CD Ladder: What It Is and How to Build One

May 27, 2024

CD Ladder: What It Is and How to Build One


  • Presenter: Tommy Bryson
  • Topic: CD Ladder – Explanation, Construction, and Investment Value

What is a CD Ladder?

  • A CD ladder involves holding multiple Certificates of Deposit (CDs) with different maturity dates.
  • Example: A 5-year CD ladder might involve:
    • Year 1: $X invested
    • Year 2: $X invested
    • Year 3: $X invested
    • Year 4: $X invested
    • Year 5: $X invested
  • Yields vary based on maturity dates and bank rates.
  • Shorter-term CDs often have higher interest rates than longer-term ones.

Benefits of CD Ladder

  • Spreads risk and creates liquidity.
  • Example: Instead of locking $10,000 in one CD for 5 years, you can split it across 5 CDs.
  • Access money annually instead of waiting for full maturity.

How to Build a CD Ladder

  • Tools: Barclays CD rates, CD ladder template.
  • Steps:
    1. Determine duration (e.g., 5 years).
    2. Check available rates (e.g., 12-month at 5.35%, 60-month at 4.40%).
    3. Allocate funds
    4. Use a future value calculator to estimate returns.
  • Example Calculation:
    • $25,000 split into 5 CDs of $5,000 each.
    • Year 1 CD (5.35%): $5,000 yields $267
    • Year 3 CD (4.5%): $5,000 yields $700
    • Year 5 CD (4.4%): $5,000 yields $1,230
    • Total profit: $3,667 over 5 years.
  • Template Usage:
    • Enter total investment and annual yields
    • Template auto-calculates returns and annual amounts received.

CD Ladder vs. Other Investments

  • CD Ladder: 4-5% returns, limited risk.
  • Stocks: Higher returns (8-12%), but higher risk.
  • For large sums: Prefer bonds or notes ladders over CDs due to coverage limits (only $250,000 FDIC insured).

Personal Recommendation

  • Presenter personally does not favor CD ladders; prefers Roth ladders and other higher yielding investments.
  • Views CD ladders as suboptimal for earning significant returns.
  • Suitable for short-term, low-risk parking of funds but not for generating high returns.
  • Caution against long-term CDs unless interest rates are extraordinarily high.


  • Presenter would not use CD ladders for emergency funds.
  • Would consider only if rates are highly favorable and for short terms.


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