Boost Your Confidence with Simple Hacks

Aug 2, 2024

10 Confidence Hacks for Everlasting Confidence


  • Everyone deals with confidence issues, even celebrities.
  • Key message: You are worthy, and your voice is needed.
  • Crucial step: Perform a peer group audit to eliminate negativity.

Confidence Hacks

1. Adopt a Growth Mindset

  • Mindset: Things happen for you, not to you.
  • Believe you are a hero of your future, not a victim of your past.

2. The Installation Technique

  • Identify the most confident person you know or imagine.
  • Mimic their breathing, posture, smiles, etc.
  • Install this confident persona in yourself during challenging situations.

3. The 18-40-60 Rule

  • Age 18: Care about what everyone thinks.
  • Age 40: Stop caring about what anyone thinks.
  • Age 60: Realize no one was thinking about you.
  • People focus on themselves, so stop worrying about their opinions.

4. Look Good, Feel Good

  • Quote from Deion Sanders: Looking good leads to feeling good and performing well.
  • Dress well to be treated well and boost self-confidence.
  • Maintain a healthy body as it shows dedication.

5. The Five-Second Rule

  • From Mel Robbins: Act within 5 seconds to silence the low-confidence voice.
  • Count down from 5 and act immediately.

6. Mindfulness

  • You are not the voice in your head; you are the observer of thoughts.
  • Practice being a witness to your thoughts without attaching to them.
  • Use mindfulness to handle negative self-talk.

7. Power Poses

  • Use power poses like raising hands and the Superman pose to boost confidence.
  • Affirmations: "I am confident. I am powerful. I am poised. I am articulate."
  • Repeat these affirmations with conviction.

8. Combat Imposter Syndrome

  • Create a list of accomplishments and review them often.
  • Place the list where you see it regularly to remind yourself of your successes.

9. Visualization

  • Visualize yourself in situations where you want more confidence.
  • Engage all senses for more vivid visualization.
  • Visualization can be nearly as effective as actual practice.

10. Food and Mood

  • Focus on gut health to improve mood and confidence.
    • Eat G-BOMBS: Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, Seeds.
    • Avoid foods with unpronounceable ingredients.
    • Drink enough water to avoid dehydration-related mood issues.

Bonus Exercise

  • Do something out-of-the-box and legal every day.
  • Example: Walk around with a toy dog on a leash.
  • The goal is to overcome the fear of looking stupid and gain more freedom.

Recommended Reading

  • Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
  • Books on Stoicism
  • Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David Burns

Never take life too seriously; nobody gets out alive.