Transcript for:
The Bhagavad Gita and Its Relevance

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civilization all being sacrificed in order to get and scramble on to the top of this altar alter of wealth power this is the exact condition of of social situation at a time in the Indian history when the old philosophical spiritual cultural values were all broken down they were questioned they were discussed and the majority of the population took to the mere path of materialism and sensuality we are almost living the same reputation of the historical era of the times and the philosophical thoughts and conclusions arrived at through contemplation by the sacred scientists of Life subjective scientists the philosophers those truths are Eternal they are never to be denied can be contradicted they are Eternal truths like gravitational force or the scientific laws of the universe they are all permanent these discovered thoughts or truths and ideals were propounded by these scientist subjective scientist but unless those thoughts and ideals are implemented in our everyday life they cannot have any utility value when philosophical values are brought down to the everyday life and people live upon those ideals then in that Society in that Community those philosophical ideals become a culture if philos philosophy or philosophical truths are not readed to life they become great thoughts no doubt but the life goes on in its own endless competitiveness Mutual Slaughter Mutual immorality and wrong false values carefully the situations in society and communities constantly keep on changing we each one of us is a changing phenomenon never can we ever remain the same at all times all of us put together is called the community and since each one of us is changing in our physical habits and demands in our emotional intentions in our intellectual Vision each one of us is changing and all of us put together is a society and therefore each one when is changing the social structure the communal demands the nation's Vision these must constantly keep on changing when does the situations have change the philosophical truths remaining the same its application in the new circumstance ances have also to be changed ordinary man will not know it the way of life that we have been living the grandfather the Father the Son living we continuously live we are always in the flood of situations or things that are happening around us every one of us have not got that creative thought Force to plan our life or to even to study the situation we are just in it the great prophet Saints and SE all history they are people who came and gave this necessary reorientation of the old Eternal values with uh in such a way that the average ordinary man Common Man of the street can bring those philosophical standards or ideas into their ordinary living in fact no new master has ever come and said anything really new but it smells new it is packed fresh and repacked when it is presented it looks as if it is brand new the main thoughts are one and the same a time was in India where the old values were no more useful or no more applicable in the social conditions of the time and therefore in the bhagavat Gita the very same truths of the punishes or the great truths of the Vas the Eternal principles of Life which the great scientists of Life the Ries have experienced in themselves not only contemplated and brought out as a plan as a scheme but really experience in themselves and they declared it in the Raw in naked expressions in the in the Vic literature those very ideas were now presented to the the modern generation in a new vocabulary with a new accent a new verb in the bhagat Gita therefore it is not a philosophy merely a philosophy that we are studying but a philosophy that can be brought by each one of us into a syst system of values of Life which we can live in the world and to the extent we are able to live those values of life to that extent we can chasen beautify dynamize make it more brilliant our own little life and if my life is become more Dynamic and more creative and every one of you became more a little more creative a little more peaceful a little more loving tender merciful don't you think that the whole society CH if the cells in my body have become healthy I become healthy I can never be healthy when my CES are unhealthy a nation or a community cannot be healthy when individuals are unhealthy if individuals are beautified in their own attitudes life more intelligent in their relationship with each other that Society becomes more healthy more happy more cheerful even more productive and creative in that way a re-education in the fundamental values of life is what really speaking the study of philosophy through the bhagavat Gita gives to each one hence is this this textbook is so much appreciated for so long because its date is about 5,000 to 6,000 years before Christ and therefore for 8,000 years or 7,000 Years the book has been enchanting all great thinkers around the world is only because of its feet are on the ground though its head goes beyond the clouds the idealisms are made rendered practical in order to give a new glow to life and that glowing life of the community we call it as the culture of that Community when these Masters started their contemplation upon the universe they wanted to know really what is it that is giving this life in the universe think think for a moment you are alive I am alive he is alive she is alive the plant the animal alive now at this moment this entire universe or the world is full of dynamic activities which are expressions of life call it science those who are scientists here call it science those who are economists here call it economics others call it technological age others would say that there are all vibrant activity social National communal all these that are art or literature philosophy or culture religion or politics all these are expressions of life and when we are alive each one of us according to our temperament May contribute strive learn and contribute to the total life the contributions of all these past Generations have brought together what we call as today's culture of civilization the Modern Age now these Masters were TR to understand locate perceive try to study what is this mysterious power called life the life because of which here I am speaking because of which you are all listening if that is not I stop speaking or whoever has not got it he and the chair on which he's sitting both are useless isn't it become equal the chair is also inert it is also a matter you also become inert matter though all of us know that we are made up of matter calcium carbon phosphorus but we are not merely matter matter plus therefore I am able to talk to you my body functions my mind feels my intellect things I can able to express and these sounds reaching your ears you are able to listen digest appreciate or reject all these are because you are alive and I am alive think think physically we may be all different emotionally different intellectually we cannot be the same but you are alive I am alive IUS life is equal to youus life isn't it plus life so much of beauty each one a je distinctly different from all others each one unique but all these jewells are splashing out the one SCE of light think I am conscious I'm able to think feel and act you are also conscious think the plant the animal all even from a verb to the greatest genius in the world all of the are able to contribute to the world and exist so long as it is alive minus life whoever you might have been I am a Swami you are a political leader the father of the nation or the president whoever you may be minus this mysterious thing become so many pounds of man think of think of it between there is no other state either you are a great Mighty intellectual a scientist an artist or a writer or a poet whatever that is you are minus this flame of life you are food for worms or manure for plants so I plus something is me minus that something you is terrible and that lie seems to be the one and the same in all of us this total life what it is we don't know this mysterious Mighty power called life which functions equally in a unicellular organism or the mightiest the Mighty the most intelligent genius the life is one whether that living one is a Christian or Islamic Buddhist or J black or white yellow or brown long or tall short or fat immaterial man or woman this life when functions there is a living organism contributing maybe trouble maybe sorrow maybe Beauty maybe but each one contributes once that is gone all my wealth or power or popularity nothing can be of any value to me I am zero plus that I am really somebody minus that I am nobody don't you think that this Mighty power is much more much more important to us than anything else in the world because you may have everything but if you have not got that stop you you get the idea how important it is this fundamental Essence was the theme of invest are the mighty seers Saints and sages of your they wanted to know what is this how does it function why is it and or what is it nature now this is not a blind or an idol curiosity they wanted to know its nature Its Behavior its functioning so that we each one of us can invoke it more and more minus life I am zero plus life I'm somebody so this somebody can become a big body by sing up in impossible this great grand truth in US with this idea they started the investigation as a result of this investigation all the great religions of the world came to the same conclusion that at the heart of things or living creatures there is this spark of existence or life electricity just as the same electricity runs through all electrical equipment the same life pulsates in all of us it glows and expresses this one life which is ever present everywhere in all living creatures this mighty one they called it as the reality the truth that which is called as reality the truth by philosophers when that same truth or reality is expounded by the theology it became God therea God is all pervading it is everywhere present in the heart of everybody there is God respect God by loving thy neighbor as thyself you are respecting God in the sense that the same life is pulsating everywhere the nature of this reality that what exactly its relationship with the world of plurality or the world as we now see in the world around us the many of the universe what is his relationship with the world around what is its essential nature how is he related to me and to you what should be my attitude towards him these are the very very subtle points or highest philosophical thoughts it is that has been discussed in the nth chapter you may ask why do they discuss all this only that so that the student may turn his mental attention in that direction by th turning the mind's attention into that direction the mind gains an immediate experience of that higher state it is for this purpose that the ninth chapter expound to an average ordinary intelligent skeptic Arjuna a warrior who in the Warr refuses to act because he became nervous he became became confused dejected desponded because he found that the enemy line are all full of his own kit and kin in his attachment with them he started feeling whether is it right that I must fight is it right that I must win this war or will it be more moral if I in this confrontation with my own people allow them to win over us what is my duty he became confused this kind of confusion and Desperation comes to every intelligent man who is anxious to live rightly if you are intelligent but you don't have any idea of the right and the r but live only in permissiveness like any other four-legged of others to them there is no trouble at all but when you are intelligent and you are anxious to live up to the cultural status of a true human being who would like to live like a biped and notr then confusions come to the animal there is no confusion because he has no intellect to think he lives on impulse and instincts man also gets the impulses because we have got a mind we get the impulses instincts but what I wanted to say was intelligent one who is capable of controlling regulating his mental moods or mental impulses and Express in the world outside only the Beautiful the harmonious the the loving the tender aspects of man and this m change his culture and character such an individual when he meets such points of moral marginal situations they get generally desponded desperate as an army officer trained in the Army art of warfare as a king of that times he has been selected and elected by his supporters as to become the commander in Chief of the army he supporting the noblest values and moral side or the qur but the other side championing the materialistic values is also unfortunately his own first cousins therefore his confusion in this despondent mood Arjuna refuses to work or act in the world he wanted to be a drop out he asked Krishna to take the Char away from the Warr to thean valleys so that I can contemplate meditate upon by running away from the world you cannot run into spirituality runways are covered covers of no place in this path it is a real courageous Heroes alone can walk the path because there a path of evolution so Krishna has to very carefully very very logically put ideas into him even though he is not at all sympathetic with he doesn't want any other discussion or argument because he has decided himself a man of action he decid and to decide is to him for him to act and that is why he a man of action we are not men of action because we decide very very slowly and having decided we postpone action see a man of action is one who as soon as he meets a problem he sees through and through and decides and acts on the SP of the moment and that is called a real army officer arj was of that caliber of that character he has already decided that this war is unjust I should not fight at all if it's anybody else I would have fought but this party I can't fight let us go to the Himalayas rounce the kingdom or the values that we are supporting the values for which we are fighting and let us go to the to contemplated meditate Rel this is where the stand and Krishna is trying to make him understand that by running away you cannot reach anywhere it is necessary that you have to purify yourself prepare your mind for the higher contemplation then alone the mind can go to a quiet place for contemplation for a short period of time with you cannot become contemplative with a mind with all its hangups and loads of passions lust greed agitations and all these restlessness the Mind cannot contemplate or meditate therefore the G starts chapter by chapter various discussions the teachers gives in order to make the student understand the need for self improvement or self purification the mind in agitation as our mind are is called an impure mind mind which is calm alert Vigilant it's called a pure mind at this moment under the present thr R from within ourselves under those impulses within ourselves our mind is turned outward in his attention and it runs into the world of objects passionately wanting to possess them indulge and enjoy them and the mind thus turned outward into the world of objects is constantly in a state of flux and therefore your mind is not available for what we are discussing in every study the mind is to be single point and then alone it is available if the mind is wandering away dissipating its Vitality in other fields The Chosen field where you want to achieve something will not have the dynamic cooperation of the mind so the mind that is turned outward is called the mind that is impure and that which is turned upon itself for a higher contemplative goal turned towards the contemplative goal is called a pure mind a steady mind [Music] m [Music]