no credit check no requirement to pay it back and it went into my business bank account $146,000 what are some recommendations or suggestions to properly set ourself up to be prepared or to get right but it really starts with your business plan okay most entrepreneurs have this vision and they just dive into it and they forget to put their Vision down on paper the average entrepreneur should be applying for 20 to 30 grants 21 to 30 grants a month if you apply for 21 to 30 GRS month you have a 99% chance of getting the gr it has to work where it has to work welcome to circle of greatness I'm your host Naya Davis and I'm super excited about today's show cuz we're about to show you how to get this money that you possibly don't have to pay back and we talking all things grants funding and growing your business so I got super special guest Coach K how you feeling I'm feeling good thank thank you for I've been seeing you on the internet like helping all these people get all this money with some grants and doing all of this I'm like I need you to come on the show break down what grants are break them how to get them uh and just how to properly structure these businesses so they prepared for growth and I'm just happy to have you on how you feeling I feel good I'm ready okay good well thank you for uh coming on here so grants like why like I've been seeing grants and I've been hearing about grants for a long time right and how did you get into this game like you're helping people people get grants you're writing grants for yourself you're writing grants for people like what like how did you discover grants most people's like and I'm sure you could touch on business credit and all those things but a lot of times we not we not even thinking about grants like the closest thing to a grant that I can remember is when I was in college they say yo you can go apply for a scholarship that's like a grant essentially absolutely but we never done it cuz I don't feel like I had the credentials so there's so much unle money there I'm sure there a ton of money out there that's not being used cuz I don't think we know about it yeah sure so grants are just debt-free funding right so there's no credit check there's very limited requirements to get it at times um and it's available for anyone got it so there's business grants there's personal grants um and I had a child I have a child care facility okay and I had exhausted every Avenue um parents business credit lines of credit home equity line of credit um and what I found is I was putting myself deeper in a hole instead of climbing out um and I turned to Grants grants saved my business so I was able to get access to grant funding to continue to grow and nurture my vision and my passion of building out my child care facility my first grant was $500 most people are like $500 does absolutely nothing but it gave me the confidence to know that there was additional funding out there for me that I didn't have to pay back um so that's kind of where my journey started so I started doing it for myself I just continued to be consistent with applying and it just opened up avenues for me to start helping others as well wow so let me so I want because you went over that quick so you opened up a daycare and you were syn what they don't got CCIS no more they still do that yes so they do have C they we call it uh our DHR CCA okay um so we do have that with DHR me I'm sorry a Department of Human Resources we have CCA um but there are a lot of parents who don't qualify for funding um based off of income and things of that sort so we still needed a space for those parents to come in and have their child to be you know able to have child care okay um so those parents sometimes fall behind they don't pay you still have staff you have to pay you know expenses and overhead and utility so um and sometimes those checks are not always coming in the way that they should even though they were Government funding sometimes there's a lack so what I found is that I was using a lot of my personal Capital um I was still a working entrepreneur at that time so my 9 to5 was paying for my LLC um so it was just things of that sort so yeah that's how grant funding came helped me continue to develop my business so the first grant was 500 what do you say the second one was the second one probably was in the maybe about 10 or 15,000 I'm not sure um my largest Grant personally was 146,000 wow um so I received a lump sum of $146,000 for my business that you ain't got to pay back I have to pay back no credit check no requirement to pay it back and it went into my business bank account $146,000 for me to um develop my business yeah so talk to me about it I know you know I know a little bit of your story about you were working in banking absolutely right I want you like when why did you start banking did you graduate you went to college or anything like that I attended Alabama anal University um original passion was to be a sports lawyer Sports attorney um you like you like sports I do what's your team um I'm more of a play I'm not into it as much as I used to be but I'm more of a player I like players than um necessarily teams but I am a sports person who your favorite player I don't know football I would have to say I don't know I don't think I have a favorite I just like it so initially I wanted to be a sports attorney yep so we um while I was in college I started working for a small Payday Loan Company um and then we just kind of drifted into Banking and in finance I I grew a passion for finance so I decided that you know hey I don't think I want to go to law school got pregnant with my daughter at that time as well so I started banking um and went directly into consumer banking in consumer lending and I loved it okay um I love being able to help people um I love being able to educate my community in the banking aspect I worked in every Avenue of the banking from private lending to commercial lending um but what I noticed is there was a lack of knowledge when people came into the bank um and then I also noticed that a lot of people who came in and and needed funding or were able to get approved for funding didn't look like me um so I wanted to be or I started this journey so that I be that resource Hub so they could come to me and say hey coach this is what I need so I could essentially put you in the game right so this is what I need this is what I this is my passion this is kind of what my vision is and I can provide you with the resources to reach your goal that's good that's P so so essentially you spent over 10 years in banking over 10 years wow so you you know a little something about banking you spent some time really learning okay so you dived in the banking industry you learned pretty much so with that being said that like what like you said a lot of times we aren't prepared to get the money we we we can't sometimes we can't get the gr sometimes we can't get the funding what are some recommendations or suggestions to properly set oursel up to be prepared or to get right uh business side it starts with the foundation okay right um and we hear it all the time have your LLC have your documents in order but it really starts with your business plan okay most entrepreneurs have this vision and they just die into it and they forget to put their Vision down on paper that's I've never had a business plan and so A business plan is a grant proposal which a lot of people kind of miss out on opportunities because they don't have the business plan in place so it starts with your business plan when you're able to put your vision down on paper it just makes it more impactful for you to actually dive into it um and then go into the foundation so making sure that you understand your state filing fees your Annual fees um and that you are actually Str ing your business and filing with the state from there you want to develop a relationship with the bank we go in and we say hey I need $100,000 in funding but we haven't even set up a we haven't even opened a deposit account and put $5 in it you haven't even met the banker you haven't even met the banker so develop a relationship with your bank most banks have a a point system that they use and they grade you off the point systems the more products that you have with the bank the more trustworthy you are the more they're able to in they believe in invest into you so a checking account is a point a savings account is a point a debit card is a point a credit card is a point you have multiple companies you have multiple llc's you go in and you invest into those companies and you're utilizing the accounts and not letting them sit dormant so you're developing a relationship you come in you bring your Banker Donuts hey how you doing nice to see you today didn't want anything but you're building that relationship and now you have somebody a banker that's willing to fight for you when you're ready to get the $100,000 and you have the credentials that show hey this customer's been with us for six months to a year let's see what we can do okay so it's about building a relationship got it so perfect so begin to build a relationship anything structur so we talked about properly building structure-wise is there certain things we need to be put looking for setting these things up a certain way or absolutely so the common mistake that most entrepreneurs make is when they want to establish their business they put their home address on document yeah um and there are a lot of homebased companies out there um but when you are a homebased business it makes the difference between a $5,000 credit card and a $50,000 credit card a homebased business really doesn't have a need for a $50,000 line of credit that's smart but if you're a commercial building or you have a commercial space I can understand why your overhead would would need $50,000 so having a um a brick and Mortage space uh that's the face or brand of your business is definitely something that a lot a big mistake that a lot of entrepreneurs make when they are um walking into the bank and building their relationship and they lack when they're doing the structure that's good could you is it okay they do like you know them address places like those address places are good um I don't know if I'm saying what do they call it virtual address so this is um as we know the world of business business credit and business structure it's all over social media yeah um so you have to think your bankers and your CEOs they have social media as well so they see use a virtual address sometimes when you walk in the bank they tell you you can't use a virtual address so what I encourage my community to do is say hey Neo I know you have this building over here can I lease out can I use your building as my commercial address and pay you $99 a month so instead of giving it to a company I'm giving it to my friend but my friend just turned it into a business as well wow so you're using your business and you're using your space and they're able to use that as they're bricking Mor space as well that's good that's so so essentially it's it's like a virtual address but it's a real business it's a real business it's a real business it's not one that's oversaturated you definitely should it's not one that's oversaturated there's not when you Google it there's not a hundred other people that are there me and Neo and maybe 20 or 30 more other people so if I have 30 people and I'm charging them $100 woo yeah it's like 3,000 a month or something like that somebody extra yeah you darn right yeah that's a salary right there yeah that's fire yeah absolutely yeah so that's good so now we know so let me ask you what I've had a nonprofit now for 15 years and grants I probably got 50,000 maybe 70 like and I and I'm going to be transparent on I guess it's a mix because when I was getting Grant so or I was Raising raising money from friends and family not even a like people giving $20 $10 $100 and we would go do our different charity events and when the charity event would end I'm traveling because we worked hard I'm traveling out of town people don't know I'm traveling I had hookups whether I'm on a buddy pass when I was getting started a hotel hookup like we traveling for minimum so people would start to say oh you're taking on people money and you're traveling you're you're taking people money you're doing this so it really made me I'm like forget this I don't raise money no more like it gave me the idea that I don't want to do this because you're under so much scrutiny or I felt like I was under so much scrutiny so I've never raised more than like 50k and in Grants but I see a lot of these big businesses are using grants I was I was on I put up a post on Instagram the other day and it was like tell me what you got your degree in and and where you work at or and her degree was in this one field but she said I'm accounting we're looking for adding accountings more Finance people on our team so I hit her up like hey what do you do for 11 I work in the grant department of this University I'm like so what does that mean I handle every grant that comes in the money of it I'm like why won't I I'm this season I'm going to go get me some grant money because these big businesses are using these big businesses are getting debt free funding that you you say they're not paying Grant so I'm done with that I'm I'm I'm letting y'all know I'm outside and I already live a lifestyle I'm already traveling I'm not using your money grant whoever give them to to do frivolous things I thought about you the other day chickfila has Grant it's a $325,000 grant wow and all they're looking for are people that are making a difference in the community wow so the Nehemiah Foundation is making a difference and making an impact community W so they're willing to give you $325,000 to continue to make the impact that you are currently making um so most people think when it comes to Grants you have to have this extensive background you have to have all this criteria um but there are companies and organizations like Chick-fil-A Chick-fil-A gives out $5 million annually um so there are companies and organizations that will invest into your business and allow you to continue to you know do your 30 days of giving and things of that so that's $25,000 that you don't have to pay back maybe a 10 or 15 minute application about you telling your story telling the things that you've done and the impact that you've made that's crazy and then I I see you always post those you're posting grants maybe not that SI but similar grants every day like that every Monday I post five grants you can apply for every week the average entrepreneur should be applying for 21 through 30 grants every month I'm giving you 30 every month to go apply so so that's crazy so the average Entre rur should be applying for 20 to 30 gr 21 to 30 grants a month if you apply for 21 to 30 grants a month you have a 99% chance of getting a grant wow and Peep this I'm just throwing the numbers if you do 20 a month time 10 months that's 200 and if you do what 240 after a year at just 20 a month you close 10% of them it will be 24 if you close two it would be two but what if it's that chickf Grant exactly so you essentially you're being paid and now I don't know this when it comes to Grants can you get a salary or H how does these things work there are companies who have a grant writer on their team and that's their designated job yeah um there are websites like hello skip where you can automate your grant writing service wow so hello skip is a platform right now they have over a million dollars in Grant posted on their website wow you go to their platform you can pay them a a monthly subscription fee and it automatically applies for every grant that goes through their platform wow um so there are a lot of companies like that that will allow you to just go in and just say hey here's $100 every month or you can hire a skilled grant writer which is something that I encourage people to do because grant writing can take time so you hire a skilled grant writer that can go out and find the grants for you um it's a Nob brainer though when I think about it I'm like well you hire a skilled grant writer you know I don't know what that cost but let's just say 50,000 a year I don't I don't know what it what it cost to do that right but and they go start to find you grants and you get one of them large grants three but they're doing this fulltime just finding you grants that why wouldn't we do this seem like a no-brainer it's a no-brainer our community um I don't know why we are missing that piece but other communities are taking advantage I told you why I was missing that I was so concerned about what people had to say I'm I'm done with that because it's like and Chick-fil-A like they're not checking social like you travel you can't do that like they don't yeah so where I seen the most and what how I was able to get the $146,000 Grant I have a for-profit company which was my child care I developed a nonprofit company as well which is a stem brace program that came into my for profit company to teach the stem education as we know all our schools are going to technology and math and so the stem so we were able to connect the two my for-profit and nonprofit when I'm applying for Grants sometimes they say they want a for-profit company sometimes they say they want a nonprofit I'm able to apply either way because I have both in my back door wow it's so funny you say it so one of my mentors Carl he owns the urban art gallery and I had him convert the urban Art Gallery because we did so many children programs to a nonprofit he's probably gotten since that conversion 500k in Grants On The Low End probably since that that tweak in the paperwork not tweak but you know getting getting the nonprofit which is crazy I like that so go to for-profit and a nonprofit model you figure out how your for-profit can e even if you don't have or have the vision to have a nonprofit yeah you link up with a nonprofit hey Nehemiah I know you got this nonprofit I really don't have a passion to have a nonprofit but this is what we can do together so now we have this Grant and we can say you know hey this is what we're going to do and we can kind of connect that way but I encourage everybody to either have a for-profit and a nonprofit or either have a nonprofit that they work directly with so let me ask you this because you you mentioned something some some people don't have a 50k salary can afford to pay somebody 30k 40K 50K 60k 70 what you're doing you're literally showing people how to go find and apply for these theirself absolutely so they don't even have to go pay somebody all this money absolutely I'm showing you step by step how you can apply for Grants some grants uh require a grant proposal other grants just are asking you questions about your business other grants require a 60c pitch video we can talk about some 60c Pitch for some proposal for some everyone I guess is based on the requirements that that the grant person want correct okay yep absolutely um and a lot of times they just want to know more about your business um most of the time a business plan or a grant proposal will be sufficient to actually get you in the door to get access to grant funding there are tons of Grants Galaxy grant for example it's a 32 Grant application they're giving out $3,750 and all they want to know is your first last name and what you're doing in your business wow they give a winner out every quarter and you don't even got to pay this back you don't have to pay it back you don't have to pay it back at all W and and you show people how to do it I show people how to do it yo listen if y'all looking at this they I think you said it's Grant Mastery you going to literally break all of this down step by step listen to me if y'all hearing this she's having a virtual event go to grmaster right now and literally learn step by step I mean I don't got to go pay somebody 50 60k I could go figure it out on my own tell me websites to go on and find these grants all of those things absolutely don't play with it y'all go to grmaster and I'm kind of happy that we're having this conversation cuz just sitting down with you gave me like almost reassurance that I should be doing this because I can't serve my people like I have money to give but if somebody can help me amplify it for something I'm really it's no capping I'm really doing this give back thing out of my own pocket if somebody want to help me amplify I'm being selfish by not going to go get that money cuz I can go serve and help a lot more people most thank you for that no problem most people when they're looking for funding they go to websites like hello Skip and Hell Alice but there is so much opportunity locally yeah talk about it yeah so we'll use Atlanta for an example the state of Atlanta they have a um Small Business Development Center you can connect with their Small Business Development Center and they will tell you about local funding opportunities that are right here in your back door wow um so when you see online you know hey my state just got four or5 million for small business owners that's how you make that connection you you're networking and you're telling them in advance this is my business this is my brand and this is what we aim to do yeah um so when you are making a change in an impact in your community locally it's best to go for local funding opportunities or connect with foundations that are local that will continue to encourage you to make that change and that difference yeah it's so funny is like I saw not it's not funny but uh Jeff bezos's you know they got a divorce or whatever and I think his wife got I don't know how many billions maybe a lot maybe 50 to 100 billion maybe more but she's giving pledging to give it all the way to nonprofits could you imagine one one particular nonprofit she gave them $2 million that's crazy could you imagine the impact you could make oh my God what I could do with 2 million for the community golly that's crazy yeah and then the dope thing about it is you're really giving someone the opportunity like if they can understand this game like this this could be their full-time I don't do philanthropy full-time I do business full-time but with grants it could be a full-time just imagine being able to just help people full time M it's crazy yeah a huge impact huge impact yeah yeah so I love the hair so I'm super excited just about I also want to touch on because I know you you I don't want to skip over the fact that you even help people with business credit too like I understand I love the debt-free funding like I want y'all to get as much as that as you can but I do want to even hear a little bit about that because I know you help people um do the and before I go there I want to talk about you told me that number seemed crazy too I'm I was like wow I really who was one of the people you helped who the most uh 1.7 million she has a nonprofit organization she received $1.7 million in funding she don't got to pay that back she does not have to pay it back now it's spread out over a period of time but total $1.7 million wow y she could do a huge a lot of impact she has a program where she assist um single mothers with postpartum and things of that sort so yep 1.7 and it's so crazy it's like there's essentially when you're talking to me and me hearing about just a few different people you said there's almost opportunity for everybody it's opportunity for every helping mothers with postpartum that's huge though like that's but I didn't think it was a a program for it with grants it's available for any industry yeah any business um a lot of times we focus a lot on nonprofits because it opens up the door and window There's real estate grants uh the state of Atlanta had a grant that were giving out $50,000 for you to improve your commercial space so you had to complete an application W that's for a nonprofit play no that was a I mean excuse me excuse me no no excuse me that's for like a EV space absolutely event space $50,000 $50,000 to say to rehab your event space $50,000 to go in and make your event space of what you want it to be I might I might not we might not even go to business credit hold on we let's hold on for let me ask you this with the grants how can I separate myself if I got a thousand other people applying for you said a grant that they gave one a quarter out for 3700 uh 50,000 I don't know how many of them giving out but I'm certain that people may get discouraged like well they're only giving one a quarter out thousand people applying 100 people applying um I want you to touch on like is there anything that I could do to separate myself and before you even do that I got a message the other day from this young lady and I may have answered my question I believe a lot of people may not even be applying because she sent me a grant she's like yo this got to be felted out by the night can you send us out to your network and it was like 30k I'm like it not enough people already applied so in my mind I'm assuming that they don't even have a lot of options to even look at and she already extended it the deadline so I'm like they must people must not even be applying they're not applying and that's it there's so much money that goes unfunded annually every organization every Fortune 500 they put aside most of the time 5% of their annual revenue to give back to the community whether it's in charitable organization or into small business owners so when we are looking for Grants you can type in any business Starbucks Target Chick-fil-A and put grant behind it and something's going to come up wow so we're missing out on opportunities just by not applying but what what what most people should do when they're applying for Grants is you have to have that wow factor yeah talk about it yeah the wild Factor when you are applying for Grants you have to have something that separates you from the other 100,000 or, people that are applying and you have about 10 to 15 seconds to capture the attention of the person that's reading your Grant application so what makes your business or your brand or what separates your business or your brand from anyone else that's applying if you're an event space owner what are you doing with your event space to make an impact or a change in the community are you connecting with a nonprofit do you give discounted rates to single mothers do you feed the Homeless with your event space What are you doing with your business or your brand if you're a restaurant you know are you providing healthy options are you teaching about you know recipes and vegan and things that you know change the community and make an impact so it's all about what you're doing in your business in your brand and what separates you from anyone else that's applying and makes your business and your brand stand out and that's how we get access to Grand funding I mean just hearing that you got me like I'm sitting here like how much money I've been leaving on the table all these years on the table I just got an extra 200 300,000 to serve my people the amount of work in the last year I did I've spent over 150,000 on giving I did the water wells in Africa we did the hospitals in Africa we did a whole basketball court in my city we we did revitalized the court area like it's like and right now I'm about to go add more to the court but I'm all going in my pocket to do it so as I'm sitting I'm like yo H how much more money did I leave on the table tons of money so there's a website called instrumental okay for nonprofits okay they have a tab on there dedicated to entrepreneurs or nonprofits that are making a change in Africa wow so you could go to that website plug in your information be verified as a nonprofit yeah and they're going to start sending you emails and alerts that say Hey because you're doing or making a change in Africa we want to invest into that and here's a grant opportunity for you so you are leaving Millions on the table don't even hey guys if y'all looking at this I have to stop the show right now right I want you guys to go to Grant Mastery right now like I'm going to be a part of this the entire time this virtual event is happening because I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in my life on giving back and it's all been honestly outside of friends and family is been out of the pocket right so imagine being able to get hundreds of thousands of dollars for a grant from for grants for you to put that money into growing your business put that money back in your community put that money in making a difference and the biggest mistake I've made is moving slow when opportunities like this are presented to me I don't believe grants are going anywhere but I do believe you waiting another year another month another two months another 3 months another 3 years however long is going to stop you from getting extra money to help you grow your business to help you uh help your your community and all the other ways that you can win with grants so I want you to make sure you stop right now go to Grant Mastery right now go ahead and secure your seat and make sure whatever option you have to work with k at the highest level Coach K make sure you do that right because this could be the thing that changes everything for your business as you heard or say her business was about to go under that $146,000 Grant helped save the business and that could be your story as well so go to Grandmaster and um before the episode gets back I want you to say I got my ticket in the show notes below and uh we'll see you uh shortly let's get back to the episode so yeah that's it's crazy just I'm on it now I'm I'm on it so let's a little let's talk a little bit about business it don't business credit don't even sound that attractive to me right now like but let's still talk about why I still think business credit is important because for me I use my business credit so much like I'm buying things and when I put it on my personal side honestly that's affecting my utilization and all this so there's so many benefits I don't know if you could share some benefits of business credit and some maybe cards or or ways we can go get business credit yeah so I'm a huge fan of business credit as well because grants take time right needen how long on average grants could take it just depends but that's why you're doing 20 a month exactly y but that's why you also have business credit to Gana go in and say okay this is what we're doing and when we get the grant funding we can kind of you know adjust accordingly but it's super important to have that Avenue of business funding in place um without business funding I probably wouldn't have been able to start several of my companies so it's super important that you just have that resource and that Avenue yeah uh always huge fan of getting finding business credit cards to have that intro rate that 0% 12 to 18 months like the Chase card where you can leverage that and it's not going against or you you know you're only paying your principle payment and it's not going against interest or your debt and things of that sort so I'm a huge fan of business credit card just making sure that we have that in place I always advocate for lines of credits I think every entrepreneur should have a line of credit most companies who made it during the pandemic had a line of credit that they could back on um so I definitely think every entrepreneur should have explain like a line of credit because I believe there's a difference between a line of credit and a loan so break down those absolutely so a line of credit is uh it sits to the side and it's available for you to use when you need it so just think of having a savings account that you could go to and pull from whenever you need it I love lines of credits because there's no uh cash advance fee if I need to go in get liquid funding I can just withdraw there's no cash advance fee um versus a loan a loan is going to give you a b a bulk sum of money and you have to repay that you know over a period of time if your loan is for a threeyear time frame after that three years the bank is done with you theyve washed their hands and they said good luck your line of credit is revolving so you can continue to use it right um so with your line of credit in three years what happens if your credit score tanked and you don't qualify for a loan again or what happens if you know your debt to income ratio is too high because now you use your personal credit so that line of credit is just that additional safety net that most people really don't talk about and Advocate as much and I'm a huge fan of lines that's powerful so business credit lines of credit any banks you recommend for any lines of credits or anything like that I love Credit Unions we we sleep on our credit unions um like your local like a local credit local credit unions and and the reason I I'm I love Credit Unions is because most of the time your Underwriters either who you're talking to or they're in the building next door um so your big Banks it's smaller because it's smaller so your big Banks when you're applying for a credit application your credit application probably if you're in Georgia your credit application probably goes to California they don't see the person they don't understand the story they don't understand the vision versus your local credit unions when you're walking in you're speaking to somebody that's connecting with you especially on a business level and your business can grow um with that bank as well so credit unions are always big um definitely advocate of having more than one option so your big banks are still a great resource as well um Citizens Bank uh has a no do funding option right now yeah my guys has got a quarter million from CI I'm about to hit them up Key Bank if you have a listen even if you don't have a local Key Bank I definitely encourage you to figure out a a way to connect with Key Bank Key Bank is doing pretty good right now um Navy Federal love Navy Federal that's a definitely a great resource as well is there any is there anything you got to say to what's you go on and just say hey I'm looking to get a business line of credit is there is there a certain conversation you got to have with people most mistakes that most entrepreneurs make when they are applying for fund is they don't give the full picture so when they're applying for the Grant application the when they're applying for the business application they um don't project their revenue on the business application so if you are projected to do a $100,000 in 2024 you want to make sure that your credit application reflects that you projecting to do aund $100,000 um your personal credit even in yep business or personal you want to make sure that that application reflects what you're projected to do if you're only making $5,000 a month or you know $2,000 a month the banks don't want to invest into you so they want to invest into companies who are making revenue and growing and thriving um so you want to make sure that your business application business are personal credit applications reflect that as well that's good so how important is I didn't ask and you said earlier personal credit don't matter with grants personal credits don't matter personal credit is not a factor with grants wow so they a even pulling your background check on excuse me for credit why most applications won't even ask for your social wow so why wouldn't we be just I'm about to be a applying person my credit cool but I'm just saying like they ain't even the credentials is like so let me cuz I was thinking about this the other day is there like a for the mo what are things that I need to know right now when I say this like of course they want my name my address the name of my organization do I need a mission statement a vision statement what is what is some common things that are asked on most of these applications because what I've what I've realized and what we've been working on shout out Matty J I'm documenting the process with everything so like there's a file where it's just all my credit cards and all my logins and there's a file for everything about my business and like I'm building all these different files so it's like if somebody say fill out a credit app it's the same I already got everything you hey I'm applying for a house here's the apply for a house package here's my my my my my last 12 months of bake statements here's my two years of tax returns I'm just being a I I feel like a lot of these things that you're saying we can't even get them cuz we don't even got our paperwork right not even that we don't know the information but we just can't where is the paperwork at you know what I'm saying so is there any common things that people are asking yeah so on the grant side uh that's the importance of a grant proposal okay so when you have what's the components of a grant so you want to have an executive summary that just summarizes who you are what you do and the service you provide that's usually your first paragraph that's your attention grabber that's when you go in and say this is what I'm doing this is the impact I want to make and this is how your your business or your brand can help me continue with that um you also want to make sure you have your mission and your vision you have to present your Grant proposal as if the person on the other side of the table has absolutely no knowledge of what you want to do but you want to make them invest into you um so your vision statement and your mission statement is important a budget is important as well I don't want to just give you $325,000 I want to give you $325,000 because you gave me a breakdown of how you're going to make a change or imp in your industry or in your community with that 325,000 so a budget that breaks down how you're going to use the funds um is important as well and those are pretty much the key components a statement of need it outlines exactly what you're going to do with the funding as well and you want to make sure that uh the owner's bio or a little bit about the owner you don't want to overshare because you don't want to bore the person reading your application or I don't want to give too many credentials where they like I don't need you don't need this yeah I need it I need it my boy so you want to make sure that you um depending on your business and your industry you want to give them details about the owner why you started the business make them understand why it's a passion for yours as well but it's definitely important to outline what you're going to do with the funds and be very cautious with um the wording you use people want to invest into growing and thriving companies and not necessarily uh hardship so you want to stay away from those hardship words um and being selfish with your response most people say you know hey I need grant funding because I want to start a business or because I want to purchase inventory and they miss the key component of giving back or making a change or making an impact wowo it's a lot of heat you just dropped is there anything that else that the people should know that we didn't and I know you having talk you you're having a virtual event where you going to be breaking down structuring for-profit and nonprofit uh I think you said building out the grant how to write Grant proposals where to go find like you about to do you talk a little bit about that what you're doing with that so I'm having an amazing event um that's for all entrepreneurs because grant funding is available for anyone wow um I'm going to break down step by step the key components of what you can do to get access to grant funding um how to write your Grant proposal where to locate grants how to answer Grant questions and how your business can qualify for debt free funding and make a change and make an impact wow listen and website you said Master CH grmy I'm all I'm messing your whole stuff up got you messing up but no um I'm I'm I'm grateful for just the game you gave me I promise you I'm Gonna Make You Proud with the information like I I'm going to literally find somebody that could do this I'm going to go into class try to learn myself but I know me that probably won't be the best for me I'm going to just pay somebody to do that for me um but just really understand I'm going really go try to go crazy this year with this CU I think me a lot it's all these universities are using grants all these big businesses are using grants like why wouldn't why why don't why wouldn't we it's just it's crazy when I think about it every major corporation is operating either they're operating off for Grant or they're giving the grant wow every maor corporation now tell me that could I give a I'm sorry we was about to end this but can I give some grants out yes absolutely how that work so I want to give out I want to give out a $5,000 Grant you want to give out a $5,000 Grant who would you want to invest in who would you want to give the grant to are you looking for somebody that's making a change are you looking for somebody that's active in the community or you you could just say you know hey I want to give out $5,000 to somebody who has an event space so as the grant tour it's completely up to you who you would like to invest into that's good um so it's all about what you want to do okay well I didn't I was make sure I'm makeing sure ain't no certain requirements but even I could give out a grant anybody can give out a grant me giving out a grant coming soon so coach any last uh words let everybody know where they could connect with you at um and um thank you so much for just sharing just just game it Insight um and super grateful for you your time no problem thank you I just want everybody to take action today make sure you um attend take action today and make sure you or attend the grant Mastery challenge I am going to drop all gems on how you can get access to grant funding business funding and more I'm super excited to connect with all of you and let them know your social too social media is it's coach kitss Coach K um yeah make sure y'all tapping y'all so thank y'all for this episode listen I need to see in the comments that you're writing I'm applying or you already went and applied from one of the uh pieces of game that she gave you so hope this episode helps you go get tens of thousands of dollars or hundreds of thousands dollars in grant funding to help you grow your business to help you help your community have an amazing day we'll see you on the next show