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Discrete Mathematics: Propositions and Connectives
Jul 19, 2024
Discrete Mathematics: Propositions and Connectives
Lecture Focus:
Propositions, negations, conjunctions, disjunctions.
Key Tool:
Truth tables.
Proposition - A declarative statement that is either true or false.
Declarative statements that are either true or false.
"The sky is blue" - True (Proposition P)
"The moon is made of cheese" - False (Proposition Q)
"Luke, I am your father" - False (Proposition R)
"Sit down" - Command, not true/false.
"X + 1 = 2" - Requires value for X to be a proposition.
Connectives (Operators)
Negation (~P):
Not P
Conjunction (P ∧ Q):
P and Q
Disjunction (P ∨ Q):
P or Q
Implication (P -> Q):
If P then Q
Biconditional (P <-> Q):
P if and only if Q
Negation of P is "not P" (~P).
P: "The grass is green"
~P: "The grass is not green"
P: "My dog is the cutest dog" - True
~P: "My dog is not the cutest dog"
Truth Table:
P = True -> ~P = False
P = False -> ~P = True
Truth Tables
Show all combinations of truth values for propositions.
Left side: All combinations of truth values for propositions.
Right side: Results of applying connectives.
Example 1:
For a single proposition P:
P = True, ~P = False
P = False, ~P = True
Example 2:
For two propositions P and Q:
Rows: 2^2 = 4
P and Q combinations:
True, True
True, False
False, True
False, False
Conjunction (AND)
Both P and Q must be true (P ∧ Q).
P: "It is raining"
Q: "I am home"
Truth Table:
P = True, Q = True -> P ∧ Q = True
P = True, Q = False -> P ∧ Q = False
P = False, Q = True -> P ∧ Q = False
P = False, Q = False -> P ∧ Q = False
Disjunction (OR)
Either P or Q must be true (P ∨ Q).
Truth Table:
P = True, Q = True -> P ∨ Q = True
P = True, Q = False -> P ∨ Q = True
P = False, Q = True -> P ∨ Q = True
P = False, Q = False -> P ∨ Q = False
Inclusive OR:
Either or both can be true.
Exclusive OR (XOR):
Only one can be true, not both.
Truth Table:
P = True, Q = True -> P XOR Q = False
P = True, Q = False -> P XOR Q = True
P = False, Q = True -> P XOR Q = True
P = False, Q = False -> P XOR Q = False
Next Topics
Implications and Biconditionals, converse, inverse, and contrapositive of implications.
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