Transcript for:
Lecture on Negotiation and Persuasion Techniques

so you uh you talk about three voice tones uh negotiators can use uh what are they and On a related topic what is an example of mirroring and how is that important all right um the three voices uh are the three default types you know in our way of thinking everybody in the entire planet regardless of gender regardless of ethnicity either falls into fight flight make friends some people would call that fight flight mate but it's the caveman that survived from the caveman days we saw a threat on a jungle path we ran from it we fought it we made friends with it and uh my Harvard brothers and sisters subscribe to the same philosophy we've tested somewhere north of 2,000 people in all countries and we believe that to be true so the three voices are what your natural voices are and and I'm I'm not going to make any political statements any way shape or form but the assertive the fight type direct and honest that's my natural born type Donald Trump um and if I were to talk to you we do an exercise called 60 seconds so she dies and I do all three voices in the exercise and if you were volunteering i' look at you and I start with the assertive voice and I just go I need a car in 60 seconds so she dies if you think of yourself as direct and honest you're an assertive you got a tone of voice that's combative it causes problems there's no way around it it's it's not a good voice my natural born type I once had a hostage negotiator say to me dealing with you is like getting hit in the face with a brick and I didn't take that as a compliment but that's my natural voice so that's voice One Voice two is the ACC combinator's voice about a third of us are just relationship oriented we naturally smile we're naturally very happy it's actually ridiculously strategically smart you're 31% smarter in a positive frame of mind if you're smiling you're hardwiring your mood you're making yourself smarter everybody has something called Mir neurons if I smile at you your Marin nar's trigger even if you fire it you started to smile back it's an involuntary response there chemical changes in your brain you're smarter too that's a smart move it's one of the reasons why naturally gregarious people make lots of deals cuz people and and they're not always the best deal but they're probably pretty good but you okay so you just said you're 31% smarter when you're in a positive state of mind so if you can flip yourself into that and become 31% more effective and smarter that seems to be a pretty good Advantage huge yeah so and there actually a hardwire connection if you force a smile on your face when you feel lousy the chemical changes still take place you can override it yeah um and then the third type is what we call the late night FM [Laughter] DJ that's a hostage negotiator's natural tone of voice I mean we we learn that we drill it over and over and over and over again because it hit them it hits the miror neurons it triggers a chemical change and it slows the other side's brain down now why we use that about 10% of the time if we have a term in a contract that's completely unacceptable that term would often be work for hire I will not sign a contract that has a work for hire Clause well I would but it has to be for $5 billion not kidding around CU work for hire takes our intellectual property I just don't say take it away we I'll sit down at the table and I'll look you in the eye and I'll say we don't do work for hire late night FM DJ voice you will feel that that's an immovable term well what I say what you hear if I say that's an immovable term you going to get mad and want to fight me on it I don't I don't need that so I will just take the term and I will lay it out like that your brain will slow down it'll stop when you recover you'll come up with the answer for me I also won't say I need you to take that Clause out I need you to volunteer that idea it's great so I heard you say before that when someone says let's make a win-win situation they're usually going to try to that's an indicator that they're going to probably e either try to take advantage you or whatever and and I found it very interesting because I have used that term I have you know I'm I'm willing to be scenes that I'm delusional here I have said it in ways where I I really do look out for or other I I I want to be a win-win situation not use it as terminology to hide dishonesty or hide attempting to be and I know the whole thing of like a lot of people that brag about how their integrity is and how great they are and how they want you to win a lot of times they're the most full of [ __ ] I also know that some people that are the most smooth talking are sometimes you know wolves and sheep's clothing sort of thing and when I heard that though it really struck me is like going huh so you know what do you do when you're really genuinely wanting to create a value forv value deal you're not trying to overly negotiate if that's the right way to call it or you're not trying to scam somebody uh but you're giving too much of it away or you're letting people steamroll over you uh I guess what are some without making this a confusing question what are some indicators that should be red flags or warning signs that if someone says this be careful and what's the caveat to that how could I better you know describe things because I do want things to be a win-win situation for someone I mean like everyone here you know they invest a lot of money to be in this group I want them to get a hell of a lot out of it I genuinely care about my clients right you know and at the same time I have some people that will try to take advantage of me and they ask for too much or they're just very demanding and so like what are words to that that are indicators and so I'm asking you two things you know what what are like warning signs that when you hear them you know antennas go up this is you know something and then on the other side how do you protect yourself from you know getting getting taken advantage of right right all right so context let's throw context on this and contextual intelligence is a por part of emotional intelligence that's really what we're talking about here we're talking about military grade emotional intelligence weapons gr empathy how do you like that huh that's actually good I so context you should have a win-win mindset if you're in a win- lose mindset that's actually stupid because if the other side loses why are they ever going to want to make a deal with you again that's that's kind of dumb but a lot of people don't realize that in business negotiation most people business stories like I had him over barrel and they knew I beat him and every time I hear somebody talk like that I just shake my head I think like you know you were losing so many deals no absolutely there's people that are in the transaction business versus the relationship business right right so now more context on win-win if somebody articulates it right up front that's the tell they're trying to cut your throat now we talked about this a little bit also you know Joe doesn't show up and go like hey happy to see you let's do a win-win deal yeah you know you start talking about it further down into the conversation or you feel it or you try to live it that's completely different then what we've seen over and over and over again nearly every single person that right off the bat we've been in a negotiation with them and if they've articulated let's do a win-win deal in the first three minutes I know they want to get our stuff for nothing and and now and now I'm already headed for the door so you know what are the Tells actually there's two tells um you got to watch out for people that are trying to cut your throat what's worse is the people that are trying to pump you for information and never do the deal with you at all one one of the things that is not in the book which is actually probably going to be much more the focus of the book that we're talking about now we call Proof of Life of the deal and as salespeople have a saying it's not wrong to not get the agreement it's wrong to take a long time to not get the agreement that's what's killing you that's what kills more people and more business and we shift what we ref referred to as proof of life like right up front and and then we walk away which is it's also you know uh it's been expressed a couple times here play the long game play the long game that's when you start being willing to walk away from stuff or also play the percentages game like if if or or or half you know I'm in a conversation with a potentially extremely lucrative client two days ago I get coached because I was on a phone by myself and normally we like to negotiate in teams but I got off the phone and I called one of our coaches and I said this is my read they failed the proof of Life test they did some other stuff I think I need to email this guy back and tell him we're not interested he's waving he's waving a billion a company that's going to grow to a billion dollars they want to change their culture they got all these problems he outlined all these problems I know we have answers I know they can benefit from it us but I strongly feel like they want us to create a program for us and then they're either going to implement it without us or they're going to go to who they want to go with in the first place and they're going to tell them to do our stuff and I know there's a lot of people out there that are telling their favorite vendors to do what we do it's been it's been directly reported back to me so we get out of those really early on you know who who are going to be the time wasters long way around though on you know what you you get taken advantage of occasionally and look at how well you do yeah yeah oh absolutely I mean being be willing to be taken advantage of occasionally yeah that's one thing that I you know I say to people all the time you know like well you know I try to help someone yeah it's like it's part for the course I mean what I try to do is align myself with people that are aligned with me and when I start seeing disalignment even though I extend myself even though I try and they just keep at it they keep complaining and that's sort of stuff it's like after a point you just like we're just not aligned I mean you just see the world different than than I do and so but yeah it's really good to have indicators early up front and be able to you know bail on it because there's always signs you know it's just if you're what are you looking for if you're able to sniff it out and smoke it out early enough in advance what I love is Robin Sharma who we did a a call with he's in the room he's he has his thing the 500 a.m. Club a guy named Hell Al Rod uh wrote a a book of Miracle morning you do priming in the morning I I'd love to hear what you guys feel are your best rituals or what it is that that you are doing that just massively impacts you to be as effective as both of you are if there's something simple or something that you just do that makes your life work starting be a morning ritual or just anything that that people here could do watching cartoons with my kids at 7 I can't count no you that may be accurate um I mean uh it's uh for me it's anchored in uh my my Desiring to [Music] do to make the impossible stuff I set out happen right it's it's anchored in this Infinity Challenge I'm never board these problems I've I've taken on with an amazing group of people are all sort of infinite and there's no getting there so when they're for me they're my guiding Stars so it's like okay what am I going to do right now to move the game forward this day um you know I wish I could say I was a great meditator or yoga person or so forth and that will come uh but not right now for me it's just uh it's dedication to the child inside me and what I care deeply about which is making this uh making these succeed and and ultimately it's it's trying to be clear about what I'm enjoying doing right it's surfing the the stuff I love versus this is work I'm probably not good at this work who else can I find that can do it and doing the stuff that I truly love better uh and doing more of more of that um I mean it's it's there's nothing sophisticated there Tony what do you what do you got hey I hope you're enjoying this video and I want to let you know that I have a new book that's come out and if you'd like to get it absolutely free there's a link below in the description or you can wait till the end of this video or you can simply go to Joe's free and you can get a copy there well um I think anyone who succeeds has something that they they aspire to there's a mission there's a direction there's a desire and they bring it up regularly and you do that even though you say you don't do it in a sophisticated way attacking the human genome and and figuring how to get meteors to to feed you what you need is a is a is a fairly large Vision somewhat sophisticated U mind's really simple um mind simple I I believe that the body is the place that drives the mind the fastest you can go inside your head all day long trying to resolve things and make excuses or freak out but I learned early on in my life that in order to make myself do things I had to trigger this body to feel strength and to know that when I say something I mean it and so I have a simple ritual that's actually enjoyable may not sound enjoyable it is now which is I get up every morning and I'm privileged to have multiple homes so if I'm in those homes uh one of the homes I have a river the rest of them I have cold plunges and I I go into a 56 degree temperature just for about 60 seconds I jumped straight in or I was just in Sun Valley the river is 38° a little bit cooler um and I took my nephew and said said you're about to learn how to start your day and I bring all my friends when they come they they all have to do this um they're like holy [ __ ] I know when I go see Tony he's got something for me to do of this nature but every cell every nerve in your body explodes and it's phenomenal for your lymph system phenomenal for your health but it also is just a simple discipline it says I say it it happens I I I'm going to say I'm going to do this I do it and I've done it so much it's there and it's invigorating and then I do as you said something I call priming I don't you know you wake up and you're you know 22 hours off your normal time zone and you've got to get up and take care of 10,000 people for 3 days and nights for 14 to 15 hours you don't always wake up feeling wow is this the coolest thing in the world um somebody wake up and go what universe is my body in you know and so I do my physical ritual but then I also do this priming and priming for me is just I don't hope that I'm going to show up with my best I create a state for it most of you know probably the principle of priming you know you can they' Prov it in so many scientific studies we all think we make our decisions consciously when much of our decision- making that we think is conscious is being made by contextual environmental manipulation that we're not even thinking about one study they took some people and they uh hired actors that would go to a 100 people and they'd walk up to you and they were trained to do the exact same look same expression and they'd say would you hold this they hand you a coffee cup and they reach in their pocket and grab their phone put them back say thank you very much they just kind of assume the action and they would do it the same way same facial expression 100 people One Way 100 people other what was the only difference cold iced coffee versus hot coffee an hour later they come back with some people different people who've got little caps on they're saying listen we'll give you $10 if it'll give us two minutes if you'd read this three paragraph story and give us two question answers and they read this whole story everyone reads the same story and at the end they ask them how would you describe the main character what do they like as a person 80% of the people that got warm coffeee said they're warm they're generous they're loving but warm is always is one of the language patterns 80% like clockwork people got the ice coffee same story say that they're very cold that they had they were use gener language like uh being obsessed or being about themselves selfish things of this nature I give you dozens of examples so what I do each morning is I do a breathing pattern it's an explosive breathing pattern I learned in India breathing your breath in and exploding it out you know from the gut out the nose and I do that three sets of 10 pause three sets of 10 pause three sets of 10 so all my state and I just do three things for 10 minutes cuz I have this deal with myself if you don't have 10 minutes for yourself you don't have a life who's with me on this so I said you know what I don't I don't need to have 20 minute 30 minute 40 minute meditations I want 10 minutes and I don't know I me to meditate I don't know if I'm going to meditate I don't to not think I don't know too many people can do that and I don't even know that I want to not freaking think you know so I thought what I want to do is I want to focus on the emotions that will cause me to be the better me and the two emotions that most people are messed up by are anger and fear and when you're grateful you can't be angry try to be grateful and angry simultaneously it'll never work and you can't be fearful when you're grateful so when I look at people almost always they're reacting out of fear or they're reacting out of anger it's some version of those two so gratitude to me is the antidote so I spend three minutes just three minutes and I think of three things I'm grateful for three people three situations but I step into it I you know I don't remember the roller coaster over there writing it I put myself in the front seat going over the edge so I feel the moment and I make sure one of the three things I'm grateful for is something really simple like the wind on my face or something beautiful like my child's smile and the reason I do that is because I remember you know interviewing some of the astronauts Buzz Aldren and these guys and and most of you probably know you can imagine you know to be an astronaut this man knows I mean to Aspire to do that and then go through the thousands of people and be picked and then to actually go to the moon and stand on the moon and look back at can see that picture we've all seen that blue green earth I mean you imagine and then you come home and what happens there's a tick or tape parade and you shake the president's hand and now what the hell do you you're 32 what the hell do you do for the rest of your life and you know what if you know the story of many these astronauts most of them had some major emotional challenges right some abused alcohol some drugs and they had a real rough time because they forgot to find adventure and a smile they thought the only way to is go to the Moon so I train myself to make sure not just the big beautiful things that are part of my life but the little things and so I feel that for 3 minutes then I do 3 minutes of a blessing horny as it may sound I I I imagine life God energy coming into my body healing every muscle every nerve in my body strengthening everything you strengthen strengthening the best of me my passion my love my generosity my creativity my humor my love and then I see any problem that needs to be solved just being solved because otherwise I tend to think I got to do it all and then once I feel that fully and that energy comes through me and back through me multiple times then I do a circle of my intimate family my kids my wife my friends this little character over here is one of my list and I just circle out all the way out to my clients and I send that same energy to them and I imagine as corny as it sounds they're being healed they're getting what they need energy wise they're having the life that they deserve and seeing it multiply so I do that for three minutes and the last three minutes are my three to thrive I think of three specific outcomes that matter to me and I don't think about achieving them I see feel and experience them as done and I see the impact that it has I see people's lives touched I see the joy I feel it as done and I feel grateful and it's 10 minutes but honestly it usually goes 15 or 20 because I'm having a damn good time but by having a 10-minute walk there's no excuse not to do it and I do it every day and I don't hope I'm going to feel good and then what happens is you're primed you're you literally you see things through a different set of filters you make decisions from the filters and also think of it most people are wired for stress they're wired for frustration they're wired for feeling lonely and they you know they got a highway to pissed off and they've got dirt roads to happiness so I decided I'm going to wire myself for happiness I wasn't born that way I had my view is I have to change the whole earth to be happy today that's different for me now I can just wake up and be happy because I've wired myself in a different way neurologically and then I show other people how to do this as well um you know I mean you've already given several here one of my questions was if someone is an entrepreneur business owner listening to this what techniques or strategies could they utilize to better persuade in their business I mean what you just said is amazing let me give you another one because I love this one it's one word changing one word persuasively so suppose you want to cocreate with your customer base your new line of products or services or you want to uh ask them about how to best improve uh what you have uh for new models and so on and this is this co-creation it's the biggest thing right now in in in marketing right what we typically do is to ask people for their feedback ask for their for that information by saying could you provide us with your opinion on this topic it's a mistake because researchers have found that when you ask for someone's opinion that person takes a half step back from you a separating step and they go inside themselves for the answer interesting if instead of asking for your their opinion you ask for their advice they take a half step toward you wow wow and you've created a partnership teamwork collaborative frame in their mind and here's what the research shows now when they encounter your products or services or your brand they're more supportive of it because they feel more a part of it they feel a merged identity with it because they've moved into that identity with you by providing advice instead of an opinion I love it I love it so one one method of approach is repelling the other is attracting right and so it reminds me of the quotes people support what they help to create and the others if you let them plan the fight they don't fight the plan and I I utilize that with my team in my own company uh by having everyone do teamwork together but you just gave me a whole another way of of of of thinking about it framing it in fact the what I like there's a a quote people don't syn the boats they're riding in right yeah yeah if you can get them to see that is great them as part of your Enterprise it's your it's it's both of your boat now you're both riding in that boat they're not going to a torpedo it yeah so that's because you know one of the one of the things that I have always thought of in marketing and I learned this from studying sales copy and persuasive words when you're when you're not having the advantage of being face Toof face with someone and you have to use words to persuade and so part of it is the communication how you say it the frequency of it the usefulness of it and I've always thought you know the number one thing to do with clients is to bond and how to bond with them and anything that breaks that bond is not good and Alignment is critical like in business the way that I my new marketing book which is coming out currently titled Joe's marketing book and we're crowdsourcing different titles although everyone seems to love the title Joe's marketing book it'll be out in a few months is um it's all about elf you can have an elf business which is easy lucrative and fun or you can have a half business which is hard annoying lame and frustrating and I think learning persuasion is going to give you an elf business because if you don't utilize what you have researched and proven and studied then to do anything other than what you're saying is hard annoying sometimes lucrative and frustrating and so I look at like any sort of thing that I can do that's going to give me a greater advantage that is going to get a better result to not only study it learn it and apply it is just idiotic and now in some cases you can't fix stupid so some people they just don't get it however knowing that there is is knowledge out there knowing there is a method that will improve things is critical and I only want to align myself with people that are aligned with me and I think the greatest joy of using persuasion and getting someone into a better position to make their lives better is if they wanted to go along with it it wasn't like trickery it wasn't manipulation although sometimes you persuade people into directions that they don't want to go but it's actually good for them so you can argue that you're doing them a favor however anything that can be set up to just you know I think people love to be sold they hate to be pressured and if you do things in a certain way it doesn't even occur to them that anyone's selling when anyone is really you know conscientious and cares about us and gets us into something to exchange our money or our time our energy for something and it actually helps you and you like it that feels good everyone loves that everybody feels good about that yeah and so they they want to continue to do business the next round and the round after that exactly because you know the the most expens expensive business cost is client acquisition and once you've already done that everything you know it's I've always I always think of it as it's a it's a lot harder to uh create momentum than it is to maintain it you know like every once in a while I'll run into you guys at the gym because you work out consistently and the thing is if you just did that oh every three months I'm going to go work out and do a really great workout it it it it doesn't work that way and I think what you teach is kind of the same way these are just ongoing practices that if you put them in the place you're business your connection your quality of clientele your joy of how you do things just increases so so this is great well you you've already covered some of this but I'm going to go a little more uh specific so what specific steps could someone listening to this uh take to better persuade or prepare the moment or moments before the message is delivered that you've not shared so let's take as step back and and provide a general um approach it is to Focus your attention on your message what is the strength of your message what is the strongest element of it the thing that if people say yes to it makes it most wise for them to say yes right so that they will benefit right what is it identify that thing and then reverse engineer the persuasion process to the moment before you describe that thing so that you've aligned people's Consciousness and their sense of who they are with the strength of that message we just saw you could make me a comfort oriented buyer you could make me a cost oriented buyer depending on what you put first if you put fluffy clouds or coins in the background of your of your landing page I become that person now if you if you know that and comfort is the strength of your product you've got me right I'm going to rate that as important I'm going to search for it and I'm going to use it to determine how to behave well I'm I'm not sure if it's in the second chapter or third chapter in your book you talk about playing French music or German music explain that so there's a re a study that shows that if a shop own a wine shop owner plays German music for a particular time of the day people buy more German vintages if he plays French music they buy more French vids because they're put in a German or a French state of mind right and now they're going to behave in ways that are aligned with that state of mind that's been installed by something as background based as the music that they're hearing on the PA system I I always listen for words that you say because it it it there it leaves so many strategic Clues on what to do installed so if you sit and think like okay how do I want to sell more of my thing here what do I need to install in order to set it up in order to do that so let me give you an example has just worked for me I've got a Col colleague who I've worked with for a long time over in the psychology department where I uh I'm housed and uh I needed a big favor from him and I I sent him an email uh and I said Don I'm working on a project I don't have the information I need in my files but I know you have it in your files I'm going to call you later to get that information I would really appreciate it just planted that seed yeah so I called him up he said Bob I know why you're calling I can't help you I'm swamped right now I know you've got this project with a time limit but I've got projects with time limits too I'd like to be able to help but I can't this time sorry so I I didn't say to him but Don I'd really appreciate it if you could help me with this one it would mean a lot to me I said Don you know we've been in the same department now for 10 years I really wish you could help me with this it would mean a lot to me I created a framework of unity I had it I had the information that afternoon so what happened in his head I mean explain what what went down there was something that was true that we had a relationship a longterm relationship but it wasn't at the top of his Consciousness yeah it wasn't the thing that was aligning his subsequent behavior until I brought it to top of mind we're relationship Partners Don for 10 years and inside relationships you say yes to people I just moved it from somewhere at midbrain to top of of mind and it made the difference so what did I in I didn't install the relationship I installed a focus on that relationship that he was that was now the thing that he was paying attention to and what you're paying attention to in that moment changes who you are he became a relationship oriented respondent not a selfish respondent about his own issues right right you know it it's you you have a real power to where these sort of things could be used in very manipulative ways and for the time that I've known you I mean I I would like to think in the same way you know our relation I've I've never overly asked for anything you've not either you you've always approached us you're very cognizant of the ethical use of persuasion and you you know you this is filled with literally a Ninja Assassin methodologies if used in the wrong way and incredible human betterment methodologies and the other side what are what is your advice for the people out there about the the the proper care and feeding of others utilizing persuasion once you learn what is in Persuasion because this is I mean you literally teach people how to get what they want yes it's dynamite and dynamite can be used to build build a bridge or blow up a bridge right between people so Joe we've been friends for a long time and the reason we've been friends for a long time is what you said that we share values right and the reason I've liked interacting with you over that time time is that your ethical approach you take an ethical approach to this so here's why I am recommending that people who understand the persuasive strategies that are available to them only use them in ethical ways we've just completed a research program where we find that those organizations that use influence attempts in dishonest deceptive unethical ways right right produce two big damages to their viability the first is there are some people inside the organization who are just not comfortable with the unethicality right right right and they they're stressed by it and they try to leave right they don't do very well on the job because of that stress they try to leave when they do leave you get all these turnover costs that are associated with that big cost but here's the one that was most interesting to me when those people who are stressed by the deception leave who's who remains is those people who are comfortable with dishonesty and cheating right and they're going to cheat you wow they're the ones who are going to steal equipment they're the ones who are going to run these under the table deals with vendors and partners and suppliers they're the ones who are going to pad their expense account all right count on it they've been selected for they've been selected for you've pulled the Viper under your coat yeah exactly that you know that that says a lot about people that have toxic cultures and are toxic in general and cannot and then they have a worldview that everyone's out to screw them because that's just their their frame of how they view the world I mean I I I've always like uh the saying I said earlier be nice to the people you meet on the way up they're the same people you meet on the way down and that you know I heard Dan Sullivan say this years ago and I i' I've said it to so many people because I'm constantly trying to reinforce this to people is that you know money earned ethically is a byproduct of value creation and if you're going to go out and ask people to give you money you better damn well give them value because it takes a lifetime to build a reputation and and like you said with social proof the one thing I do like about it is it makes it much harder for scumbags to exist for as long as they were able to because now it's out in the open it's out there yeah which which is great I remember as I said just offline is that uh I was there at the beginning of the genius Network the very first day uh the very first day where we got together and and swapped ideas at your apartment in Tempe Arizona and uh I still remember that and I'm so happy with your success and what you've accomplished and with so many other people it's just wonderful you know we we talked I believe at that time we talked about the Mastermind concept and that's why and you said well why don't we get together in Mastermind and so I flew over to uh to to to Phoenix and and taxied out to your house uh for the first time and that's something that's so important in the genius network is the when Napoleon Hill did his work he said that every single person the Thomas Edison Henry Ford and so on every one of them began to be successful and they began to Mastermind with other intelligent people and just share ideas and I have have had the same experience because one idea in combination with your other ideas can change your life forever you know I I am I'm happy to say uh some years ago about about a decade ago a publisher said um have you got any uh books or anything that we could publish and I said well I've got a book on time management so I sent them a manuscript and it was called double your income double your time off and he said uh great publisher baric CER and he said well it's kind of a boring title he said but the chapter 15 there 21 great ways to stop procrastinating and get more things done faster that's the title of the book and he say chapter 15 is entitled eat that frog and this is a story from Mark Twain and Mark Twain was the most successful speaker writer author in America for three or four decades and he wrote this he said he said if the first thing you do in the morning is you eat a live frog then you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that it's probably the worst thing that can happen to you all day long and your life frog is your biggest ugliest task um and so he just get up in the morning and just get it done he said and if you have to eat two frogs eat the ugliest one first uh so if you have two big tasks to do eat the do the most important and then the the other corollary is that if you do have to eat a frog at all it doesn't pay to sit and look at it for very long in other words get on with it well so he said let's let's make this the title eat that frog and 21 great ways to stop procrastinating and then run the theme through setting the table organizing the plates uh and so on and so I did I sent it back to him and they published it and he just told me this week um Steve P my publisher is that we just hit two, 500,000 sales in 50 languages wow which is which me makes me the best selling time management author in history hisory um and it's has one basic concept for us uh with the genius network is pick your most important task each morning and start on that task and discipline yourself to work on that task non-stop until it's done and don't do anything else if you can do this which takes tremendous character takes tremendous discipline it takes tremendous mental strength if you can do this the first time you do this it will be very hard you will be so distracted and you want to check your emails and make a call and get some coffee and so on and what you have to do is you have to discipline yourself to stay at that wherever you are and do that task until it's done then I say uh give yourself a reward the you know the time management author Julie morganstein says don't check your email in the morning and I love that as a concept you get up in the morning start on your most important task and discipline yourself to stay at it till it's complete then your reward is to check your email but unfortunately what do most people do is they check their email in the morning and in the afternoon and in the evening they get up at night they just always checking their email and each time you check your email the estimate it takes 17 minutes for you to get back to work takes 17 minutes to for you to get settled down and back to work and so on and then somebody sends you an email and it goes Bing Ding and you stop you're doing and you check your email again and the email is one of the most wonderful Communications devices in the world but it'll kill you if you just keep checking it so what you do is you turn it off there's I always say leave it off leave it off start your task and discipline yourself and your big reward when you finish your most important task is now you can check your email and if you can do that what happens is you start to become so productive so so many people have told me that they became millionaires with the eat that frog concept just start and complete your most important task but if you can't do that by the way you'll always have to work for someone else who can discipline you to do it someone who will supervise you someone who will check on you uh what will happen is you'll always be in the bottom 80% and never be a big success and remember this 8020 rule it it is bites you in the bum all the time and 20% of people make all the money the 80% of people why do you think we're having riots today who do you think's rioting certainly not the top 20% they're busy making money it's the people in the bottom 80% who are frustrated and and and angry and upset and so on because uh they have too many bills as they say too much month at the end of the money uh they don't know how to get out of it the answer is is make a list of what you have to do pick the most important task and work at it till it's done your whole life will change well let's talk about uh Energy Management uh and I don't just mean like from a physical sense but just like mental sense because you've done a lot of programs on you I one of your programs wake up productive yeah and you've done a lot of uh ways to accelerate Advance um your ability to get things done uh gain Clarity be more persuasive so you you've dwelled a lot yeah into that world and if anyone what are the things that you have found that for the most part an entrepreneur that has ambition and drive I mean as stupid as that sounds let's use that as the caveat if you don't have any ambition and drive you know you must gain that if you're going to like because if I give a strategy to someone that is driven to build their business yeah uh and that strategy would work if it was used if I give that to someone that has ambition they can do do something with it if I give that tool to somebody that does not they in many cases will blame the tool versus blaming themselves because they're like well this didn't work well it does work when it's used and if it's not used it does not work so with that being said I I'm going to just assume um which is always dangerous but I'm going to assume that the person listening or watching us right now is doing that because there is enough in them to say yeah I want to learn something that I can then use to gain perspective get a result that sort of stuff so what could you share that if the person listening or or watching that does have ambition if they did it it would improve their life and anything you want to talk about from their sleep to their income to their marketing to their relationships whatever because you've studied a lot great um so I'll talk to that person that has the what you're saying ambition and uh kind of Drive um also uh if someone doesn't um I'll I'll make distinctions here I'll talk to that I also want to make sure and include the the other type of folk um because I've been learning lately that um a lot of people some people and it's actually kind of the minority have this ambition drive that you're talking about there are a lot of folks who um they need to be around one of those type of people and then that's what activates them gotcha they're it and neither is better or worse they're they kind of can collaborate um but you and I do work around a lot of the more drive you know ambition kind of people so I just I just want to say that and then um as you were talking I was thinking about um Wyatt wood small who's a who's a mentor of mine and he taught me the distinction between a motive and motivation okay so motive is that thing that you're going for that thing you're moving either toward or away from right and then the motivation is the thing inside is the feeling there's like the inner game and then the outer game so to to feel motiv moated you usually need a motive right and when you have a motive that's what kind of helps you uh feel motivated and there are a lot of models around this David mclen he broke down motivation into Power affiliation and achievement and we either move toward or away so we either move toward success or away from failure we move toward love and affection and approval or away from rejection we move toward having power and influence and we move away from loss of significance and when you figure out which one those you are you can start using that to motivate yourself more so I think you need to know what your motive is and if you don't know what your motive is uh it's hard to get yourself motivated right you know a lot of people talk about the why you know and this this whole notion of if you have a big enough why um and and this I think is a little there's a finer distinction there of of what the why is so looking into motivation is um is important here you uh you talked about energy management right so when we're talking about productivity and time man management and just getting more things done uh there are different strategies for this some people are machines they wake up and they just they just get [ __ ] done they just they can't stop getting lots of stuff done now this is the you know the tiny minority of humans and when we look at those people we all just kind of they make us feel bad because they're just getting you know they're whatever they're the CEO of a rocket company and the coolest car company in the world like each one is their spare time or something like holy [ __ ] like how does that you know do all this stff and some people they're just kind of that way I remember reading a um an article with Elon musk's mom and she was saying like oh yeah my kids this and then then and she's like Elon I don't I don't know what happened with him like he's just I don't know what happened you know so you get one of those once in a while do you think he's an alien um no he he could be the first instance of AI but we we don't know I mean I've met him twice he's an interesting guy yeah yeah and so basically if you're not one of these like wake up and just are a you know productive like all by yourself you have to figure out how to make yourself be that way you got to figure out how to program yourself or habitual like put habits in place and kind of um ritualize it kind of right anyway so the uh the ideas for this um um you know I've I've learned a lot of this stuff from from other kind of Masters here uh I think the first one that made a really big impact on me was uh Peter Ducker in the effective executive and right in there he says work in focused blocks of uninterrupted time on single Focus projects minimum a couple of hours you know and like ideally uh longer than that because if you stop and start things it's very unproductive you know this idea that if you get interrupted while you're doing something like a focus project that takes a while to do if you get interrupted uh and then you come back to that project and you start again on the project from when you start again it takes about 20 minutes just to get to where you were when you got interrupted because you've got to get back up to speed and get your mind back up there so if you get on average if you get interrupted every 20 minutes there's no way to get anything done so this idea of focus blocks uninterrupted time uh so that was that was really influential uh to me because that's not intuitive you know and then a lot of the stuff around um multitasking you know a lot of people say I'm a multitasker but that's super inefficient um I saw an article recently that said on average a human has a shorter attention span than a goldfish did you see that one yes the 8C goldfish attention span or whatever so you know so we're dealing with all that kind of stuff I was Al very influenced by um uh Jim Lair and Tony Schwarz in this idea of um in order to uh manage you your energy you move from managing actions to uh creating habits and so uh this is kind of a profound Insight of we only get a little bit of willpower and some there's a lot of research that shows that we get a you know kind of a little bit of willpower and we burn it up and a lot of the burning up of the willpower is in internal conflict so we're we're all in a lot of internal conflict for the most part most of us are so we've got this cognitive dissonance and we've got these things that we're worried about and you know as you get as you grow up and become more of an adult there are more and more things pulling on your attention and time and kind of conflicting values that you have and I mean this idea that we were talking about earlier of like being selfish or generous and you've got to like make the make the decision am I going to do for other here am I going to do for self so we burn a lot of our willpower in there trying to make decisions because decisions are um decisions are one of the biggest energy drains that we have making decisions is extremely um draining on us so so what do you do how do you get yourself to do another thing because you can't just keep trying to will yourself into it that doesn't work and we're already creatures of habit and so the idea is to create a ritual that is a specific set of steps that will put a new habit into your life and then every day for 30 days do that at the exact same time of day and if you do that same thing then you ritualize it you actually you know put it into yourself as a habit that's great Energy Management I think Focus blocks of uninterrupted time and then create rituals and use your willpower to do the ritual over and over until it's a habit so when it when it comes to habits and conditioning uh it is just not an intellectual Choice uh for people to just say oh I'm gonna if you're so revved up I mean if if I could stand up which I'm not going to I could stand up but if I was going to run across the room yeah and as fast as I could I couldn't just stop you know I mean there's sort of like a body in motion tends to stay in motion a frenetic person tends to stay FR so there's a period where you actually have to recondition yourself or you have to now certain things can just be you know I mean what's that other Peter Ducker quote you know if someone tells me what they value I might believe them but show me your calendar and your bank account and I'll you'll I'll show you what you value So based on people saying oh I want this I want that well show me your calendar show me your bank account and we'll actually see if you really value success in making money if it's that sort of thing yeah so what are your thoughts about just building rituals that work uh because you have studied and learned and identified you know and I've talked to numerous people yeah about product I mean I can you know I can't imagine how many you know many you know hundreds of hours that I have spent in the study and the research of these sort of things and even how difficult it is to change you know getting your uh you trying to be funny here okay if you're going to be funny just try to just be funny so um getting your body to do the things your mouth is saying it's going to do are two different things so how how does one do that I mean in a sense the most powerful force for a human being is their Social Circle their social group right we were all hearing this research that if you kind of average out the people that are closest to you you're that person you know you take the five people closest to you that's your level of self-esteem and health and income and all that kind of thing um in a certain way the self sculpting or the self development game it it reaches I think it's Pinnacle when you figure out where you want to go in a particular line or developmental uh kind of vector of your life whether that be your physical health or emotionally how you want to feel or your relationships or success or money or whatever it is where you want to live how you want to live figure out that one thing and then go and add a social influence to your life who already has that in their life that's the formula right so if I'm I'm bad at marketing I don't know marketing I don't know how to get customers I could go read books and that works I can get that knowledge but it's nothing like coming and sitting down like with you for example we had lunch with remember we had lunch with that woman what a month ago or something in LA La we were both at a conference we had lunch with your friend we sat down with her she said here's this whole thing she really didn't understand marketing kind of at all we wound up having lunch with her for maybe an hour and a half we gave her a bunch of feedback and uh by the end of it it it's it's not just that she got what to do because she did we gave her some ideas on what to do but we're so far to the next level in our own marketing development our own lives we're saying it's it's what we're communicating what our kind of body language and our the cultural uh Little M that was set up there is communicating is it is totally normal to have the kind of success that you're trying to get here it's not that big of a deal just go do the things you need to do and then you know can I can I get some more water like that's and that that transmission is what you need to get for yourself when you're trying to achieve something because you read it in a book and it's like I don't know this person could have just written that down because they wanted to you know whatever or it's abstract or maybe it's not taught the way that you want but when you go watch another human being do something and you go oh oh you can do this Dan Kennedy one of I heard him talking and he said this great thing he said I think we should have National bring a poor person to work day and I thought that was really a great Insight so that you know someone that doesn't do as well financially could come to work for a day with someone that does and watch what they do not to learn what they do but to just realize I could do this just to raise their esteem and like what's possible so um the social influence is such a big deal because the ritualization so there's like Focus blocks of time there's the ritualization and the Habit building which is you know very self-empowering and so forth but it's not these are nothing like adding social influences to your life if you're saying like well I want to go out every day um and you know you can do these other things and it's great you could focus on that block of time you could create the ritual you could set it up you could start go doing it but man make friends with two or three people who work out every day and are have been doing it for 10 years and who that's an absolute Rock Solid Cornerstone of their life if you don't do that your something's wrong with your life and you go make friends with them you start hanging out with them you figure out other ways to add value to each other's lives but being around them you're going to start going to the gym every day not because you ritualized it or you had willpower but because there's freaking no choice you know that that that is a huge Insight I mean now because thinking back at that lunch cuz we talked to her um oh yeah yesterday and she said that thing you talked to me about worked and I you know she talked about I got she had yeah and it was like a game changer for me blah blah blah and and that also gave me some insight as to what happens with genius Network you know cuz I'm now running the highest level Marketing Group in the world and and it's a it's an expensive group you know people pay $25,000 for genius Network they pay $100,000 a year for for genius X and it's the being around all of the and there are people that show up there that are really successful and I've heard this dozens of times you know when I came to my first meeting I felt like you know in my world I'm this really you know successful person I came here and I feel like this and I always think that's a funny statement because it's like no you're a total badass but yeah and then once they they come come to a few meanings they realize oh you know this is kind of like a family I feel comfortable around these people and it so it it's given me a deeper understanding of what I've actually created without even thinking about it that way because you know people will be like well you know I already got too many ideas or I don't have time you know it's it's not about that at all it's about the relationships it's about you know I always say that what I do in genius Network all of the great content the 10-minute talks the $250,000 ideas all this thing that structur around sell people what they want give them what they need they usually want more money but when they show up there we talk a lot about you know workaholism we talk a lot about hiring amazing people we talk about getting in in much better physical shape yeah you know taking free days you know all of these things that aren't as appealing initially as I want to have you know a lot more money and so what what happens though is I come there and we put on as good of a uh a you know curating a amazing discussion around important issues as we can but I always say that the speeches the talks those are just excuses for me to bring amazing people together so they can meet each other because once they meet each other you know all all kinds of stuff happen and so you gave me an idea because right now you know I I do my best not to do Consulting and I'm not saying that jokingly I I I make more money when I do a genius Network meeting than I do and so I'm an expensive consultant I'm 25 grand for half a day you know if if someone wants a whole day it's 50 Grand uh and and and that's a lot of money and and I I have it that way because for one I'm not willing to do Consulting for less than that and secondly it's worth it if it's the right sort of person uh but I try to direct people but here's what what I want to put out there as a test at least people that that listen here uh if I love that idea of come to work and if anyone wants to come to work with me and and I'm not like I'm going to spend the whole day with you but just wants to mirror and see the environment and see what I do I mean I'm going to think this through but I'm just throwing it out there because I was like this is a great idea and I could come and I could just be making fun of you the whole time while they're watching you that would be great they we get both of us at the same time but you would pay because I'm thinking of get more value from me no but here's the thing if someone really wants to do this it's $5,000 but I don't want the $5,000 I want it to go to either artist for addicts or I want it to go to Joe volunteer which are two things get get a group of people do this with like 10 people yeah really have a group of 10 maybe once a quarter come and just follow you around for a day and just watch what you do yeah and I'll point out things I mean and and no watching I'm not going to do it for free because I I want a person at a certain level but it's like well have them have them like I said you know donate you know or like you said donate to the thing but uh watching Joe Joe is one of the people who um I mean I don't I'm not totally certain of this but I'm pretty sure who's one of the bigger Geniuses in the world who doesn't actually know what he's doing to be a genius but if you hang out with him and You observe him doing what he does he pulls you into it and you kind of get changed by it uh yeah I think that would be great it would be great for you to Mentor people in a group like that yeah I mean and now that's probably not as maybe Noble as to bring a poor person to work if I'm going to have ask people to make a $5,000 contribution but the point is you know I it'll it'll cause me to have to figure out how to how to set it up in at least block some time and I think it would be a very interesting model you know what you could do is um you know maybe one out of three of them or something you could get a group of young people and just give them scholarships and so like maybe once a year or twice a year just have that day be you know a group of 18y olds who are just kind of getting into their career and they just come and yeah that's interesting so but here so yes well now see my contribution to help people like anyone is this you know putting out know that's assuming that anything you're saying is useful to people but but assum assuming it it is and just putting it out there I think that in of itself is a good contribution cuz like I you know I don't need to do this I mean I'm doing it because it makes me feel good that it's going to help other people and stuff uh if if anyone likes that idea then I would ask that you just um how how would I that cont spend yeah contact eban you'll pay for this send me the money but go to his office and I'll give it to the favorite charity no send an email to support Joop support Joop and just reference that you interview with eban and heard this idea and and you are absolutely not like you're going to talk about it but you will cut a check for $5,000 to Joe you could look at that one or artist for uh you can buy art you can buy $5,000 worth of art we could do it that way so you even get some art for it if you prefer that one and uh and so you'll get something for the money and you'll get one hell of a interesting perspective in education and I'll play around with that I might do one or two of those in the next year depending on if anyone if you got a group together like a brainstorm day almost 10 or 12 folks you could do a brainstorm as part of it with them yeah so if you know any friends that want to do it five grand a person you can't do five grand and bring 10 friends so it's like it's I want to be careful and Joe is the best Joe's the best at uh putting together brainstorm meetings and uh making meetings that you just get a tremendous amount out of and just get that I will I will agree with without even being a smartass I am really good at that that's one thing that I'm uh there's a lot of things I'm not good at but I'm really good at that one he good at that one so yeah and I thought I'd start by sharing uh my screen with you this is a picture of me when I weighed about oh 280 in this picture I used to weigh 300 lbs people who know me well uh from genius and I'm sorry I couldn't be there in person thank you Canada travel um there's a um I'm I don't exactly look like that anymore I'm almost muscular according to the New York Times but I started saying what's going on the time this picture was taken I had just made $6 million I was 26 uh that I lost when I was 28 and I started saying well what can I do to biohack and here's my first piece of advice for you in genius Network that's that's really critically important and that is pleats are not a good biohack they actually don't work uh so I'm going to suggest to you that this is not the right way to do it but I started looking at what are the things that are going to give me more energy and maybe make my metabolism work better I also had massive brain problems problems and you're saying Dave I thought you're going to talk about light it's all connected to these things and I want you guys to understand this because I think some of you may have had things like this but maybe not quite as bad this is my brain uh Daniel aan who's a member of Genius network uh did this scanner one of his people did almost 20 years ago decreased oxygen flow and consumption in all the parts that matter and here's what they said I'm an interesting referral when a neuroscientist looking at your brain says that there's a big word for this you're pretty much [ __ ] that's the kind of failure that we were talking about earlier so I wish I was only dealing with painting a a picture and by the way my painting is probably worse than anything you ever saw haven't fixed that one yet but I have fixed my brain and one of the things that is critically important and I'm going to walk you guys through a little bit of the science is an understanding that there is something you are doing every single day that has changed dramatically in the last 10 years that you don't know you're doing that is stealing energy from your brain and from your life it's also taking years off your life and it is not something that is easy to notice we are so good at knowing oh look something punched me in the face it hurt therefore the punch was the cause but I promise you that if someone punched you in the face last month and then it started hurting this month you go God that's so weird I wonder why my jaw is hurting and you have no clue because as human beings even very successful entrepreneurs we suck at putting together long-term consequences and this is why almost every talk you're going to hear today is around what do I do in the short term to write it down to track it to get the data and I learned this as first an engineer designing early cloud computing stuff and then as a business person with an MBA from won who's sold more than half a billion dollars in stuff now in my life uh but I started applying it to my biology and saying what are all the things that I didn't think about that are taking energy because if you want to be a good entrepreneur you want to be a good human being a good parent it all comes down to return on energy how much energy did you invest in your business in your life in your exercise whatever you do and how much energy did you get back and what I discovered magically what if you stopped wasting energy before you started figuring out how to get more right and if this sounds kind of familiar this is Jay Abraham 101 I don't know if Jay's uh dialed in today a dear friend and what Jay will tell you is why are you going out to find new customers when you haven't fully taken advantage of helping all the customers you have today so you just look for more efficiencies your biology is the same way what if you wasted less energy what would you do if you had that energy this is what you're going to learn today so you never have to have a brain that looks like mind dead and the thing that we're not thinking about right now is the quality of your light every day you eat stuff for energy and you forget oh I also take about 30 pounds of air and I mix them together but there's a timing system that controls all of this and we are completely scrambling our biology right now and one of my companies actually two of my companies are working on fixing this problem right now and that's why I'm so passionate about it but in part because I have my entire life been affected by this without knowing it and you have too so I'm going to teach you first why junk light matters the reason that junk light matters is that junk light harms the mitochondria the power plants throughout your body that you've probably heard me and others talk about these are the source of your willpower so if you're getting an exposure to this stuff you're saying blue light I don't look at Blue Light what's going on here right now what I want you to do is look at the brightness control on your keyboard or your monitor if you're at home and turn it down until you can see it comfortably but it's no brighter than it needs to be there you just paid for your Genius Network this year because if you make a habit of doing that every single time you look at your screen no brighter than necessary and bonus points if you turn on the software that makes it more Amber or if you use a dark background it's called Dark mode instead of light mode what's going on here is our eyes were meant to spot Stars against a black thing they're not meant to spot black things against an illuminated Sky we're not very good at that and it's stressful for the eyes here's what the light that comes from your monitor that didn't exist 10 years ago and comes from the LEDs above you that didn't exist 10 years ago it does this in studies it increases free radicals it's actually damaging the DNA in your eyes and it's causing self-destruction now you might say Dave what the heck are you talking about here well look at what's going on here on the left those are the numbers at the bottom are the Blue Link or the wavelength of light it's more blue on the left the cells that are shredded on the left there and the Very shortest thing that's thickness of the retina so as you stare at a bright monitor as you have over illuminated LEDs especially shining directly in your eyes especially with no protection in place this is 30 days rat eyeballs we know this is happening and what else does it do well let's see how about all the things that you likely struggle with if you're here because I go to our breakout groups I have lots of f to remember friends sleep anxiety and depression you should get the maximum amount of light in your eyes during the middle of the day and then at the end of the day if you're still getting bright light the timing system that tells the cells in your body whether they should rest and reset or whether they should keep going it gets scrambled especially if you're eating a late meal as well which we're not going to talk about everyone by now is heard oh where blue blue light blockers cuz they help you with melatonin unfortunately it's more than just blue light but if during the day you minimize this exposure that stresses your brain and stresses your eyes you will have more energy throughout the day you're better able to regulate your metabolism and you'll yell at your family less at the end of the day if you have better light it is essentially free to do this it means don't turn on bright LED lights and turn your monitors down you can have other lighting or just less light we also know that the power plants the batteries that power you they don't grow as much if you have excessive light from indoor lighting there's a study that shows a 69% increase in depression from the amount of light that leaks in around curtains in the average city today this is why you might want to black out your room oh and a tripling of breast cancer risk from excessive blue light exposure to your eyes I'm not making any of this up this is as big as it is so what does it do to your brain I promised you a better brain function and well this is a brain map from 40 Years of Zen which is my brain enhancement company where people go in for 5 days and it's a little bit hard to read the whole thing but what I'm going to tell you is you see those blue and green things um where you've got large splotches of them on the left those are slow meditative brain waves and what we have here at the top third is we have um someone who has been exposed to typical indoor blue lighting they have that beta in the front of their brain they're alert they're active they're also a little bit hyper and when we put the glasses on them you see how the hyperness goes away all of the blue green stuff goes down and suddenly it's like their brain is meditating and at the bottom after they've taken the glasses off the meditation State stay days literally by manipulating the light that goes into your eyes for 15 minutes these they put on the glasses for sleep here they induced a meditation like state in their brain and it stuck around after they took the lights off this is a big deal and the funny thing is blue light blocking won't do this you've got to block the other filters that affect your timing because here's how your eyes work it goes like this you look at the colors of light that tell your body what time of day it is the brightness of the light and the angle of the light and you control all of those things which is probably too much science but that's what it takes so number one right now turn down your monitors block blue light but make sure you get some blue light because if you block blue light all day long you never get a wakeup signal and you will wreck your biology so this is a problem DET like I If you paint the prettiest picture I'm like I love that we'll do that and then I think you're going to have to mute and guys we have time for Q&A after this I am going to finish a couple more hacks for you for your eyes because this matters greatly for how you perform the rest of the time number two at night sleep in a cave turn down your lights at night you could say Dave you're being a little bit obsessive no a candle light dinner works and your biology if you do this for one week will shift so much that you go why am I happy all the time why does it matter there's LED lights in my room because sence this is just how it is so sleep in a cave now there's an antidote for blue light and it's red light now I'm not going to read through all the science on this next slide but I am going to tell you that it undo a lot of what blue light does so let me show you a neat thing that I have here in my office I have this cool remote control that I bought off Amazon it's very very fancy looking it costs 10 bucks and I can press buttons on on it and magically if you look above my shoulder here you see how that red light turned on behind me yes I turn red lights on at night and I have one behind my monitor during the day so when I'm looking at Blue Light there's a little bit of red that relaxes and undo what the blue does so what you could do right now is you could go out and you spend five bucks on a red light bulb and you could put it behind your monitor so that you have a more balanced color spectrum and it doesn't take any more time and attention than that but at the end of the day you can concentrate better than you did before your ability to deliver in the world is based on how well your brain works your eyes are an extension of your brain and right now you're punching your eyes in the face all the time and you just don't know it so I'm going to talk about one more thing that's really important for you don't be afraid of the sun because sunlight raises testosterone fixes your vitamin D improves your mood lowers your stress gives you better blood flow to the brain 20 minutes in the morning lowers blood pressure so you need this natural light this is a nutrient we're missing and the final piece of advice for you is the next slide it's this you should do it naked okay maybe you don't have to do it naked but regardless 20 minutes in the sun Darkness at night and guys I do not exist to sell you guys glasses my life won't change if you do or don't but I am here to change your life you want to pick up a Parr ARS I made a code for you just to give back no other reason um that is one of one of the companies I've working on this is what's missing it's not about eating this not eating that this is as important as what you eat help your eyes and your brain chill out during the day and you will be a better entrepreneur and a better human being because you'll be nicer to others thank you okay I hope you found that video awesome and useful so if you want to get a free copy of my book I want you to click here and if you want to watch some more videos that will be useful and awesome click here go ahead they're over here do it now come on thank you watching