit down and think about the things you think about because most people don't think they just think they think so you build your awareness you need to use tools for building awareness are primary tool for me for building awareness is books audio books and physical books I personally don't like ebooks I mean they're out there and I have some eBooks that I produce cuz some people like them I don't like reading ebooks I feel like I'm on the same page the entire time and I know that's my own internal weirdness I'm willing to own that I'm willing to own that but you know what I like about a physical book when I get halfway through my my left hand and my right hand can tell I'm halfway through I like that and I know it's probably an old school thing some of you young people are think that's really goofy I know but I'm old and Goofy so deal with it okay so build your awareness books ebooks start there here's why here's why I recommend start with books because even if you don't have money your town probably probably has a library they will let you borrow the books for free what when I was broke guess what I did I used my library card I'd go to the library I'd borrow the books for free I'd read them I'd take notes I'd apply what I learned and lo and behold I eventually made enough money to buy my own books now I got my own Library are you tracking and so so increase your awareness tool sets for increasing your awareness number two tool sets for increasing your audience there are tools that we have today for increasing your audience that have never existed in the history of the world and now like anybody who has any business can attract clients and build an audience around the world it's kind of mind-blowing it's kind of mind-blowing to me that right now while I'm talking to a group of people in this room I don't know it looks like maybe 40 people in this room there's probably another, 1200 people watching me on the internet all around the world right now that's mind-blowing to me when has that existed ever right so you want to learn to use the tools that can build your audience why because all of the money that you desire to make and don't have right now it's in somebody else's pocket they're only going to hand it over if you hit them in the head or otherwise hold them up or provide something to them that's of more value than the money that they'd have to pay you for that value I don't want to hold anybody up I don't want to hit anybody in the head so what I'm going to do is I'm going to keep on creating value for other people so that they can hand over money to me and I can hand over something to them that's more valuable to them than the money that they gave me are y'all tracking every everybody say yes okay cool so you use the tools to build your audience what kind of tools am I talking about I'm talking about email marketing I'm talking about audience building on YouTube I'm talking about audience building on Instagram I'm talking about audience building on LinkedIn I'm talking about audience building on podcast I'm talking about audience building on Facebook like any way possible audience building by being a guest a virtual guest on other people's platforms all of these are ways or tools that exist you know I don't like social media guess what neither do I but guess what the people I serve like social media so guess what I'm going to do I'm going to get on social media so they can find me like I'm not I like I I do watch a lot of YouTube videos um because I'm watching YouTube videos to learn things I don't know so I watch a lot of YouTube I don't mean a little I mean a lot like I watch guitar videos on YouTube I watch business videos on YouTube I watch investment videos on YouTube why to learn the things that I don't know because I know that the the vast ocean of information and knowledge that I don't know is so much greater than the little teaspoon of knowledge I have that man it's time like every day I want to go swimming in that knowledge pool every day go swimming go swimming see if I can soak up some more knowledge okay so audience building so I want to I want to use the tool set I want to master and become proficient in by the way um when it comes to building um an audience what if your objective was to what's the word I'm looking for what if your objective was to diligently put out content and then allow the feedback that comes back from that content to mean what it means and nothing else what does that mean so you put out content one person likes it you think nobody likes my content I'm not doing this anymore well that's one way to look at it but what if you looked at the fact okay people didn't like my content because I was talking to them about stuff I wanted to talk about instead of talking to them about stuff they wanted to hear about oh my next piece of content I can make better by just making it more for them than for me instead of attempting to get the world interested in my stuff show the world that I'm interested in their stuff did anybody else hear choir singing when I said that like it's like it's like the reality is I'm Blown Away by how people who think that they want to be entrepreneurs but they're really entrepreneurs they go out into the marketplace touting things that they want to tout and are mad at the world because nobody wants to hear about it it's mind-blowing like let the feedback mean what the feedback means I did 17 presentations nobody bought great that's feedback what does it mean get it means you have to get better at sales or you are going to starve that's what it means like you say well I put out a video and I only got 10 views I've done conferences I've done events hear me now that had six people in them nine people and made thousands of dollars in an hour but we think somehow 10 people on YouTube doesn't matter well if we look if we look those 10 views like oh that's 10 people my audience grp you get 10 new subscribers a month that's 10 new people per month who said o I want to know when you create something new but see to you that's not that big of a deal you know why because you're too busy doing what the scripture tells you not to do what tells us isn't wise to do they that compare themselves among themselves measuring themselves by themselves are not wise I can sit here and compare myself with other people my my content is just as good as theirs and they have 10 times in subscribers I could do that or I could just get better and see do you do you realize that having a desire to be good is the enemy of the desire to get better did you hear what I just said the desire to be good and for people to think you're good is the enemy to the desire to get better my desire to get better so I know I'm going to tell you something now we have 691 th000 subscribers on YouTube I'm not good at YouTube yet and I know some of you are thinking well if you're not good at YouTube there's no hope for me no if I'm not good at YouTube That's all the hope for you that's all the hope for you because you can get better I've been on YouTube for 17 years I didn't even know for the first 15 years that YouTube monetization was a thing I did not know it existed like I know some of you are thinking dude what how could you not know that I just didn't know you don't know what you don't know and you but guess what when I decided I'm going to be consistent on YouTube my objective was not I'm going to be consistent on YouTube if I get 1 th000 subscribers a month I'm going to be consistent on YouTube if I get 10,000 subscribers a month no I'm going to be consistent on YouTube for 10 years and after 10 years I'm going to go back and look at how well it's working I'm going to double down on the stuff that's working and by the way you don't have to wait for 10 years you can do it on the way and guess what fortunately for me because most of the gravitropic work that I did if you don't know what gravitropic means go watch my video on um The Gardener who is the garden I think that's the name of it but anyway um gravitropic means the stuff that happens in the dark when nobody's watching the gravitropic work that I did I did before I got on YouTube I did before I realized YouTube had monetization so when I turned the camera on the roots that could produce the fruit were already deep enough to produce a very high tree like my YouTube channels like the what do they call the Japanese bamboo tree you water it for 5 years and nothing happens and then in the fifth year it grows 90 ft right so but you got to keep cultivating it when it looks like nothing's happening but something is happening it's just happening out of your sight don't worry don't let the things that you see discourage you from the things that you can't see that's what it means when it says we walk by faith and not by sight he's Paul's not commen commending us for doing that he's commanding us to do that that's what we're supposed to be doing are y'all tracking okay so so build your audience and just just make up your mind I'm going to get good at audience building what if that was your only goal I'm going to get better every time I produce content I'm going to make that content somewhat better than the last time like when I come one of the reasons I love coming here and I only come here a couple times a week but when I I love coming here is because I remember when this room used to look like the other side over there of our studio and now I come in here and it's like the state-of-the-art studio why because every month we're going to make it better we're going to make it better we're going to make it better we're going to make the quality of the cameras better we're going to make the lighting better we're going to make and and we just kept on iterating and we're still iterating now I'm all of my focus on how can I make the content better make the content better make the content better make the content better make the content better make the content better because say but your content's already good enough it's good enough for you it's not good enough for me and because my objective is to get better and to get to the point where I'm eventually really really good because I believe that it's possible even in the Enterprise space I believe it's eventually that it's possible to get to the point where you put out a video and it gets two three four five million views in the first 30 days I believe that's possible but I'm not good enough to do that yet but I'm okay with not being good enough to do that yet because I'm willing to get better at it as I'm doing it are y'all tracking okay so so um so the first part is BU tool like become proficient in building your uh your tool sets that build your awareness proficient in your tool sets that build your audience and then proficient and tool sets that build your your assets um when I talk about assets assets are anything that you create that income can follow okay so if you understand that assets are anything that you create that income can follow then the question is what can I create that income can follow is that does that make sense so you can either invent a product like you can invent something people invent stuff all the time and then you can let the world know hey I invented this really really cool thing that helps you get this thing that a lot of people want to do and almost nobody can do it then you tell the world and they say okay I'll take one right so you can invent something or because inventing is yeah let's look at it so how can I become more proficient how can I become more proficient in building my assets so if you look at the four levels of value right and the lowest level of value is implementation and on the implementation level I use my muscles over time muscles are a physical resource time is a limited resource so when I'm implementing I'm using my I'm using a physical resource times a limited resource and by the way wealth is a spiritual outcome wealth is spiritual which by the way is one of the reasons gold is the physical substance that represents abundance because gold is a type of spirituality what do you mean it's a type of spirituality because gold is the only is one of the few precious metals that does not corrode or rust so it's Timeless like it's like it's it's it it holds its value over time okay anyway so so I can I can can invent stuff down here I can either work a job or I can come down here in my go into my little lab and I can create stuff into my little workstation I can make stuff right or um the second level is unification and on the unification level the unification level of of value then that means I'm managing a team so I manage I manage a team and I managing the team and the team's producing whatever I'm doing but the wealth begins to be created Above This dotted line so I can either use my muscles over time or I can go recruit a bunch of people teach them how to use their muscles over time or I can step into the arena of communication where wealth begins to be created communication commu commun communication communication so now what if I start if I create assets down here the amount of Revenue these assets down here can create can generate for me is going to be limited if I create assets here it's it's greater than the ones here but it's less than the ones up here because up here now h i could write a song and that song could become a hit and I could sell 100 million albums wouldn't that be cool 100 million albums at $10 a piece that'd be like a billion dollars H maybe I should go work on that song okay or I could I could sell insurance or I could sell cars or I could sell houses or I could write books oh I can write conjure it up in my head like just oh I think about an idea oh I put it on paper oh see if anybody wants to buy it and then I say hey I wrote this book on this thing and then people buy it so when I'm I become proficient in creating assets it could be a book it could be a course could be a course it could be a mastermind it could be a certification so all of these things are like I want to make how can I create or I come up here to the imagination level and when I'm up here working in my imagination level all of this stuff that I'm doing all the stuff that I'm doing up here people are just paying me for my ideas because they want my ideas in their head and they'll pay me money to get my ideas in their head so I become proficient in creating assets so one of one of like one of my favorite kind of assets to create is what I call an anyway offer okay say my what's an anyway offer okay an anyway offer is when I take something I'm going to do anyway take something I'm going to do what anyway anyway and then I let people either watch me do it or do it with me if they pay me because I'm going to do it what anyway right so for instance I was talking earlier about how you know I have masterminds in the sky for my VIPs VIPs pay me $350,000 why do they pay me $350,000 so they can get eight hours of coaching from me they get an interview on my YouTube channel they get to do masterminds in the sky with me which means they get to fly to Tampa and then fly with me wherever I'm going literally had a VIP flying today she just got here she is going to fly she flew here from Atlanta this morning to fly back to Atlanta with me this afternoon that's an any I'm going to fly to Atlanta anyway right I remember one time I was at a mastermind in Boise Idaho I'm there a guy another guy who's there who used to be my Mastermind he's like hey if you got room on your jet I'd love to fly back to Tampa with you and I thought to myself I bet you would right and so what I do I created an anyway offer I said I'll tell you what I'm going to do I'll let you because it was just me and Jose right we're going to fly back I'm going to take a nap or I can make an offer an anyway offer what kind of offer anyway offer so I said I'll tell you what I'm going to do I said you pay me $225,000 you can fly back with me on my Jet and I'll teach you how I get paid to fly private so you can stop getting stuck and cuz his flight was he had to fly from Boise Idaho to San Francisco to fly back to Tampa but if he came back with me he'd get back that same day then he flew back the other way he'd get back in the middle of the night so I made that offer to him he said okay so he wired me $25,000 I said well I already made this offer and I'm going to make the trip anyway and somebody already paid me what anyway so I might as well make the offer to a couple more people right and so I made the offer to maybe six more people two other people said hey I'll pay you $25,000 for your anyway offer right so that's three people who paid me $25,000 to fly back on the plane with me and I was going to fly back how anyway so I turned my ideas they they weren't paying just to fly on the plane they were paying so they could be on the plane with me and so they could learn what I know so they could apply it to what they do so I created an anyway offer so I use I that's that's like turning my imagination into compensation but like am I going to sell a book for 25,000 probably not am I going to sell an invention for 25,000 probably not am I going to build a team that's going to generate $25,000 worth a conversation probably not but I can say hey I'm going to be doing this thing anyway and if you want to do it with me hey just pay me this money and they pay now I'm telling you that because I would have never thought of that idea I would have never thought of that idea if I were the kind of person who resisted paying for premium value because the only reason I came up with that offer was because I got sick of being shuffled around by we will inconvenience you at our convenience Airlines you say which one's that Delta American southwest all of them all the commercial airlines cattle cars in the sky I'm I got tired of I got tired of them losing my luggage I got tired of delaying My Flights I got tired of them canceling my flights I I got tired of all of it I ain't doing it anymore right so what did I do I said what I'm going to do is I am going to create I'm going to fly private from now on before I knew how much it was going to cost when I found out how much it was going to cost it cost more than twice as much as I thought it was going to cost you know what most people do right there they you know I spoke too soon but because I decided and I we had a trip going from Tampa to Las Vegas I contacted a friend I thought it was going to be 25 to 30,000 he said it's going to be $60,000 I said it's going to be how much he said yeah you got to put your big boy pants on I said I only got big boy pants to get to Jet cuz now you don't tick me off but guess what I did then I said okay I've already decided to do this how can I create an offer that will pay for it but if I would have if I would when he said it was 60,000 if I would have retreated to the land of the familiar I would not have figured out a way to not pay for it but to get paid for operating at that level because when I decided to do something that was outside my current currency comfort zone my current currency comfort zone I decided to do something that was outside of that it gave me the ability to tap into a level of creativity that I could not tap into any other way so when you resist opportunities because of how much they cost you're not just re you're not just resisting the opportunity to pay you're also resisting the opportunity to get get paid okay y'all tracking so um you have to have Proficiency in your tool set you have to have proficiency U so the next one so the power to get well so we talked about the proficiency of your tool set now let's talk about the power of your passion we talked about the power of proficiency now we're going to talk about the power of passion what's the power of passion your passion for your purpose you have to have a passion for your purpose like you have to become the kind of person for whom purpose is one of your most OB excessive Pursuits you were created for a purpose you cannot be successful apart from that purpose you can make money apart from that purpose you can have lots of friends apart from that purpose you can have lots of Fame apart from that purpose but you cannot be successful apart from your purpose are y'all tracking and so what you have to do is you have to decide okay I am going to do the thing that makes the most sense for me staying in my purpose now I can't tell you specific what your purpose is but I can tell you generally what your purpose is and I can tell you specifically how to find it so generally what is your purpose please God serve people that's your purpose that's everybody's purpose who's ever existed please God serve people you do one of those you're going to be maybe marginally fulfilled you do both of them you will be more fulfilled in way in ways you can't even begin to imagine otherwise okay so serve God I mean please God serve people it's number one number two you're going to find your purpose at the intersection of your passion the thing you love to do and your proficiency the thing you're good at so I love and and and and by the way you might that intersection might be something you've never seen you've never seen exist in the world before right you might find that intersection of passion and proficiency at a place where nobody's ever done this thing before or you've never seen anybody do this thing before and so now you're in this new place you got to figure it out it's okay though because if God Made You for that purpose it's already in you to figure it out and the stuff you're supposed to figure it out with is already in your path because God put the garden there before you put the man there to dress it and keep it so your purpose was here before you were here for your purpose okay so so you got to be the power of passion why is the power of passion so important because if I'm if I'm focused on if I have a passion for my purpose then now I have two drivers and not just one what are the two drivers one I love doing this thing two I know it's what I was created for so I know and I know there are people there are church people who are practicing what I call churchianity who like think I am the devil incarnate I've been called the Antichrist I've been called a false prophet I've been called a Prosperity Gospel preacher I get it I know like your emotions are high because like that's what often times like churchianity does to people it gets them high emotions but they don't like they don't dive deep on the doctrine and so I get it and I don't have any hate for those people I just understand what I'm dealing with right but I know my purpose I love the Bible I've loved it since I started reading it and I never read anything before that like I loved it since I started reading it it made sense to me and I've been confused since I was 16 years old why more people who go to church and claim to believe the Bible how comes we ain't practicing this stuff what love thy neighbor as thyself be kind one to another like he that ha friends must show himself friendly these are all practical things that we can all do and we can measure whether or not we're doing them and it seems like it seems like like you you know it's like it's like you go to the grocery store I'm sure other people have had this happen and you say something to the cashier how are you doing I'm blessed like okay if you're happy and you know it tell your face right not just the words you say like be the person okay so um so passion um the power of your passion uh the power of your passion for your purpose passion for your people I know I know the cultural hypnotic societal mechanism would make you believe that people are the problem because people are a problem and people are a problem but I promise you they're not the problem the reason you have difficult people in your lives is to mold you into the person who can deal with difficult people oh snap you want to be Godlike don't you the only people he has to deal with are difficult people he don't have any UND difficult people to deal deal with we all difficult and ping ping requires energy like we're here to please God and serve people sometimes people make it hard for you to serve them but you will be more like God when you serve them anyway you have to have a passion for people like your passion for people if you're going to be a successful like uber long-term successful entrepreneur your passion for people has to be greater than your passion for prophets it's not that prophets don't matter but prophets don't matter more than people and if in your business and in your life profits matter More Than People you are confused okay you have a passion for your people but you have to like you have to have a passion for your progyny what's that mean you have to have a passion for legacy a passion for leaving an inheritance see what we do is we don't read every word when we're reading the Bible so some people will say like and people have commented on my videos they say stuff like but the Bible says no man can serve two masters you love one and hate the other you you cannot serve God in mment right the Bible say lay not for yourselves Treasures upon the Earth okay great lay not for yourselves treasur upon the Earth what's the key word there yourselves I'm not supposed to lay up Treasures for myself upon the Earth but I am supposed to biblically I'm supposed to lay up Treasures for my children and my children's children that is a Biblical mandate imagine if your parents had followed that mandate and when you got started they gave you a house and some riches how Bunch different would your life be well in the words of my good friend Dr son on your stribling you may not come from a wealthy family but a wealthy family should come from you and I'll say this you may not come from a wealthy family but a wealthy family could come from you wouldn't wouldn't it be cool for you to be the first person in your entire lineage for at least for thousands of years that when you're children went off and got married you were able to give them an inheritance before you die so so you have to have a passion for your progeny like I am not Building Wealth so I can drive a nicer car I I don't there maybe nicer cars and there are there are nicer there are more expensive cars I don't know if they're any nicer but there are nicer cars but that's not why I'm doing it nice cars are a bonus nice house is a bonus nice clothes are a bonus you know what the real benefit is the real benefit is I get to serve people I get to live in my purpose and I get to provide a like a Launchpad for my progyny so they don't have to start from scratch like I did and I didn't start from scratch cuz my parents they didn't give me money but they gave me skills they gave my brothers and I skills they gave us perspective they gave us people skills right so we didn't start from zero but financially we started from zero right okay so you are tracking cool um and then so we talked about the power of passion let's talk about the power of persistence why do we need persistence in business here's why because disruption always follows intention see my how do you create wealth well you you might receive the wealth in a day like you might have $100,000 day you might have a million dollar day but you becoming the person who can have that $100,000 day or that million dollar day or that $5 million day or that $10 million day you becoming the person who can do that that may take decades that's the reality and it takes different people different amounts of time depending on where they are in the success ladder when they enter into the arena in the first place if you enter in the arena with no influence over anybody it's going to take you longer than somebody who enters into the influence enters into the arena who already has influence over hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of people okay but don't become discouraged because anybody can have influence like I just just last Thursday I think it was a good friend of mine from college o and iy was here and we played we used to play table tennis and taunt each other and just talk trash because half of the fun of any athletic competition is the trash talk in fact that might be actually 70% of the fun um unless of course you win then it's about 90 then um it's only about 30% of the fun okay so but we used to talk trash and I was thinking to myself you know it's really interesting that okay this guy knew me before I had any influence like I was the person people said no to before they knew what the deal was I had to become the person people who said yes to before they knew what the deal was that took what time and see a lot of us what we want to do is we want to slipstream the time and we want to jump from being the person everybody says no to because of who brought it to him to being the person who everybody says yes to without going through the iterations that cause us to have the level of character that people can count on that causes them to say yes before they know what the deal is okay so the p uh you need persistence because disruption always follows intention have you ever thought about that before like this is a this is a Biblical pattern disruption following intention is a Biblical pattern in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth y'all pray for my coordination Okay so in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth the very next thing it says and the Earth was without form and void and darkness upon the face of the deep the word was is not the word used to be it's it's the word became the Earth became without form and void even for God disruption followed intention now why would God ordain the disruption will follow intention even even for him because in Genesis chapter 1 that is Creator week God is created everything out of nothing in six days rested on the seventh day and then not didn't just tell us that he did told us how he did it step by step in Genesis chapter 1 like he laid out the process because he made us in His image so he wanted us to know when we start making stuff this is the process you go through are y'all tracking y'all with me okay so so he's so God said okay my intention is to create but the first thing that showed up was disruption disruption followed intention you need persistence because disruption follow is intention Joseph had a dream what happened after Joseph's dream what showed up after Joseph's dream Joseph's dream showed up first Joseph's drama showed up second right why because sometimes your dream will drag you through some drama on the way to your destiny that's how life Works disruption always follows intention David Gets anointed to be the king of Israel and now sa Saul puts out a contract on his life and tries to kill him for a very long time you're talking about years you're hiding for your life for years okay okay y'all y'all ain't picking up what I'm putting down let me give you this one how about this Jesus he gets baptized in Jordan which is a picture of his death barrel and Resurrection he comes up the Heavens open the voice of God speaks from him this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased the spirit of God descends on him like a dove here's what it says next and immediately when immediately he was led of the spirit Into the Wilderness to be tempted of the devil why disruption always follows intention it doesn't matter who you are it doesn't matter what you're doing disruption always follows intention so you need persistence because if you don't have persistence as soon as disruption shows up you're going to let yourself off the hook with rationalization you're going to rationalize which means you're going to tell yourself rational lies and you're going to justify quitting because you didn't understand the pattern so disruption you need persistence how do you find persistence go read Genesis chapter 1 and the Earth was without form and void and darkness upon the face of the deep what does it say next and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters I need to find a source of inspiration for you in this particular situation it may be praying until you get back in tune with God so on my on my phone I have this this app called uh tuner Pro right so guitar tuner Pro so what I do when I when I pick up my guitar the first thing I do is I tune my guitar and I don't change the tuner to make the tuner in tune with the guitar I changed the guitar to make the guitar in tune with the tuner do you understand that prayer the purpose of prayer is not to get God in tune with your desires the purpose of prayer is to get you in tune with God's desires for your desires and so prayer the objective is to get me back in alignment with the one who created me I'm going to find a source of inspiration when I'm praying because now I'm getting back in harmony with the God who created me so um proficient uh persistence through inspiration I might watch a video that inspires me I might Listen to I might have a conversation with someone who inspires me but after disruption follows my intention the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to find a source of inspiration the spirit of God moved upon the face of waters and God said let there be light the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to look for a source of Illumination I'm going to look for some a light source by the way did you know that content is light what does that mean content is light in the beginning was the word and the Word was God and the Word was with God the same was in the beginning with God and without him was not anything made that was made and in him was the life him who him the word and the life was the light of men now I want you to notice this next part it says and the light shined in darkness and the Darkness comprehended it not illumination is learning something that you don't know so you can see something that you could not see learning is a source of Illumination and see that's why we have to be compassionately consumed with learning the things that we don't know because those are the things that move the needle okay so then so persistent with inspiration persistent with illumination and then persistent with segmentation to completion uh there are more but I'm going to I'm going to let this point be done with this one segmentation to completion is a skill that you're going to have to develop if you desire to become successful what segmentation to completion here's what it says and the evening and the morning were the first day or the evening and the morning day one and the evening and the morning day two what are we learning from that why do God keep saying the same thing in the evening and the morning day three in the evening and the morning day four because God wants us to know that if we desire to be productive if we're going to do it like he did it we don't save any of day one's work for day two we get day one's work done on day one this is this is literally a project management strategy segmentation to completion if you have six things to work on let's no you got five I I held five fingers and said six okay I just want I was testing y'all to see if y'all knew how many fingers okay so you got five things to get done and so what you do is you work on all five of them and let's say each one of them takes you a week to get to the point where it's like making money you say I'm going to work on all of them at the same time so now you don't make any money until week six does that make sense yeah but let's say each one of these things can make you $1,000 extra a month and you decide I'm going to work on one thing for a week and let it start making me $1,000 a month this thing makes me one two three $4,000 starting in week two the next thing makes me two three four uh1 two $3,000 so now in five weeks just with the first two things I've made $7,000 that I wouldn't have made if I had worked on all of them at the same time but I segmented them to completion is what I'm saying making sense I say then the third thing I work on that for a week and now I've got one two weeks now I'm up to $99,000 and then the last uh uh I don't know how many I've done now two weeks okay so now I work on this thing it makes me money for one week and so now I've got another thousand so now I'm up to $10,000 by the and then when I get to the fifth week I work on that for a week and then that starts making me um $1,000 a month so now I'm at $111,000 a month by the time I get to the end of five weeks whereas if I did it the other way I would have made no money in the first 6 weeks so that's why you do one thing at a time and you work on it until it's done in business make I'm I'm building multiple streams of income well build one first and get it making you money before you start working on the other one segmentation to completion okay so this is so great I went really really fast today okay now the last one is the power of perspective what is the power of perspective the power to get wealth God gave us the power to get wealth what is what are what is the power to get wealth the power of pain we talked about that week one the power of purpose the power of perception the power of proficiency proficient in our skill set proficient with our tool set um and then the power of passion we talked about that today the power of persistence now we're going to talk about the power of perspective what is the perspective it is the Lord that gives you the power to get wealth you know what that reminds me of reminds me of James chapter 1 huh what's James chapter 1 say every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of Lights with whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning what does that tell us that tells us that we should be thankful for everything and proud of nothing why because it's all a gift you saying what do you mean it's all a gift Byron you don't know how hard I worked I know but there are other people who would have loved to have worked as hard as you but they did they were not given the gifts you were given to be able to complete that work so even your ability to do the work is a gift so yeah I get it you're good at what you do I get it you're proficient I get it you have skill I get it you've worked on this for years maybe even decades however your ability to become the person who can do the thing is a gift so go through life with an attitude of gratitude not an attitude of condescension not an attitude of entitlement but an attitude of gratitude because every good thing in your life every good thing in my life is a gift people erroneously think I'm positive I'm not positive I'm just aware what does that mean I'm aware of the fact that everything is a gift when I wake up in the morning I am aware fully that everybody who went to bed last night did not wake up this morning I get out of my bed and I stand up I am fully aware that when I'm standing everybody can't stand up when I pick up something with my hands I'm fully aware that there are people who are paralyzed from their neck down and they haven't picked up things with their hands for decades the ability to pick something up with your hand we like the fact that we're not in awe of all the things that we can do that we've been gifted and we don't just have it like no wonder the scripture says blessed be the Lord who daily Loth us us with benefits and we go through life thinking that we did something by ourselves and we're so proud right I think one of the biggest Abominations for a lot of reasons that America has Pride week really we're going to week dedicated to these six things as the Lord pride month yeah month these six things as the Lord hate y seven are an Abomination to him a proud look is number one God hates Pride I don't have anything to be proud of I have nothing to be proud of I have a whole lot of stuff to be thankful for Mar you built a really successful business I know but it was the Lord that gave me the power to get this wealth I am not confused I'm not going to forget who gave it to me cuz if I do he might come get it back what the wealth no the power I've had the wealth go away before but the power was still there I don't want to lose the power okay the perspective that the lord gave you the power to get the wealth the perspective that loving and serving people is the power to get wealth wow loving and serving people is the power to get wealth it's so hard to stop thinking about yourself long enough to create an elegant solution effective efficient and elegant solution that serves people at the highest possible level because I'm so busy thinking about all of the things that the enemy wants me to think about about but I need to pay this bill and I need to pay that bill and as long as you're thinking about yourself and you're consumed with your own needs and your own desires you can not build a business that's going to create massive insane profits because you're too focused on you you got to stop focusing on you okay you get it I'm not going to I'm not going to beat a dead horse okay the perspective loving and serving people is the power to get wealth you know what one of the reasons why I love to go and like support businesses and like my favorite thing to make for dinner is a reservation um like well like why like why is it that I don't mind paying the people who serve me because I love the people that I'm paying more than I love the money that I'm paying them like I used I'm keep it can I be transparent payroll used to freak the idea of payroll used to freak me out like but what if what if payroll comes and we don't have the money to pay him that used to freak me out like I didn't want to hire people because I was afraid I might not be able to like like be true to my commitment to make sure people get a paycheck every week I was like What if I can't right how many y'all know I'm telling like anybody else ever had that like yeah but what if I can't afford right exactly that's like a real thing well guess what guess what when you understand that when you're focused on like their opportunity you don't have to be in competition with the people who serve you as employees and contractors when you want them to win because you know that the only way for you to win is if everybody wins and you don't ever desire to win at somebody else's expense when that happens it takes your business and your life to another level don't use the people and love the money use the money and love the people and then when you really mature you will use the money to love the people so the perspective that loving and serving people is the power to get wealth and the perspective that all work works stop believing that something you're working on is not working it is working it is either working on you or it is working for you if you continue to resist the work that it's doing on you the work that it can do for you is going to continue to resist you so just embrace it it's it's only hard for me right now because I don't know how to do it yet it's only difficult for me right now because I haven't become the person yet but as I continue to to implement the iterations eventually I will become the person for whom this thing that now feels so excruciatingly hard it eventually becomes easy and as a good friend of mine said to me when I was talking to him on the phone a few weeks ago he said man I'm going tell you something eventually is undefeated let just get in the game and determine you're going to stay in the game and let eventually do what only eventually can do and this is how you go from zero to Rich you have to develop these character traits inside of you and then you have to figure out a way to do these things that serve people and then just allow yourself to be blown away by going through the process to becoming the person it'll change your life for the rest of your life I hope this video blesses you beyond measure you say may but you didn't tell me what to sell you missed the point I got other videos on that I'm talking about becoming the person who has the power to create wealth and walking in that I hope this video blesses you beyond measure and I will look forward to hearing your testimony sometime in the future in the meantime in between time stay blessed by the best and we'll see you on the next video peace out come Scouts [Applause] well you're welcome