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Understanding Action Potential in Neurons
Sep 18, 2024
Action Potential: A Brief Overview
Action potential: A momentary reversal of membrane potential.
Basis for electrical signaling within neurons.
Membrane Potential
Resting membrane potential: ~-70 millivolts.
Depolarization: Membrane potential becomes less negative.
Threshold membrane potential: ~-55 millivolts for neurons at rest.
Phases of Action Potential
Rising Phase
Triggered when threshold is reached.
Sodium channels open.
Sodium ions (Na⁺) flow into the cell.
Causes massive depolarization.
Membrane potential becomes positive.
Falling Phase
Sodium channels close.
Potassium channels open.
Potassium ions (K⁺) flow out of the cell.
Promotes repolarization.
Membrane returns to resting potential.
Overshoot causes hyperpolarization.
Refractory Period
Time during which neuron is hyperpolarized.
Difficult to initiate another action potential.
Signal Propagation
The action potential travels down the neuron.
Can cause release of neurotransmitter at axon terminals.
Passes the signal to the next neuron.
The action potential is crucial for neuron communication.
Involves a sequence of voltage changes across the neuron's membrane.
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