Alright this is Josh Kohler with Today we have another exciting episode for you. We're here with Josh from the Boogie Brew. And Josh, what are we doing today?
We're heading over to TD's Kaliwana Patch. He's going to give us a scrog report, Josh. He's going to teach some old dogs some new tricks on how to grow... the finest cannabis plants on earth with mega yields, deadriant free, that's the key, that's what I want to chat about afterwards, how you can grow without using any crap. date about one month later and we're going to show you guys some of his techniques including his scragging techniques or pulling your plants to create more solar panels so your plants grow bigger and get 10 feet tall like his does and also yield like 10 pounds of flower per plant.
Yeah, he's a, it's a sport for him so this is not necessarily the most efficient way to grow cannabis. However, when you're limited to six plants as most of the country that are allowed to grow cannabis in the first place are, this is the way to get record yield. off of each and every plant. In fact, Josh, these really aren't cannabis plants. These are cannabis trees.
Yeah, and that's why I want to make the video for you guys. So I want you guys to increase your yields, even if you grow not too many plants, so you guys have the most plant material, including flowers. But I also want you to use your leaves. Eat your leaves, choose your leaves. You're going to have to munch on some of his leaves.
Put it on salads, because you're going to have so many extra leaves when you're doing all your trim work, because these plants are going to get so huge. I think he also, I forget, you know, I'm such a stoner. But he had some other information he wanted to relay to the audience about preparing the plants So there's gonna be some advice on babies I believe but in any case TD certainly has a brain worth picking and I can't wait to get over there and yeah I haven't been there since you were there with me last so it's pretty he was and he was insisting He texted me a picture. I was stunned.
He's like you guys have got to come over here for an update. All right, cool Yeah, well, let's head over. We're gonna head over on our e-bikes.
Yeah, environmentally friendly. Yes Yes sir, Caliwana patch, here we go. Alright so now we're here at TD's patch and we're going to show you guys the update. You guys saw it about a month ago, literally I was here.
You guys saw how small these plants are. Look how big these plants are. I mean I'm like about six feet tall and these guys are like at least pushing five feet and make sure you don't touch his plants because you got the shotgun man.
These are his babies. So what he's done, he's been scrogging these guys and like pulling them apart to make them wide. This is to me is like a cannabis bush.
And this is going to get a lot taller. You can see he put this like webbing stuff on at different levels on this T-post so that he can guide it up so that it's not going to blow in the wind. You can see he's also, you know, scrogging them and pulling them apart.
So what you guys are going to learn in this episode, aside from seeing how big these girls are, is you guys are going to learn, number one, he's going to re-go over his soil recipe to make sure you guys have it down because that is the basis of his success, the soil recipe. Number two, he's going to show you guys some pre-planting. planting techniques that you will want to use before you put your girls into the ground on some new babies that he just has. So this will ensure your success.
Number three, next thing he's going to do is we're going to show you guys, he's going to show you the scrogging technique. Very important man. If you guys want to grow plants like TD does, you've got to pull them apart, you've got to make this many solar panels or this many leaves exposed. This is amazing to me.
These are some of the most lush and green plants I've seen. Of course he also… not related to this video that we're making today. He hit him with compost tea this morning, so that's one of his big tips from the first episode that you definitely got to do.
And then the final thing we're going to show you guys is pinching. Hey, I love pinching off the top, and today TD is going to show you guys how to pinch your plants properly. Now before we get into interviewing TD and letting him show you guys all this good stuff, I want to go ahead and recommend the book that TD recommends and uses.
You know, I got to pick up this book myself. It's actually called the Marijuana Garden Saver Handbook. book for healthy plants. He's told me personally that this book has saved his butt so many times from an iron deficiency, from different kind of pests. It's got all this, you know, full color pictures with diseases and what to do.
And like, oh, and he, look, prevention, he has this part highlighted, must be important. Bacillus subtilis is a bacterium that attacks B. sincera.
It can be sprayed on the plants as a preventative. I mean, I put Bacillus subtilis, like, in my soul, and then also sprayed on my vegetable plants. And so that must be important.
Anyways, lots of things to do. Talked about Pythium, all the stuff you're going to need to do. Yeah, available online, check it out, Marijuana Garden Saver by JC Stitch and edited by Ed Rothenthal from Quick American Press. So now I'm here with TD and he's going to go over his soil recipe for you guys.
Which includes the ocean forest. Ok, so last time I kind of fumbled the ball and I wanted to make sure that you guys got it. So, it's Roots Organic 707, the ancient forest, the Alaskan humus, the ocean forest. and the hydrogen original clay balls. And then I mix all that up, and if I was going to do this to start over, and I was you guys, I would probably mix my soil up at the beginning of March, get it in there, and start my compost teas.
And then just before I was going to plant my plants in May, then I would add my food that I feed them, and I like to feed them. This year I started with some char. It was introduced to me from Josh. And I really think that the char is really helping out. He was telling me that what it's doing is, how does he put that?
So yeah, he adds biochar, which is basically char that adds the carbon to the soil that should be activated before you put it in your recipe. Otherwise you could lock up nutrients actually. So it could actually be a home for the microbes and also enhance the nutrient uptake. So the beginning of May I added the char and then I added...
I do the lasagna is I take and I kind of sprinkle it out to where I do a layer because that's why they call it a lasagna. I actually learned that from some boys called Mendo Dope. They know what they're talking about. It's like two years ago when I started doing the no-till and so it has just a part to do with the no-till. Anyways, I use the crab meal, the kelp meal, the feather meal, the glacier rock, oyster shell, and then the neem seed on top.
And they always say double the neem seed of what you do with the crab. with the other mills because it's better for the bugs and stuff like that. It really helps you out.
I believe that because the last three years that I've done it, I haven't seen as many bugs as I used to have in my soil. I used to have a lot of bugs. That's another reason for the bark out there is they say it helps with the crawly bugs.
So we're going to see what's happening with that. But that's how I do my soil. I would assume that you guys would want to try it.
It's worth trying. You'll be surprised. You saw what they already look like.
Cool, man. So what ratios do you use? You listed all the ingredients, but do people put two bags? bags of this, one bag of that, or how much do you use? Okay, yeah, kind of like what I said last time, I start with, well how I listed it is kind of pretty much how I do it.
I'll take the Roots Organic 707, and actually, I'm sorry, the Ancient Forest would be the fourth one, because I do the black golds with it. The Roots Organic, half a bag of each, like I told you in the wheelbarrow. Mix those two up, and then you'll grab a half a bag of the Ocean Forest, mix that up in with it, and then you'll do the...
Now, when it comes to the Alaskan humus, I like to actually use a whole bag of that rather than a half bag. It's a small bag. It's a very small bag, exactly.
So I like to use a whole bag with that. So I use a whole bag per one mix, and then I... Do 10 to 15 percent of the hydro clay balls.
I have to have these. Hydraton balls, yeah. Hydraton original clay pebbles, yep, exactly. And you get those in there and like we've talked about, they're going to help you with your amendments, with not just letting them run through and disappear and stuff like that.
And then how much of the other ingredients like the meals that you add on? Like I said, I sprinkle it on the very, very top. And you just lasagna it on, you just sprinkle it so it's not a lot. And after I get it all sprinkled on top and I get to the last part of the food, then I just take my hands and I just kind of like scrunch it all in.
So it's pretty much what you call a scratch feed, right? A lot of people call it a scratch feed. Most people nowadays have been calling it a lasagna feed though, so that's why I called it a lasagna.
Because you're doing layers, you're building it up. Alright, right on. Cool, yeah, I mean I use a very Alaskan humus, that stuff's good for your vegetable garden or evidently for your cannabis. Definitely recommend it. I mean a lot of the feeds that he's using to me is encouraging fungal activity.
You know, the crab shell meals and all those meals, excellent to do and also that's going to help create some... and pest resilience. It's very important to use all the ingredients that he mentions. And one thing too is remember kelp mill is one of your most important. If there's lots of vitamins and minerals and all that stuff in kelp mill, kelp mill is one of the important ones with the protein, I would say.
Those two are important to me. Yeah, I mean the kelp will feed the microbes in there and also it's a rich source of trace minerals and plant auxins and all these different things and I try to use different kinds of kelp in my garden and other kinds of seaweeds actually. If you actually look and...
half the people that you learn on the videos about everybody mentions kelp, kelp, kelp, so there's got to be something to it, right? Yeah, well kelp's a common one, but there's a lot of other seaweeds that could be used too that I would encourage people to look into actually. And actually I eat seaweeds, it's good for us too because it's rich in trace minerals and actually it's plants of the sea.
So what better to feed your plants of the earth than plants of the sea that actually absorbs different minerals, trace minerals than. What would be normally found in, you know, land-based, you know, plants. Cool. Alright, TD. So, next let's go ahead and check out and show the pre-planting techniques you use.
Alright, TD, what are you going to show us now? This is like a… say you have your plants in a pot before you plant them in the ground, you know, TD does some special techniques that he didn't get to share with you previously that I want him to share with you guys right now. Okay, this plant here is getting ready to come up and it's doing its thing.
And what I look at first of all is its genetics being uniform. Down here… And this is from seed, right? No clones. I don't do clones because a clone, like I told you before, it's going to start here one branch, which they call a node.
Then it's going to go a quarter turn, another node, quarter turn, a node, one node. So you only get one branch at a time. And here, when you see two leaves per side, because it's a seed, it has… It has two nodes per side. You can see it right there.
There's two branches. They're laying there like equal. Like if there's one on this side, there's one on that side. Correct.
And so what I look at when I look at these plants, and right now is the time I would do it too, would be why it's still young and not stress it. I don't like to really stress these. This little bottom one right here always comes off. It's the single leaf of the starter of the plant.
It always grows the single. But when it comes up and it grows a single leaf, it's supposed to go 3x3 right here to be uniform, and then it goes into 5x5. This one didn't.
It went 1x3, 5x3. So I definitely, if this was growing out in the other garden, this is a different type of plant. I'm doing something different with this right now.
But I would definitely take off these next two branches too. So he's going to take off the two bottom sets of leaves before you plant it out? Yes, usually both bottom branches come off. off from me, the first two sets.
Then I will grow this up to another eight nodes and then I will top it. And so I will only have four nodes total that I'm going to work with out there, which means a total of eight branches with four nodes, because like I told you, there's one per side. And so when we get out there, that's why I brought the cage this time, I want to take the first two ones down here and come out the third one high right here. So I'm not going to be pulling this thing all the way down here. Oh, Logan, you're pulling them high.
I'm pulling them up. up to pull them at an angle. So I'm still giving them sun, but I'm not trying to like break them off. And then so the first two sets of nodes from the bottom are going to come out the same height, the third one high on the bar.
And then the fourth one will come out above that and hopefully the tops will come out above this. It doesn't always work out that way, but that's the plan. So you're really stretching these guys out, like you're just pulling them out hard. It's like when I first started, I was like, I'm going to do this. started talking to Josh about doing the videos, I told him that the original tops where I top it, because if you notice in the videos I only top one time to get to this stage that we're at right now out there.
Wow. Yes. And that's before it even gets planted out.
No, I do the topping and the planting at the same exact time. Ah, same time. Low stress again. So I top it, I plant it, I already can count the, you can count the nodes right now.
Yeah. You know, you can, so it's not a hard thing to do. Anyway, so what you see is when I told Josh, Josh, when I first met him, I said, you see right here, I'm going to pull these tops out and they're going to come across and they're going to hit you about the chest when they're done.
And I said, and the rest of the plant will be up there. He's like, what? He looked at me like I was crazy. And I said, no, I'm serious.
I said, I mean, it's pretty much looking like that. Well, I'm going to show you where the tops are when we go out there and they're almost below my chest though. And everybody else is up here. So, but that's how I like to do it.
And when the branches are small like this inside here, you don't necessarily have to tie to the branch. You can tie from side to side. to pull it down. We're just mainly trying to keep everybody open so the new growth inside will grow straight up. That's all we want.
We just want the new growth to grow straight up and that's how we're going to gather all these tops. So we're going to create a huge canopy out there. Wow.
Cool. Well hey, these are just traditional regular plants. Let's learn how you do autoflowers maybe a little bit differently because they flower so quickly.
So now TD's going to share with us about growing autoflowers. So if you want to get high yield So, the fields don't grow autoflowers because they flower automatically and they grow a lot faster generally. But you want to talk about your opinions on autoflowers real quick, TD, before we show you our technique?
They don't really go through a photo period. They say that when they germinate, they germinate. Like this one's going to be 70 days. 70 days and it's going to be done.
From germination. So if you've got to grow indoors, it's probably a good thing to do. A lot of people out here at the ranch, they've got greenhouses all over out there. And they're growing 70-day plants two to three times a year.
I don't know how they're getting it. third prop myself but they're doing it Two to three times a year. Anyway, these plants would be done in 70 days. The only reason I'm even growing this dang thing is to prove something to my friend.
He says that he could tell the difference no matter what, if it's an auto or if it's just a regular standard plant. I always cut the bottom one off, like I said. I just can't stand that bottom.
It never does nothing. It just can't go nowhere. It just doesn't work. So you got the cotyledon leaves first, you cut them off, and then the first set after the cotyledon leaves.
I often do that actually on my my tomatoes. The first night? Yeah, like why even bother?
They're so small and tiny and then my plants grow so tall anyways. And they never get no sun. So by the time they, yeah.
And then they usually get the bugs. Because they're the low ones to crawl up to you. They're the latter for it.
Yeah, exactly. But anyway, just to prove a point to him that I can trick him, that's why I'm growing this right now. It's not?
To high yield or anything. Yeah, so he says that because it grows a short period of time, it cannot develop all the different high levels of nutrients. Yeah.
It can get enough triclones and I don't believe that the cannabinoids and all that can be as photogenic as what we have out here because we're going for a longer time. You know, they're growing and growing and growing more cannabinoids and more THC. It's just impossible that you could do the same. Exactly, it could never match it.
Yeah, I mean I think outdoor grown, number one, and then number two, long period of time, like you don't want the crops to mature fast because they have to develop really quickly. I mean kids these days develop breasts and whatever really soon and that means their overall lifespan will be shorter actually. You want people to develop later in life.
Yeah, their hormones are fast. Because their hormones are faster, they're living their life quicker so they're not going to be as healthy in the long run in my opinion and I would probably suspect that too. So when I grow plants like vegetables, I try to make sure they have a nice long life instead of a short life and I don't want to stress them out. Stressing them out will cause them to have a shorter life too.
Cool man. So yeah, it would be interesting to see. get the updates on this also, your auto flower experiment.
Yeah, I've never done it before, like I said, I just wanted to try it just to try to prove a point to him that I could trick him. Cool, right on, hey man. So let's go ahead and go out into the patch.
Alright, so now we're here with TD and he's going to show us his tie down and tuck leaves technique. So TD, take it away because you're the expert. Alright, so first of all, I had a friend the other day call me up and ask me, TD, how do you know when to move them?
And this is a perfect example right here. I hadn't moved this. this for two to three days because I knew Josh was coming and I wanted to show how you can, how it curves back up.
So it curves up automatically because it's trying to hit the sun. Yeah, it wants to go up, yes. But you want to make it go out, right? So I come back here, I get as high as I can.
High as you can without breaking the stem and not too thin. And I choke her head off again. It's tied down. You got the landscape there. I don't want this directly underneath it like it was just a minute ago.
I want to start pulling it out now because I want to make them stretch out. I don't want to break them over. So I'm going to give it a little... touch right here underneath. Give it some support while you're pulling it down.
Yep, get her ready. And obviously this one. And then you got the landscape fabric pins, hold it down, and you just pull it and wrap it around.
Yeah, see how that's really stretching and bending? Okay, now we have the leaves, because now we have the leaves up here. I was telling you about turning and keeping everybody straight. We're going to turn her to the right. We're going to tuck this leaf under here.
We'll be back out by morning. We'll tuck this leaf under here and we want all these little branches. Oh, the new growth over there. To grow straight up.
The new growth that's coming out, you want it to go straight up to like, because otherwise this guy would shade them out. Correct. Or this guy or that girl. Correct.
this one one way, the other one one way, and look, all these tops, and I help them out. My buddy said, TD, why do you do that? They'll eventually find their way up. I said, dude, we're going to make this quick.
Make it happen faster. Yeah, we want to make this quick. We want to get it. You're going to direct them in the right direction so that they just… Now these are the bottom branches right here on this plant. The bottom branches and the very top branches.
You want to be the carefulest with these plants. The middle branches, they're pretty strong. Now why are the top and the bottom branches more delicate?
Okay, the bottom branches always have this weird note. I have a plant over here called pink starburst. I'm going to show you that sometimes if I didn't take off, like I showed you over there, enough branches, it grows like a little tiny knuckle against the main stalk.
stock and it just like the thing gets weak and it will break right off on its own. It's not from tying it down or anything it's just because maybe it's some of the newest growth or not quite as strong. Too young, didn't get enough sun, whatever. Yeah, but I've had it done major times. When it does this early you don't even have to worry about it.
You can always make it up and bend another branch over here. So for instance like if I'm going to grow a new phenotype I'm always going to have He's going to grow 5 sets of branches rather than 4 just in case that does happen. You have one spare in case, because you're not familiar with it.
Something to fall back on, exactly. See? Easter egg. It was hiding. Right in there.
Little Easter egg. So TD, is all this work really necessary? If you don't do this, they won't canopy out. You can see this little plant's got how many heads on it already? I can't even count.
Exactly. So if I took you next door, on the next video, we'll have my neighbor open the back fence. And he's not doing this? He doesn't do this.
Ah, and you can see his plants. Oh, that'll be a good one. That'll be a good video.
Yeah, click subscribe down below so you can check out my other videos. check out that video. And I'll show you, he grows by same plants, so the genetics are there.
So they grow big. But they grow like a tree. And then what's his yield though approximately?
About half. Half, so yeah, if you want to get double your yield. And maybe not even half the times. You got to do the techniques. So that's what I do is I go through, I tuck and I pull out and I look around and make sure everybody's coming.
There's ones in here, like this guy right here, probably won't make it. After it makes it out the first cage, it doesn't necessarily. necessarily mean it's going to make it to your second cage.
So that's pretty much about tying down. Cool, alright, let's learn about scrogging next. So now we're in a different plant, this one's even taller than the last one we were at, and he's going to be scrogging this one.
So what does scrogging mean, TD, because for the noob, like I don't know what the frickin'it means. Screen of green. Screen of green, that's what it stands for, screen of green.
So you want to make a screen of green. And that's what I'm trying to do here, I almost have the, to fill this whole bottom screen is almost impossible. So this screen right here will fill up and the next screen after we attach this cage over here, there's a cage that goes around the outside where we're going to pull the rest of the branches on through and that will be the final support cage and from there on they're on their own.
We won't be tying them down, we won't be scrogging. Ah, that's cool. They'll be way too big.
So just, so how many months do you have to do all these techniques to get them already big enough so that then once at that point you just let them go because they're already stretched out and you already got so many tops already. Yeah, we're only one month into it right now and these... These two plants right here are so far along that I don't do much work at all right now.
So the scarring that I'm doing now is just pretty much making sure that I can fill up these squares and keep... See, I want to pull this little stuff up into here, otherwise it has no support. And sometimes the first one always goes belt high, first net, next one always goes chest high, which is always the first top of my pole right here, the T-post. And how tall are these T-posts? So six feet, maybe into the ground, two to support all the weight.
Yeah, I only think I'm just... Oh, maybe, yeah, I'm talking about foot. So maybe about a foot into the ground, yeah. But anyway, so then I just pull all these out into the screen to give them support. So like you would take this, this girl branch and then pull it out to come up into this square.
No, this one I've already pulled. Oh, that one's staying there. Yeah, this one I've already pulled up and what I like to do here is take this leaf right here, because see how we opened up the sun?
I'll take this leaf and I'll tuck it right there. Put underneath. Yeah, because we don't really need that leaf anyways. It's, you know, look, we've got tons of… Yeah, you've got tons.
Solar panels are everywhere. All you see is leaves. I don't see nothing else.
They got a little wind blown the other day too, got a little curl on the tips, we had some wind up here. But anyway, I'm trying to get these ones back up here, like this one's ready right here. Ah, so you're trying to bring them up straight versus pull them, and the lower ones will maybe come out, or you don't even want them to come out this far because you want, when they get to this level, they will be out.
I do want them all to come out about thigh high. So you're letting these grow out more than they're going to come up maybe this one or this one. This is the actual main bottom branch right here. You can see the texture. to connect it to it.
This one right here is the actual top of the chip. That's the actual top that grew, that you pulled out, that's just hidden now. I mean maybe it looks a little bit bigger than some of the others but you can't even tell.
Those are all side shoots right, or suckers technically. Yeah, you can look way down in here if you want to get down in here with the camera, you can see them. Wow, that's incredible.
It's totally incredible. You're doing some incredible stuff here man. It's too much work for me I wouldn't do all this.
But that's how you can get down. But that's how you get the yield. Yeah, if you want the yield, this is the work you got to do.
And for some people it's worth it, and especially if you're limited to growing six plants legally, and you want to maximize, this is what you got to do. The other thing is too, I told you, I have fun doing it. Yeah.
This is a passion for me. It's not work. To me, like to maximize my yield on my cannabis plants would be work, but like I would just use the leaves anyway, so I don't even need the flowers.
Well, for instance, my son said, Pops, you're not going to show them all your stuff, are you? And I said, what's it not? There's no money in it anymore anyway. Yeah, well, that, and then also, too, spreading the word so that people can get the right information, the best information to grow.
Sharing is caring. Sharing is caring man. This is service dude, you are living in service, you are helping other people.
There's nothing greater in your life you can do than help others with your knowledge and techniques. He's trying to steal my friends already. Yeah ladybug.
Check this out guys, TD does something that I do. I do a little bit differently than he does it. He's got a secret to basically keep his insect infestations down and this is something I want you guys to do right?
I'm going to reach in there very carefully and show you guys what he's got. I don't know if you guys can see it in there, but it's all the way in there. And what he did was he put on a little wire and it's just hanging from a lower branch, which is actually cool because I don't really do this.
I don't do it like this, I'll tell you what I do. And if you pull it out you'll see there's basically an egg casing. This is a praying mantis egg casing.
Out of this guy will hatch like, I don't know, like 80, 100 little praying mantises. And like these little praying mantises, they're carnivorous insects. So these are good bugs that will eat your bad bugs. I've seen them in my garden eat like tomato hornworms when they're small so now I don't get like, you know, leaf damage.
You know, they'll eat all. kinds of other different bugs and plus they're really cool to look at man and they won't mess up your plants. Obviously TD would not be using them if they're going to mess up his plants. And what he does is he puts them on a little wire and hangs it on a branch. What I do is I take the bamboo skewers that you get from like the dollar store and I stick it right through where it was attached to a branch and then I stick it right at the base of the plant like above the soil about that much which is basically what he's doing with the wire because I don't want to like you know attach anything to my plants.
But yeah, you could do it like this, but yeah, I definitely recommend get some praying mantises that will, you know, decrease your pest pressures because, you know, these are free labor. I love free labor. And all you got to do is buy some eggs.
I buy a bunch of eggs on eBay for a super cheap price, but you got to do it early in season because otherwise they'll sell out. Otherwise you got to spend… Keep them in the fridge. Yeah, keep them in the fridge, otherwise they're going to hatch in your house when it gets hot.
And yeah, I got a video on praying mantises, put the link down below if you guys want to learn about these babies. I love them. So another critical part of TD's program is to pinch and top the plants, and that's what he's going to show you guys right now.
These plants are getting a little bit overgrown, and so he's going to pinch them back. So let's see. Yeah, so first of all I only pinched the one time like I told you to separate the plant at the beginning so we have our four nodes that we're messing with and then I wait until they get to this height because that way the lower the stress, the more the plant I mean look how healthy this plant is, it's just healthy.
But anyway, we're going to top it right now and we're going to top these three right here. Because they're coming through, they're getting too tall or what's up? Just because we're going to make double shoots here, I'm going to show you.
I'll show you. We're going to have two tops. We're going to instead of having one branch, now we're going to have two again. I like to do it really small like that.
A lot of people see that here's our two new shoots. These are now our new tops. I do that with my basil because I'll harvest the tops to eat. What do you do with those tops? I give them to Josh.
You hand them to me because I'm going to eat them. Right here I got some cannabis tops. That's some good stuff. Eat your tops guys when you're pinching them off. Don't waste them.
It's good food. I've got something for you so I can give them to you. I love eating these girls.
But they made it through. I can't believe they're this tall already. One month from when I was last here. And now they're up and out. Cool.
That's pretty much the topic. That's going to encourage more branching. And if you noticed, I only did the three.
They're the only three out. It helps me so I know. When you did it.
Yes. So you can track. And who to still do.
Like these are coming up, these are coming up. And so I won't, until I get to this stage right here of them popped up to where I can reach them, I won't put that cage on. That cage goes around here like I was telling you. We'll show that next time I'm here.
Yep. It'll be on too. Guaranteed.
I guarantee if they're growing at this rate. So why do you think they're growing, are they growing faster this year than any other year you've had? Yeah, this is the first year that I've ever used the Boogie Brew tea and I can tell that tea is really kicking me here. I mean look what they've done this morning, but I just got off. It had to have still been fresh.
I mean, it's juicy. No, that's really good stuff. Last year, this time, you know, how much smaller were they? Okay, here's a good comparison. These are close to one of my biggest gardens.
And one of my biggest gardens was 14 foot 7 inches. So I mean they were up there. I was on an 8 foot ladder and my neighbor was like waving at me. I'm like oh my goodness and I'm at the top, you know what I mean?
So they're growing as good as my first and which kind of shocked me because from not doing the no-till. So you're reusing the soil so this is like not like fresh soil that has all the nutrients. You're adding to it. Actually I think he's making it better personally and it shows.
Yes, exactly. I've made it better. I believe the char has a big thing beneficial with it. I've never used that before. And they're the only two things I've really...
So the biochar and the boogie brew are the two things you're doing differently this year? Yeah, because like I said, my neighbors have brought me tea before, but the tea that they brought me is like sporadic. here and there.
It's not like, I'm doing it once a week like he wants me to. Solid. Yeah.
And the protein once a week too. Ah, the protein, yeah. That's new?
Yep, I haven't sprayed with protein. Ah, see that's a new thing. Oh, yeah, so. Yeah, that wasn't one thing I used to do.
I used to do before because I always relied on the feather mill that's in there. Yeah, no, the protein, I mean, yeah, I mean I do these in my vegetable garden, like I was doing compost tea every single day for like about two weeks in my vegetable garden, and I see, I see the growth like every day. It's amazing.
It's amazing. And now over, I'm probably over to doing it once a day because like now I don't do it because I'll do like hard, I'll hit it hard for like one a day, once a day for like two weeks, and then I basically don't do it for the rest of the season. But I probably should. Yeah.
One thing to let you guys know too though is I just had a friend call me up and he says, hey, my lower branches got real, real yellow right in the middle of the heads. And I says, are you dumping the tea right on them? And he said, yeah. I says, oh, bro, you're using the bottom of the pot too, right?
And he's like, yeah, I'm like, you're using all the bio on top of it. That's why you're burning your plants right now. So he burned the edges of his plants, but we're going to help him out with some kelp and bring him back.
So how do you apply the compost? tea man. Well I like to apply it to the soil.
I only have foliage feed, I know a lot of you guys like to foliage feed the tea up here but if I already have it in the soil and I'm already foliage feeding the protein I don't really believe, I mean I'm making my soil jump guaranteed. One month was amazing, it really was. Everybody that's been here is like that's only a month? I'm like oh my gosh.
I'm amazed. I mean this is like, I wish my peppers grew this big in a month. Well you know.
It's been quite a while for me to come out and go, wow, you're really getting big. You start looking at the things. Well, it's because you're here every day so you don't see the massive growth increase that I'm seeing. Correct. Because you just see inch by inch, you know, and it's like, alright, it's going to be big.
Well, if they were to look back at the last video, you were leaning on the little cage in there. I know, I know. You can't even get in there with it now. I can't, I can't. It's insane.
But let me show you a few quick things that I wanted to show you about the plants. We were talking about phenols. phenotypes.
First of all, when you grow an incredible bulk, you grow a gorilla glue, whatever you're growing, there's different phenotypes when you grow with seeds. For instance, if I gave you 15 of these and they were all clones from this girl right here, they're going to all flower at the same time, they're going to all be the same because they're the same phenotype. But this is with Green Spirit, Super Skunk, and XL Big Bud, and so there could be six to eight different phenotypes in this one. So there's some variation in the seedlings. Correct, yup.
Even though they're hybrids, you still get variations. Small variations, yeah. That's why, how you can mostly tell is when they tell you the flavors of them.
You'll have earthy, diesel, and sweet. Well, earthy, diesel, and sweet's going to tell you something right there, right? You're not going to have everybody's going to be sweet, and earthy, and diesel. So there's three different phenotypes.
The main phenotypes they're telling you right there. So that's one thing to kind of remember when you grow from seed and you're not growing clones is that you're not going to always have them. flower at the same time.
They're going to be a little bit different. Yeah, because I see some of you, even though these are the same, some of these girls are bigger and some are a little bit smaller, and that's alright. Yeah, yeah.
Well, the one up front is because Josh told us not to use no tea, but today it got tea. Ah! The small one up front got no tea, and it's really, it's about half the size, like literally, of these big girls.
Yeah, so now it got tea today. He's like, I'm not doing this no more! We've proved Josh's theory, we're moving on.
Yeah. But let me show you something over here, what I was telling you about the little girls. a little small node that grows kind of like a knuckle. What are we looking at TD?
We're looking at a branch you pulled too hard or something happened and then it busted off? No, this is actually the bad way that it just happened to do this itself. What happens is it doesn't really, like I was telling you, we didn't take off enough branches. See how we're down in the stump area still? Ah, it was too low.
Correct. Ah, so you got to make sure you take them off a little bit higher. Yeah, see how the node up here is more solid and more round and more formed?
This one only grew like a knuckle, a knot. Ah. It will never, if you don't take off, I probably didn't take off the bottom two branches, I only took off a single one this one.
Ah, you messed up. And that's what happened. Ah, so don't, and then, man, but check out the girth on that, man.
Yeah, yeah. Bigger than some dude's girth, I've seen. But so what are you using on there to seal it up? That's a tree seal. I mean, because if you don't seal that stuff up, you could get bugs, you could get bacteria, you could get fungus in there, and you could take out your plant, man.
Correct. So it's just a, um. It's just its own little problem. It's nothing that we did and that's what I'm trying to show you guys is that this can happen.
And if it does, you got to take care of it, put some tree seed in there. I literally pulled this branch from all the way over there to over here. Ah.
If you look underneath there. Ah, so you're recovering it, I see that. Yeah, see it was already going that way, and I brought it back this way. Wow.
So I can feel this area. So you're not going to be able to tell. too bad that you're missing the whole branch. You'll never be able to tell in another, when you come back next month, you'll forget that I showed you this. Remember I was telling you guys last time about them, some of them being rigid.
Well this plant, I've grown it major times, I've never had it be rigid before, but this one's very rigid. So it breaks? Correct. It breaks easy. If you notice right here where you're tied down, that's just like what we just did over there, it's a top.
Oh, and you're not even pulling it hard. No, because it's a main branch that's just been topped already by accident. Now what, what? This one and this one over here both did it, and it's because I came here and I went to go like this to pull it down, and I snapped it right off. She's really, really, really brittle.
So what, is this the same, what variety is this? This is the Lovin'Roses. Oh, Lovin'Roses is the cultivar.
The cultivar. Yes. Yeah, so you got, so some can't be stretched, so like your... Well, she's just like, we were talking about phenotypes. She's just, I've stretched the hell out of her before, and then this is one of those phenotypes.
And then one of those, you can't. I can't, exactly. So it's just a little bit different sometimes.
So when it happens to you a couple times... Then you gotta pay attention and not pull it as hard. I'm real careful with her. Even tucking the leaves, I've broken leaves on her already and stuff, so I have to be really, really careful with her.
Ah, so you gotta like learn to adjust. Correct. You can't just always do the same technique. You gotta like, oh man, her. Let them talk to you.
Yeah, you got to listen to your plants, listen to your girls. Same thing with water. Same thing with your wife or your girlfriend.
Hey, they're becoming ladies now, they're not girls no more. What happened there, man? Look, you busted that one hardcore.
If you bust a branch, it's alright, man. Now that one's my fault because I told you guys to come up here and I brought it out right here. And as soon as I brought it, I brought it too low and when I did that, we had some high winds and it was stretched to the hilt and it broke. So I wanted to show you guys that it's not… Stretch, you're pulling it too hard.
Nothing's perfect, you can always cover it back up. Yep, and even the masters make mistakes. Yep, exactly.
And it's alright if you mess up sometimes. Shit happens. Yep, you've got to get your tree seal stuff.
Yep. And always tree seal. the top where you separate the two because pincher bugs love to go up there and eat holes and once you get the hole in there the whole plant goes to hell, trust me, the middle of it just rots out.
Yeah, actually I got some pincher bugs in my celery right now. I had my buddy call me up and he said, bro, I'm shaking them out of my plants. I said, bro, just grab soap real quick, your South Sud soap and just spray the shit out and you'll be alright, you'll get them. So he sprayed the hell out of them, he got them all knocked down and yeah, so he's fine.
I've got them in here too, I've gotten them out. I've been spraying them with the soap and stuff too and found them where I tie the tape, I found them. Right in there, yeah, they like it where it's moist and stuff. Correct. They got a hiding place.
So you just use South Sud soap with water, nothing else? Nothing else to get rid of those. So they're easy pests to get rid of.
Yeah, I've seen it a long time ago with thorns up in the fence posts my buddy was showing me, so that's how I knew how to get rid of them. Cool, right on. So is that all you got for us today, TD?
That's pretty much it. Hopefully you guys are happy with how far they've come along. Yeah, I mean I'm happy in that the cannabis that I, the pinch tops tasted good in my mouth, and I think before we sign off though, I want to get Josh in here and get Josh's comments on what he thinks of the grow from just a month ago.
And now we're here with Josh. What are your comments on TDs growing, how they're looking literally just after a month? Because, I mean, you used to grow cannabis yourself, but I only grew it in college, like, for a little bit inside. And, you know, never grown stuff this big. And I've been to a lot of grows, and this is amazing.
Josh, from the man who likes to hear himself talk, I'm actually speechless. There's one other dude. There's a CD.
Okay, we got TD. I got a customer up in the Sierras. CD.
CD. He bragged about how he got 20 pounds. He got 160 pounds off of 10 plants, which is insane. I sell to everything we teach people. We actually have learned from you, from your tribe of GYGers, from the best of the best over the years.
I'm speechless. This is on another level. He takes care of his plants like I take care of my titanium bicycles.
Always upgrading, always tweaking my bikes, trying to improve my experience of an orgasmic bicycle ride. And this is, you know, the guy's a freaking genius. He was born to do this. And to share this with your viewers, I'm speechless. I followed you around with Leah while we were filming.
And every day I learn something new from your audience, too. I say money's like manure. You got to, you know.
Spread it around even more so knowledge you got to spread the love and like he said sharing is caring So I'm really I'm just so stoked that to have a friend in TD right nearby I that can show people how to do this and yes, it's like a sports thing for him You know, he's he pursues other things in life too. Not just obsessive-compulsive cannabis growing disorder He likes to go fishing and everything TD does, he does it so it's meaningful. It's his passion. And whether or not he uses boogie brew, I appreciate the attaboys that, yeah, I use boogie brew.
You know what? This guy, workhorse compost tea, just worm castings and some kelp. You've got to get the right worm castings as you guys are going to see in my video that I made at my place because I did a comparison against two… Castings and one did really good and the other one did not like shit. And I thought we had a challenge here to the OGS. Here's the thing.
We're the Kellywanna castings and then right now they're getting their ass kicked by the OGS. If you use the wrong castings you're not going to get the growth. That is what we agreed. It's not just casting. You got to get the right casting with the right biology in there.
Absolutely. You know. My tea's like me, you've heard me say this, I'm insecure, I talk a lot, I want everyone to like me, I try too hard. So I included 18 vegan ingredients in Boogie Brew. You know what?
20% of Boogie Brew is its worm casting content. That's 80% of its biological horsepower. And what casting do you use in there?
I'm still using OGS. OGS is the best. OGS is the best, right there, I agree.
I'm not here to plug products, my point is this growing freakazoid, he's just, his destiny. is to keep doing this. Josh, so what do you learn about pruning, topping and pinching that you didn't know as a cannabis grower that actually went to the otter farm, I would call it jail personally, for growing illegally back in the day before it was legalized?
That was an organic offender's camp and I met some wicked growers who were there for the same reason as me. They were there for the terrible deed, for the criminal deed of growing too much weed. But like I said, this gentleman and what he's doing, what I learned was that everything I thought I knew about topping cannabis plants and growing.
I mistakenly said in the intro that this guy grows cannabis trees. He said no no no my neighbor grows trees. I grow Godzilla.
That's what this is. This is a Godzilla in the making. So everything I thought I knew about canopy management just got trashed and regurgitated back to me and all kinds of helpful new detail oriented tips that I was clueless about and you know it's amazing like we all here to teach each other new tricks and like I said in the intro a couple of old dogs getting taught some new tricks by an even more older wiser more experienced you know well we're all aging how about it's just incredible like I said I'm speechless so these are tips that I hope to employ myself I got some TD me down plants that are going into Humboldt this year Trying to move a business in the middle of the busy season to Humboldt County is easier said than done. So there's just no way I'm going to be able to grow Godzilla bushes.
But I am going to do my sixth legal limit because that's a citizen's duty up there. And I'm going to try to employ some of TD's tips along the way. I'll be picking his brains come July and August.
He's like three months ahead of everyone else. This is ridiculous. This is off the chain. It really is.
So like I said, CD up there in the Sierras. I'd love to pick, you know, maybe we can film him. He's so good that other people come to him and say, hey, partner up with me, I'll give you 50%. I mean, it's a no-brainer. Do you want to be like his neighbor trying to grow an awesome tree from great seed stock with all the advantages that he could possibly have?
You know what? If he went on 50-50 and said, hey, I'll split, you know, my share. It's a no-brainer.
Success leaves clues. Follow the clues. There's clues all over every branch, every one.
What? One of these will be the size of one of my plants I would grow in my greenhouse when I was back in Humboldt 20 years ago. I grew in a greenhouse. I thought I was some hot shot that knew how to grow weed.
This is, like I said, I'm speechless. Next level. Next level. I mean, that's why I wanted to bring you guys these videos to share with you guys this information so you guys could take your grow to the next level. And you know, while we are talking about cannabis today that is legal here in California, I do not encourage you guys to break any laws wherever you live.
you live, follow the laws, but of course all these tips and techniques on his grow can be used to grow vegetables or other herbs which is actually, aside from, you know, I pinch my basil, I don't maybe pull them apart, actually that might be a good thing, but my basil already is planted so tight, I have a whole basil bush, even though it's like 18 plants in one 4 foot circular bed. Whereas he's filling literally one plant in a four foot circular bed. But I have too many plants to deal with to take as much time as he does on one plant. But you know, especially with the cannabis plants, you are limited in how many you could grow legally.
And so this is a way to really maximize your harvest. And I want you guys to be able to grow as much as you guys desire and want and have the knowledge to do it. And you know, like Josh said, you know, knowledge evolves and grows over time.
It's, sorry to interrupt Josh, it's feel based and the way he described his soil recipe, and he was struggling to get the percentages. Oh, I'm sorry, let me go back. It's feel-based. This is an emotional connection he has. And we're spoiled here on the West Coast with the Roots Organics, with the Fox Farm.
That's the best Fox Farm. There's a lot of... There's some...
batches they make in other parts of the country that aren't as good. So we are kind of spoiled here but the way he does this all field based now he's still he's learning new tricks too like biochar that's your ECM your electronic control module for your soil engine just as the chip is in a car's engine that is what biochar is for their soil engine. It's going to both regulate absorption a b sorption of crucial nutrients to the plants and regulate adsorption a desorption pulling.
Excess salts out of a soil that may or may not be too rich which clearly this guy's got his soil balance down Alright, so he's he's got basically a master mark recipe with the neem seed meal of course And yes, everyone loves neem seed meal. We spoiled him a bit You know he got boogie base which had activated biochar in it which had killer worm castings in it a Really good wood chip compost. He's got his Alaskan hummus that wood chip fungal humus factor is right there.
These are the basic building blocks. Kelp, kelp, kelp. That's your catalyst ingredient.
Kelp has every vitamin and mineral for humans to survive. What do you think it's doing for your soil? For your micro-herd.
That is one of Td's specialties. Besides caring for the bush, he's caring for the microbe herd or what's called as the micro herd like they're not cattle they're his microbes in his soil that he lovingly tenders to and it's amazing that he's getting just as master mark taught everyone a couple of years ago in your video it better results on round two now do you leave it alone no till that's that delicate high full fungal threading web of life that you we're going to talk about this later in a video don't kill that with deadrians don't think you need to come in oh i gotta add this i gotta to add that and destroy it. Cover crop it, let it do its thing, let the rhizosphere evolve, feed it some love.
That's what his best ingredient. Once again, vitamin L for the win, Josh. Yeah, I mean, how can you learn how to love your plants? Just do it, right? Get more experience.
I mean, TD's been doing this for many, many, many, many, many, many years now, you know, and as you go on, you know, hopefully you do that also with your relationships and your girlfriend, your husband or wife or whatever. You love them more every year, but most of the time people love them more. them less and then you get divorced.
So love your plants like you love your wife or you should be loving your wife. So, I just love that we met this man, you know. To me, it's just it's such a gift and now that you know if organically it evolved and someone that is quite nearby in the Bay Area to us. And that he's now giving the gift of knowledge, you know, spreading that social hyphae, like the fungal threading in a healthy web of life, a soil matrix, the knowledge matrix, the social hyphae, through your wonderful channel, the YouTube University. This is awesome, like I said, even though I'm babbling on, I'm actually pretty speechless.
that TD has, but that's only if you also do all the other work that you learned in this video. You know, we kept it pretty simple. We got in Boogie Bass.
This is the first year we needed so much bass as our business has grown that we actually bought a whole truckload rather than mixing a couple of yards at a time. He's gotten of course the pure protein and he gets the Boogie Bro deal on the tee. He insists on paying, which I was like, all right, you know, because we're not getting rich doing Boogie Bro.
I'm really not here to plug that though. But dude, this gives people the growth, man. So I will plug you because I use it and I see it in my vegetable garden, dude. Well, that's true. But guess what?
A workhorse tea with worm castings, wood chip compost, some kelp, sucanat, my favorite carbohydrate. Dude, I would use kelp, man. Well, kelp or kelp-free, you can do a kelp-free tea. They do different things.
You could all of it. Certainly like, okay, your compost, your castings, a good carbohydrate. In my case, the one I love the most is the sucanat crystals, the only evaporated in the sun with the enzymes and minerals intact.
Dude, dude, dude, just buy the freaking bloody root tea, man. We'll make a video about this because that's a Use less boogie and use more workhorse teas. And TD did. He got castings and he did his own TD's tea. Alright.
Well that's what I do. I take your boogie brew as a base and then I add in like Alaskan hummus, I add in OGS and I add in Arizona worm castings. And then I even will, I will even like, you know, put frass or like spirulina or aloe like right before I'm going to harvest the tea, maybe a couple of hours before even. That's Kohler's boogie.
Yeah, I'm going to have a video on that, don't worry. That's because I've been a flake and I haven't sent you any tea and you found some from 2016. And I'm using old tea actually, I'm still getting results and I'm boosting it up with fresh castings. Right, some old Josh Me Down ingredients, you know, some old Josh Me Down tea and now you've brought it back to life by adding. and that's what we're proud of is that people pick boogie brew maybe to experiment with they've never made tea before or conversely the tea heads like the real pro tea guys and they give boogie a fair shake and i am proud of the fact that as far as i'm aware there's no bad reviews for boogie brew however Remember, I suffer a disease, orderitis. Yeah, don't order from him!
He can't deal with it! Fortunately, my wife, Leah, the real boogie ball, she suffers OCSD, obsessive compulsive shipping disorder. So, we try to get them out. But my point is, we turn a lot of people on to brewing.
And then, you know, they plug and play, right? So, like I said, the workhorse tease, this guy, he doesn't need Boogie to succeed, trust me, alright? Boogie, Boogie, Boogie, Boogie.
Yeah, dude, dude, dude, why did the first plant that he didn't put Boogie on do look at like half the size of this one? Well, I am... What's up? I am constantly surprised by the... You know, by the reviews.
Dude, it makes a difference. I'm going to tell people it makes a difference. Use it. That's it.
We're done. Because I tried too hard. And I am surprised. I was stunned by what he told me.
The main thing that he did was getting the four yards of the boogie base. And I'm working that in. So that's, like I say, the biggest single change he's done, which has the char in it.
And then the pure protein sprays. I think once a week is a bit. Again, that's TD getting a little OCD on his cannabis growing disorder, but once every two weeks we found is plenty with pure protein in a diluted tea.
I am impressed by how he's very particular about what's not actually spraying tea on the leaves. I always say, hey, put tea on the leaves. That's a probiotic waxy defense shield layer.
But you know, he wants to save all that tea bio for his soil. He's a soil king, this guy, man. This is the soil emperor right here. Hey TD gets nothing but attaboys and I'm so honored that we met him organically, you know, he found us through you even though we're practically neighbors so I think that's really cool.
Alright cool, well if you guys enjoy this episode and want more episodes with TD be sure to thumb this video up, also be sure to share this video with other people in the cannabis. Or even that wants to grow vegetables and make them huge and grow lots of yield so that they can learn TD's tips, very important. We want to get this video out to as many people as possible so that cannabis can be flourishing all over this great country, of course where it is legal. And I think I'm as excited as your viewers are with the progress.
You know the first video I did with him people were like, hey updates, updates. And now I'm really, I'm already suffering update-itis. I can't wait to see the next.
pick his brains about when he gets into flower, what top dressings he's using. I mean, there's between now and October, my friend, there's some exciting times to come right here. Right here.
Yeah. So also make sure you click that subscribe button right down below to never miss out on my new and upcoming episodes. We will be coming back to TDs, making future updates, and you'll get notified of those as well as my other videos when I'm usually growing vegetables in my garden and traveling around to other farms and places around the country that I'll source you guys the best products to use on your grow.
Make sure you click the. little bell so you get notified as my new videos come out. And finally be sure to check out my past episodes.
My past episodes, oh well, from knowledge, over 600 episodes at this time on the YouTube channel dedicated to teach you guys all about growing your own food or even cannabis, which I consider food at home. Once again, link down below to TD's original video that we did just a month ago and you will be shocked when you see in just one month how much more these girls have grown. It's mental. It's completely mental.
It really is. Cool. Alright, my name is Josh Kohler with Growing You Green. We'll see you next time and until then remember, keep on growing.