foreign there is no nation that has passed except that there has been a messenger who was sent to that Nation so narrate to them the stories in order that they may Ponder and then Allah ordered the pen to write pen continue to write everything that will take place to the day of judgment write on what right on the love and muffled the prophet Muhammad said it was Allah existing and nothing else and his throne was above the water and Allah had written in the thicker everything that will take place from the creation of the heavens and the Earth before creating the heaven they have created the Angels what do they do they worship Allah and they never get tired in six days before the creation of Adam there was a different creation than the human beings as we mentioned there was the creation of the angels and then Allah cried at the heavens and the Earth before creating Adam Allah created the Jinn Allah created the angels from light and he created the Gin from Flame he created the Jinn and they lived on Earth for two thousand years the Jinn are not the smartest they are very powerful but they're very dumb and the Jinn were living on this Earth but they were so corrupt on Earth they killed each other they saved each other cheated on each other took the rights from each other so Allah sent an army of the angels to fight them and this armor of the Angels fought them and pushed them out of the land and made them live on the islands of the Sea The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam says and they've been living on there till the day of judgment there was a Jinn his name was Iblis and he had a position among the ranks of the Angels but he wasn't an angel he was a Jinn he was a righteous servant of God however Iblis had something in here that wasn't right eblis was going to be tested with his righteousness he said to them o my angels I am about to create a creation a being made of clay now the Angels had known the jinns before what they had done they shed blood and corrupted on Earth so the Angels replied they said o our Lord are you going to create a creature on Earth that will shed blood again and corrupt again when we glorify your name and praise they're not questioning but they're asking to see acknowledge the confused oh Lord look I mean you know here we are we're praising you we're glorifying you the jinns look what they did we don't understand the reason behind creating another creation when they're going to shed blood and corrupt what are they actually saying they're afraid they're saying in other words oh our Lord have we done something to you are you displeased with us because we're glorifying here we are but obviously they didn't understand what's happening God did not explain it to them because they will not understand until they see so all he said was this I know that which you just do not know with each other said La crate whoever he wants he would not create someone who is more honorable than us and more knowledgeable than us let us spend a few moments how he created Adam the Quran uses several words one is dust one is soil one is clay and one is the dark clay so why all these words are used for the same creation because it is depicting different stages in the creation of man Allah took dust from the Earth and that dust was taken from different parts of the Earth the soil on the earth is different colors you have red you have slightly lighter color you have a darker color you have different shades of brown and so on so they were different shades and different colors and he took these from different parts of the globe from The Valleys from the mountain tops from the Sandy regions from the rocky regions and so on and Allah put it all together was created from different types different colors and different qualities so from his progeny there are different colors and there are people who are easy to get along with people who are very difficult to get along with people who are hardcore strong powerful and people who are weaklings so Allah created all of them so differently and this is why we have different colors and this is why we have different shades different attitudes and different characteristics and characters the narrations make mention of the fact that Allah first had this dust and then he added water to it it became soil and then he shaped it up it became clay and he left it and then Allah created Adam with his hand hands Allah added Adam in a figure empty and he left him now what was the size of Adam so he was either 60 meters or he was either 18 meters either way he was huge and the Hadith says Allah created Adam upon his image now what is meant by this Allah created him on his image from day one which means he was already big he already had size he already had eyes that is the meaning of Creation in His image Adam was created in the image of Adam holy in those meters he was already an adult when he was created most Scholars suggest that he is the most handsomest and beautiful looking human being even more than Yusuf alaihissalam why because as Allah said I created with my hands when Allah created Adam Iblis had heard the angels what they had asked and everybody's talking about it and Iblis his starting think here what is so special about this creature which God had created curiosity and at the same time something began to develop in his heart a form of jealousy why here is a bliss among the rank of the Angels wanting to please his Lord and now something had come up which he had never anticipated never thought of and suddenly he feels something strange coming out he could have controlled it but he let it take over consume him it was the jealousy so he went to look at this creature and he saw it it didn't look too impressive to him it was made of Clays dark it was dark in color because there was no soul and it was just clay he tapped it and he kicked it and it made a ringing sound and he was able to flow through it because he's created from a less denser material which is for flames of fire he was able to flow through this body and he found that we were Hollow so he thought you are a weak creature as time went Allah left the body of Adam like that and every time a bliss looked at it he felt fear of it but at the same time he's trying to beat his fear and say I'm better than you you're not going to be better than me do whatever you want now the angels on the other hand said among each other look inshallah God willing he's not displeased with us but no matter what he creates we know that we are God's favored but they went jealous they were just fearful is God displeased with them have they lacked in their duties that's all different to Iblis ableist is like jealousy it's not going to be better than me I'm going to be better than him what's so special about him I will always be God's favorite and I'm going to do everything about it to be that way it's like that the Angels were we're sure it's not going to be better than us but if he is we're not upset so long as he's pleased with us like that Allah left him there until that jealousy developed more and more and more and now it turned into proudiness arrogance [Music] Allah blew into Adam in a way that suits his glory and majesty and the soul of Adam and Adam will become a living human being the soul came in slowly into Adam started from his head and came down all the way to his feet and the Brain came alive then the eyes came alive and Adam suddenly opened his eyes granted full knowledge Allah says in the Quran we taught Adam the names of everything so he was already taught he already knew the words and the names of everything so as his eyes opened he saw the fruits of Jannah he already understood what it was and what happened as the Soul was blown and it was the life came into his nose and his mouth he sneezed one narration says the angel said o Adam thank Allah says responded to him that Allah has had mercy on you o Adam so as life came into his hands he was seeing the fruits of Jannah so he's stretching out but life had not yet come on to his legs so he couldn't get there and this is why the Quran says man was always in a rush there was a time when Adam alaihissalam was created Allah from his back removed all his progeny up to the day of qiyama including every single one of us and showed it to Adam says yeah Adam this is going to be your progeny you will be succeeding one after the other so Allah asked everybody this question am I not Europe and they said yes indeed you are so Allah says do not come on the day of Tiana and say we have forgotten about our covenant that we took with you in this question so when that happened he looked at these faces and they were lit and he's seen one shiny face and he says who is this so Allah says that is a man from one of the later Nations towards the end of time he will come up his name is dawood David may peace be upon him out of curiosity is asking Allah what life did you give him for me you told me you're going to give me a thousand years he was told already so what life did you give him so Allah says we gave him 60 years he says can you not increase him 40 years so Allah says we can take it from your life and give him so from a thousand we can cut down 40 and give him so he'll become a hundred so Allah got confirmation from Adam he says okay you give him 40 years from mine [Music] and when your lord brought Adam before the angels he said to them prostrate to Adam the angels all obeyed except for iblies he didn't prostrate he refused the reason he refused is because he allowed himself to be proud arrogant and that resulted in him becoming among the disbelievers Allah says what prevented you oh please to prostrate to one who I have created with my own hands what did the Bliss respond I am better than him better than him you make me a fire fire he made him out of clay clay I'm from fire fire he's from clay [Music] down from the heavens he said keep me alive until the day they are resurrected give me time Allah says we will give you time until the end of the world oh Allah you say he's better than me I'll show you he's nothing better than me I'll deceive him I will show you oh misguide them all from the righteous path I'm gonna come from the front of him from behind them from their right from their left and you find most of them not being from the thankful ones to you now I'm not going to worship you I'm gonna come from everywhere I'm gonna deceive them I'm gonna work on them I'm gonna do everything that I can do to take him away from the righteous part to prove to you they're not better than me his problem is the human being he hates the human being of the jealousy that Allah made this human being better than Iblis Allah said okay very well go ahead climb on top of any one of them that you are able to and try to delude them away with your voice and try to delude them away by showing them materialism be a partner with their children and with their money and give them false hopes Allah says but the shaytan never promises anyone except deception Allah said to him my true servants you will not have power over them the Bliss replied he said okay I will lead them all astray except your servants among them who are sincere Allah in the end says now get out of it you have no longer have the role that you have among the Angels you are now an outcast you have been exiled I'll fill up the whole fire whoever found them in the Hellfire Allah had taught Adam his salaam knowledge knowledge that the angels and the Jews did not have he taught Adam all the names what are these names it is knowing every single creation knowing what it is and knowing how it functions told him to go to the angels and he was told to greet the Angels he went up to the angels as instructed by Allah and he was told to tell them peace be upon you assalamu alaikum when he greeted them they greeted him back then Allah says tell those angels the names of all these things and Allah brought all the things in front of the Angels so Allah asked the Angels first do you know the names of these things and they said Allah knows we don't know so Allah says o Adam tell them the names of these things began to recite this is a tree this is a stone this is a mountain this is this this is that the Angels were shocked the that's more honorable than us and more knowledgeable and Allah created Adam he is more honorable than them why because the prostrated to him and he is more knowledgeable than them why because Allah asked him and knew laughs [Music] was in Paradise alone at first and it says that he felt lonely and he didn't know what this loneliness was from so one day he was napping he found before him his wife a woman and his loneliness immediately faded it went away and he asked her who are you she said Allah created me so that you can find your peace and Tranquility with me him or Adam who's this human being So Adam called her and Hawaii is the most beautiful woman that ever existed on the service of this world Allah said to Adam and his wife live in Paradise you will never become desperate for food and he will never need to be desperate for clothing eight from this paradise anything you desire but there was one condition as we all know but see this tree over there you are not allowed to come near it you will both become among the ones who have oppressed yourselves he told him he is an enemy to you and to your family don't get near him clearly understood so now one day he believes after some time he goes to Adam he says oh Adam can I show you the tree that if you eat from it you won't die you won't die at all you'll have life forever and you will have lots and lots of belongings that will never stop you'll own absolutely everything now that didn't work so Bliss went to a further step he said think about it God did not forbid you from that tree except that it's going to turn you into angels that didn't work then he'd tell them God did not forbid you from the tree except that you will live eternally he started making up all these different possibilities and again if this needs to try and attend an attempt shaytan said he made a promise that I'm only a good advisor I'm just advising you until Adam accepted to eat from the tree he now had forgotten that it was prohibited where do we get this from the Quran says and we had made a promise with Adam before but he forgot about it and we did not find him to be Resolute he did not make a firm intention to sin and to transgress against Allah he made a mistake there was actually a concealing there was a part of their body which was the aura it was concealed with light with Noor when they took from the tree that Noor went away and so they were naked [Music] the shyness either start to grab from the leaves of the paradise to cover Allah called them said they don't know if a bit you from eating from this Ray and I'll tell you don't listen to this shaytan he's an enemy received certain words from Allah so Allah forgave him after that what were these words the two of them said we have oppressed ourselves we have wronged ourselves and if you are not going to have mercy on us if you are not going to forgive us we are going to be the losers Ya Allah so forgive us Ya Allah and Allah says we forgave him immediately you will need to come down to earth in it you will go hungry and you will go thirsty and you will have to plow and you will have to go through hard work in order to earn your living and your survival not like paradise Allah is telling him the difference between what you were in and now where you're going in there you will have a temporary abode and will have temporary enjoyment I will be with you I will keep giving you guidance and signs now if we look at Adam he came down onto the Earth where did he land this we find in the narration of rasulullah he says that Adam he came down in what is known as the indo-pac subcontinent precisely Sri Lanka there is a Mount there known as Adam's Peak it is said that there is a possibility that that is the place we don't know for certain that that spot is the place but roughly then what about Hawa where did she come down is in the Arabian peninsula in what we know today is Saudi Arabia and what is the meaning of Jeddah it means the grandmother it is named after her [Music] searched for each other in one narration it says they found each other on the mountain of Arafat that's the name of the mountain the mountain of acquaintance maybe because Adam is found each other on that mountain [Music] come about may peace be upon her she gave birth 20 times each time there was a boy and a girl they were of different colors different shapes and sizes in the sense that you know the looks were varying from one to the other and so on and at that time they had to be marriage so how were they going to marry they had a different law so as the children grew one of the oldest children was known as kabil in the English language Kane and the one younger than him was known as habil or Abel in the English language so what was the difference between these two Cain was not so good looking and Abel was very handsome and the sister of Cain was very good looking but she was born from the same womb so those two were what we call womb brothers and sisters and when it came to Abel he was very good looking but his sister was not as good looking so Adam says you will marry the sister of this one and this one will marry the old sister who came he sister was very good looking he looked at this girl he's supposed to marry and he says she's not that good looking Cain says I don't want my sister to go to him and I don't want to have his sister I'd rather have my own sister he sings habil tried to advise him my brother fear Allah for this is his decree now Adam he knew about this so we brought them together and he said to them why don't you both go and offer an offering to Allah and see which one will be accepted in those days if you donated something or made an offering for the cause of Allah then they would see if something like fire come down and it will take the offering it's a sign of acceptance that I have accepted your piety he was a shepherd he had sheep and kabil was a farmer he grew wheat and crops habil went and got his finest fattest best shape and he gave it as an offering went and got his worst bits of weight that he had and so Allah accepted the fine one and rejected the ugly one the piety is what he was after so because of that he said I'm going to kill you began to develop this and habil kept on advising him my brother Allah accepts only from those who are pious meaning my brother if you are Pious Allah will accept it from you it seems that I have given that impiety be a Pious person Allah will accept it from you it is not because of the sister or whatever it's because of yourself be Pious to Allah and all will be resolved but you're not letting yourself go you're not submitting to Allah he's given him an advice but the truth hurts his brother it only made the jealousy grow wanted to kill his brother what did his brother habil say he said yet oh brother if you stretch out your hand against me to kill me I shall not stretch out my hand to kill you for I fear Allah the lord of the worlds instead I would prefer that you bear the burden of my sin and your sin together and so become an inhabitant of the fire that is the recompense of the transgressors one night when Herbie was asleep harbil grabbed a massive Rock and came and crushed his brother's head with The Rock from that day to the day of judgment every innocent life that's being killed her Bill gets a portion of the Syed because he is the first one to start and I will feel guilty he sat there looking at his brother and he started regretting and now he went away he went to Adam alaihissalam and he carried on with the day and Adam asks him where's your brother he says my brother I am not responsible for him why do I have to know where he is and what's happening immediately Adam knew that there's something wrong this child is hiding something from me now later on in the evening he went back to the body and he's looking at it and the following morning he's looking at this body again and now it started releasing a stench put her bill on his back and went he doesn't know what to do is walking in the middle of nowhere what does he do confused what to do with his brother in front of God build two crows will come one crow will kill the other one and then after that crowd will kill the other one will dig up a hole and bury that Crow and cover him with the dustoda he knew that's the way to do with his brother so he dug up a hole and he buried his brother habil in the house and then he became from the guilty ones but did not repent did not repent and what did Kabir do after that he grabbed his sister and he ran away from Adam stood and he ran off and lived on the flat surface of the land people living on the mountains our bill was the first human being to live on the flat surface of the land and then kabil with his sister started to produce kids and then the descendants of kabil started on one side and Adam on the other side and the facade and the corruption start to spread from Kabir and his descendants and thereafter what happened Adam they had many children and he saw some of his grandchildren and his great-grandchildren and it is reported that he'd seen thousands of them and Adam alaihissalam used to constantly remind them and he used to tell them and some of his children continued that reminder one of them was a child known as sheath he was also a messenger of Allah and look at Allah's plan Allah made him wish for something Wish For What certain fruits he had eaten in Jannah he still remembered the taste so he was wishing for it making Dua to Allah saying Ya Allah I'm wishing for these fruits so Allah instructed him that at a certain place you will find something not that you will find the fruits but at a certain place you will find something he was not healthy enough to go there so he decided to send some of his children he says go to that place and you will find something for me there so when they went there they found some angels what did they have with them they were dressed in white and they had some tools with them there was a pig and a shovel and tools to dig now these tools were new to the children of Adam these angels told the children of Adam we are angels and we want you to go back to your father he is ill and his time is up so they walked with the children of Adam alaihissalam back to Adam and as they entered Hawa may peace be upon her she recognized this Angel is the Angel of Death so she quickly started going behind Adam and he says no no no don't worry move away and Adam lived for 960 years original life's length was a thousand knees when the angel of death came to take the soul of Adam Adam was amazed I've still got foreign Adam denied and forgot and ever since then his descendants have been denying and forgetting he says no problem however he first gathered his children look at this on his deathbed and he reminded them saying Allah will send Messengers to you he will not leave you alone these Messengers will come different languages different names different dialects but their message will all be one calling you to worship one Allah the one who made you and to stay away from the devil and to be careful that the biggest crime anyone can commit is to associate a partner with the Creator and after he reminded his children the Angels took his soul away and he passed away when he went what happened the Angels had come with the tools and they dug a proper grave and they washed the body of Adam with water they enshrouded him properly and they led the janaza of Adam one narration says that jibril instructed sheath to lead the Salah and another narration says the Angels themselves LED that Salah only Allah knows but the Salah was done and he was buried and once he was buried the Angels looked at the children of Adam and says this is the way you shall do it when anyone from amongst you passes away where was he buried some narrations say he was buried Phil hint close to where he had descended whereas other narrations say that he was buried in Makkah by the mount known as jabalu abhi just outside where the Haram is now he was buried somewhere there and then after the death of Adam it was his son shaith which took over the leadership of his father and he was the second prophet of Allah [Music]