He’s going! She went up… Zzon is taking in the morning sun~ Even her paws are enjoying the sun! The wind was cold so I went to close the window. So cute~! Why do you look like an old man when you sleep? Her paw on top of her belly is so cute ㅠㅠ It’s so peaceful~ But that peace gets broken when I enter this room… Tan-ppang is crying for food but I had to clean up the room first a bit. He’s crying too much so I’ll feed him first. Tan peed on the blanket so I had to make a litter box really quickly. I put a tissue with some pee to show Tan that it’s the washroom. You’re so loud~ He starts crying like this when he hears someone’s voice. I heard that we have to help him go to the washroom for a month but I can’t believe that he can already go by himself… Tan, go to bed now~ I guess he just wanted to get petted for a bit. The toy is supposed to fill in the space of a mother cat. (Butt scratch) (Falls over) It’s so cute how he’s ticklish LOL Get up~ After petting him, I pretended that I left and he became quiet. 🍞: Where’d mommy go? 🍞: She really left? You look sleepy. He started to cry again after I touched him. Why does he talk so much… I put him to bed and he became quiet. You like it~? (Licking) You’re even washing your hands~? Just the other day, he couldn’t even groom properly… (Zoom in cause he’s so cute~) I’ll put your favorite toy here. 🍞: It’s my teddy bear! I put the toy in there but the next morning, it’s always outside. I guess he plays with it at night. 🍞: Thanks… 🍞: For this… Tan can’t even sit still in bed. I guess he really likes this blanket. (Sucking on his thumb) It’s so amazing how he can do that… I checked the camera and found Tan playing with his toy. (Falls over) 🍞: Ah! His belly is too big so he can’t get up… 🍞: Help me! He’s really struggling to get up… LOL He grabbed on the toy and finally got up… After playing for a bit, it’s time to eat again. He got surprised cause I turned on the light. I think he eats so much cause he’s always moving around. He doesn’t even stay still when I’m trying to wipe his mouth… I heard they’ll calm down if you wrap them in a blanket. But it made Tan move around more… It’s only when he’s getting a bit full, he’ll start to stay still. This is the first time he’s eating so calmly in 2 days. Wow… He chugged it! Let’s see~ 🍞: Let go! Let’s see~ His body looks like a teardrop… 🍞: No more food? He becomes so quiet and calm when he’s full. 🍞: Gimme! 🍞: You won’t gimme? He just went to bed. Doing all of this takes around an hour. Good night~ Taking care of a baby cat takes a lot more time than I thought. Since I’m a freelancer, I can stay at home and look after the two. Usually after eating, he would just go to sleep but sometimes he would cry like this. 🍞: Mommy! 🍞: Where are you? When he’s like this, I get worried and come check up on him. When he’s missing his mom like this, I try to spend time with him. I think he feels safer now that I’m here. He’s even grooming on top of my hand~ When he’s done, he just goes to bed. I cleared up my schedule to do this, so Zzon is really happy. He’s even singing! When I would work from home, we would always do this and we thought Zzon would feel sad when we take care of Tan so we’re trying to spend a lot of time with Zzon as well. I was petting her chin and I thought there was a motorcycle here. 🐱: Why’d you stop? She’s staring at my hands cause I stopped petting her. 🐱: Is that all? She just leaves when it’s over. My husband went into the room to get ready to feed Tan. Zzon is just waiting in front of the door. Zzon-ddeok. Is there someone in the room? 🐱: Daddy? 🐱: You go in that room often. 🐱: Did you hide my snack? Zzon. (She replied with her eyes) Will you be okay to meet Tan? She’s so cute trying to understand what I said LOL She was really curious so we opened the door. 🐱: What the…? She got caught staring so she came to me~ Haha You want to see? 🐱: No, don’t care. You want to see? I took out the sock with Tan’s scent on it. 🐱: I smelled this before… 🐱: What’s this smell…? She’s smelling it a lot more than before. 🐱: Mommy smells like this too! How is it? She’s still not sure… In the room, it’s time to eat. 🍞: Hurry! Gimme! She really wants to eat~ He’s dissatisfied with my husband’s service LOL Zzon is just watching from over there. Tan is getting angry we’re not give it fast enough. 🍞: Just gimme! We made the milk thicker today and I think he likes it. Is it that good~? The reason why Tan’s mouth is always so messy… He doesn’t stay still… He got angry again cause we were giving it slowly… LOL After eating, he’s a lot calmer, so that’s when we weigh him. He’s gaining 10g everyday. I guess Zzon got bored… 🐱: You called? Even when we’re in the room, we need to pay attention to Zzon. 🐱: What’s going on? We’ll play after we feed Tan~ (Sees Tan-ppang) She doesn’t care… That was the first time she’s seen Tan properly. We let Tan leave the room. Since Zzon was staying still, we left them alone. 🐱: What is that? 🍞: It’s scary here… That was the first time, so he was scared LOL There was a scary person so you want to come back~? Why does Zzon look so angry? It’s too scary for you~? Let’s go back. His heart’s beating so fast. 🍞: Why’d you stop me? His heart’s beating so fast. 🍞: I can go! Look at him trying to act tough… 🍞: I’m not scared! I don’t think you’ll do anything but fine, go~ 🍞: You... 🍞: Think I can’t? (Tan’s 2nd Attempt) 🐱: Who’re you? 🍞: Ah… (Becomes quiet) 🍞: Coming through… He eventually just came back… LOL I think he already knows Zzon is in charge here. Thanks to Zzon being so kind we can move his cage to the living room. I was worried cause the closet is the coldest room… Zzon is showing some interest now. Zzon try smelling it~ 🐱: Yeah, I was curious. Zzon probably has a lot of questions in her head. Tan started to talk more too since coming outside. Zzon wants to get a better look. It’s only been Zzon here for 5 years I think she’s still figuring out if Tan’s a toy or a cat. Her nose is going crazy today. 🐱: It doesn’t look like a toy… 🐱: Who are you?? She finally realized Tan’s a cat. The reason I laughed is because after hissing, Zzon goes back to looking like this LOL (Very interested) Zzon is just staring after hissing at Tan. She even went onto the couch to get a better view. Usually we’d let them meet through the holes in the cage but Tan can go through the holes… So, we had no choice. I think Tan got scared when he heard Zzon hissing. He’s even moving slower LOL 🍞: Let’s hide… He went in… Haha 🐱: Where’d he go? 🍞: Don’t tell her I’m here! Since Tan disappeared, Zzon went into the cage. She’s looking for Tan. You’re gonna hiss again, aren’t you? (Made eye contact) 🐱: Scared me… (Made eye contact) After Zzon found Tan… She hissed again. And even growled. It’s okay~ 🐱: No! It’s okay~ She just went in here, hissed… And then left while growling… To distract her from Tan, I started playing with her. You’re excited~? Everyone, let’s get excited~ 🐱: Gotcha! 🐱: Wait… After playing for a bit, she went back to the cage and started watching again. 🐱: I’ll keep an eye on him! His teeth came out a bit, so we’re trying something new. It got on his nose… Let’s wipe it. Eat slower~ Zzon is just watching from here… Zzon. Tan is trying to eat. Is she interested in Tan or just the food…? We let her sniff the food. 🐱: I don't want. Weirdly, she doesn’t care… 🍞: It’s all mine! He’s such a glutton, just like Zzon! Seeing him eat well makes me so happy~ Let’s give some snacks to Zzon too. We’re trying to correlate good things to Tan with snacks. Tan was able to finish his food too~ After eating, he always needs to go on a walk. 🐱: You stay there. Zzon is staring at Tan getting closer. 🐱: I said don’t come! 🍞: Big sis... I think Tan just wants to play with Zzon… Zzon still doesn’t let Tan get within 10m of her… Zzon calmed down now that Tan left. We have to feed him with our backs to Zzon. He’s so smart. He doens’t just shove his face anymore! Right~ He’s so smart. He doens’t just shove his face anymore! Zzon is okay with this distance, I guess. Will Zzon accept Tan into the house…? 🍞: Big sis, play with me!