[Music] all right okay praise the lord all right tonight we're going to be talking this is lead training program lesson 12. it's called a walk through philippians part 1 all about faith and doubt and as you kind of do your family church and as you are learning to be equipped to teach and to train your family or those that are in your fear of sphere of influence it is my prayer that you take these pdfs that you grow through them that you expand on them it is always wise to print them off and begin to start taking notes so i really encourage you if you are doing this to grow and to be a better teacher a better steward a better priest uh or priestess of your home then i encourage you to take notes it's it's really imperative to do that i do that i don't want to forget something that god does and inevitably every time that we meet the father opens up our eyes to see something that we didn't see before and so i'm looking forward to that this evening so let's begin and uh and talk about first of all the lesson objective so the objective tonight is to fully understand how faith and doubt are the opposite forces that can either move us closer or further away from his perfect plan for our lives so that's our objective tonight we want to find out what is faith versus doubt how does that operate in the everyday life of the believer now right off the bat i just want to share something that's that's on my heart and who knows uh how long these little rabbit trails will take but it seems to me that when people come into what i call the front of the book or or a torah based understanding what happens is they they get so gnostically uh tied up into the pursuit of knowledge and their purpose revolves around knowledge and gaining more insight deeper into the word of god uh and the connections and you know guys i love that that's like my lane right making connections and we're gonna do this some of that tonight but what i've discovered is that knowledge for the sake of just going wow that was really cool doesn't change your life it doesn't actually brought bring you closer to the father it just enlarges your cranial cavity so what we're trying to do is is become ready for the bridegroom as he comes and prepares a place for us and then comes and retrieves his bride it is our job to be prepared for that and the best way to be prepared for your bridegroom is to iron out the wrinkles if you will and those wrinkles are typically in our character and so what we're trying to do is be more in the image of christ more in the image of yeshua there is no way to do that with the pursuit of knowledge by itself and so as we move through here what i try to do in preparing these is think okay what do my children need or the people that are around me need in order to be successful uh in your in their walk with the lord what does it take for me to uh for them to be successful and that's what i'm trying to do here okay so we're gonna create a pdf or create a message that speaks to the heart the soul the mind the emotions and above all transforms the character uh by implementing the word of god so that's kind of my caveat in my little soap box and uh so let's dive into philippians chapter 1 verse 6. for those of you that have been in uh torah for any length of time uh you probably are not sure where philippians is so it's on the it's on the back of the book uh it's after malachi before revelation okay so we're gonna dive into the new testament a lot of scriptures that maybe you haven't seen in a very long time and boy they really minister to me this week so i'm looking forward to sharing them with you okay so philippians 1 says this it says paul and timothy bond servants of jesus christ to all the saints in christ jesus who are at philippi with the bishops and deacons grace to you and peace from our god the father lord jesus christ i thank my god upon every remembrance of you always in every prayer of mine making requests for you all with joy for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now being confident of this very thing verse 6 that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of christ jesus okay so man i i memorized this verse when i was i think in sixth grade or seventh grade at a christian camp and i i still remember today truly i was just reading this scripture and i didn't even read it i actually just was saying it from memory and i got it wrong from from what the the version because i memorized it in a different version but as we walk through here when you're doing this with your family i want you to walk through philippians that's what we're going to do we're going to begin the process of lord willing working through the book of philippians now i'm going to tell you right now we're not gonna actually get past verse six uh i totally thought we would we would we would really get through at least one chapter but the holy spirit just said stop and there was all kinds of things that he unpacked so let's begin here's the first question that you need to ask what has he begun now some of this is going to sound simple but sometimes the most profound impactful things that you will ever experience will be the very simple questions that we skip because we assume that we know the answer so the first question that i have on here is what has he begun the answer is simply a good work in you sounds very simple why are you asking these simple questions jim hold on to your hat for just a second and you'll understand why number two question what is he trying to complete he's trying to complete a good work in you next question what's the most important word in this verse what's the most important word it's the word will he will complete everything that he has begun in you all the way up until the day of christ jesus don't worry we're going to go back through some of this what is the opposite of confidence because it says it says right here being confident of this very thing what's the opposite of confidence well that's pretty obvious is doubt okay and what happens when we doubt about what god is doing in us we're going to read that next in the meantime i want to go back and talk about this for a second this scripture is a incredibly powerful scripture and has a lot to say when it as it relates to us as as not only human beings but as believers in messiah because there's not a person that's listening to this right now there's not a person alive that does not at some point have doubts based on the circumstances that they find themselves in either you were in a situation that caused you doubt or you are in a situation right now that has caused you doubt or you will be in a situation that will rock your world rock your faith and make you ask the proverbial question why where is god and so on and so forth so this stuff is real because this is real life and if we don't understand what paul is saying to the church in philippi from prison might i add then it's going to be very difficult for us to please the father because the only way that you can please the father is through faith so we're going to dive into this topic a little bit so let's talk about it again what has he begun it's really important that you know that what god is doing in your life is a good work the profoundness of that statement i cannot i cannot over exaggerate and it's something that you really want to hit hard on in your home family church because this is something that if we fully embrace and we totally understand it is not possible listen to what i'm about to say it is not possible for the enemy to shake you at all it's not possible okay and so uh when we fully and completely embrace the concept that god's only thing that he's doing is a good work then the enemy can never say that oh there's something going wrong because nothing could be going wrong if god is doing a good work so instill that in those that you have authority over or or those that you have influence over i should say because this is where everything unravels the moment that you don't believe that the surroundings around you or what god is doing because by the way can i just say this god is always doing like there's no way for him to not be doing if you are a child of the king and you are living your life uh in obedience to him and in pursuit of him everything that's happening around you is of him there's no way to get around it and he will always always always be pursuing to do a good work in you believe it take it to the bank everybody say right now he is doing a good work in me he's doing a good work in you that's what he's trying to do what's he trying to complete he's trying to complete that good work in you it is our uh uh responsibility to allow him to complete that good work when we get in the middle of what he's doing by trying to fix problems by getting all stressed out by questioning by by getting upset and frustrated we are slowing down the good work that god's doing inside of us all right and of course the most important word as i said was will he will complete it he will complete the good work that he's doing inside of you have you ever been in a situation where well i'll just give you my own example you know being in prison uh there were times when i thought man is this ever gonna end uh have you ever been in a situation where you just felt like man there's just no way out of this this is the moment the crisis of belief where this has to come to your remembrance that god is doing a good work and he will complete it that means that if it's black and you're banging your head up against the door and it's sealed on the inside and it doesn't even have a doorknob be rest assured he's going to open up a window or he's going to bring a bulldozer to open up the entire room if there's not even a door so god always makes a way the problem with us is that we're trying to figure out how to make a way ourself and god just sits back and lets that happen and watches us as we're doing that so make sure you instill in the group that you're ministering to that god is doing a good work okay all right the opposite of confidence because paul says i'm confident of this the opposite is doubt so what happens when we doubt about what god is doing in us you can turn to james chapter 1 verse 6 to find out exactly what that looks like because it doesn't look pretty james 1 6 says this but let him ask in faith with no doubting for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind or some versions say blown and tossed by the wind when we find ourselves in doubt what happens is is we lose our steering with the rudder that's inside of the water is pulled up out of the water and wherever the winds are blowing that's where we're going to go because doubt has no anchor it has no direction it is looking around like this i don't know what's going on it's it's not focusing on the road in front of you you know i've got a um a 15 year old that is trying to learn how to drive she's going to be turning 16 this september sweet 16 and it will be uh very exciting for her but for the rest of us uh we are white-knuckled and every time she gets into my truck uh i i try to look for a secondary seat belt uh because i'm just i'm not used to living on the passenger side at all and so much so i took my camper hitch and put it on the back of my truck just in case that somebody might she might hit the brakes too fast somebody would hit us it wouldn't hurt my truck so taking lots of precautions but one of the things that i'm constantly telling her is you have to you will go wherever you're looking and if you're looking out the front window you will go out the front window you will you will go towards whatever you're looking at out the front window if you start to look to the side you will notice that your hand the the steering wheels will start to follow whichever way you turn your spiritual life is the same exact way whichever direction that you focus on okay is the direction that you will go i learned a long time ago many of you have heard me say this but i used to erase dirt bikes uh quite not professionally but very amateur professionally and i learned very very early on that whatever you look at on the trail through the woods is what you're going to hit so when the bike starts to bobble if you look at the big tree or the rock that's on the trail you will hit that tree you will hit that rock you look where you want to go even if the bike is not going in that direction and your body will automatically follow your head and that is so much uh sermon right there and that's why we're doing this for family leaders because you are the head and where you go the family will go what i've got written here in blue yahweh desires us to trust him and to realize that it's not about the destination it's about the development of our nature along the way can i say that again it is not about the destination torah is not about getting everything right torah is about making you right let me say that again torah is not about getting everything right torah is about making you right it's about developing who you are as a person can you look back over the last year and say i'm a better person forget about more spiritual are you a better person because if you're not a better person then you are likely not more spiritual so we're trying to become more spiritual and a better person not just learn more scripture to learn more scripture now i know i'm going to be honest this is not a popular message people uh you know are are expecting to hear end of time messages and when is the asteroid coming and giving the deep of the hebrew and the paleo pictograph and and that's great but is it making you a better person because the judgment that's going to fall on our heads one day we will only be weighed by one thing how close is the image of christ inside of you to his actual image that's how it's going to be measured so everything that we do every bible study that you're going to see me get into is most likely going to revolve around the image of messiah because i feel like until this movement starts to move in a direction of pursuing the spiritual gifts the fruits of the spirit and the image of messiah it will never gain traction and the father will never give it divine assistance okay all right so let's continue matthew chapter 14 verse 25 through 32 it says now in the fourth watch of the night yeshua went to them walking on the sea when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were troubled saying it is a ghost and they cried out for fear but immediately yeshua spoke to them saying be of good cheer it is i do not be afraid and peter answered him and said lord if it is you command me to come to you on the water so he said come and when peter had come down out of the boat he walked on the water to go to yeshua but when he saw that the wind was boisterous he was afraid and began to sink he cried out saying lord save me and immediately yeshua stretched out his hand and caught him and said to him oh you of little faith why did you doubt and when they got into the boat the wind ceased this is an important story that virtually everybody knows everybody is familiar with this particular story but let's talk about it for just a moment because this story is so relevant to our lives today still 2 000 years later as peter is embarrassed because he got out of the boat probably freaking out amazed that he's actually walking on the water and in somehow someway fear begins to grip his eyes uh his heart now why does peter become afraid what happens to peter that causes him to lose his footing on the very water that he's walking on it's very simple he took his eyes off the messiah he put them on the circumstances that were around him and these concepts and principles are so simple uh brothers and sisters but we fail miserably in the simple things of following god here's the discussion that you need to have what can we learn from peter's mistake have you ever been afraid because of what you see around you and you begin to sink in doubt listen carefully our closeness to yahweh is directly related to our faith in a storm you see your relationship with the father is not is not measured by when you feel spiritual when you're doing well god doesn't measure your spirituality when you're in church or when you're in a synagogue or when you're in the worship service or when you're having a great day and you just got a pay raise and you praise god and you read your bible god is not measuring your spirituality at those moments our spirituality and our image check is audited in the middle of the storm it's in the middle of life's everyday frustrations that's when we're actually measured so when we fail that's not who we really are who you really are is when you are doing good and you are spiritual and you are full of faith that's who you really are to christ that's the place he's trying to get you in but you have to go through the storm in order to get there and so when peter gets out of that boat his entire intent is to follow and to see the face of messiah do you do you think it's coincidence my friends that yeshua started out walking on the water in a storm i think it's a little strange if you ask me it makes way more sense to to to walk on the water on a nice clear beautiful glassy water evening but no he he waits till there's a storm because he's trying to produce something in someone that is going to be used at a very high level for him namely the apostle peter the stubborn one right the one who is going to deny him he's training him at high levels and those that are trained at high levels encounter stronger storms that's just the facts so the next time that you're frustrated the next time you have a storm that's coming understand god is doing a work in you stop complaining about the storm this is what i'm going to be teaching my children this weekend we cannot complain when things don't go our way we cannot complain when the weather turns or when we get in a car accident or whatever it might be that happens you say to yourself we teach our children god is doing a good work period we praise him in the storm there's songs written about praising them in the storm yet when we get frustrated we start cursing our neighbor somehow not sure how that works but sometimes we all fall into those frustrating moments and it's because we don't have a plan for the storm so let's talk about that for just a moment before we go into isaiah chapter 41. so if you want to turn there you can i'll get there in just a moment but one of the problems when we deal with marriage counseling by the way if you are married and you have a spouse where you get into little spats or arguments here and there and you kind of you know have you ever noticed that your spouse is the only one that knows your hot button and can trigger you faster than uh than a speeding bullet right the speeding train or however it's called they know exactly how to push your buttons if you're not prepared for that and you don't have a plan of what you're going to do when someone triggers you then you will fall into your defaults you will fall into your defaults and typically your default is the lowest form of humanity it's the lowest form of who you are it's not you at your best it's you at your worst and so uh i have a friend of mine who's a major league baseball player and one of the things that that major league sports athletes do is they meditate what are they doing they're visualizing the pitcher's hand as he comes across his body they're visualizing the ball hitting the bat and they're visualizing them getting a hit what they're doing is they're preparing their mind for whatever pitch is pitched whether it's a fastball a slider a cutter a curveball whatever it might be in the same way the bible tells us we're supposed to meditate on the lord day and night what does that mean he's using a little hyperbole there obviously it can't be all day and all night but in your mind you're prepared for anything that happens during the day i remember there was a place and a time in my own marriage where life was very rough and when i came home from work this was probably 15 17 years ago i literally sat in the driveway preparing myself for whatever i might encounter on the inside and that preparation was critical for me to know that okay if one of my kids or if my wife triggers me what am i going to do i need to be prepared for that and so if you struggle in your relationships or you struggle with getting triggered and you're a hot head speak it's simply because uh you're not trained you you don't have any plans you're just operating in emotion you let yourself go in whatever direction you have no rudder okay you're not confident in what christ is doing in you is a good work because you're not preparing like you would for a presentation uh if like you would if you were in your job so it's important that we prepare so you can write that down that's completely not on the pdf tonight but it's something that you can talk to your family about it's important for you to prepare when your little sister frustrates you and you know she's going to do it what are you going to do what is your plan if you don't have a plan then someone else is going to have a plan for you okay isaiah chapter 41 verse 10 says this fear not for i am with you be not dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you yes i will help you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand what's he saying there is as simple as what he's saying he's saying that look i am with you i'm doing a good work in you everything i'm doing is for you and your benefit so do not fear do not even let your eyebrow twitch he says i will strengthen you yes i will help you i will uphold you by my righteous my righteous right hand so we teach our children we teach those that we have influence over that we have to believe that god is with us if he's with us then why are we upset why are we frustrated why are we worried about the situation all right so let's go back to the pdf here john chapter 20 verse 27 says this then yeshua said to thomas reach your finger here and look at my hands and reach your hand here and put it into my side do not be unbelieving but believing look thomas is the least of the disciples because he had to touch and see in order to believe his spirit man was so small he couldn't see with his real eyes what was right in front of him so let me ask a question when did thomas actually doubt is this when thomas doubted because we call him doubting thomas for a reason because of this scripture this one single scripture where thomas doubts that the lord is there and we're not recognizing that thomas completely and totally is already been doubting he's been doubting long before the messiah ever rose from the dead that's what thomas did he was you cannot be someone that lives in total and complete belief and excitement and hope and then all of a sudden switch into someone who doubts that he was going to raise from the dead after you experienced miracle after miracle after miracle so thomas so in our walk with god what happens is every small step that we take that the small frustrations that we have they are preparation for the larger frustrations in life so just like me when i was coming home and i had to sit in the driveway and get my head on straight it wasn't because i was afraid that my wife might trigger me it was simply because i knew that i was not in a good state and i knew that i would most likely trigger her or trigger one of my kids because i was not in a healthy state i was going through some very deep uh things at the time and so i had to prepare myself for encountering a home full of girls and make sure that i made the transition so that i didn't fall into a situation where i became someone else's stumbling block in the same way that's exactly what we need to do thomas did not he never prepared so i would imagine in every miracle he was the guy that was like well you know that's okay i'm that's that's amazing but i've seen some pretty big things in my life instead of embracing the moment of what god was doing around him whether it was in a storm or whether it was a miracle thomas didn't do that we know that because in when it counted the most he doubt him all right let's turn to proverbs famous scripture by the way some of these should be on your list to memorize proverbs 3 5 and 6 trust in the lord with all your heart lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path he shall you see what the word says there he shall direct your path of those who stop trying to figure it out all by themselves and completely trust in him in the situations of their life i will tell you this i find that there are so many people in life including me that when we walk through life we trust the senses that we have right our eyes our ears our nose our mouth our touch what we taste we don't trust anything that we can't totally put our hands around or wrap our mind around we will especially if you live here in america uh which is the prevailing western greco-roman philosophy mindset which is you got to show me i have to see it to believe it and in missouri of course our state is called the show me state we don't believe anything unless you show us and and the father says man that's just not how i operate i operate by faith and the faith comes from the inner man it comes from the spirit man it's not what you see in the natural it's what you see in the supernatural it's what you see past the natural it was not natural for peter to see yeshua on the water he had to look past the storm and the fog and the mist remember they weren't even sure who it was when he looked past what he saw in the natural he was able to do things in the supernatural god met him in the supernatural where science was bent the laws of fix physics were bent because he looked past the laws of physics he looked into god's law the law of the kingdom turn with me to jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11. i know you guys know this scripture you're thinking jim man how could you be more any more simple because we're children of god not even toddlers yet so we're going to keep it simple for a while because we keep making the same mistakes and the father keeps saying jim teach him this because they don't know this jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 says for i know the thoughts that i think towards you says the lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope listen we don't know he knows the plans for us and because no man can truly know the mind of god for his ways are higher than our ways we trust his plans because we know they are for our good what do i mean by that what i mean by that is this is that in everything we do we have to know these scriptures and believe them inside and out teach them to your children teach them in when you wake up when they lie down when you're walking along the way you they must know these principles that god is doing a great work in them that they can trust them he will never leave them or forsake them that we are not to lean on our own understanding but in all our ways we're supposed to acknowledge him and he'll direct our path and then know that his plans are for a future and a hope that's what he's doing god's desire and original intent for us is to give you a future and a hope then why is it that when we get into situations that we don't really believe that we feel like there's no hope can i just just give you the heart of god right now when we make when we let those words come out of our heart and out of our mouth that there's no hope we're literally saying there's no god there's no god because god is hope yahweh is hope and it would it interest you to know that the hebrew word for hope and for rope and for weight are all the exact same word they come from the same exact hebrew word root word tikvah it's to hold on to a rope with everything that you got that is the idea of hope you're holding onto a rope but your focus is not on the rope it's as if you were you were on the side of a cliff and the rope is in your hands you're holding on for dear life and it goes over the top and you can't see the end of the rope because god is the one holding it your hope is not in the rope the hope is in the one holding the other end for i know the thoughts that i think towards you you listen to that he thinks thoughts of a good future and and hope in our lives so let us not get to a place where we ever feel like in any situation that there's not a way out or a way up because there always is a way up and a way out the hebrew mindset believer is is nothing but hope and a future as a matter of fact i forgot to tell you this you'll notice that there is no hebrew word of the day this is like the first lesson that i've not had a hebrew word for the week do you know why because the hebrew word of the week is doubt but there is not a single instance in the entire front of the book the whole old testament there is not a hebrew word for doubt it doesn't show up isn't that incredible isn't that amazing somebody say wow because the whole entire front of the book not a single instance where god chose to put the word doubt it doesn't exist you'll find it in the english but there's not a single hebrew word behind it that means doubt doesn't exist you know what that tells me prophetically god is there is no doubt in the word of god none we are not to have doubt in our life it should not exist in our book if we are the walking word of god there should be no doubt there should be no word for unbelief it is either believe that's it it's believe because that's what we do as believers when we cross the river jordan did you know do you know what the word evreet means the word hebrew the actual word hebrew it means crossed over ones those who are crossed over when you cross over you don't look back the reason why we're called believers ladies and gentlemen is because that's what we do it's not who we are it's what we do that makes us believers james says show me your faith by what and he says i'll show you my faith by what i do praise god let's go to hebrews chapter 11 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen every single person on this call i'm sure has read this scripture a hundred times but what does it actually mean let's let's break it down just a little bit here faith is the substance of things hoped for it's the evidence of things not seen faith is the substance not the situational result that we see with our own eyes what we see is not the end and excuse me and therefore is not truly real in eternity faith is the only thing that is real in his realm listen to this because these are biblical kingdom principles faith is truth because he is truth and our faith is in him therefore faith is the only connection that we have to his realm that allows his realm to come to ours faith is the pipe that allows his water to fro flow freely to us let's read that one more time shall we faith is the substance not the situational result that we see with our own eyes what we see is not the end and therefore it is not truly real in eternity may be real to our flesh but it's definitely not real in eternity faith is the only thing that's real in his realm faith is truth because he is truth and our faith is in him you could spend a lot of time talking to your family just about this one paragraph therefore faith is the only connection that we have to his realm that allows us to come to ours faith is the pipe that allows the water of the word of god to flow to us and through us period end of story shut the microphone off there's nothing else to talk about once you have faith ladies and gentlemen there is nothing else that will please the father because everything stems from faith it is by faith that's what the entire hebrews chapter 11 is about it's by faith all of these people how did they make it into the hall of fame how did they make it into that list in hebrews chapter 11. it's very simple it doesn't say because of their knowledge of the commandments of god and the depth of understanding of the original language no it says by faith abraham pleased god it's my faith listen someone needs to hear this you're having a hard time maybe you had a bad day a bad week a bad month i know i've had my share i'm going through a little something right now myself where i'm having to walk on water in some areas that i don't know if i can do it so what i'm going to do and what god wants all of us to do is to have faith there is no other way to please him you can keep all the commandments that you want but if you don't have faith in him in the middle of a storm every commandment that you keep means nothing because keeping commandments that's mental that is academic that's like tangible academic but it's intentional meaning that you know what you're doing you're in control of it you decide not to do this or to do that but in the moment where it's hard to decide because the emotions are going and someone hits your hot button that's the moment that counts that's the moment where faith is initiated it's given as an option that's when we have a chance to please god the most amen and that's what we want to teach our kids is that we please god when we have faith and let them come up with ideas of what that faith looks like in real time when they're at school and something goes on when um you know this happens to some of my daughters frequently that be invited somewhere and something bad will happen some secular guy will show up to a group that that he wasn't invited to or maybe he was invited to and he does something that's not cool and you're put in a situation where you got to have faith and you have to display your faith in real time what are you gonna do ask your kids what are you gonna do in a world full of transsexuals and homosexuals and and all of these things that are happening in our world and you're approached by one or someone talks about it what are you going to say what is your meditative plan how are you going to display your faith in real time because if you don't prepare for it you won't say anything they won't say anything and they will have missed the opportunity to please god the bible says to be prepared to give an account for the hope that is in you but with gentleness and respect unfortunately most people in this movement do not know how to spell gentleness and respect unfortunately all right question what is the consequence of not having faith and not believing what he is doing around us and through us the answer is this he further takes away our eyesight because that is what is in the way the more that we lean on our own understanding and eyesight the more he will diminish them so we can start see with the spirit i totally skipped the scriptures let's back up so you know what we're talking about luke chapter 1 verse 18 and 20. let's turn on the here we go it says in zechariah said to the angel how shall i know this look gabriel comes to zechariah and says hey you're going to have a baby and you're going to name him john this is about john the baptist conception zacharias is is advanced in years kind of like abraham and was not to believing that this was going to happen he says for i'm old man and my wife is well advanced in years and the angel answered and said to him i am gabriel do you know who i am i am gabriel i stand in the presence of god and was sent to speak to you and bring you these glad these great this great news which you don't believe but behold because you didn't believe me you're going to be mute you're not going to be able to speak until the day that these things take place because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in their own time imagine zechariah showing up when he gets back from the temple at sha at uh uh let's see when with that shavuot right gets back from the temple about shavuot and and he can't talk he's gonna explain what happened without talking so we know that she gets pregnant right after that and nine months later is sukkot so he goes nine months without speaking my friends um the reason why he lost the ability to speak i got in here the answer is eyesight but uh not sure why i put that that was a mis uh a typo there i meant to say his his mouth the words god made him mute what happens when we doubt the lord begins to take away things that are causing us to doubt he begins to allow situations to get worse because if you're not catching it he's going to give you another opportunity and i don't know about you but if you enjoy going through the mire and constantly getting a sorrow upon sorrow then just stay in a position of doubt because it's a downward spiral god just not going to quit he believes in you he wants you to catch it so he will typically continually let things spiral until you fall on your face and you say father i can't do it anymore by the way this is when most people fall in their face when everything falls apart they get to a place where they literally say i can't do it anymore and they cry out for god and they by faith transfer their trust in themselves to him it is at that moment where divine assistance begins it's at that moment where the upward spiral up mount sinai begins again this is the place that we should start that upward spiral by saying father i can't do this even if you are succeeding matter of fact it's the fastest way to make sure that you don't ever get into a downward spiral intentionally is to stay in a position where even when you're successful you say father i can't do this without you can you imagine if we stayed in a humble position of dependence when things are even going great imagine how much would change in our life second corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 we're almost finished we walk by faith and not by sight not much to talk about there that's all we've been talking about we do not walk by sight we are look we said earlier we're believers it's not who we are it's what we do we're believers two we are men and women of faith did you hear that we've heard it a thousand times you're a man of faith you're a woman of faith what does that mean you don't walk by sight you can't if you walk by sight you're not a man or a woman of faith so we teach our children we want to be believers not defined as but because we do we are a believer i'm not a plumber because i believe i'm a plumber i'm a plumber because it's what i do an electrician does electricity because and he's called an electrician because that's what he does it's not because that it's who he is it's what he does okay so the life of the believer is a verb psalms 46 10 i love this it says be still and know that i am god i am elohim by the way that word elohim best translated as judge i'm the judge be still and know i'm the guy that's judging everything right now as we speak you just can't see it in your realm yet you don't know that i've already issued the decree for good for evil reward punishment i'm the god be still and know i'm the judge i will be exalted among the nations i will be exalted in the earth isn't that great news with the world economy falling apart with we got wars and rumors of wars everywhere around you know my daughter came to me the other day she's 9 years old 10 years old 10 years old yeah and uh just yesterday in tears because that afternoon we were talking about the great tribulation and she just couldn't wrap herself her mind around just how terrible the great tribulation is going to be and how god is going to take care of us and she came down like in the middle of the night literally a single tear it was the sweetest thing ever sitting on her cheek and she said daddy i'm scared i don't want to go through the great tribulation and i was at that moment i had an opportunity to teach her that be still god is god he's the judge and he loves us he doesn't love the evil he loves us he will take care of us win lose or draw we win and those are the moments of shaping the hearts and by the way if you have children out there it is not your job to shape their minds yes we want them to be educated yes we want them to be successful and so on and so forth but the most important education is the education of the heart it is the heart that the mouth speaks it is out of the heart that the mouth speaks it is not out of the mind only it is out of the heart what we believe is what we do so we shape the heart and unfortunately there's a lot of parents especially in the messianic movement and even in traditional christianity that want to teach their kids the bible that's nothing wrong with that we want to teach the kids the bible i want my kids to learn the bible i teach my kids the bible but i'm teaching their heart not just their mind and that's a big difference of why when people say jim how do you have six kids and all of them love the lord like statistically that shouldn't happen you know so on and so forth like your kids are amazing how do they love god at the level that they do because we're we're infusing the word of god into their heart not their mind only it's very very important and there is a giant difference so let's read this be still this is so difficult when things are going wrong is it not we love to do things we love to fix things and make things in our image with our hands but sometimes we just need to be silent and wait for him to reveal the solution sometimes we find ourselves standing in front of an ocean that we know we have to cross so you know we do we start swimming because we see with our own eyes that there is no other way then a boat comes along when we're about a mile out completely exhausted and almost about to drown we miss it we missed our miracle because we did not know how to be still and know that he is god he's the captain of the ship he says man i have nothing but plans and a hope and a future for you i know that all you see is an ocean can you imagine if moses with two and a half million people shows up at the red sea and goes well the ten plagues were cool but um there's no way out of here so let's start building a boat let's build a bridge or better yet everybody get in let's just swim it's not that far and then everybody drowns and then all of a sudden god opens up the water and all the drowned dead bodies fall to the dry ground with that would be a one heck of a story wouldn't it no that is exactly what most of us do we don't stand there like moses with the confidence of looking into the fear in the eyes of the people and you are responsible as a family leader in crisis to hold the staff and the authority of the most high god and say god will make a way when there is no way god will make a way that's how you please god listen god puts you god puts you and all of us into situations where we get a chance to glorify his name and be promoted to a whole other level that's what he does he's not the guy that is you know creating all of the evil in your life but the bible says that he does create both the good and the evil it says that if we get to it we'll get to that scripture and i'll explain what it really means but basically what it's saying is look i got i'm in control of everything there's nothing that i'm not in control of in your life so when you come up against the next red sea you stand there with my word in your hand and you say father this is not my problem i can't wait to see how you're going to do it god will make a way where there is no way i'm excited about that matthew 21 18-21 it says 18-22 i'll show you what that says says this now in the morning as he returned to the city he was hungry seeing a fig tree by the road he came to it and found nothing on it but but the leaves and said to it let no fruit grow on you ever again immediately the fig tree withered away and when the disciples saw it they marveled saying how did the fig tree wither away so soon so yeshua answered and said to them assuredly i say to you if you have faith and you do not doubt you will not only do what's done to this fig tree but also if you say to this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea it will be done whatever things you ask in prayer believing you will receive so here's a question what is the overall point in principle of this teaching that yeshua is trying to convey to his disciples what's the point is he really trying to say you can move mountains tell the physical mountain to be thrown into the sea no he's simply trying to say that they they have no idea how powerful faith really is it bends reality in our world it can change the laws of science and bring the laws of heaven directly to earth will you be able to physically move a mountain probably not that's not his point he's using hyperbole exaggeration like he he did many many times to illustrate a point i call it the law of extrapolation like kids are constantly getting on me because i extrapolate it out they ask me questions let's say okay let's extrapolate that out to the craziest scenario if it's true there then it's true here that's how you make a decision of whether or not something is really true or not and yeshua did the same thing if we truly understood the power of faith faith is the vehicle by which god gets to come out of heaven and enter into your life and enter into your situation it is by faith and did you know this faith is a gift someone needs to hear this out here today faith is a gift it's not something that that you just decide one day i'm gonna have the first thing you need to do is ask god to give you the gift of faith it is that mustard seed gift that then grows through situational circumstance maybe you got a medical condition and you just tired of being sick have faith that god will show you the answer i've had two different people in the last few weeks that have had ongoing medical problems and the father revealed after years revealed the actual answer of how to be healed isn't that amazing god can do anything that he wants it's just a matter of faith okay ladies and gentlemen we're going to stop right there i'll do a whole separate teaching on isaiah 45. the father showed me something amazing about that chapter that i did not expect in an early prayer time that i had with him but we don't have time to go through that so this is enough what you really want to do when you're dealing with your family and family church is to focus on the faith versus doubt we can drop down here to the bottom because we've got some takeaways that we can talk about for sure yeah let's do some takeaways all right so in the takeaways these are what we can bring home with us that we can learn from this teaching sometimes the fastest route through the mountains ever feel like you're in the middle of a mountain range and it's dark and dreary well maybe god's taking you through the fastest route which is right through the middle of the mountain in a tunnel okay you go out to colorado that's exactly what you're going to find you're going to find roads that go over the mountains through the valleys and then some of them that go right through the middle of the mountain unfortunately that's where it's darkest but it is the fastest route to get you where you need to be if you're not in sin and you find yourself faced with an insurmountable situation it's not your problem now it feels like it's your problem everybody will tell you it's your problem but i'm here to tell you it's not your problem it's his so trust him with it and look for what he's going to do through it because i promise you he will create the solution just wait for it i'm in the middle of a situation right now counseling a couple and it seems so bad and so impossible it seems absolutely no way that god is gonna make a miracle here it can't happen in the natural eyes no way but i believe that god will show away and i told this young man watch god will create a way he's so good at creating nothing and he's so good at creating something from nothing i should say he did it once before and the entire universe appeared you don't think that he can create something from nothing again in this small situation i love opportunities for god to show off all right what else can we learn doubting things that god has done in your life will lead you to sink into despair just like peter it will cause you to sink don't doubt i know a lot of people that they know that god has done certain things in their life write them down that they write down write them down and go back and look at them when you're having a hard day look at what the father's done in your life and then bank on him doing it again lastly understanding that your faith in any given situation is reality in his realm and not the situation itself even if the child dies the lord says we know his plans are perfect and he knows best there's so many situations in our lives that we could say man how could god be in this situation you know why god can be in this situation because he loves that little baby more than you do he loves your husband more than you do your wife more than you do everything that happens where your heart is grieved his heart is grieved more because he loves deeper the one who loves the most hurts the most and god loves the most so there's nothing that we're ever going to do there's no place that we're going to go where where we can say how could god let that person get sick or die or whatever because god has grieved more than you he allows things to happen because it's a fallen world and he has a perfect plan and he knows what he's doing and we go back to the beginning to say god is doing a good work period it doesn't matter what it looks like with our eyes it doesn't matter if it's the innocence of a child that is taken god is doing a good work and will turn satan on his head given enough time the father always wins and if we believe that he's benevolent if we believe that he's good then we believe that there is nothing that can come from his hand that is not good and everything that appears to not be good we hang on the promise that all things work together for those who love the lord and are called according to his purpose do you love him today i encourage you if you love him then teach your family how to have faith stop teaching them that they're doing right and doing wrong and focus on all the intricacies of what some other teacher is telling you you got to do in order to please god i'm telling you right now god is pleased through one thing and that is faith amen all right brethren let's pray and uh and we will hang it up for tonight i apologize for running a little bit late father thank you so much for your word tonight we thank you for the situations that you put in our life and we just ask in yeshua's name that you would help us to have faith help us father to to categorically trust you in everything that we do lord the next time that we're faced with a situation where our emotions are triggered i pray that we would have already created a plan of what we're going to do or say in that moment that we will be able to exercise our faith long before we ever need to exercise faith i pray that you would help us to exercise that faith so god thank you so much for all that you're doing and i pray in yeshua's name that you would bless everyone on this call and everyone that's listening afterwards and everybody said amen all right um well guys i normally stick around for ama but tonight i just can't do that i cannot uh i don't have time i've got a prior engagement that i have and uh so i need to keep that so i have to let you guys go and uh we will do that soon hopefully an entire two hours of just q a but this will be up on the website here tomorrow hopefully and i pray that you guys will be blessed in taking these teachings and can you do me a favor if you're still listening to this and i can see you out there so i know that you are could you do me a favor would you say every single person that's out there today right now that's listening that's doing the lead program i'm i would ask you to send us an email at info passionfortruth.com that's info passionfortruth.com and if you could do us a favor send us an email and tell us how it's going and how you're using this program i'd like to know how you're using this program are you using it just for you are you using this for your family do you have young ones grandkids uh you know adults that come over on bible study how are you using this program this will better allow me to serve you and to cater this program towards you if i know how it's being used so would you do us a favor and do that right now before we quit uh for the night email us at info dot info pastor for truth dot com let us know how you're using this program all right in the meantime we will see you next time have a fantastic week have a great shabbat we'll see the next time that we [Music] meet someone has donated to this ministry so that you could be blessed today would you consider paying it forward for others if so text pay it forward all one word to 801 801 that's pay it forward no spaces to 801 801 or go to passionfortruth.com [Music] you