Transcript for:
Effective Strategies for Starting and Scaling Facebook Ad Campaigns

so this video is going to be a little bit controversial because it's going to go against a lot of the information that is shared about how to start and scale Facebook ad campaigns because as is life the people with the loudest voices are usually the most uneducated so I'm going to go against the grain a little bit and kind of show you what I do to start and grow and scale our clients Facebook ad campaigns and just to show you that I'm not like making this up here's some results for one of our clients we've got on the screen right now so again I'm not just I've not just tried this strategy like one time and it's just magically worked like we've done this over a prolonged period been running ads since 2016 but specifically for this client we've done four launches in like the last year in a little bit and you can see that you know we started spending 32,000 on ads we got them a four cash row as and a 9.8 row as the Highlight was in Feb early this year we spent 82 Grand we made them back 400k cash over 800k in sales revenue CU obviously they sell coaching so there's some payment plans in there a 5x cash row as and a 10x Revenue row as it's pretty insane and then just recently we finished another launch for them the conversions were a little bit lower but we just scaled a lot harder this time so we spent 181,000 we spent that in a 4-we period and yeah we generated about 400 K cash 900k in total sales revenue um and yeah over 200k profit cash and over 700k profit in sales revenue so 2.2 row as on cash 4.97 row as so this stuff just works um just to give you a bit more idea you can see um in May to June um again we actually stopped running ads towards the start of June but you can see here we spent the 181,000 inside the ad account which I tracked here so again I'm not just making these numbers up if you go to um the five card account you can see that the sales we generated this client over $789,000 in you know pretty much like a two-e period all the money goes into one account so obviously that 800 Grand is not all from the ads you can see that about half of that just like 400k of that was from the ads cash collected and again we've got another um 500k in payment plans to come in so again this stuff works so what I want to do is kind of like break down the exact strategy that I would start using if I was you know building a new Facebook ad campaign from scratch now here's the thing that most people do well most people say because most people don't actually do the that they say they just say it because they think they they know what they're talking about right the big thing with like Facebook is you'll see a lot of people being like Oh like targeting doesn't work anymore like let the algorithm do its thing like all you need to do is Target like broad right just do a big campaign put like $1,000 doll as a campaign budget and just let it rip to like a broad audience and as long as your creative is good then it doesn't really matter now to an extent I agree but for the majority of people it's not true and here's why because the only way that going broad works is if you've got an ad account with a ton of data if you have a brand new ad account and it's got no data on it your pixel has never even seen a conversion then going Broad in the beginning is a terrible idea and you're going to lose money so if you are a newer media buyer or you take on a client and they've not advertised before and they don't have like a season pixel then stop going Broad and just expecting the creative to do the work yes Facebook's algorithm is powerful but it's not powerful enough to just pick out dream customers when it doesn't have any data to work with so what we found is like yes once you've spent like a significant amount of money like hundreds of thousands of dollars on your ads and your pixels have had hundreds of thousands if not millions of like visitors and conversions then yeah you can afford to go AB Broad and we are doing this in some of our accounts and it's working but you know for the longest time people came to me and they were like oh some why don't you just go broad if you're targeting and like I would try in some of the client accounts that we take on and because they were newer clients um they didn't have like a season pixel and it wouldn't work so if you are starting an ad account from scratch or you're working with a new client who's starting a new ad account then don't be surprised if your broad ad campaigns don't work again once you've got more data and it's more seasoned like for this client for example we didn't just do everything to Broad but we probably spent 10,000 like tens of thousands on Broad campaigns out of that 181,000 I don't have the exact number and it worked but it only worked because we've spent you know hundreds of thousands for that client inside their account and they also have like large organic audiences so their pixels are getting fired every second right with with data so it's got a lot of data so don't go Broad in the beginning if you are starting an account from scratch then you need to have a strategy and like a testing infrastructure in place in order for you to succeed so this is what I do I'm going to cross this out because it annoys me when people are like oh just go abroad and these are the type of people that have literally spent $10 on ads so first off phase one we're always going to have a testing campaign right and we have multiple testing campaigns personally again this is brand new ad account never had any data this is what I would do step by step I would have I actually have multiple testing campaigns so I'm going to have campaign number one I'm going to have campaign number two and there's going to be campaign number three and there's going to be campaign number four so I'm going to have four testing campaigns to begin with now this testing campaign number one is going to be targeting Target interests so again I know people are like oh you don't use interest targeting you should if you have no data because it's going to at least Point Facebook in the right direction of who you want to Target so you're going to have an interest campaign and inside of that interest campaign you're going to have lots of different adsets right so you're going to have adset one adset two adset three adset four adset five adset six and again this will be dependent on your budget how many adets you have obviously if you've got a big budget to work with then you can have multiple you know if I was starting out from scratch I would have at least five different Target interests that I'm targeting and then within then those ad sets I would have two to four ads so this would be like add one add two add three I know this isn't look very good but so and all of these ads would be in each ad set so the only thing I'm testing really between each of the ad sets is the interest right so to give some like basic examples if I was like selling like life coaching or something I would have like Tony Robbins as one interest I would have um I can't even think of any other people but you get it I'd just take different interests and I would have them in each ad set you just have one interest per ad set and inside each ad set I would have the same three ads now these same three ads they're different but these three ads would be in each ad set so ad number one might be like copy one image one ad number two could be copy two image one add copy three um add add number three could be add copy 3 image one so there what we're doing we're testing at the interest level but we're also doing some testing at the ad level as well in this example we we're using three different pieces of copy but we're using the same image right so at least then you can see okay which copy is going to work best you could do it the other way you could have one piece of copy and you could test different images it just depends what you feel like is going to be the biggest needle mover if you're doing like e-commerce and you're selling physical products then probably the image or the creative is going to be the biggest needle mover if you're selling like info and coaching then the actual copy is still pretty good to test so again it's going to be dependent on you know what you're actually selling but one thing to note here is for me personally I don't mix videos and images in the same adset so I would not have like an image here a video here and then another image here what I've just personally found is when you do that Facebook just prioritizes one type of creative and it just put all the budget towards the video or it'll put all the budget towards the images and I feel like it doesn't test properly both different types of creatives whereas if I just have free ads with with images it'll typically be a bit more even with how it spends the money and the same if I had an ad set with fre videos inside of it it would more accurately it's always going to choose one probably to spend the most money on but I just feel like it's a fur it it does it a bit more furly and it does spend at least it does distribute the budget more evenly it's never going to be perfectly even but it's going to be more even so that's why I have so many testing campaigns so basically I would do the exact I would basically like duplicate the whole thing just going to get rid of these for ear so I would have a second testing campaign that targets the same interests so whatever interest you're using here I would use the same interests here and again if there's five there's five adsets if there's 10 interest and there's 10 ad sets but that the ad level that's where I would make the difference and I would have if this is me testing images then this is me testing videos so the only difference between testing campaign one and testing campaign two is at the creative level and typically there's different ways to approach it but to keep it simple what I would typically do is I would have this campaign to test images or static images and I'd have this campaign to test videos and that's how I would set it up um because again it just I just find that separating images and videos just allows us to test more effectively and that's what I would do now number three and number four they're optional optional dat based on your data so these campaigns are pretty much they're exactly the same oh let's go to the thinner one these are exactly the same but they're going to be testing lookalike audiences right one two 3 four five 1 two three four five and then Here video One video to video fre so they're exactly the same but obviously we're not targeting interest we're targeting lookalike audiences but at the ad level they would stay the same so I'd be testing the same images and the same copy as in campaign testing campaign number one and then campaign testing number three so this is a lookalike campaign testing image and then this is a look like campaign testing videos so two and four would be identical except we're changing out the interests for the lookalikes and one and three would be identical except again you're taking out the interest in the lookalikes they're optional because again I'm making this for someone who is maybe starting from scratch or is looking to work on a new ad account and you might not have data to use to create lookalike audiences so if you don't have any customer data you don't don't have any lead data your pixels aren't seasoned whatsoever it's completely brand new then you're not going to be able to do this in the beginning and you're probably just going to have to start with campaign number one and campaign number two so that's like the testing structure and again this is it's a bit old school in terms of like this is what a lot of people were doing back in like 20 you know when I started in 2016 well it was even like more granular than this but you'll see a lot of people being no you don't need to do this anymore just have one big testing campaign and just you know Chuck a load of creatives in there and see which one wins but um that's personally I don't believe that's how you do it um I've been testing this type of like infrastructure since like 2021 um we've been using it consistently since then and it's still working like when I'm talking about these numbers earlier where we did you know nearly million dollars in revenue from ads alone it was following this structure yes we did have some broad campaigns but we still had these testing campaigns to begin with and it worked very very well so only showing what's worked for me so what I'll typically do then is let these run and it depends how um how you got your campaign set up but if for the example that I showed you before we would gener generating leads and then um once they went through the event that we were promoting we would sell them and we would close them on a coaching program so we were generating leads so our kpi was like $5 cost per lead and we kind of we hit just over that uh $532 but again we spent 180 Grand in the space of four weeks and we started from zero like the the account wasn't spending any money so it was pretty good to keep the cost lead that low um so that was our kpi so for us we basically set the testing adset budgets at $10 and then as soon as we started seeing that they were working we started launching more testing ad sets at 20 bucks now our kpi was you know $5 so we should be getting you know at least four leads per day if you're just starting out and you're running a similar campaign but again you have no data then when I started this for this client a couple of years ago we started testing at $5 you're going to spend a lot less and you have to wait a little bit longer to see results but if you start your campaigns at a low budget or your adsets at a low budget Facebook is going to try and find the cheapest possible conversions the higher the budget just the basically the higher your CPA is going to be generally so why do we not just keep everything at $ five doar well it's just unrealistic to try and spend $180,000 in the space of four weeks if your campaigns are at $5 a day like it's just not realistic so we knew we needed to spend a lot of money more quickly which is why a majority of our testing campaigns were at 20 bucks but if I had a much lower budget and I wasn't in a rush to spend money then I would start my testing campaigns at $5 now these testing campaigns they're not going to last forever right because what happens is after a certain period of time if they're not getting enough conversions then they're going to stop performing but we're not creating these testing campaigns to live forever we're just getting initial feedback and initial data to understand what ads are working and what ads aren't so after the initial testing campaign you there's two options right you're going to have your testing period and then you've got two options did they work yes did they work no so if they didn't work then you need to try and understand like what didn't work right maybe one ad worked better than the other AD and if this ad worked then you need to understand why it worked if it didn't if it had a different image then maybe look at creating more images like this one and testing them again the same with the video right if you look like I'm if your video campaign here didn't work then look at the individual ads and see did one work slightly better than the other and have a look at the data if none of them worked then you know just start from scratch again but if like one of them kind of worked but the other two didn't then go ahead and start creating more videos like this and launched the test again to see if you know it performs better this time cuz there's no point you can't scale anything until you've obviously got data back to show that something's working so it's like a continuous process and again as your budget increases and you've got more money to spend you can launch more interest so like typically for that client that I talked about earlier we started with anywhere between like 10 to 20 different adsets within the campaign and we were spending like $20 a day on each adet obviously again if you don't have the budget for that that's fine but you can continuously launch more and more um interests and different adsets in these campaigns to try and find the winning audiences um you don't really need to do like a hundred different ones like you should be able to do like some decent enough audience like again even though I don't like going Broad in the beginning interests are still important um but a bit of Common Sense applied you should be able to find like at least you know five to 10 good interests that you can start spending money behind so basically once you're in a position where some of these adsets are performing well then um if it's yes then you can start to scale so this is what I typically do um for my scaling campaigns so number two one number one is testing phase number two is obviously scaling so there's two ways I typically do it one way is if I'm not in a rush to scale and spend a load of money and the other way is if I am in more of a rush so there's two ways I like to do it way number one is with CBO and way number two is with and these are probably like out vaded terms just because Facebook changes it Advantage Plus maybe some of you will know it as but basically this is where the budget is set at the campaign level this is where the budget is set at the adset level so number one way number one is probably what I've found to be the most reliable way in terms of like it's the success rate of these scaling campaigns is higher but again you don't spend as much money so it depends how much of a rush you are in to spend money in scale so basically I have one CBO campaign and inside that CBO campaign I will have anywhere between two to four adsets again and it will basically have like winning adet one winning adset two and winning adet three now obviously you can only really do this once you have free adsets that are working in your testing campaign so let's just say for example um in this lookalike campaign here we had like we let's just say we had two adets that are working well so we go back down here let's just say we had two just to keep the numbers easy what I would typically do then is I would duplicate I would select the two adsets within this campaign and I would duplicate it into a CBO so we've got winning ad set one winning ad set two and I would set it at a higher budget what you decide to set the budget at depends on what your current cost per conversion is so for example if you're generating leads if this campaign is getting $2 leads and then you had another scenario where you had a campaign getting you know $20 leads what you set your scaling budget to is going to differ depending on what your initial results were right so if it you're getting $2 leads your CBO budget should be lower than if you were getting you know $20 leads obviously that's assuming that $20 leads for that scenario is still profitable if it's not profitable at $20 cost per lead then obviously you wouldn't scale it to begin with so it depends on your cost per lead it depends on your price it depends on your like it depends on your return on it depends on all the different metrics of your business if you want to learn how to set budgets properly just search on this YouTube channel um there's videos I've posted about the Facebook's algorithm and how to budget effectively that will go into more detail on like the science behind how to set budgets I'm just going to say for example this scenario I'm going to set the CBO 100 bucks right so this campaign is spending $100 a day and Facebook because it's a CBO campaign Facebook is going to distribute the budget effectively between these two adsets and obviously Within These two adets we have the ads that were obviously performing well right um like these ads here for example so and basically what happens then is we know that both of these adsets are proven to work and all of these ads inside are proven to work so we'll just let Facebook distribute the budget evenly between the two and typically what you'll find is that Facebook will basically choose one of these adsets to really scale and put most of the budget behind so don't be surprised if you know you've spent $1,000 in this campaign and you know ad set number one has had like $800 worth um and that's fine because typically these results will be pretty good this is the most reliable way I found to scale because you're basically letting Facebook distribute the the budget between two variations that are proven to work so even if for whatever reason in the scaling campaign this one doesn't work the likeliness that one out of two will work um is higher so therefore your chances of succeeding are greater you know we don't do any more than four winning ads sets within one CBO it really again depends on your budget if you need to spend more you need to spend more quickly then maybe put only two winning ads sets in one CBO because then at least you know instead of putting four into one and just having one CBO at $100 a day you could put two each into two separate cbos and you could be spending $200 a day so again it depends on your your budget and how quick you want to scale but I don't do any more than four um because I just felt like the the budget just dilutes too much and you don't you know get the best possible results so that's option one and this has been the safest way for us to scale and like I said the most rev reliable but um option two is a quicker way to scale so obviously with that launch I was talking about we have to spend 181 Grand in four weeks which meant that we didn't really have time on our side so we did like AO and this is really simple you basically just have you have a scaling campaign and and inside of that scaling campaign you just have loads of different adsets and they have the ads in them and you just set the budget at $100 in this example and any winning adsets from your tests so let's just say this was a winning oddset let's just say this is a winning oddset this was a winning OD set this was a winning odd set and this was a winning OD set you would just duplicate them into your scaling campaign and and that's and then just increase the budget to 100 and we'll just have one big scaling campaign with all of our winning adsets in and they'll all have individual um adset budgets just a lot higher than what we were initially testing as now because you're not grouping them together if one of these adets don't work then obviously the whole thing won't work because you know in this scenario if this doesn't work then at least this one might and therefore it could still make you money whereas in this scenario you might spend 100 bucks and for whatever reason this ad set just doesn't work like it did in the testing phase and you'll have to turn it off and this one one might not work either but then this one might work and then this one might work basically the success rate of this is less predictable or is lower than this one um and I believe like I don't know the science behind this but this is my theory of like why this one works better and this one the success rate is lower so don't be surprised if you you know if you find 10 winning adsets in your testing phase don't be surprised if you know four out of 10 of them don't work and maybe only you have six winners um I just found that yeah it's just a bit more the success rate just fluctuates a little bit more so that's my pretty much step-by-step process of of how I do it just have one testing phase and then you just have a couple of scaling campaigns and obviously the more winners that you find here the bigger your scaling campaigns are going to be or the more CBO campaigns that you have and then you just keep launching more ads into these testing campaigns um to keep feeding the machine because what you don't want to do is find a couple of winners and then you scale them and then you stop testing because you're just like oh I've got like you know two to three winning um adsets I'm just going to scale these because eventually those adsets are going to die and they're going to startop working and you don't want to them be like oops best go and test again because you'll probably waste like one to two weeks testing new things whereas if you're constantly testing in the background you can continually start to scale adsets but if any of these die and stop working after like a month or maybe a couple of weeks or whatever it is then you've got other tests or other winning ad sets ready to go and ready to scale so that's a a breakdown of a testing infrastructure hope that was useful I do more of this like more detailed stuff to my email list I send more regular updates because it's easier to write an email than it is to film videos it's free to join and yeah you can find that link somewhere in the description of this video I'm sure and that's it thanks for watching [Music]