Transcript for:
2.4 Understanding Motivation and Human Resources

the main point of this class is to learn a lot of things related to motivation demotivation and human resources they are not very difficult but there are a lot of things if i'm not wrong there are about 89 terms and definitions in this class there are three parts in this class the first one is motivation theories three for standard level and three more for higher level the second part is about rewards that can be financial and non-financial and training and the third part is only for higher level students and it includes turnover appraisal and recruitment as always pause this video and have a look at assessment objectives to stay focused [Music] before i tell you what motivation is i suggest you make notes using this table as you can see there are six motivation theories three for standard level three for higher level in the set of criteria how to compare the theories i have deliberately not included any criteria there myself i want you guys to think about the best ways to compare motivation theories and please keep in mind that date when theory was created or the name of the guy who invented that theory is not a very good criterion for comparison so don't disappoint me and like this video and subscribe first of all how to define motivation we can define motivation as reasons for certain behavior reasons why we do certain things in addition we can define it as something that drives us that pushes us to achieve or to accomplish some things motivation can be intrinsic and extrinsic intrinsic refers to motivation in within this is when you want to do something because you personally want to do that not because you are trying to get a reward or escape the punishment extrinsic motivation is motivation that is driven by external factors such as rewards or absence of punishment many people say that the true motivation is intrinsic that comes from within motivation is really important if staff is motivated it means that they are enjoying their jobs it means that productivity is high it means that their levels of output are high quality is high and eventually profitability is high if staff is demotivated it means that they are not satisfied with their job it means that they're not very productive it means that the quality of output is very low and that means that profitability of an organization is really low too so the main point here is motivation is really important the first theory is called scientific management it was designed by frederick taylor we already talked about this guy in the previous class another name of this theory is taylorism so the main point of this theory is that he believes that people are only motivated by money the more you work the more you earn managers are in charge of everything planning coordination control etc so managers plan everything and employees are there just to do their work just to get things done division of labor and specialization are really important for this theory because everything has to be really clearly set arranged and organized people only do the thing that they are responsible for this theory does not allow for much flexibility at the workplace everything is clearly stated everything is really scientific according to taylor's theory one of the main financial rewards is performance related pay we'll talk about financial and non-financial rewards a bit later for now all you need to understand is that the theory is based on an idea that the more you work the more you earn in addition to that one of the key points of the theory is that all recruitment decisions cannot be based on the manager's gut feeling or on how manager feels about the potential candidates they have to be made because of really strict criteria and objective data now i'm going to tell you why this theory sucks so this theory sucks because mental output is really hard to measure in some professions when you are for example picking grapes this is really easy to measure if you pick one kilogram of grapes then it's one kilo if it's two then it's twice more but what about teachers what about engineers what about designers it's really hard to quantify the output so theory does not really work for all professions in addition to that in some developed economies people are not really motivated by money yeah it might be surprising for you but not everyone is motivated by money so for these people theory doesn't work as well in addition to that even if money is the main motivator the more educated you are the more experienced you are the more you want to have a say in how things should be done the more decision making power you want to have in taylor's theory only managers have decision making power and even they have a limited decision making power so again theory doesn't really work here because it only says that money is the motivator there's no room for empowerment and decision making also based on this theory even though money is the main motivator people are expected to do tedious and boring work from day to day so it doesn't really motivate now i'm going to tell you why taylor's theory is awesome first of all this theory is really old about 100 years old and it still works and you'll be surprised but in mcdonald's they actually motivate employees based on this theory everything is strictly regulated all the procedures i'm quite sure that french fries in mcdonald's restaurants are made in the same way all over the world so even though it's old it still actually works for some jobs in addition apparently it clearly works very well for people who are money driven in addition to that in some cultures this is the one of the founding ideas of these cultures that the more you work the more you earn so it applies really well to these cultures and in addition people who are not very qualified who are doing jobs that do not require much skills this might also work pretty well so that's pretty much it about taylor's theory in the end of my story about taylor's theory i would like to quote mr frederick taylor what the workmen want from employers beyond anything else is higher wages and one more quote in the majority of cases men deliberately plans to do as little as possible it might sound pretty cynical and yet it is true for certain professions the next theory is maslow's hierarchy of needs i'm quite sure you heard about it in some other subjects or maybe not anyways the main idea of the theory is that there are five needs physiological security social needs esteem needs and self-actualization the way it works is first you need to identify which stage of the hierarchy you are in at the moment so let's say that your physiological security and social needs are satisfied then it means that the only thing that will motivate you is is esteem needs you will not be motivated by self-actualization because this is one step ahead you are only motivated by the next step now let me say a few words about each type of need physiological needs or basic needs means some basic human requirements like go into the toilet shelter and close security needs means not only physical security being away from danger but also security in the nearest future that you are able to sustain your living that you have enough money to sustain yourself or your family social needs refer to the needs of communicating with other people to care for others and be cared by others have friends socialize his team needs or ego needs refers to recognition to having certain achievements in what you do and self-actualization means to be the best of the best now it's time for me to tell you why maslow's theory sucks so the first criticism of maslow's theory is that it's actually impossible to use the same hierarchy of needs to all employees needs do not necessarily go in the same order and there are not necessarily five needs and you don't actually have to be motivated by the next step for example think about really famous actors when they become famous they close a lot of needs from maslow's hierarchy at the same time they have pretty much everything and it's kind of on the same level don't you think and in addition to that let's think about self-actualized people so once they reach the top of maslow's pyramid what are they motivated by i'm quite sure that we can say that jeff bezos bill gates are self-actualized people or elon musk so they are on the top of this hierarchy does it mean that nothing else will motivate them i'm quite sure they have some motivators in their life but based on maslow's theory they are done now let me tell you why maslow's theory is amazing first of all it's really straightforward really easy to use and actually it makes like perfect sense actually it applies to more people more or less even though it's unclear where is the border between physiological social esteem self-actualization it's pretty easy to understand and use and in addition to that if managers use this theory to motivate their employees they will not think like huh how should we punish them in order to work harder they will think what should we do in order to encourage their intrinsic motivation now the last theory for standard level students for higher level students there are still four more to go so in herzberg's two-factor theory there are surprise surprise two factors one group of factors is called hygiene factors hygiene factors do not motivate okay hygiene factors are comfortable working temperatures good working environment basic salary some basic things that have to be at the workplace they don't motivate you but if they are not in place then it's impossible to make you motivated the other group of factors is called motivators these are things that actually motivate and drive people for example recognition really high salary very nice fringe benefits responsibility advancement but motivators will not work if hygiene factors are not in place so let's use two factor theory to you personally and your school imagine you come to school and you know that there is a toilet in your school that you can use anytime you want are you motivated by the fact that your school has toilet i don't think so probably you're motivated by other things by the sense of achievement by desire to get a for your extended essay and seven for your internal assessment and business management and other things now let's take toilet out of your school imagine there's no toilet if you want to do your thing you have to run back home or walk 10 minutes to the nearest park do you think your extended essay internal assessments or other things such as hanging out with friends will motivate you if there's no toilet or if it's really cold in your school or if it's too hot then all the motivators stop working so same thing at the workplace hygiene factors have to be there but they don't motivate if you want to motivate people then you have to think about motivators but motivators will not work if hygiene factors are not in place based on herzberg's theory motivation can be achieved using three things job enlargement job enrichment and job empowerment job enlargement means that you do more tasks but these tasks are on the same level there's no increase in challenge job enrichment means that you do tasks of the next level there is more challenge and more responsibility but not necessarily more tasks and job empowerment does not refer to the number of tasks or to the level of challenge job empowerment refers to the power of decision making the more job empowerment employees have the more decisions they make at the workplace the lower job empowerment is the less their opinion in decisions matters very often students think that job enrichment plus job enlargement equals job empowerment no no no no no no no this is not true job enrichment and job enlargement are kinda related but job empowerment is from a completely different category please do not confuse those three in addition to that herzberg only called motivation things that are intrinsic things that you do only because you want to do them personally if you're doing something because it comes from the external environment if it's driven by external factors such as a reward or lack of punishment he didn't even call it motivation he'd called it movement so every time i assign homework to my students they tell me oh mr ilya this is movement now time to talk about why this theory is awesome and why it sucks let's start with criticism first so herzberg and his research he only used engineers and accountants we don't really know if this motivation theory is applicable to other professions such as some low-skilled labor maybe motivators don't really matter there maybe for low skilled professions it just tailors theory that works best in addition to that not all employees will be motivated by job enlargement job enrichment and job empowerment actually some people might consider it a punishment more responsibility more things to do more decisions to make not everyone actually wants that now why this theory works really well first of all it opens a completely new perspective that other motivation theories do not offer that managers can divide things into hygiene factors and motivators and think about what they can do what kind of environment that can create so that workers can develop intrinsic motivation not movement in addition this theory is quite flexible it's open to different interpretations and what is a motivator for one person is just a hygiene factor for another person or vice versa what is a hygiene factor for one person or for one organization or economy is actually a motivator in another one so this theory allows some flexibility and individual interpretations it's differently applied to different individuals in addition to that as time goes by as economies get more and more developed motivators actually turn into hygiene factors maybe for us nowadays comfortable working temperatures and eight hours long working day is just a hygiene factor it doesn't motivate us it's just fine but look back 100 years or 200 years or a few centuries back and you will see that this was actually a very good motivator for people back then if you look even further then actually getting payment for a job was a motivator as well even though it sounds terrible this is sad truth by the way which motivators from today do you think will become hygiene factors in the future good news for standard level students you guys are done and you are free to go higher level students please stay we have three more theories to go as always if you're a standard level student and you want to learn higher level stuff you can stay i'm still not gonna tell anyone mcclellan's theory of acquired needs states that all people have three needs achievement desire to succeed make some accomplishments achieve certain goals affiliation which is a need to be among other people to be loved to give love to socialize and power desire to lead and inspire other people so all people have these three needs but they are have them in different proportions for example for some people power needs might dominate and affiliation might not be really important and achievement might be of secondary importance for other people achievement might be super important as important as affiliation and power might not even matter according to mcclellan's research people who strive for achievement prefer to work alone they find really creative and innovative solutions and they constantly need to achieve something they always need to have a medium risk challenge that they will overcome but if the challenge is too difficult it won't actually motivate these people those people whose main need is affiliation they are very good team players they don't make good managers but on the other hand they are the happiest people among all three groups people who want power usually make the best managers and usually deal with high risk tasks better than others keep in mind that it doesn't have to be one need only that needs can change over time that the theory is called acquired needs theory which means that it's flexible and human beings can acquire different needs over time what matters to us is if you are a manager you need to understand which of these three needs motivates your employees mostly and you need to provide them with opportunities to satisfy these needs if some of these needs are not satisfied they won't be motivated or if you fail to understand which need is the most important you might also end up having demotivated workforce on the one hand it's pretty difficult to use this theory because these three needs they change over time most people have all three at the same time and their proportions change over time and even though the ones with power needs usually make the best managers it doesn't mean that everyone who wants power will be a great manager and it doesn't mean that you'll be the happiest and the most motivated person actually the happiest ones according to mclellan's research are people with affiliation needs on the other hand the theory is called acquiring needs theory so it goes beyond identifying needs and in developing intrinsic motivation to develop to acquire certain needs among people among employees in addition to that if managers use this theory then employees get tasks that are in line with their personal needs so this theory is in line with individual personal needs of employees and their intrinsic motivation dc and ryan's self-determination theory says that there are two types of motivation the first type of motivation is autonomous autonomous is when you do something because you want to do something autonomous can be either intrinsic or extrinsic it can be driven by internal factors or external factors but what matters is that you do it because you want to do it and controlled motivation is the one that is purely driven by some reward so based on dc and ryan's theory people should internalize their motivation and turn all motivators into autonomous they should try to do things because they want to do them even though it might be extrinsic at an initial stage it should be internalized later on so it doesn't mean that autonomous and controlled motivation conflict each other they can turn into each other and the most successful employees are the ones that manage to turn controlled motivation into autonomous the ones that manage to internalize their motivation in addition to two types of motivation dc and ryan identify three universal needs according to their research all people absolutely all people have these three universal needs competence need to develop succeed achieve relatedness the need to be cared by others and to care for others and autonomy which means self-endorsed behavior the ability to make one's own choices so employees are motivated when all these three needs are met so as a manager you're supposed to understand to help your employees understand which of the three needs are not satisfied and help them satisfy all three needs to keep them truly motivated on the one hand it's pretty difficult to understand how much of each need is not satisfied it's really hard to quantify that and to understand where's the border between these needs and unfortunately many people go to work only because of extrinsic motivation just because they want to exchange their service for money so neither these rewards nor internalizing motivation would actually help on the other hand the theory is universal these three needs are universal which means that it's pretty easy to use and apply these three needs to absolutely everyone in addition to that this is a self-determination theory which puts the emphasis on developing self-determination and intrinsic motivation among employees which means that if managers use this theory they do not think like what i should do what kind of reward or punishment that should give they think what kind of environment i should create for employees so that their needs are satisfied it's more driven by employees by intrinsic motivation this theory makes managers think from the internal motivation perspective the last theory for higher level students equity and expectancy good news for higher level students is now we're gonna talk about the last motivation theory the bad news is uh actually these are two theories put together equity theory was designed by adams and it states that employees naturally compare themselves to each other at the workplace and they don't like when they feel that someone is putting less effort but is getting more rewards in addition to that employees feel demotivated if their inputs do not equal their output or if their inputs outweigh their outputs input is contributions made by employee hard work time spent at work the actual work outputs are financial and non-financial rewards that employee gets in exchange for efforts in exchange for inputs so if there is no balance if there is no equity in between inputs and outputs then employees will be demotivated if inputs outweigh outputs you will feel like you do too much but don't get enough in return if output outweigh too much then you won't be motivated because why should you work hard if you get so much in return anyway one example that might help you understand this theory a bit better is think about your classmates probably you feel that you work so hard in your business management class but your teacher is so strict and gives you really low grades whereas some other student who does not put much effort might get better grades this feeling that you have is exactly the feeling that your inputs outweigh output but keep in mind that adam's theory is not about equality it doesn't say that all people should be equal and everyone should have the same input and output the theory says that there should be equity among employees that they should be treated fairly so fairness is not the same as sameness and equity is not the same as equality now expectancy theory or vroom's expectancy theory says that employees expect certain outcomes for their behavior if they don't feel that they can get these outcomes they will not alter their behavior also in his theory the central concept is motivation force he actually suggests a formula for motivation force motivation force equals to expectancy multiplied by instrumentality multiplied by valence let's see what these three variables mean expectancy is just the belief that you will achieve something if you work hard instrumentality refers to the potential benefits that you get in exchange for working hard so for example you believe that if you work hard you will get promotion this is your expectancy instrumentality is if i get promoted i will get 20 pay in the company card and balance refers to the evaluation of potential benefits for example thinking okay if i work hard i get promoted if i get promoted i will get a company car and 20 pay but also i will spend more time at work and i will see my family less so should i actually do that or should i not this is the type of thinking that is in line with vroom's expectancy theory since theories are quite similar in a way ib put them together so we'll talk about pros and cons of these theories together on the one hand equity and expectancy theory does not always work sometimes people do something even though it's not in their past interests because there are some other factors that motivate them to do so even though it's not in their personal interest they might still keep the job for their family or some other reasons in addition to that inputs and outputs are very hard to quantify so actually it's really hard to measure this balance and this equity in addition to that these two theories have a lot of room for subjectivity different people might have different understanding of what fairness equity rewards inputs and outputs are on the other hand this theory opens a new perspective how employees actually see each other so managers might think huh okay if i promote this guy then how this one is gonna react to that and in addition to that it makes managers think about expectancy and balance and instrumentality if employees work hard they will get that but do they actually want that end equity and expectancy theory suggests a new approach changing rewards or outputs in order to change employees behavior at work that's it about motivation theories if you have any questions let me know in the comments below [Music] in this class we will talk about different types of rewards financial and non-financial in different types of training induction on the job and off the job before i tell you guys about financial and non-financial rewards i suggest you make notes using this table reward how it's paid pros and cons in this table reward how it's paid pros and cons if after watching this video you feel like you don't have enough information i encourage you to go to my website that is basically a free online textbook and look for more information about financial and non-financial rewards there i hope it will be helpful now i'm gonna tell you about financial and non-financial rewards don't forget to fill in this table rewards refer to things that you get in exchange for your work let's talk about financial rewards first the first type of financial rewards is salary salary is a fixed amount of money that you are supposed to get within a year that is broken down into 12 parts and is usually paid monthly wage is a type of payment that directly depends on how much you work either depends on how much time you spend at work this is called time rate or how much output you produce this is called peace rate wage and salary is not the same please do not use them interchangeably i know many students make this mistake also when i ask my students what do you think is the main difference between salary and wage they usually say salary is paid monthly wage is paid weekly first of all yes salary is usually paid once a month and wages usually paid once a week but this is not the main difference salary can actually be paid twice a month or wage can be paid once a month too that's not what matters what matters here is that wage is directly related to your output or time the more you work the more you earn salary is a fixed amount that does not change until you get a raise so wage is a rate and salary is a fixed amount commission is a type of financial reward when you get a percentage from a certain deal the most common example of commission is what real estate agents get so let's say their commission is five percent if they sell a house that is worth one million dollars they will get fifty thousand us dollars right is my math correct if they sell a house that is worth one hundred thousand dollars then they will only get five thousand us dollars so this way they are motivated to sell houses that are more expensive or they are motivated to keep the price for the house as high as possible this is what commission is percent from the deal performance related pay is something that is similar to peace rate but it usually applies to professions where output is hard to quantify peace rate is really easy to be applied to people who pick fruit from the trees or where output can be put on a scale and measured but for such professions as teachers or designers some professions that involve some creative thinking it's really hard to measure output so in their case they use performance related pay they discuss the certain targets with employees that they are supposed to achieve within a period of time if they achieve these targets then they get prp performance related pay usually in addition to salary profit related pay is also percentage like commission but percentage not of any specific deal that you make but percentage of profit that the entire organization makes on the one hand it really motivates you to work harder however on the other hand some employees who are free riders who don't actually work hard they will also benefit from it or if profit is really low because of these employees it will also affect the entire organization including really hard working employees share ownership scheme is very simple it can be either company giving some of its shares to their employees is a motivator and as you remember share price depends on how well company is performing so this way all employees will be motivated to work harder or share ownership scheme can refer to a chance to buy company shares at a discounted rate lower than the actual share price so employees will have a chance to buy shares that are cheaper than they are supposed to be and if they work hard later on they can sell these shares and increase their personal savings and the last type of financial reward is fringe benefits actually it's a financial reward from the employer's perspective who pay for fringe benefits from employees perspective fringe benefits or perks is a type of a non-cash benefit such as company car or tuition for your children education or an apartment provided by a company or membership in a gym or a space alone something like that on the one hand it's really cool to have something like that but on the other hand some employees who do not actually use french benefits they'd much rather prefer to have a paid in cash non-financial rewards now i have already told in the previous part of class about job enrichment job enlargement and job empowerment these three motivators are in line with herzberg's two-factor theory let me just briefly remind you that job enlargement refers to more tasks of the same level no increase in challenge job enrichment refers to increase in challenge but not necessarily more tasks and job empowerment is not related to enrichment and enlargement it means more decision making power keep in mind that job enrichment plus job enlargement does not equal job empowerment job empowerment is from a different category job rotation is a type of non-financial reward when employees who usually work in a team can switch each other's jobs can take turns for example if you assemble some furniture a table one person might assemble it another one might cut wood and the third one might polish wood so if all three people only do one job then it's quite boring but if all three of them can do all three types of jobs then it means that they can take turns and their job will be more fun purpose or opportunity to make a difference is a type of non-financial rewards that non-profit organizations usually use if you forgot what non-profit organization is please review 1.2 so these type of non-financial rewards means that you have a chance to do something good for the society and when non-profit organizations use that it's completely fair and fine but when for-profit businesses start to emphasize and try to over motivate their employees with this it might cause some dissatisfaction because everyone understands that the ultimate goal of for-profit organization is to make money to make profits so purpose and opportunity to make a difference might not be in line with for-profit targets and the last type of non-financial reward is teamwork teamwork is when you have shared responsibility when the task is assigned to the team and within a team you are free to decide who is going to be in charge of what you are not micro managed you are free to allocate tasks within the team and discuss everything with your teammates what matters is that the team has to deliver work before a certain deadline teamwork is many common among google engineers or programmers oh by the way once i called my friend the programmer or developer and he said no we're actually engineers so from now on i refer to everyone who is coding something in google as an engineer training is the process of providing employees opportunities to acquire some job-related skills another name for training is professional development or simply pd training can be short-term and long-term basically when you go to university we can call it a long-term training because all you do for four years for your bachelor's degree is acquiring job-related skills it falls under this definition short-term training can last for a few hours also training can be obligatory such as health and safety trading at really dangerous occupations or it can be non-compulsory when employees are free to decide whether they want to do it or not on the one hand the good stuff about training is that it actually educates employees helps them to be more productive and efficient on the other hand once employees are trained especially if it's off-the-job training they get a certificate of attendance or another document that proves their qualification so it might increase tough turnover and employees might actually leave the company for better employment opportunities after training the first type of training is called induction this is usually training for new employees who have just joined an organization it includes meeting key personnel giving a chance to get to know the colleagues and introduce yourself office tour and introduction to company policies and practices on the one hand it helps new employees to settle in quicker and reduce their the potential mistakes that they can make because if there's no induction training then you have to figure all the things out on your own which means that you might make some mistakes as you start working on the other hand when you offer induction training to employees you usually start paying them but job doesn't get done yet because employees are being trained on-the-job training is a type of training that takes place at a workplace you don't have to travel anywhere on the one hand this type of training is in line with organizations needs because it's provided by the organization itself however on the other hand this training might not necessarily be provided by someone who is a teacher it it's usually provided by someone who is just a more experienced employee who doesn't really know how to deliver knowledge he's just really experienced that's it in addition to that the mentor's bad habits can be transferred to the trainee as well as some knowledge that is not supposed to be shares with newcomers to the organization of the job training is the opposite of on the job this is a training that takes place off-site you have to travel sometimes this training does not happen within the working hours but after a job or at weekend and it sucks of course in addition this training might not be in line with your organization's needs because it's provided by an external organization and in addition after attending this training you might get a certificate that will help you to find another job so your employer might actually be reluctant to send you to off-the-job training however off-the-job training is provided by professionals by teachers by coaches whose main job is to deliver knowledge to you not by just an employee who is really experienced but doesn't know how to teach that's it that's all i wanted to share about different types of rewards and training the third part of this class is compulsory for higher level students only we'll be talking about turnover appraisal and recruitment [Music] labor turnover is very simple and easy to understand this is the rate at which employees leave the workplace and get replaced over a certain period of time so the formula is number of employees that leave divided by total number of employees times 100. labor turnover is a rate so it's measured in percentage let's say there are 100 employees in the organization and every year 30 employees leave which means that the staff turnover is 30 percent and the opposite of tough turnover staff retention is 70 so these two things are closely related stuff turnover and stuff retention that's it i hope it's pretty easy to understand appraisal is a formal assessment of an employee's performance over a period of time usually appraisal is not like an exam or a test usually this is an interview between an employee and senior staff or other team members or even customers depending on what kind of appraisal that is we'll be learning four different kinds of appraisal formative summative 360 degree feedback and self-appraisal on the one hand appraisal apparently helps employees to develop to get better to improve and also appraisal system means that the progress of employees is recorded there is a document somewhere in the database or in someone else's shelf that shows how employees develop over time which makes it easy to analyze data and helps in decision making on the other hand appraisal if it's too formal if it's too stressful it might stress out employees and have the opposite effect they might treat it as a test not as something that helps them to improve formative appraisal it's very similar to formative assessment if your teacher told you what formative and summative assessment is then i'm quite sure it'll be easy to understand appraisal for you so formative appraisal is the one that helps you to learn the one that forms you as employee if we're talking about school assessment then if you have a quiz that is not graded but that is used to give you feedback on how to improve that would be formative assessment same thing at the workplace formative appraisal is like a chance to get feedback that will help you to improve it's not mainly an examination against a set of criteria it's a learning exercise it's a developmental appraisal summative assessment is usually the most stressful summative assessment is like a test when you are appraised assessed against a set of criteria at the end of a certain period of time even though it also helps you to learn that's not the main idea here the main idea is to assess you as an employee assess your professional skills over a period of time self-appraisal is an opportunity for self-reflection so this is when you assess yourself this is usually the most motivating type of appraisal because there are no extrinsic factors you just think for yourself what you're good at what you're bad at what needs to be improved the main idea of self-appraisal is to help you as employee to understand what you personally need in order to improve 360 degree feedback appraisal is also something that is really motivating it's when you get second opinion not only from senior staff who usually criticize you but from everyone around you 360 degrees right from your colleagues from someone on the lower levels of the hierarchy from someone on the higher levels of the hierarchy maybe even from some of the customers this way you can consider completely different perspectives and lastly let's talk about recruitment recruitment is the process of finding new people for an organization let's divide recruitment process into eight stages vacancy arises job analysis job description and person specification job advertisement receiving applications short listing interviews and testing vacancy field plus rejections plus offering the contracts now let's talk about each stage in a little bit more detail the first step is called vacancy arises it means that either there are some duties in a company that nobody is performing and you as a manager do not have time for that so you need to hire someone or it means that someone who did a certain job left the organization or is about to leave organization and needs to be replaced with someone else anyways basically vacancy arises means you come to an understanding that you need another person or people to perform certain tasks the second step is job analysis this is thinking about what the job includes what are the working hours what kind of a person you want it to be everything related to the job you just think contemplate analyze what the job is about and what kind of person you want to see doing that job once you're done thinking you should prepare two documents job description jd and person specification ps job description is everything about job it's a document that outlines the working hours duties responsibilities etc person specification is a type of document about the ideal candidate what kind of person you want to hire to perform this job what kind of education what kind of skills what kind of personality this person should have everything is included in person specification two documents job description everything about the job and duties and responsibilities and person specification everything about an ideal candidate so you thought about what the job might include and what kind of person you want and you created two documents based on that jd and ps now it's time to let the world know that you are hiring this stage is called job advertisement when it comes to job advertisement you have to decide do you want to hire a person from within the organization or someone from outside the organization or maybe anyone could apply this leads us to two types of recruitment and this is one of the assessment objectives for this part of class internal recruitment is when you hire someone from within the organization external recruitment is when you hire someone from outside the organization internal recruitment is when you advertise the job within the organization use an organization website or email or notice board or anything else within the organization on the one hand if you hire someone internally it motivates other employees because they will think that there is a chance to get promoted and grow within the organization which might increase staff retention in addition this person does not need to have induction training really does not need any time to settle down and get adjusted to organization culture because this person has already worked in the organization however on the other hand this person might not have any new fresh ideas because that person that candidate has been working in the organization already in addition to that these promotion decisions within organization are not usually well perceived by all members of staff someone gets offended someone thinks it's not fair someone might leave organization it involves some certain political decisions and disagreements in addition to that the candidate that is hired internally might not have any fresh ideas this is called dead wood the opposite of that wood is fresh blood when someone has some new ideas that are not common to the organization and if you hire someone internally then the pool of potential candidates is pretty limited only by your organization if you decide to hire a candidate externally then you can use agencies internet newspapers head hunting university visits or employee referrals to attract potential candidates to apply for the vacancy if you don't know what these things mean let me know in the comments below on the one hand the pool of candidates is larger if you do external recruitment practically everyone on in this world can apply for this job in addition to that the person that is new to the organization will bring some new ideas this is called fresh blood which is the opposite of dead wood in internal recruitment in addition to that potential candidates might have a wider range of experiences not only limited to the ones within your organization because the pool of candidates is so large and you need to process all the applications in addition to that it's kind of more risky there is more uncertainty because you don't know the candidate he or she is absolutely new to the organization and you are not certain how he or she will settle in so once you made a decision whether it's internal recruitment or external recruitment or both and advertised the job after you let the world know that you are hiring then you will start receiving applications applications can include different documents usually there are three documents the first one is application form application form is designed by you if you are an employer if you are the one who is hiring and you let potential applicants fill in this form so that it will be easier for you to shortlist the best applicants before you invite them for the interview you don't want to interview every single applicant you want to interview the best ones based on application form the second document is cv or resume you can call it either way this is a brief summary of qualifications education and work experience of potential candidates candidates create their cv on their own and send it to the recruiters it might be a good idea for you to make your own cv right now and updated every year this way since high school you will be focused on your career and the third document is cover letter cover letter is a brief letter where you explain in a very polite way why you are the best fit why you are the best candidate why you personally should be hired and prioritized over other candidates it doesn't have to be all three documents sometimes it's just cv that recruiters want to see sometimes it's even more than these three documents it all depends on the job on the company on the policies and etc after recruiters receive applications they start shortlisting short listing is the process of selecting the best of the best so that you can invite them to the next stage which is interviews and testing before interviews and testing at stage six short listing you should also let unsuccessful candidates know that they did not make it to the interviews you should thank them for participation and wish them good luck you shouldn't keep these people waiting you definitely have to let them know that they were not selected for the interview so those that were shortlisted they are invited for an interview interview is just a conversation a meeting either one to one between the person who is hiring in the candidate or two to one usually the someone from hr and person who is experienced in a given job if it's three people and more interviewing one candidate then this is a panel of interviewers after interviews recruiters might also contact referees that the candidate provided this is very similar to your college application when you apply for a college you ask some of your teachers to write a recommendation letter for you and you actually waive your right to see this recommendation letter most of the time same things with references usually the job that you are applying to the recruiters from that job will contact your previous employers or your teachers and ask them about you or ask them to provide a recommendation or reference letter so very often candidates do not actually see this letter if interviews and references are not enough then candidates might be invited to a test either aptitude test that measures your professional skills or personality tests that measures your personal characteristics or group situation test to see how you behave when you are in a group or any other type of test that is relevant to the job this is not a must for teachers very often after the interview they are invited for a demo class when you show part of your class so that the potential employer can see what kind of teacher you are maybe in your psychology class you heard about 16 personalities test i already mentioned it in one of my previous videos it might be a good idea for you to check out this test it's fun i'm going to leave a link below and most importantly thank you for subscribing to my channel and liking this video in the last stage of recruitment process vacancy is filled recruiters finally make a decision who they want to hire the candidate that was hired is offered a contract of employment this is a document an agreement that legally binds the professional relationship it includes the job title the names the dates the period of contract terms and conditions of terminating the contract and many other things contract and employment can be either part-time or full-time depending how much time you're supposed to spend at work and it can be permanent and temporary temporaries for one two three or etcetera years permanent is contract that works until one of the parties employer or employee want to stop recruitment and unfortunately at this stage there will be some employees who after being interviewed and or tested did not make it were not hired these employees need to be let known that they were not selected and need to be thanked for participation one of the assessment objectives was evaluate an internal and external recruitment so the types of recruitment are internal and external we talked about them in the job advertisement stage of recruitment process you are expected to be able to evaluate internal and external recruitment so if you forgot what that is scroll back and pay attention to advantages and disadvantages of internal and external recruitment this is exactly what's going to help you to learn to evaluate these types of recruitment so this ends this very long video class which has so many things one thing you might want to do is go to my website and see 89 terms from this unit and make sure that you can define all of them once again there's a lot of information in this class but it's not very difficult to understand it's just that there's a lot of information please pause the video have a look at the assessment objectives and make sure you achieved all of them [Music]