Aug 26, 2024
Shift + A
-> Select Mesh
-> Cube
, then Y
to place it in the desired location.New
to create a new node setup.Shift + A
-> Mesh
-> Primitives
-> Select Mesh Line
and End Points
.Mesh to Points
node (initially used for visibility).Shift + A
-> Utilities
-> Vector
-> Vector Rotate
.Shift + A
-> Geometry
-> Set Position
.Shift + A
-> Mesh
-> Operations
-> Mesh to Curve
.Shift + A
-> Curve
-> Operations
-> Curve to Mesh
.Shift + A
-> Curve
-> Primitives
-> Curve Line
.Shift + A
-> Curve
-> Right
-> Set Curve Radius
.Shift + A
-> Mesh
-> Primitives
-> Mesh Circle