of course if you take a look on some data some some report you can see this is going to be the future Trend more and more people they will like to choose the Cloud solution but it doesn't mean the traditional Hardware solution will just quit the market no it's not going to happen still you have lots of chances lots of opportunities to promote your on Prime solution your Hardware P but who other potential end users are going to still using Hardware on Prime PBX from my point of view I don't think small companies are going to prefer the traditional solution because it's expensive invest exactly and also as we know nowadays Everything's changed we use some subscription Services a lot like Netflix Apple you know people get used to it so for small companies it's the same thing it's a process exactly that's why just just like U you know for small companies the way how they use CRM system it's the same thing they are not going to pay lots of money for you know some sort of software or a hardware it's not going to happen they will just pay for something than what they need currently so I guess if you are doing smbs if your major customer base is smbs and yes it might be well the truth that eventually you will get into Cloud business yeah exactly but we do have chances to promote the hardware solution for some other customers I guess like some vertical users some vertical projects think about it like if you're a business owner of a hotel are you going to choose the Cloud solution I guess maybe some of these business owners they will prefer the Cloud solution but still in the market take a look well the thing is hotel is a pretty standardized business yeah right it will take a long time for them to really accept Cloud PBX and when we talk about accept it's not accept that as a technology sure it's accept a cloud PBX brand as a official player mhm that can be on the table yeah exactly so yeah it will take a lot of time and to be honest if we're thinking about hotels of certain scales there are many many protocols exactly right about security reliability and stuff maybe hotw PBX will be more suitable yeah for them it will just make things much easier for people to accept a hardware solution because you provide me a particular Hardware I need some certificate you can just provide it to me and I can do the test and it's simple it's easy to maintain yeah that's right I would just simply make it be a part of my solution because for Hospitality the solution for them is not just going to be a phone system they need a whole site of the solution so that's just a part you make things as easy as possible that's going to be very easy for them to apply and I'm also thinking if you mention about how hotels then of course huge companies yeah Enterprises the thing is they will need 100% total control exactly of all the data like maybe some organization they are not maybe as big but you their their standard for you know security and especially data security is still at that high level like for example finances banking sure uh some government right so cloud is not going to be an option for them it's not a issue of trust it's the simple fact that all the data Maybe clients customers users all the datas are deployed on a cloud server that is not 100% in their control this simple fat is not acceptable for them exactly yeah so you will still have chance there and we don't want to put it this way probably some maybe oldfashioned end users right they will move from one uh you know Hardware PBX to another to the other one yeah like for example uh back in a few years when well the brand were that were're allowed to talk about you know Panasonic will they actually you know retrieve fromet quit the market yeah that's right and of course most of their end users move to the other brand that were not supposed to be mentioned but clearly no very similar solution yeah but now same thing happen sure right but if your end user is really you know oldfashioned a lot of people like to stay in their comfort zone and there's nothing wrong about it so they will try to find another replacement that is familar so the only quality they looking for is familiar and there is a huge qu quantity of them so yeah if you customer base are are those kind of you know end users and maybe it's not about you know which industry mhm uh are those customer from maybe it's about personalities yeah even age yeah of the property owner exactly [Music] [Music] we