Endocrine System: Endocrine Organs and Their Functions

Jun 15, 2024

Endocrine Organs and Their Functions

Endocrine Organs Overview

  • Color coding:
    • Blue: Endocrine organ names
    • Pink: Hormone names
    • Green: Hormone target functions

Pituitary Gland

Anterior Pituitary Gland (Front Part)

  • Hormones Produced: 7 Hormones


  1. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)

    • Target: Adrenal gland
    • Function: Causes the adrenal gland to release steroid hormones
      • Examples: Aldosterone, Cortisone, Testosterone
  2. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

    • Target: Ovaries and Testes
    • Function: Stimulates production of steroid hormones (Estrogen and Testosterone)
    • Interplay causes maturation of sperm and eggs
  3. Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

    • Associated with FSH
    • Target: Ovaries and Testes
    • Function: Similar to FSH, influences production of Estrogen and Testosterone
  4. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

    • Target: Thyroid gland
    • Function: Stimulates thyroid gland to produce thyroxin, affecting metabolism
  5. Growth Hormone (GH)

    • Target: Nearly every cell in the body
    • Function: Stimulates repair and growth
      • Important in childhood for height and muscle mass
      • Throughout life for cell and muscle repair
  6. Prolactin (PRL)

    • Target: Mammary glands
    • Function: Stimulates milk production
    • May have other unknown effects in brain
  7. Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH)

    • Target: Melanocytes in skin
    • Function: Stimulates production of pigment (Melanin)

Posterior Pituitary Gland (Back Part)

  • Hormones Released: 2 Hormones (Produced in Hypothalamus)
  1. Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH)

    • Target: Kidneys
    • Function: Helps conserve water by causing kidneys to reabsorb more water
      • Can increase blood pressure
      • Reduces dehydration
  2. Oxytocin

    • Targets: Uterus, Mammary glands, Brain
    • Function:
      • Causes milk ejection from mammary glands
      • Stimulates uterine contractions
      • Associated with bonding and relaxation in brain
      • Released during orgasm, may be linked to sexual bonding and relaxation


  • Location: Part of the diencephalon in the brain
  • Function: Controls pituitary gland (PG)
    • Connection: Emotional states (stress, anger) can affect hormone production in pituitary gland

Pineal Gland

  • Location: Part of the epithalamus in the brain
  • Hormone Produced: Melatonin
    • Function: Released in the dark, causes sleepiness


  • Additional organs and hormones will be covered in part two of the lecture. Stay tuned.