Gravitational Waves in Cosmology

May 31, 2024

Lecture Notes on Gravitational Waves in Cosmology

Key Lecture Topics

  • Gravitational waves and their significance in cosmology
  • Bayesian parameter estimation
  • Selection effects (if time permits)
  • Projections for future research and open questions

Gravitational Waveforms

Key Characteristics

  • Amplitude and Phase
  • Sensitive to both amplitude and phase (unlike electromagnetic astronomy, which primarily measures intensity)
  • Ability to track phase evolution
  • Importance of amplitude and phase sensitivity in cosmology

Differences Between Optical Astronomy and Gravitational Wave Astronomy

  • Gravitational wave astronomy looks for coherent sources
  • Relationship between amplitude and distance
    • Amplitude falls off as (1/R) while intensity in optical astronomy falls off as (1/R^2)
    • Sensitivities: Doubling detector sensitivity extends observational range twices for gravitational waves, whereas only (\sqrt{2}) times for electromagnetic methods

Types of Gravitational Wave Sources

  • Transients (short duration)
    • Compact Binary Coalescence (CBC)
    • Unmodeled burst signals (e.g., supernovae)
  • Long Duration or Background
    • Continuous waves (e.g., from neutron stars with distortions)
    • Stochastic backgrounds (accumulated from many sources)

Non-Event Sources

  • Primordial background: Key for cosmology, but difficult to detect currently
  • Stochastic background: Combination of various sources like CBCs, supernovae, etc.

Modeling Gravitational Waveforms

Three Phases of a Waveform

  1. In-spiral: Can be calculated using post-Newtonian expansions
  2. Merger: Requires numerical relativity
  3. Ring-down: Can utilize black hole perturbation theory but needs fitting from numerical relativity

Source Parameters

  • Black Holes: Masses, Spins (6 parameters for double black holes)
  • Neutron Stars: Additional parameters for matter (tidal deformability, etc.). Neutron star parameters increase total to 8+ parameters

Parameter Extraction and Distance Measurement

  • Gravitational wave data allows direct measurement of distance independent of a “distance ladder”
  • Intrinsic parameters affect phase; extrinsic affect amplitude

Gravitational Wave Detection & Parameter Estimation

  • Initial searches identify interesting data portions
  • Rigorous parameter estimation follows, separating into high-latency (accurate) and low-latency (fast, for real-time applications)

Importance of Redshift in Cosmology

  • Redshift affects time intervals and frequencies, impacting phase measurement
  • Amplitude depends on total mass and angles; distance inferred from amplitude

Parameters of Importance in Amplitude and Phase Determination

  • Intrinsic: Masses, Spins (In-band for phase modeling)
  • Extrinsic: Distance, Sky Position, Orbital Phase, etc. (mainly affect amplitude)

Summary and Outlook

  • Gravitational waves offer a powerful tool for cosmological studies due to their unique measurement capabilities.
  • Future discussions will include detailed cosmology applications using gravitational wave data.

Questions and Interactions

  • Encouragement to ask questions during/after the lecture.
  • Clarifications provided on complex topics as needed.