Transcript for:
Suspenseful Video Transcript Summary

foreign but the evidence is clear on the video he knew doc was cruel but this is much worse than he expected the vaccines killed people at a distance but here he look stood smiling watching his victim die horrific sends Xander a message saying sander asks so you didn't send the video Greg says no he asked so will you help me Xander says yes Greg asks do you know where I live Santa says yes but I can't come to you you need to come to me Greg asks well where are you replies I will send you two packages no further explanation then the messages and the video disappeared off Telegraph the next day Greg starts to feel anxious and a little scared and he makes sure that he's never alone he gives plug a key to his flat and Planck stays over a few nights Lisa also joins him a few times for a visit then the first package arrived it is a laptop he switched it on but it asks for a password which he doesn't know he sends Xander a message asking what is the password really hoping that Xander does not expect him to hack this computer well no reply two days later another package arrives inside there's another package on the side are the words dangerous things okay guys I hope that this helped you click below here where I landed to check out the playlist goodbye