yeah I know she was so surprised really oh for sure I mean it wasn't very big just a little bug but flour went crazy OMG a flower is really improve bugs well yeah flower can see so fabulous like the time CS I seen if she was beautiful I can't don't you think I look beautiful oh no oh oh boy I remember that I am so gonna get revenge on her I cannot believe how she thinks we will be your servants I'm so good you guys are my friends oh really oh my legs you nearly pulps me oh it's not my fault it's the stupid knocking here it's his mom look fine I'll get needle vilius what was that for hey I'm just in the mood to hurt someone woody get off there's a life out there to enjoy so enjoy it [Music] Deirdre calm down kicking woody could severely injure him he is balsa I can't believe what a scaredy-cat hoodie is he's so uncool Ben though you're cool so are you a racer look rocky wake up [Music] honey you're so dumb hey oh my gosh fiery you're so easy to slap isn't golf-ball bossy I know she is like a boss uh you know a bossy robot well a robot that was built to be its bossiest I'd do anything to get away from her or flower or woody or spongy well then you're in luck Wow well everybody they're building the island of luxury it's called dream island a whole square mile of paradise a five-star hotel a casino six restaurants robot servants and the winner even gets to decide who gets to come in and who doesn't so how cost not even a penny I'll take but what about everybody else they wanted to you know oh I wouldn't give up that Island neither would a so we must settle this with a contest you [Music] so yes whoever stays on the longest wins let's help each other [Music] [Applause] Cooney don't ever do there's the evil flower she still is let's run her over yeah you're right I can't Oh No lucky Rocky hello what is it you're stepping on me better yes now pull us up whoa teardrop pull into my other arm [Music] nice going kid a job well done Alliance remember oh yeah please me you're stepping on me [Applause] yeah Rach wait hold on a sec we didn't agree to that look when I went the island I'll let you on to the island tin this still isn't fair only one of us can win um ten wrong finger anyway still only one of us can win that's where you're wrong the two of you both win wait we both get the island nope you just get to choose the teams the teams for a much larger longer battle to win dream island oh great it's not that bad