Transcript for:
Exploring Film Forms and Conventions

A pleasant day, Grade 6 English lovers! Are you ready for another day of fun and learning? You and I with Teacher Shaddai. Come and join me and we will explore your favorite classroom on TV together. This is English Hour right here on DepEdTV.

Kids, let me ask you what your favorite film is. What kind of films do you usually enjoy watching? Do you love watching action films? How about comedy?

What about adventure? Or do you prefer a horror film? Huh, I know that you are already interested in our topic today because you're going to describe the forms and conventions of films. Are you all ready to learn? Great!

Get your pen and paper ready, your ears and eyes steady. All set? Yes, we are. Let us study the two pictures.

Then you need to answer the following questions. Write the answers on your paper. This is just a five-minute activity. Can you do it? Excellent!

Number one. What have you noticed with pictures A and B? in terms of lighting? Number two, who are the characters in pictures A and B?

Number three, what do you think are the settings in pictures A and B? Number four, What is the atmosphere or the mood created in pictures A and B? Number 5, where are the setups of pictures A and B? Are you done? Good job!

At this time, let us discuss and check your answers. Number 1. What have you noticed with pictures A and B in terms of lighting? Answer.

Picture A is dim or dark, while picture B is lively and bright. Number 2. Who are the characters in pictures A and B? Answer. Picture A does not have a character, while picture B has performers.

Number 3. What do you think are the settings in pictures A and B? Answer. Picture A is in a room while picture B is in a plaza. Number 4. What is the atmosphere or the mood created in pictures A and B? Answer.

Picture A is sad or gloomy while picture B is festive or jolly. Number 5. Where are the setups of pictures A and B? Answer, picture A is in a structured studio while picture B is in an outside location. Did you get the correct responses?

Amazing! How did you find the activity? Were you able to see the differences between the two pictures?

Great! Kids, the two pictures a while ago show the usual settings found in a film. Sometimes the setting or location is dim or dark, and sometimes it is bright and even colorful.

Thus, this aspect gives a different atmosphere as watched by the viewers and mostly sets a kind of mood. So, what is a film? A film... Also called a movie or motion picture, consists of moving pictures that have been recorded so that they can be shown at the cinema or on television.

A film tells a story or shows a real situation. The process of filmmaking is both an art and an industry. Are there different forms of films?

Yes! There are different forms of film such as action, adventure, comedy, crime and gangster, drama, epics or historical, horror, musical or dance, science fiction, war, and fantasy. Remember I asked you about your favorite film a while ago.

Kids, in order to communicate key messages to an audience, producers of films use certain conventions and devices such as lighting, blocking, direction, characterization, acting, dialogue, setting, and setup. Let us discuss them one by one. Number one, lighting.

It's a convention of films used to create a specific atmosphere. It is a very important aspect for shaping meaning in films. It can manipulate a viewer's attitude towards a setting or a character. Number two. Blocking is simply the relationship of the camera to the actors.

Essentially, it is the physical movement of the actors relative to the position of the camera. Number three. Direction. It's the process of making sure that every component of a movie runs smoothly. Number four.

Characterization. It's the process by which the writer reveals the personality of the character. Characterization is revealed through direct characterization or indirect characterization.

Number five. Acting. It's the actor's way of expressing what his character is thinking and feeling.

It includes facial expressions, body language, and the delivery of lines and has a big effect on the way an audience responds to what is happening in the film. Number 6. Dialogue. It's the exchange of spoken words between two or more characters in the film or moving pictures.

Number 7. Setting. It's both the time and geographic location within a film. The setting helps initiate the main backdrop and mood for a story.

Number eight, Setup is also called Set Design. It refers to the creation of a scenery that depicts the look or physical appearance of the set for a film. It is often structured or built-in studios. It can also be outside. locations kids do you understand our topic awesome kids i believe that you're now ready for some fun field activities i want you to get your pen and paper this is just a five minute activity directions identify what form is depicted in the following films choose your answer inside the box and write it on your paper.

Are you ready? Let's begin! Number one, Eerie.

Number two, Ang Panday. Number three, Dekada Sitenta. Number four, The Mall, The Merrier.

Number five, Barcelona. Let us now check your answers. Number one, eerie.

Answer, horror. Number two, ang panday. Answer, action or fantasy. Number three, dekada sitenta.

Answer, drama or historical. Number 4. The Mall, The Merrier. Answer? Comedy.

Number 5. Barcelona. Answer? Drama. Good job, kids! How was your score?

Did you get the correct answers? Brilliant! Just write your score at the top of your paper.

Let us now check what you have learned today. A film, also called a moving picture, is a visual art form used to stimulate experiences that communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty, or atmosphere. It is recorded or programmed in moving images along with sound and other conventions or devices.

The different conventions are lighting, blocking, Direction, Characterization, Acting, Dialogue, Setting, and Setup. Now kids, you are ready to apply what you have learned about a film and its conventions. Let us do this fun activity. The title is, What I Can Do.

So, I want you to prepare again your pen and paper. Are you ready? Let's begin.

Directions. Choose from the conventions and devices of films used in the scene. Write the answer on your paper.

Number one, the actors are positioned in front of the house. Number two, get out, the house is on fire. Number three, the director... The actor is telling the actors what he wants in the scene.

Number four, they are filming near the ocean. Number five, they use natural sunlight. Number six, The actress made us cry in the scene. Number 7. Gloria plays the good witch. Number 8. The place was dim and eerie.

Number 9. Angelina seats at the head of the table and on the opposite end is John. Number 10. Oh, you can't help that, said the cat. We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad. Kids, are you done?

Let us now check your answers. Number 1. The actors are positioned in front of the house. Answer. Blocking.

Number 2. Get out. The house is on fire. Answer.

Acting. Number 3. The director is telling the actors what he wants in the scene. Answer. Direction. Number 4. They are filming near the ocean.

Answer. Setting. Number five, they used natural sunlight.

Answer, lighting. Number six, the actress made us cry in the scene. Answer, acting. Number seven, Gloria plays as the good witch. Answer, characterization.

Number eight, the place was dim and eerie. Answer, lighting. Number nine.

Angelina sits at the head of the table and on the opposite end is John. Answer, blocking. Number 10. Oh, you can't help that, said the cat.

We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad. Answer, dialogue. Great kids!

You are doing so, so great! Let us now have our last activity where you will still be needing... your pen and paper.

Identify what element in column B is being described in column A. Write the letter of your answer on your paper. Are you ready? This activity will only take five minutes. Let's begin!

Column A, number 1, refers to the positioning and movement of the actors on stage. 2. The development and portrayal of a personality through thought and action. 3. Manipulates the attitude towards a setting or a character. 4. The time and place where the action happens.

Number five, it is often structured or built-in studios. Column B, letter A, setting. Letter B, blocking.

Letter C, characterization. Letter D, setup. Letter E, lighting. Are you done?

Let us now check your answers. Number 1. Refers to the positioning and movement of the actors on stage. Answer.

Blocking. Number 2. The development and portrayal of a personality through thought and action. Answer. Characterization. Number 3. Manipulates the attitude towards a setting or a character.

Answer. Lighting. Number four, the time and place where the action happens. Answer, setting. Number five, it is often structured or built-in studios.

Answer, setup. Did you learn something new today? Did you enjoy our class? Well, my brilliant learners, that is all for now. I hope that you have learned a lot today.

And who knows? One day you could be a director or a movie star in a film. I know you can do it!

This has been another day of thinking, doing, and learning right here in your favorite classroom on TV, The English Hour. This has been your teacher Shaddai saying, learn English today and your dreams are just a word away. Keep it right here on DepEdTV.

See you again next time!