Transcript for:
Shift de Réalité en Trois Minutes

so how can you reality shift in three minutes okay this is gonna be a very quick video where i'm gonna explain probably the most effective ways that you can reality shift you know change dimensions timelines realities very easily in just one night the technique itself should take about three minutes of prep time and then you should wake up in your desired reality now i'm going to go into much much more detail about reality shifting in my subsequent videos i'm making quite a few actually about reality shifting but for this one i'm just going to focus on what i consider to be the most effective technique for reality shifting in three minutes now i won't go into the complete background of reality shifting because that's for another video but let's just remind ourselves that although the theory is based or you know the concept is based on the multiverse theory which is quantum mechanics the idea that there's infinite number of dimensions and realities out there um already and you the idea is you shift your consciousness from this one to another one which has already existed uh you're really just shifting your consciousness or your awareness we need to remember that in every second of every day we are already reality shifting we just don't really know that that's what it's called and we also have been kind of programmed and we've kind of forgot over time how much power we have to actually completely change our reality and our timeline and although we've got this new term for it where we talk about reality shifting which i'll get onto in a second this has always been in our power we've always been able to do this and we've always been doing this even if we didn't realize it and i'm going to get into the idea of waveform reality and kind of this concept of being able to change our reality in another video but here's how you can reality shift very easily so the prep time will take about three minutes firstly you kind of visualize and set your strong intention on your desired reality your dr okay and then this needs to be kind of repeated several times throughout the day and then what you would do is when you go to sleep okay when you lay down to go to sleep you're going to set a very strong powerful intention with everything within you right your whole heart soul body mind needs to be in and behind this intention that when you wake up you will be in your new reality or your desired reality that's how you're going to shift to the new reality now there are various techniques for doing this but i don't really think you should focus on technique because when you do that you kind of put yourself in that very logical left brained type of situation this is not about that this is about your intuition your natural powers and abilities and your really your ability to change your reality with your intention you don't need to understand how it works you just need to understand that it does work and you've been doing this your whole life and so really you just need to first focus on your intention your the visualizing of your desired reality before you go to sleep okay once you've got that down then you're going to go to sleep and visualize yourself waking up in the reality that you want and then when you visualize that you need to kind of imagine yourself doing something something physical or ideally something with a lot of emotional energy behind it maybe you're hugging someone you love or doing something exciting or stimulating really visualize that before you go to sleep a few times and like i said this should take just three minutes right it's really about the intention that you put behind this and then if you really want to and this you know will take a few more extra minutes you can actually meditate before you go to bed as well and just remind yourself that you are not your body you are not your ego or any of the labels that you've been given or that you have given yourself you are infinite consciousness having a very very brief human experience one that you've had many times before in different realities or dimensions or lifetimes this is not the first time you've done this this is why this stuff resonates at such a big level that's probably why reality shifting has been trending recently because we all innately know that this is the true nature of reality we know deep down that this life this body is definitely not all there is so give it a try and just as you're reading this scroll down and leave a comment letting me know what you want to do and what your desired reality is described before so we can all kind of comment on it basically so that's it hope you enjoyed this video and i'll see you next time