Transcript for:
Lecture Notes: Hell's Big Boss

looks looks like you could use some help from the big boss of Hell himself check out Daddy's goings on yel five star fall is greater than great with a punch of a pentagram a wab boom aam usually i t a sacrificial lamp but you get the family R thanks Dad who needs a bus boy now that you got the chef Michel is tasting V you free all the car I'll ring the game for you because I'm the ref champ champagne fountains caviar fountains that's just a start who's been sexy since they won who's been [ __ ] with the N makle with an old time your executive producer I'm your guy your day to day your best hot remember fix that clock today I st you oh you I'm truly honored that we bu such a fond what you just like I thought was fun you can almost call me [Music] dad they say when you're looking for assistance it's Mar to pick the path of Le resistance oh my God other say that in your D hour there's all sub to for Pure Angelic power who just happen to sadly there are times Fu what a bunch of wild can you put out my song it I'll oh you tring piz turn off oh my I don't I'm here what a GU took a while but I'm present at last ask me ask [Music] me [ __ ] ho