Transcript for:
Transforming Photographs into Caricatures Using Photoshop

in this video I'm going to show you how you can transform regular photographs into caricature using Photoshop so let's get started what's up guys through here and as you can see this is the final output now for this tutorial I'm going to use this beautiful photograph that I found on you intercom and if you want to use the same photograph the download link is in video description so feel free to use it now to create this effect we have to cut her out from the background and for that I'm going to go and select my quick selection tool from here right click and then I'm going to make my brush a little bit bigger using my bracket keys and then I will make a quick selection and as you can see there is some area that we need to remove so for that you have this minus option here and make a really smaller and now you can remove it and after when your selection is done you go and click on this refine edge option and here you can go and change it to on the black in your brush is a selected default and then I will go and paint around her hair like this so the selection seems much softer so that's better and I will do the same thing around her hands and I think it looks better now and after that I'm going to go and simply hit okay and now our final selection is ready and after that you right-click and then you select layer via copy so now when I turn off my background layer we have her out on a different background after that go and create a new blank layer from here and make sure you have selected your paint bucket tool from here the paint bucket and the color here is white and fill it now put your layer two under your layer one here so she is on simple white background now before you do anything further go and select your original layer one the cutout then press ctrl J so we have copy double click and rename it back up and then put this under your layer 0 this is in case if we screw up something on this one we have a cutout ready so this layer one is ready and we can start working on so first thing I will do is I will press ctrl T and then I will hold my shift key and I will make her smaller so you have more space for the effect and then I think this small is good enough and I'm going to confirm it and I'm going to select my move tool from here and I will move her a little bit here like that after that go and select your rectangular marquee tool from here this one and then I will make selection of her head a little bit here like that that's perfect then you right-click and then you select layer Y I cut this time so now her head is on different layer and bodies on different so we can manage head easy after that press ctrl T hold your Shift key and make the head bigger I think this is big enough yeah good and go and confirm it select your move tool from here and move it at its place something like this so this is good enough now we are going to modify it so for that you go to filter and then you go and select the liquify option in the liquify at first it will look something like this so you go and click on this advanced mode and you will all the options so what we need here is go and select this bloat tool this one and I'm going to zoom in you can use ctrl + for zooming in it's really easy that way so I'm going to zoom in close then I'm gonna make this brush smaller you use your bracket keys to make it smaller now I'm going to go and click on the highlight offer I like this into it multiple time until you get the it big enough so I think this is looking enough good and do the same on this eye and a little bit more its caricature so don't worry make it a little bit bigger so it looks cool so this is good now comes the mouth and for that it's actually basically the same you first of all click in the middle then a little bit here don't go all the way here okay no a little bit here here here and here and here and a more after that you have this option the pocket all this will shrink things so this time you go and click here on her square her smile ends and you make it smaller and a little bit smaller here here and here if you want to see my settings you can check them out here so I'm going to go and do it couple more times so that's good enough and more then I'm going to go back and make the teeth a little bit more bigger you can say if I make the nose bigger but I don't like nose is really big after that you have this option here the forward wrap tool so you click on that and make sure it is big enough like this size and then you go and start squishing the jawline and make it a little bit straight like this a little bit more so this is looking good and the same thing I will do with the neckline the end here I'm going to try and make it as squishy and straight as possible so this is good after that I'm going to go and do the same thing here so I'm going to squish down her hair a little bit you can make the brush bigger to control the bigger area like this so I think this is looking good then I will also work on this jawline and make it also bit squishier and smaller so we have really pointed jaw which works really really good for the caricatures so a little bit more here here now I'm going to zoom out a little bit control - so then we can start working on this portion you so now it's looking better you can spend more time to make it more polished and then go and simply hit okay so now as you can say it's already looking pretty good after that go and select the body here this one and the same way you go to filter and you go to liquify and to edit the body make sure you have selected your forward wrap tool and make your brush big like bigger than the body a little bit yet this big then you go and start squishing it down like this but make sure that it goes in a somewhat v-shape so the bottom is narrower than the top but in the end we gonna squish in everything so this is gonna work out pretty good yeah and when it comes to neck you go and make the brush smaller and then you go and start squishing it down like that so you have more space and better curves it's all about how much time you are willing to spend to make it look better so it's all up to you and then go and yeah so this is looking good and little bit here the so I think this is looking really good and then I'm going to go and hit okay so now as you can see the caricature is already started taking shape now we have to merge face and the body so for that select your face here this one and put it down a little bit here like this then to match it let's zoom out a little bit you press ctrl T so the transform option will come up then you right click and then you select walk now I'm going to zoom in a little bit like this and here now you can go and match it exactly the way you want so it takes a little bit time okay be patient once you think it is looking good enough you go and confirm it from here but now as you can see the line is looking really sharp so for that go and select eraser and in the eraser make sure your hardness here that is 0% and then you go and make the brush little bit smaller the size of the razor and then you it is it like this so it will have really smooth fading and the edges will look much much better see like that knife i zoom out it's already looking really good so her shape is looking like caricature but we also have to work on skin tone and the background so for that select your layer - that is your background as you can see here so you double click on your literature and then you select gradient overlay and in the gradient overlay go to your gradient option and here you have black and white but instead of this black color I'm going to go and change it to something like sky-blue which I like better so this is looking good hit OK okay and then go and change its style to radial and reverse it so we have sky-blue outside and make the scale all the way to 150 and then change your opacity to somewhere around like 20% or like that yeah so this is looking good hit OK so the background is ready afterwards when you think everything is looking really good as you like go and create a new blank layer from here and then press ctrl alt shift and E together so as you can see we have jpg of document inside our document like this a screenshot after that make sure you have selected your screenshot and then you go to image adjustment and then you go and select shadows and highlights now for you let me turn off this so for you it will look something like this so you click on show more option and in the show more option first of all I'm going to make my shadows to 0% I do not want that and make your highlight halfway through and your tonal way halfway through and your radius of way through now you go and start slipping around your sliders a little bit and get the exact carry sure look that is really really famous so go and play around until you get the look you like then you go and hit okay so everything is looking good and now we can change the skin texture and for that go and make a copy of this press ctrl J so we have a copy after that you go to filter and you go and select the oil paint filter now if you don't have this filter the download link is in video description so use it so go and select your oil paint at first it will look something like this so go and change your angular direction to zero and the shine to zero after that also make sure your details are at 10 scale 0.1 this 10 and the stylization around 4-5 works pretty good so 4.56 good and then go and hit okay so now the skin texture looks really good but if i zoom in the eyes has also become really soft and I don't want that so I'm going to go and make sure selected my ear is a tool and I will remove this effect from my eyes as you can see here so now it looks much better and also if you zoom in here as you can see sometimes it will happen your neck and body will not merge very well so this oil painting effect layer here you go and select your smudge tool from you right click and select smudge tool and strength somewhere around like 30 40 % is good enough and measure swim sample all there is off then you go and you can now simply go and merge it as nice you like take your time and merge it properly and you can make things really soft and smoother here so now if i zoom out it just looks a little bit better so the effect is almost ready but it's little bit dull so for that go and create a new adjustment layer and select curves and in the curves you have to do nothing just take your midpoint and make it slightly brighter don't go overboard okay just a little bit more and now if I turn it on and off see looks much better so that's it and this is the final output so I really hope that you guys learned something from this video and if you did hit that like button and you can also share this video with your friends and if you have any kind of questions or suggestions feel free to ask me in comment section below till then good bye take care and have some fun with Photoshop