Okay, here we go. Sit to stand. On the down leg, it's squatty, hingey. On the up leg, it's definitely more hingey. See?
By the third round. Plus all the practicing. I do in figuring out class planning.
Okay, reverse lunge. I'm doing it without the chain. Make sure you're not heavy in that heel at the bottom of that reverse lunge.
And push-ups. Last set. Ah, only 30 seconds. 30 seconds left.
More push-ups. Got to be close. Okay, three, two, one. And our break.
Okay if you want to do more rounds, do more rounds. That feels complete for me today. So take a break and then we're gonna work a few other things with the chair to finish out today. So have a chair handy. I'm just curious.
I always like to listen when my brain goes, try this. I'm like, really? I don't know how it's going to work out. So, um, I am going to try it. So with my lunge I'm gonna do a little thing like yaw the leg and extend it at the same time and then see if that gets me that reset kind of gets me a pop out of the bottom so Here we go.
Again my brain is like do this and I'm kind of like I've never done that before. So here we go live watching me f around and find out. So here we go. Okay. Okay.
Ball the shin. Okay. I think I got it.
Follow the ship. Huh, that was cool. So at the bottom of the lunges I was coming out of it, I did a little thing and then that got me the pop. I'm gonna play with that.
Feel free to play with it too with those minimal instructions. I'll work on it between now and next month. Okay, grab a chair. And I'm going to grab a seat. First, the thing we're going to do is bring our hands back onto the back of the chair.
It might be the legs of the chair, but you want to have them someplace and your elbows someplace that you have a sense of being able to push down, keep your butthole firmly planted and shining to the bottom of the chair. But I can push down with my arms. and manipulate my shoulder blades and extend my spine.
Then I might find I'm going to move the hands to get that final bit of lift. I'm just going to take a couple breaths here pushing down. Okay, now I'm going to bring my hands down either onto the seat of the chair or down.
I might have to scooch back down to the legs of the chair and it's about trying to pull up. so that I help round, it reflects my spine, a sense of the back of my pelvis moving towards the back of the chair, whereas when I was pushing down, I know there was a sense of the back of the pelvis moving away from the back of the chair, so create that rounding of the spine, and again, take, my hands are slippy, take a few breaths here, nice slow inhale, inhale, then out breath, This time, you know, focusing on that in breath filling and getting all the creases out of the back of our body, whereas the last one we were getting all the creases out of the front of our body. Okay.
Okay. Now we're going to roll up or to turn. So I've got my down leg closest to the back of the chair.
You can have your down or up leg but the leg closest to the back of the chair we're going to cross it over the other leg. So typically on the down leg the leg wants to rotate out whereas on the up leg the up leg wants to come up. So how you cross will be different depending on whether you're you know you're down.
leg or your up leg is closer to the back. So let that cross that wants to happen happen. And then from here we're going to bring both hands to the back of the chair. The hand closest to you is pulling, the hand furthest from the legs is pushing.
So we're using the arms to leverage us into a bit of rotation. You don't need to be overzealous we're like 10% effort here. I could work in the collarbones being the one that I pull the hand that I'm pulling with that collarbone is pushing forward the hand that I'm pushing with that collarbone is pushing back.
I'm just going to take a couple of breaths here. Maybe I can use that inhale and exhale, especially the exhale to get a little more rotation. And then with this exhale I'm going to let my head turn and look over my back shoulder. And then my next inhale I'm going to unwind the head, unwind the chest and shoulders, come back face the chair, we're going to go to the other side.
Again you're going to cross over. If it's your up leg, the leg will go up and kind of cross over. If it's your down leg, the leg will want to kind of go out. Again bring hands to the back of the chair, the hand close. to the legs is going to pull the hand farthest from the legs is going to push okay just like 10-15% a little turn of the chest and then let's use our inhale and exhale see if on that exhale we can get a little more turn of the belly turn of the chest And then on your next exhale, you'll look over that shoulder.
Next inhale, unwind the head, unwind the shoulders and the torso, and cross the legs. We're going to take our legs out a little bit wider, step your feet back so that your potentially your heels might be off the ground. And you're going to let your torso hang like a rag doll so that your hips get a little lighter in the chair and then you're going to lift your hips and then you're going to reach down through the heels but don't squish the skin with the bones of the heels.
Just take the heels reaching down and into the ground as you roll yourself up. Take your gaze up, reach those hands up. We're going to clasp one wrist and take a side bend. Let's cross that ankle over the other ankle. It could also just be out in front.
Nice stretch for the side body. Up right, other side. Wrap those arms around, give yourself a tight squeeze, pat on the back. Great job.
We'll see you next month. Bye for now.