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Avoiding Failures and Making Better Decisions
Jul 18, 2024
Lecture Notes: Avoiding Failures and Making Better Decisions
Personal anecdote of breaking into own house in Montreal winter.
Under stress, cortisol affects decision-making.
Story of missing passport and stressing over breaking window.
Concept of Prospective Hindsight
Introduced by Danny Kahneman, known as the pre-mortem.
Prospective Hindsight: Anticipate what could go wrong and prevent or minimize the damage.
Example of designating spots for easily lost items like keys and passports.
Stress and Logical Thinking
Brain releases cortisol under stress which clouds thinking.
Systems should be put in place to manage stress.
Importance of Designated Spots at Home
Hippocampus Role
: Tracks location of important items.
: Designate places for keys, passports, and glasses using hooks, bowls, and drawers.
Travel Tips
Take photos of critical documents (credit cards, driver’s license, passport) and save them to the cloud for easy replacement if lost.
Practical things that reduce stress during travel.
Medical Decision-Making
Example Scenario
: Doctor suggests a statin for high cholesterol.
Important Statistic: Number Needed to Treat (NNT)
Definition: Number of people who need to take a drug before one person is helped.
Typical NNT: For a common statin, 300 people must take it for one to benefit.
Side Effects Frequency
: 5% suffer from severe side effects.
Key takeaway: Discuss NNT and side effects with doctors for informed consent.
Similar stats apply to other treatments (e.g., prostate removal surgery).
Pre-Mortem in Practice
Think ahead about questions and scenarios (medical decisions, quality of life discussions with loved ones).
Logical thinking diminishes under stress; prepare in advance.
Personal System Improvements
Installed a combination lock with a key outside the house for emergencies.
Acknowledges not being perfectly organized but sees organization as a gradual process.
Recognize personal flaws and prepare for potential failures.
Using systems and pre-mortem can help minimize damage and prevent failures.
Continuous improvement towards better organization.
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