Transcript for:
Herbs That Relieve Coughing and Wheezing

so in this section we're going over the category herbs that relieve coughing and wheezing this is the last section in our category herbs that transform phlegm and stop cough so as always if you want to follow along you can get slides uh flash cards you can listen to the audio there's links to that below and as always this video is brought to you thanks to the support of students like you so to everyone who supports the website and the YouTube channel whether that's by joining the patreon or making a one-time donation through buying me a coffee thank you so in this section we're going over herbs that relieve coughing and wheezing and like I said this is the final section of this in this category and basically these are herbs that treat the branch symptoms of coughing and wheezing they may or may not have an action of transforming phlegm but their their main function is to down bear the long Chi to stop coughing and so that's what we're dealing with in this category honestly this is not a super exciting category basically we have a bunch of herbs and all of them just have the action stopping coughing and wheezing so we'll go through those herbs and see if we can pick out something special about each one and then we'll review some formulas this is not meant to be a formula class but sometimes I think as we get more single herbs under our belt we can use the formulas as a way to add context and to better understand how these single herbs work so that's what we'll do at the end but for now let's get into herbs that relieve coughing and wheezing so for herbs that relieve coughing and wheezing these herbs stop cough but don't necessarily transform phlegm some of them do have an action of transforming Plum but really when we talk about these herbs these are herbs that treat the branch symptoms of cough so these are just treating the branch you're coughing usually this cough is due to some underlying cause so if we want to treat that we need to add in additional herbs to treat the root cause so for example if we have a Call of Duty in an exterior attack we can use these herbs to stop cough but we'll want to combine it with herbs that release the exterior to treat the root cause if we have cough due to deficiency if we have lung Chi deficiency and we can have a cough with a chi is leaking out if we have lung Yin deficiency we can have a chronic dry cough we can use these herbs to treat the cough but we're going to want to add in other herbs that treat the root cause that tonify Chi or tonify in if we have cough due to heat or cough due to phlegm heat or cough due to cold we can use these herbs to treat the symptoms of cough but we're going to combine it with other herbs that clear long heat or transform from heat so that's kind of the point here is that these are just herbs who are Branch symptoms we're going to want to combine them with other herbs that treat the root cause what I also want to point out here is we say The Cat In The Name Of This category is herbs that relieve coughing and wheezing I think most people understand what we mean by cough I just want to clarify here by what we mean by wheezing so the Chinese word here is Chuan and Bensky translates this as wheezing Wiseman translates this as panting and other books will say this is similar to the idea of dyspnea or difficulty breathing so when we say wheezing or a Chuan that means difficulty in breathing with short rapid breaths discontinuity between inhalation and exhalation and in severe cases we can have raised shoulders flaring of the nostrils and an inability to lie flat and so this is basically maybe a way we can think of it is this is like constraint where the lung cannot down bear the chi and that's because it can't down there we have this uh breathing with short rapid breaths whereas coughing not only is the chi not able to go down it Rebels back upwards but maybe here we can make an analogy to things that happen in the middle job that we can have middle job Chi stagnation where things are just not going down and you feel stuck and Bloated or when those things get stuck the chi can actually Rebel back upwards as in nausea and vomiting and that's rebellious stomach cheap so here we're kind of dealing with the same thing as on the one hand uh if the chi is stuck we get this wheezing or panting with these short rapid breaths or if the chi actually starts rebelling back upwards then we get coughing so that's what we're dealing with in this category herbs that relieve coughing and wheezing when we look at the properties here these herbs are going to be either acrid or bitter or sweet it kind of depends on on what the herb is doing so we say the accurate flavor disperses so if you have some Chi constraint and the the chi is not able to go down the acid flavor will disperse and open up that constraint and diffuse the lung Chi the bitter flavor has a downward Direction so a lot of these herbs are bitter in flavor not necessarily because they're clearing heat not necessarily because they're drawing dampness but the bitter flavor has a downward direction that it's sending that rebellious long G downward to stop cough and then some of them will also be sweet in flavor we saw this in the phlegm heat category where they have a sweet flavor that moistens the lung and is good for cough due to dryness so the taste might vary with these herbs in terms of the temperature that can also vary some of these herbs are warm some of these herbs are cold some of them are neutral so it's kind of going to kind of depend on the particular herb whether we're treating heat or cold situations but most of these herbs can treat cough due to any pattern it just depends on what we combine them with so the temperature may be not quite as important here the entering channel is of course going to be the lung because we're dealing with coughing and wheezing that's rebellious long G so of course these herbs enter the lung the main action here is to stop cough and relieve panting or wheezing so again where you you can think about we say the long has two actions the lung diffuses the G or spreads it outward so if that Chi is constrained the G can't go down and it uh Rebels back upward or we also say the lung has an action of the puritive down bearing so if either of of those are being interfered with we get coughing and panting and then the other thing like we've been saying all along these herbs treat Branch symptoms only we would usually want to combine them with other herbs that treat the root cause so let's get into the individual herbs so here we have a relatively short category and like I said there's not necessarily a whole lot to differentiate these I would say by and large you just want to know that these herbs belong to this category and these herbs all have an action of stopping coughing and wheezing so our first one is shin Ren or menakai semen or menikai semen and this is apricot seed so this is one of our most important herbs for relieving coughing and wheezing and so Shing Ren stops coughing and wheezing really this is coughing and wheezing due to any pattern this could be exterior wind cold wind Heat this could be chronic cough this could be acute cough this is coughed excess coffee to deficiency depending on what we combine it with we can use it for pretty much any pattern of cough if it had a specialty we might say this is better for a cough due to wind cold just because this herb is slightly warm and it's bitter so it's a little bit more draining so that might make it less useful for say cough due to Yin deficiency since it's bitter warm and draining it doesn't really go along with the inefficiency but if we have an external attack of wind cold xingren might be the perfect choice but again it kind of depends on what we combine it with other than that we say that xinjiang also has an action of moistening the large intestine to gently relieve constipation and this is something we've seen before a lot just when we have certain seeds or nuts or kernels they tend to be oily in nature and so those oils lubricate the large intestine to gently relieve constipation and so we do see this come up in certain formulas like mozzarenuan is hemp seed pill the main ingredient there is kumaren which we learned in the category moist laxative so of course of course it moistens the large intestine to relieve constipation but in that formula is also there now shingren is not there to stop cough or relieve panting shingren is there for its function of moistening the large intestine to relieve constipation because it's a seed it has those oils that it can do that and like you said when you look at the properties this one is slightly warm in temperature and bitter in flavor so again that might make it a little bit less useful for cough due to Yin deficiency that a warm draining herb might not be the best choice there but it would be really good for things like an external attack of wind cold and if we if that wind cold is causing some phlegm then xingren might be a good choice there but we can really use it for any pattern of cough and then what we also want to pay attention to is that xinjiang apricot seed is slightly toxic and that's what all those bullet points down here are talking about talking about the toxicity so what we say here is due to the cyanogenic glycoside content this herb is toxic so I think we say the same thing about like apple seeds that if you eat a lot of apple seeds it can be toxic not necessarily that the seed itself contains cyanide but when the seed reacts with the enzymes in your stomach it can release cyanide but it's really not a whole lot like if you wanted to poison someone with apple seeds you would need a whole lot of apple seeds so the same thing is going on here with xingren apricot kernel is that it has the same thing that if you eat it it can it's a can create some cyanide so we say 10 to 20 seeds is toxic in children 40 to 60 seeds is toxic in adults and 50 to 120 seeds can cause death because of this toxicity but here's the thing what we also say is that the peel seeds are less toxic than the unpeeled seeds so most of that toxicity is an appeal and at least whenever I've ordered shingren it always comes peeled so there there its toxicity is already reduced and also the cooked seeds are less toxic than the raw seeds so if you're cooking this into Cochin you're also reducing its toxicity here what you'd want to be worried about is if you're using the raw herb that you're trying to grind it up into a powder and make it into a pill then you might want to be more concerned but if you're cooking it with the Cochin that cooking process reduces its toxicity and they say that being said no toxic side effects are expected in the normal dosage range of three to nine grams and apricot seeds are very widely used as food and candy in China that basically there's you can buy apricot seeds in Chinese markets and they're very often used as cooking like in cookies or I've been seeing like you put it on top of fish or something like that so it's very commonly used usually if there is a problem with toxicity it's because a child saw the bag of apricot seed they think oh this is something this is something sweet this is a treat like candy and they go and like they eat an entire bag of apricot seed and that causes problems if you're using three to nine grams in a decoction it's not it's not really something we have to worry about so so technically we should say that Shing run is slightly toxic but if you stay in that dosage range you use the peeled seeds and you cook it into cotton that's it should be safe to use so that's shinj apricot seed one of our major herbs for relieving coughing and wheezing next we have the one asterisk Radix the one asterisk Radix and this is an herb that stops cough and transforms phlegm so this is one that I would really just remember that it's in this category herbs at relieving coughing and wheezing and if you see the one in the formula you know it's there for the action of stopping cough treating the branch symptoms so this is another one that we can say this is for cough due to wind heat wind cold or lung deficiency basically any pattern of cough depending on what other herbs we combine it with so the lawn I just remember Stomps cough and the name means purple Aster remember it means purple like we saw in things like that uh so it means purple I don't know if that helps you remember anything about it but the herb is purple the next is Safari floss I think this is kind of fun it sounds like farfalla which is Italian for butterfly or bow tie pasta so far follow floss this moistens the lung to stop cough so this one is instead of drawing things out we can say it's a little bit more moist and so you can say again this is for call pretty much due to any pattern when heat when cold lung deficiency depending on what we combine it with and quandon Hua is often used together with zuwon as a paired herb so it's very common to see these two herbs used together because they're very similar but if we want to differentiate them we would say that the one has a stronger downward action of down bearing rebellious lung Chi remember we saw that um the one is bitter in flavor so it has that downward Direction whereas cuandong Hua has a stronger moistening action that's why you say it moistens the lung to stop cough now I'm not sure that this is a super moistening herb I don't think it's along the same lines as when we talked about like gualo or uh Chuan bamu those are very sweet moistening herbs I think here when they say quandong Hua is moistening we mean it's not quite as drying as some of the other herbs in this category but with guandon fall we can't say it moistens the lung to stop cough so especially good if we're using it for those dryness conditions so that's quandon Hua next Isuzu perilla fructus perilla fructus and this one stops cough and transforms cold phlegm so this one we can say it's specifically warm in temperature so it's better for um cold conditions when they're phlegm when they're slim we say this is for coughing and wheezing with copious phlegm so this not only stops cough it's good for those situations where there's a lot of chi constraint and that's blocking the lungs ability to transform the fluid so we get a lot of copious sputum zetsuza is going to open things up uh to treat that type of cough and we say this is especially for when exhalation is more difficult than inhalation or there's a stifling sensation in the chest so this is sometimes what we differentiate between when we're talking about coughing and wheezing or asthma like is it more difficult to Exhale and get the air out or is it more difficult to inhale and get the air in and sometimes we use this as a way to differentiate between lung patterns and kidney patterns that if we have difficult difficult inhalation that's a sign that the kidneys are weak the kidneys are not able to reach up and grasp the chi so difficult inhalation might mean there's a kidney problem whereas difficult exhalation might mean there's a lung problem especially in excess lung problem that there's all this phlegm cheek constraint and Gunk and we can't get the air out so that's what we're talking about in this situation when we say when there's when exhalation is more difficult than inhalation and some commentators will even say that zitsuzu should only be used for coughing and wheezing due to excess conditions because that's what it's doing is it's opening things up and clearing out excess so it's better for coffee to excess not so much for cough due to deficiency so that's something that some people will say about and then like we expect this one moistens the large intestine to generally relieve constipation again this is because it's a seed and seeds contain oils that lubricate the large intestine and then zitsuzu is perilla seed so if you remember back in the very beginning warm academics that release the exterior the third herb we learned was zitsuye perilla Leaf so that was the leaf of the perilla plant this Isuzu it's the seed of the perilla plant so the leaf they both have an action on the lung but the leaf is better at releasing the exterior where the seed is better at unblocking the lung treating cough especially when there's copious phlegm and so I remember uh zitsuye means purple Reviving Leaf so this is purple Reviving seed because a leaf is purple on one side so that's a perilla Fructis perilla seed after that is rubber Tripoli pipaye is loquat Leaf so is loquat leaf and this one it's good for transforming phlegm and stopping cough but especially when there's heat conditions so we say this is for cough due to lung heat or lung dryness so that's pipaye is especially dealing with heat conditions and clearing heat so that's one way we can differentiate it from some of these other herbs pipaya for heat conditions the other thing important thing we should know about pipaye is it also clear stomach heat and regret it clears stomach heat and directs rebellious Chi downward so we're not only talking about rebellious lung Chi as in coughing and panting we're also talking about rebellious stomach Chi as in nausea vomiting Hiccup and belching due to stomach heat so in both of these cases rebellious longchi and rebellious stomachi there's this is due to a heat cause and so when we look at the properties here uh Bensky says this is neutral in temperature but other books will say that this is slightly cold in temperature which I think makes sense because like we said this is for heat conditions so if you're following along with Bensky and you see that this herb is neutral in temperature don't get confused just because it's neutral on temperature that doesn't necessarily mean we use it for both heat and cold conditions pipayate is better for rebellious longji and rebellious stomach Chi due to heat like we said this is a loquat leaf and so one of the ways I remember this is when you see pipaye to me in English that sounds like papaya so I think of papaya being good for your stomach that I think we use uh papaya seeds as a digestive enzyme so papaya can be good when you have an upset stomach like nausea and vomiting but just be clear pipaye is not papaya this is just the word sounds similar so that's how I remember it is loquat leaf but one of the things that makes it stand out is it's also good for rebellious stomach g Bible is stamonia Radix by boo stamonia Radix and so this is another one that we can say it moistens the lung to stop cough this one notice we say it's sweet in flavor so it has a moistening action that moistens the lung to stop cough we can say it's again for all types of cough both acute and chronic we can say it's for cough due to lung Yin deficiency it's a special useful layer because uh it's sweet and moistening so the dry cough due to lung in deficiency this will be very good but again most of these herbs we can combine it with other herbs to use it for pretty much any situation but this one we should probably know it's sweet and flavor it moistens and then this is something that it's not in Bensky but something I had in my notes from my teacher in China that uh this is for lung tuberculosis or lung TB so this is a situation where you're coughing up blood so it makes sense that this sweet moistening herb would be good for those situations so that might be a situation in China where they use this herb was especially for long TB the other thing we can say about Babu is that it kills parasites and we have to kind of elaborate here because remember in Chinese medicine when we say kills parasites we can mean a couple different things we can mean real parasites like bugs like roundworm pinworm tapeworm things like that intestinal parasites or when we say kills parasites we can mean like fungal infections so tinea or athlete's foot or itchiness of the genitals can be considered a parasite but it's more like a fungal infection so for baibu when we say the this herb kills parasites we mean it's good for pinworms so it can be used internally or externally for pinworms so like a wash and basically uh pinworms are I believe they're more common in children but pinworms it's something that they basically they infest your anus that they they live at the in your rectum and sometimes they come out at night and lay their eggs on the surface and then in the morning they go back in and so this is most common I think in children because children touch weird things and eat weird things and that's how they end up with pinworms and usually the way you diagnosis is you just you notice them itching their anus a lot and you're like what's going on there it's possible they have pinworms um so I think you can like take a stool sample and look for eggs also I think one of the things they do I've heard people say is they put Scotch tape around basically put some kind of taper Scotch tape on the anus now this is just a thing I've heard this is not medical advice don't be like oh that guy on the internet told me to tape my anus um but this is something I've heard is the way they diagnose it is they'll put tape on there and the worms will the pinworms will come out and get stuck and they can't go back in and so that's that's another way to verify it I'm not sure if that's true that's what I've heard but anyway Bible can be used for this either like externally as a wash or um Bensky says you can make this into a decoction and then use it as a retained enema overnight so it's like you squirt it up there I guess you have to clench and hold it in you spend the night like that and that will help kill the pinworms so baibu good for pinworms it can also be used externally for lice or for fleas so glycin your hair or fleas on your body or also pubic lice I think is another common use for this is pubic lice and also used for as a washer bacterial vaginosis so this is maybe not like real parasites like lice and pinworms this might fall more into that like fungal infection sort of category but we would say specifically for trichomonas or bacterial vaginosis and here you could use this as a wash or as a sitz bath so those are some of the applications of biaboo for parasites so why what I would remember here is yes bibu is good for parasites but it's not really like for round worms we've learned other herbs that treat round worms or tapeworm it's not for that kind of parasite it's more for pinworms lice fleas and then also certain genital things so by Boo the name of this herb means 100 parts now I'm assuming that this has something to do with how the plant looks like like it's maybe it's really spindly and has like a hundred different parts but maybe you can remember that the name of this is 100 parts and so it's good for when you have lice in your parts in your hundred parts uh it's also very moistening it's sweet and moistening so you can think that your parts are moist you have moist parts and that's why you have pubic lice and bacterial vaginosis anyway moist so it moistens along and baibu also kills parasites so that's why I remember about Babu stamonia Radix song by P is Mori cortex song by P Mori cortex this is Mulberry root bark so this is really common in in Chinese medicine I think we use all the plant all the parts of the Mulberry plant so we learned song ye Mulberry Leaf uh in the B syndrome category we learned song juror Mulberry twig later we're going to learn song Shen Mulberry uh fruit and mulberry root here we have song by P this is Mulberry root bark so this is something I never knew before apparently Roots have bark and that's what song by P is so song by P clears lung heat two stop cough for coughing and wheezing due to Long heat so this is one that we should especially know that it's cold in temperature so again here we're treating more heat conditions with song by peeing so in stopping cough it's especially good for coffee due to Long heat song by P also promotes urination to treat edema so we could say that song by P makes you pee so here when we say this we say for superficial edema now here Bensky he uses the word floating edema and I assume when he says floating edema he means superficial edema because Foo in Chinese can mean floating or superficial but for superficial edema facial edema and swelling of the extremities so the reason I point that out here is because when we talk about edema or water retention remember edema can happen due to issues in all three burners so if you have kidney young deficiency not able to transform the fluids we can have edema in the lower body pitting edema in the legs if the spleen is failing to transform dampness we can have edema around the middle water swelling in the middle well remember that song by P goes to the lungs so this is for a problem of the lung fails in its function of regulating the water passages so we end up with edema but this tends to be upper about upper body edema I think we said the same thing when we talked about ma Huang a federal Urban was the first herb that we learned in herbs and he said that besides releasing the exterior it also has an action of promoting urination to treat edema but we said again instead this is specifically for edema due to lung situations where like a wind cold pathogen has blocked the fluid transformation in the lung so we end up with things like water swelling in the face or sudden swelling in the limbs and this is something you'll also see when you're if you're studying acupuncture when you talk about the lung Channel there are certain points on the lung channel that we say regulate the water passages so lung Phi regulates the water passages or large intestine six is the low Connecting Point it connects to the lung but it also regulates the water passages but again when you look at the actual indications this is for water swelling due to lung problems so swelling in the face sudden swelling of the four limbs usually happens with an external attack so I just want to be clear here when we say promotes urination to treat edema we're not talking about pitting edema in the lower body due to kidney young deficiency it would be unlikely that would use song by P for that situation this is for facial edema it's in the upper jaw the lung governs the upper jaw or swelling of the extremities because the lung is failing to regulate the water passages and then also this is a doctrine of signatures like we talked about before where p means peel or bark or skin so it's especially good for edema at the skin or superficial edema right under the skin so you can maybe remember we talked about this for before when you talked about things like fooling pee fooling p is a skin of fooling so it's good for edema Under the Skin pee Ginger peel shanghyang Pi is the skin of Ginger so it's good for edema Under the Skin here we have another one song by P it's the bark or the skin of the Mulberry root so it's good for edema Under the Skin and we actually see those come to come together in the formula ooh peace on five peel powder is a formula for this edema Under the Skin and song by P is in there we also say that song by P lowers high blood pressure so this is one that this isn't really a traditional function of the syrup this is something that we've seen through Modern research that song by P does have some action of lowering high blood pressure and here I just say it's mild but long lasting this is just kind of a note to say that when we use herbs to treat high blood pressure this is what you what we usually say is it's it's very mild you have to take it long term but it has more of a lasting effect as opposed to if you take a pharmaceutical drug to lower high blood pressure your blood pressure pressure will drop immediately but then as soon as it wears off it goes back up to normal and so pharmaceutical drugs more dramatic but they don't have a long lasting effect they wear off and you're back to where you were whereas when you herbs like song by P you're not going to expect a dramatic drop right away but it's something that we expected to have a more long-term effect that's not like it will just bump up back to normal as soon as you stop taking it so that's what we say there with song by P so I remember clears long heat to stop cough promotes urination to treat edema but for upper body edema or lung edema and then lowers high blood pressure and finally we have modeling Arista lokii Fructis aristolokia fructus this one I don't know why we learn it because this herb like you can tell by the name Arista look the syrup has aristol locic acid in it which is bad it can cause kidney failure so when we say this one is toxic we mean it's really toxic as in it's illegal in most countries so I think even the import of this herb is banned in the U.S so this is one that you would not ever use because it's illegal you wouldn't you probably wouldn't use it because of its toxicity even if you could get a hold of it but it's still on our syllabus we I somehow still got an herb sample of it in my herb sample kit so it's still on the syllabus but we should know that at least in Bensky this herb has been moved to the category at the end of the book called obsolete substances and so Bensky has this special category at the end it's not a traditional category but he calls it obsolete substances and these are herbs and and minerals and animal parts that we say they're obsolete either because they're endangered and we don't use them anymore like tiger bone uh bear gallbladder stuff like that rhinoceros horn their endangered species so we don't use them but then also herbs that have an unacceptable level of toxicity and so we don't use them anymore either so modeling falls into that category of uh it's so toxic it's illegal so we don't use it but it still comes up on our syllabus so I'll just say something briefly about it it's good for coughing and wheezing like everything in this category um especially because it's slightly cold in temperature we would say it's uh good for heat condition so cough and wheezing due to lung heat phlegm or dry heat then we also say it clears large intestine heat so this is especially for swelling and pain around the anus due to large intestine heat accumulation and this would manifest as like hemorroids anal fistula and swelling of the anus so so of course it enters the long and large intestine channels because it's treating cough and treating swelling of the anus or hemorrhoid and so I think for this you you could use it externally um but modeling we can't get it as an obsolete substance so we can just mention that briefly in case you get any questions about it in class oh and the name of this means Horse hat Bell I'm not sure if that helps anything I just thought it was a cute name um so ma of course means a horse hat uh dole I think in this case it can mean hat or like a pouch and Ling I don't think it actually means Belle I think Ling uh actually means it refers to the sound that things make as they jingle together so like tingling or jingling I hear them ring ting tingling jingling too and that's what that's the word ling mean so modeling I'm assuming that has to do you can see here it's crushed I think when it's whole it might look more like a like a bell that you would put on a horse so those are our herbs that relieve coughing and wheezing and so like I said some of these herbs we can differentiate that some are more for heat conditions some are more for deficiency conditions some have additional actions like they call them rebellious stomach g so those are things we should know but in general if it came down to efficient studying like if you're studying for year-ends or boards I would mostly know that these herbs belong to this category and they have an action of stop and cough when you see them show up in a formula they're there to stop cough but we have enough herbs um that we've learned that I think here we can maybe start talking about some formulas again this is not a formula class if you're in herbs 2 you're not expected to memorize formulas but here I think it's good just to add some context so we can start to see how these herbs work together so the first one we can talk about that we've mentioned before is clear the chi and transform phlegmtic oxygen ching chihuatan and this is a Formula again like we talked about for phlegm heat so coughing of thick yellow difficult to expectorate sputum the tongue has a red greasy coat greasy yellow coat because of the phlegm heat the pulse is rapid and slippery rapid because of the heat slippery because of the phlegm and I just like to bring this one up one more time just because I think this is this gives a very good example of one an overview of all the herbs in the category transformed lemon stop cough each of these categories is represented but it also gives us a good a good understanding of how we actually construct a formula in Chinese medicine that I think a lot of people think that if we have a person with phlegm heat oh let's just take a bunch of phlegm heat herbs and throw them together or like if we have a nerve for blood stagnation let's just take the blood stagnation category and put it together in a formula and that's actually not how we do it where our approach is a little bit more sophisticated than that that we think what is the root and the branch how do we treat those how do we attack this problem from different directions I think is a good example of this so if you remember we started off with our chentong to age decoction or we started off with ban sha which is in the warm herbs that transform phlegm cold category so boncha transforms phlegm but then we add in Chen P to regulate Chi because by regulating Chi that will help with the phlegm we add in fooling to support the spleen and drain dampness so that's where some of this phlegm came from is with the spleen so we're again we're attacking this problem from different directions the issue here is Bon Shaw is for phlegm cold we don't have phlegm cold we have phlegm heat what do we do well we just add in colder herbs so remember danan Shing was from the phlegm I guess it's really not from the phlegm heat category Don nunching started out as Tien nanching which is the phlegm cold category but then we prepare it by stir frying it with cow bile and that changes its temperature from hot to cold so da non Xing is the one that's good for phlegm cold sorry it's the one that's good that is the one that's cold in temperature so it's good for phlegm heat so that's why it shows up here for Farm Heat while Loren is trichosanthus fruit it's good for phlegm heat but it also has a sweet flavor that moistens the lung uh we have juanchine in here to clear long heat so we're clearing the Heat and then you can see finally we also add in xinjiang apricot seed as a way to treat the branch symptom of cough so here the underlying condition is we have phlegm heat in the lung blocking the diffusion or the period of downbearing of lung Chi so that's why the chi is rebelling back upwards so we have a bunch of herbs that deal with phlegm heat but then we add in some shingren to treat the branch symptom of cough and shingran is especially good here because it has that bitter flavor that can take care of the excess here durasher is another one that regulates she and moves things downward we'll learn that later this semester but that's I think this is a good example because it uses um herbs from all the different categories that we've learned we have some phlegm cold herbs we have some phlegm heat herbs and then we have some relief coughing and weaving herbs so that's how all these come together in a formula to treat cough with yellow phlegm this is an interesting one um this is again good for tion excess patterns ma Huang for fever and chills without sweating because there's an excess wind cold pathogen blocking the pores but we also see that there's coughing and wheezing and so here we have an interesting pair we have a pair of herbs mahwang plus shingren to stop cough so if you remember back in the very beginning the first herb we learned was ma Huang we said that mahwang releases the exterior for Taeyang access we said that mahwang promotes urination especially for edema in the upper body but then ma Hwang is also one of our number one herbs for coughing and wheezing mahwang is ephedra that's where we get the pharmaceutical drug ephedrine or pseudoephedrine Sudafed and so ma Hong is really good at diffusing the long Chi opening up the lung xingren has a bitter flavor that moves things downward and down very is the cheap so Mah Hong and xingrin have a synergistic effect for stopping cough so we'll see this dwayar pair come up in a lot of our formulas like mahuangtong mahongren Xiao ma Hong pushing run uh moshing shurgant has MA Huang plus shingren so this is a pair of herbs you'll see pretty common for treating coughing and wheezing and again so we're using the acridness of mahwang to disseminate the longshi or spread the lungsi and break up that constraint and we're using the bitterness of shingren to down there the G two stop cough so this is a very good pair for stopping cough something we'll see very commonly in Formula class then we have another one ding Chuan Tong arrest wheezing decoction ding Chuan Tong again that word Chuan we talked at the beginning means panting or wheezing so ding Juan Tong means arrest wheezing decoction or stop panting decoction and so this is for wheezing due to wind cold on the exterior but phlegm heat on the interior so this is a complex pattern it's both exterior and interior and it's both heat and cold so this is a complex pattern so we're going to see some herbs that do each we see coughing and wheezing with copious thick yellow sputum labored breathing that's the wheezing or panting uh possible simultaneous fever and chills because we have that external attack of wind cold but so you can see here again we have this pair ma Hwang plus xingren to deal with the coughing and wheezing we can also say mahong is there to release the exterior because we do have some wind cooled on the exterior but we see this pair Ma coughing and wheezing and then we just see a lot of other herbs from this category here and I mean the name of the formula is stop wheezing to Cochin it makes sense that we're going to have a lot of herbs from the category relieve coughing and wheezing so is Parilla seed we learned that one especially when he said there's excess conditions or difficult exhalation Hua fafari flower sung by P the Mulberry bark is especially it's cold in temperature so it's good for heat conditions so that's good that we have this um phlegm heat on the interior so song by P is good because it's clearing those heat conditions we also have Huang chin in there to clear the lung heat another one of the three huangs for the upper jowl interesting by guo is ginkgo seed actually some books will put baguo in this category herbs that relieve coughing and wheezing uh Bensky actually just puts it in the category stabilize and bind he says it induces astringency to stop coughing so he puts it there but this is just another example we have a formula called stop wheezing decoction so we throw in some herbs that stop wheezing so here's a some context there here's another interesting one buffet Tong tonify the lungs decoction Buffet Tong tonify the lung stick auction so this is for long Chi deficiency so we can have shortness of breath spontaneous sweating when the lung Chi is deficient um the the exterior is not firm the lung isn't governing opening and closing of the pore so the sweat leaks out so spontaneous sweating but then we'll also see coughing and weeding this can be uh something that happens in lung Chi deficiency so here we see this formula has the one and song by P to stop cough so this is an example of cough due to deficiency because lung Chi is deficient the chi leaks out in the form of cough so we start out with herbs that tonify lung cheat and this is treating the root so wrenchen Huang Chi tanofai longchi to treat the root underlying root cause the long Chi deficiency but then we added in the wine and song by P to treat the branch symptoms so here we have an example of treating the branch and the root and herbs that relieve coughing and wheezing are used to treat the branch symptoms of coughing and panting Tong I've actually this is I was going to say this is the last one I think this is the second low to last one Sansa young Ching Tong three seed decoction to nourish one's parents this is for phlegm clogging lungs with Chi stagnation but our main symptoms here are coughing and wheezing with copious sputum focal distension in the chest loss of appetite digestive difficulties so this one is kind of interesting the the name is kind of interesting three seed decoction to nourish one's parents kind of the idea here is uh this is a formula for old people so this is a like thing like Grandpa uh he's old his digestion doesn't work so well so when he eats food it's very easy for things to get stuck he just eats a little bit of food and he has uh that food causes food stagnation and Chi stagnation and because the chi stagnates that turns into phlegm and Rebels back upward into this cough so uh that's kind of the idea here is this is for old people who get real phlemy when they eat when they eat food basically and you can see here uh it's three seeds like the name suggests it's three seeds the first one is by Gita which is mustard seed which we learned in the phlegm cold category this is the one that you could tape on your back to treat asthma so white Mustard Seed that's very accurate intensely acrid zituza is perilousy that we learned in this category that we said it's a good very very good for opening up the lung and especially for excess conditions when there's when exhalation is more difficult lyfutza is radish seed that's one will learn in the next chapter or the chapter after that life food says radish seed it's in the food stagnation category so it's good for um digesting that food but it also has an action of treating coughing and wheezing so that's another example of seeing these seeds used in the collection for coughing and wheezing and then this is I believe our last one jursos on stop coughing powder Gerson stop coughing powder uh like the name suggests it stops cough but specifically for lingering cough after a wind cold attack so this would be like you get an external attack of wind cold you have all those symptoms fever and chills runny nose cough but after a while uh the pathogen is gone the exterior has been released the person no longer feels those symptoms except they have a cough that just won't go away and I think this is something at least I've seen in clinic a lot that people they get sick they say I was sick a month ago my symptoms lasted for a week I'm totally fine except I have this cough that just won't go away that's when you use dursos on stop coughing powder and we can see it has a lot of the herbs that we've learned here so the wine is for stopping cough buy boo again stamonia radics were stopping cough or your hundred parts um so that one's moistening the long two stop call by Chien we learned in an earlier category we learned in the phlegm cold category I think this one is again neutral in temperature so we use it for both heat and cold conditions but it also has the action of expanding the lungs remember ji Gung is balloon flower root so you can think about blowing up a balloon and the balloon expands and so Diego is expanding your lungs and opening up the constraint and then we have like jingjie just a little bit to release the exterior remember Jing Jae we learned in the warm act would release the exterior category that again it's neutral in temperature but very good at releasing the exterior so this is just another example of where we might use these herbs we can we can use herbs that relieve coughing and wheezing we can use it in situations of phlegm heat like with Ching chihua tontong when there's phlegm heat and that's obstructing the lung and causing cough we can use it in cases of deficiency like lung Chi deficiency or lung Yin deficiency like with Buffet Tong and when the chi is deficient the you end up with cough when the lung cheese is deficient it can't down bear the cheese so it goes back upward and leaks out and cough we can use herbs that relieve coughing and wheezing to treat the branch symptoms here here's another example of how I would use this in the aftermath of a wind cold attack so those are herbs that relieve coughing and wheezing if we want to do a quick review basically all these herbs stop coughing and wheezing so again I would mostly remember that they're in this category xinjiang as apricot seed it uh stops coughing and wheezing it's bitterness down there's uh the long Chi but remember this one also because it's a seed it moistens the large intestine and so that's another function we should remember about shingran the one stops cough also stopped cough this is the one in quandon claw are often used together is perilla seed so this is the seed of zutsuye it stops cough um and then we said especially when the exhalation is worse um and also because it's a seed it moistens a large intestine but it stops cough yeah stops cough but it also descends rebellious stomach Chi as well so pipaye is for rebellious Lungi dude he also for rebellious Stomach Qi due to heat and I think of pipaye sounds like papaya and papayas are good for your stomach stops cough but this one uh it also kills parasites so baibu means hundred parts you got lice and fleas in your hundred parts because you're very moist so it moistens the lung song by P Mulberry bark good for cough but again this one's cold in temperature so it's good for conditions due to heat but song by P makes you pee song by P is the Bark of the Mulberry so it's the skin of the Mulberry root so it's good for the skin of your body edema under your skin song by P makes you pee modeling is illegal so don't use modeling because it's very toxic so those are herbs that relieve coughing and wheezing this was a very in-depth look at this category we're doing these weekly lectures to take an in-depth look as if you were learning these herbs for the first time if you are someone who you're studying for finals or year-ends or boards and you want more of a quick review there are courses online so online I have a single herb review course that it goes through all of the single herbs but it does it very quickly it's meant to be like a review course that you'd go through quickly rather than being something in depth like this I also have a formula review course so if you like the section where we where we reviewed the formulas and you want to review all of your formulas for year-ends or for your nccm boards I also have a course that goes over all 162 formulas on the nccom list so if you want to check those out there's links below if you want to do some review you can look at those courses on teachable also again this video is brought to you thanks to the support of students like you so these are these videos are for free but we appreciate everyone who contributes and makes these possible so if you want to support the website and the channel and everything we do there's a couple ways you can do it you can join the patreon that's like a monthly pledge a monthly donation and that gives you access to the patreon feed you can make a one-time donation through buy me a coffee and that's just like paypaling five dollars links to that below I know that not everyone can contribute monetarily so just if you like this video share it with your friends share with your study groups I also appreciate that but that's it for this one we'll see you in the next one which I think is aromatic herbs that transform Dam it's either aromatic herbs or or food stagnation I actually don't remember but um again we're doing kind of a weekly weekly review of the category so we'll see in the next one