good afternoon everyone uh very thank you very much for attending um my name is John Sana I'm the one of the directors of project development at nen Canada and thank you very much for attending uh this session uh we're here to talk about and introduce our newest uh funding program which is called moonshot for mining minerals and Manufacturing so M for mcbe uh as an acronym uh the presentation will be in English so wish if you wish to ask any questions in French please do so and we'll be happy to reply in the language of your choice spefic on uh so in terms of an agenda uh I expect to present for about 20 to 25 minutes just the the program requirements and all those things and that should leave plenty of time at the end for any questions that uh you might have concerning the program and the the pro this webinar is actually being recorded so it will be made available to anyone that couldn't make it at the event itself um probably later on today or tomorrow so a few words about engine for those of you that might not be familiar with engine Canada so we are non-for-profit industry-led uh corporation that actually leads the advanced manufacturing Global Innovation cluster um and it was founded in 2017 and we've got a number of bandites in advanced manufacturing capabilities in Canada so promoting Canadian capabilities Making Connections funding collaborative Innovation so that's one of the purposes of today's uh webinar building Workforce and capacity management and uh looking into manufacturing footprint footprint and bringing it to the 21st century and if you want to know more about engine and uh its history and what we do by all means please visit the uh website sorry ATP w. uh specifically moonshot for mining minerals and Manufacturing a lot of opportunities for sorry this is moving by itself so L lunar and Earth Science and Technology within this program very happy to be working with kinian space agency on uh this program so more specifically uh moonshot for mining minerals and Manufacturing specifically the program will support development of novel Institute resource utilization so isru as an acronym uh solutions for mining mineral processing and advanced manufacturing for both the lunar and the Earth environment um by all means I'm I'm mentioning that this initiative is undertaken with the financial support of the Canadian space agency follow following an announcement of opportunity um and again at the center of this new uh space activity uh is isru so for those that are not familiar with it so it's basically the practice of manufacturing products with local materials rather than relying on materials uh being shipped from from Earth um as we speak uh Kim will probably put in the chat uh a report in French in English that was written on isru uh and gives you a lot of background on uh what is SRU and isru and how it relates to this uh to this program so you probably will be seeing something in the chat um as we speak the other element that I wanted to bring to your attention is our website uh that's where a lot of the uh documentation you'll see the reports you'll see press releases you'll see guidance um and and various um templates for for the uh for the uh the program so please bookmark that uh that website so w.g. moonshot same thing Kim will be adding the website to the chat so you've got it Andy uh the documentation uh should be your best friend in the next month or so as we're developing the uh the program together and another screenshot again that's where you're going to find the application guides Financial guides various documentation uh reports you've got some uh videos also on how to create a project how to enter your Finance information IP so a lot of information in in that website for you to uh dig into so the program guide oh yes and this is probably when H Kim will be adding the program guide both in French and English to the chat session so the program itself so uh it's a $5 million program uh and the objective of the program is really to promote innovations that have dual use applications so like I said applications on Earth and application uh on the moon and the objective is to straighten Canada's leadership in the space uh uh sector but also bring compet competitiveness to the most important industrial sectors of Canada in terms of mining energy and advanced Manufacturing sectors um like all engine projects regardless of the funding stream um all projects need to meet the five key pillars or criterias for engine projects and these are detailed in this uh this slide uh we're looking for first of all process Innovation so again as we mentioned that the the funding program uh in this uh this call for project is around mining mineral processing or Advanced manufacturing and must be Dual Purpose Earth and Moon applications um and obviously a focus on anything that's Advanced manufacturing uh or transformative in terms of production processes is something that we we will uh favor it's not a product development um funding program so it's really less about the product and more about the process Innovation we're looking for uh projects that are transformative in nature uh so that are really confer a significant advantage that are really different and and and uh bring it at added value to the Canadian manufacturing industry we're looking for projects that are collaborative in nature uh so it's a collaboration with a minimum of two Canadian industrial partners and of which at least one so our definition of is less than 500 employees globally uh so we definitely need and I'll touch more on on the collaborative aspect in a second uh solution focused so we're looking for projects and Technologies uh that generate commercial so short to medium to medium path to commercialization and have economic benefits that include jobs created and maintained so we we're closer to commercialization than we are to uh the lab essentially and enduring so we're looking for projects that have bring a broader benefit to Canadian space industry and the advanced manufacturing ecosystem in in Canada so these are the kind of the Five Pillars that any projects within um this funding program uh will need to be hitting as we develop it two words about what is out of scope so we've described what is considered in scope what is out of scope so obviously as we're looking for consortia we can't fund uh any projects that have a single firm or a single organization um we're looking for projects uh we're not looking for projects that are entirely focused on either mining mineral processing or Advanced manufacturing only on Earth with no possible application to lunar uh isru and by the same token we're only we're not looking for projects that are entirely focused on space and lunar isru with no possible in application or interaction with Earth uh if if you think of two vent diagrams we're really looking for the intersection between Earth and uh and the moon and those those applications those projects that have dual purpose dual use uh between the two uh the two U domains if you will uh we're not looking so projects that are enabling isru but not directly linked to mining mineral processing or Advanced manufacturing would be out of scope for this call for project um as we said anything that is only Pro uh product development or the design of the product itself is out of scope uh any small changes routine changes to existing products or product lines is probably out of scope for uh for this uh for this call for project um anything that's still experimental or in the lab or theoretical is too soon for uh for this call for proposal uh we don't subsidize full scale production so that's something that would be considered out of scope for this project um something that would be undertaken at the same scale or scope without uh M for mq funding would be Olive scope um capital investment need to be related to the project and any activities that would be viewed as anti-competition uh would be out of scope for for this call for proposal this being said so who's eligible to apply so some of the uh eligibility rules so you need to be an engine member to apply uh the good news is membership is absolutely free uh you can join at w. jooin it should take you about 10 minutes to um to do go through the the process of registering so do reach out if there's any question about that um secondly you need to be a registered business in Canada and have an added value presence in Canada so not just a sales office but a presence um and that's essentially it so the recipients must be either for profit oops non for-profit but with majority of the funding from private sector non-federal Crown corporations or indigenous organizations so those are um the categories that are eligible for uh for applying for for this funding and speaking of the Consortium itself so uh the project consorti we're looking for at least two unassociated Canadian industry Partners so a lead and a partner uh unassociated means you it cannot there cannot be any links between the two one cannot be a subsidi terms and requirements for the call for proposal uh so as we said so who's eligible we spoke about those uh there's two streams that are anticipated for the call for proposal so stream one our project values between 250,000 and 500,000 in value total project value and stream two uh$ 2.2 to $2.6 million in uh project value uh the reimbursement rate for this call for proposal is 50% as we uh might have mentioned uh but if not I'll mention it now we work on a reimbursement model so the consortia the companies are uh making their expenses making their their project Advan and expanding costs and engine will reimburse uh those costs as the project progresses so 50% of costs will be reimbursed by Engen and those Co project costs are eligible labor on on from the the the consorti from the company's working in the project subcontracting up to 40% of total project value uh will be uh included eligible capital and equipment so up to 30% of total project value materials Supply travel IP uh are all costs that are uh acceptable and eligible for uh for the project um there is Al also a rule just to make sure that there is a collaboration between the partners uh any one partner can't receive more than 80% of engine funding so uh obviously can be uh less than that but to a maximum it can be 80% of funding um duration I want to uh just stress the the the the duration so the projects can only run until March 31st 2025 so that leaves about a one year 12 month duration for uh for the uh the projects that are going to be proposed within this call for proposal so do think of that as you're developing the scope for the projects which your partners uh you know this is not a 5year program so it needs to be the scope needs to be focused enough that we can uh achieve it within the time frame of the call of the the onee essentially um duration and there's no stacking limit so uh please uh also if that's another benefit I guess uh from your perspective if you find other type of funding uh we're very happy to to see that appear on on the projects and we're not not going to lower our our fundings um if you've got other types of funding also associated with uh with u with this project quick reminder on the dates themselves uh so we launched the program about a little more than a month ago November 7th uh we're in full swing of project development um we're expecting expression of interest on January 11 2024 so in about a month from now uh we will do Financial due diligence uh so we're expecting documents by January 16th and I'll touch on that in a slide uh in a minute and final applications are due January 18th 2024 um and same thing I'll touch on what's required for the final final application in a second um we will be running so that's the first round of application in the case that we can't uh we don't have either you know sufficient quality or sufficient number of of projects um we will be running a second round of applications with due dates in February just a month later so February 15th for expression of Interest Financial due diligence on the 16th and final applications on February 22nd 2024 um but our objective is really to do as much as possible to uh do all the projects within the first round of application in early January so that projects can be launched as soon as possible and and get as much time as possible for for for uh doing the execution before March 2025 uh quick steps on how to uh what's the process application so first step is becoming an engine member like I said that's relatively quick and easy logging in to your portal and start the application within the Salesforce uh application screening so we'll touch on that in a second what is expected for project screening the the the financial due diligent aspect um will be looked at between screening and application so the full application like I said for January 18th which will then bring us to uh all the applications that are received will be sent off to uh an external panel so third-party experts uh that are completely independed from Engen that will be reviewing these and assessing these and sending send send send them back to us uh which will then bring us to Contracting uh for for those projects that are oops that are um uh agreed upon and then the projects can begin in terms of screening uh so what's required in terms of the screening process uh a description of the project so a th000 words uh maximum for the proposal itself we'll need contact info for each of the partners that are involved so at least one lead contact and one Finance contact per partner um an application agreement so uh so uh basically that's a non-disclosure by all Partners signed and sent to us so actually uploaded to the Salesforce platform um that document is already on the website uh so please uh please go look at it if you want to get acquainted with the document we'll need a high level Financial proposal so a breakdown of what the project looks like and cash contribution and what you're looking from in terms of funding from Engen uh the declaration form also on our website and that's where uh the financial due diligence also takes place so there all there will be um some conversations with our finance folks uh talking about your the the partners um Financial aspects so uh cash flow profitability all those elements that our our financial folks will be looking at we we highly encourage folks and applicants to submit this screening phase as early as possible um just to make sure that you're working on something that is in scope and is aligned with the uh with the program and also gives you more time as soon as this this step is is crossed you can have access to the full application uh and can and and can work on that to give you as much time as possible to submit the uh Thea proposal so for the full application um so what we're looking for is there's going to be eight questions Those Questions by the way are in the application guide so there's no surprises you know what those questions are already so uh if you scroll through the application guide you'll see the eight questions um stream one we're looking for answers that would be 4,000 characters or or less and stream two we're looking for answers that are 7,000 characters or less per question uh we're going to be looking for a project plan in the form of a Gant chart uh a risk register and some IP tables or intellectual property tables uh and a financial workbook one per partner uh again to be entered directly into the um into the Salesforce uh uh platform so same thing uh as early as possible if you can submit your project screening early you can start this process uh as early as possible and so you can you can write up basically a better proposal for for the reviewers to uh analyze so that's the quick overview of what the uh the program looks like uh I just wanted to take a few seconds before uh closing the conversation about saying a few words about other funding opportunities uh so we've closed two uh programs earlier this year so General Advanced manufacturing and electric vehicle manufacturing program just closed earlier this year we've got two progam programs running right now so commercialization of quantum Technologies um we closed the first uh round couple weeks ago and there is a second round going on in uh January January 24th is the closing for that one and we've got the moonshot for mining minerals and manufacturing that's ongoing with the dates that we described a bit earlier and we're looking for something in 2024 to be you know dates and details to be announced later on um rener manufacturing for the for that's the working title for the time being but uh we'll uh we'll see in due course when we have a bit more detail uh to announce on on that one and all of this gets done with uh obviously the help of a lot of folks so I'll ask the uh the folks the project development team all my colleagues that are online uh to open their cameras so Arthur Kong Roshan Stephanie I think I saw aach Blake and William just joined us earlier this week so don't hesitate to reach out to any of us uh specifically on uh on this program but more generally uh so Stephanie leads the one on Quantum so don't hesitate to reach out to Stephanie if there's question on on that one so don't you know as you're going through the process development uh don't uh don't hesitate to reach out to any of us regarding this or other programs and I would be remiss if I didn't say one word about uh some of the other work that engine is doing so this is uh uh separate I guess from the from thank you again for your attention during this presentation again any questions don't hesitate to reach out to to us through email M4 our website contains all the official guides the resource templates to help you through uh application sorry about that I think I got to a slide that was uh pre-recorded uh and that was not the intent to uh to present something that was pre-recorded so I had a slide there on Future Ready which is a pro pro um Workforce Development program uh that is uh separate from our funding uh Project funding uh so don't hesitate you'll have the information in the uh the the slide deck uh once it gets shared but don't hesitate to reach out if there's any question about future ready and TLP program and ampop uh we'll make sure to get you in contact with the the right Folks at at engine and with that I think that kind of completes the uh the uh the webinar any general inquiries uh you know the the website so m4m and our website is there uh again with all official guides resource templates for for for you to consult so thank you for your attention happy to take any questions at this point let me just see if there's oh I've got already some questions in the chat I don't know if any anyone can uh can see those so I'll just read from the questions that are that are in the chat already so what does an associated mean so essentially there's no linkage there's no legal uh link between the two companies that would be applicants one cannot be the subsidiary uh of another so uh so hopefully that answers please follow up if if that is not clear will another question is will you have mining experts as part of the project evaluation process uh the answer is yes most probably there will be mining experts uh we're going to have a host of of U of assessors uh that range depending on the the the projects that come to us but definitely if there's uh a mining element to to that there will be uh mining experts to be able to evaluate the quality of what is being proposed to to engine so hopefully that answers that one so a question in addition to recording will the slide deck be posted download as well yes we can make that available for sure thank you for for that question so that will be made available um another question question thanks for the presentation are expenses restricted to Canada yes the expenses need to be need to be Canadian company and the expenses need to be restricted to to Canada you can bring external or International Partners but they need we wouldn't be funding those and they would need to come with their own uh um with their own funding essentially [Music] um another question can we be a partner and a subcontractor simultaneously so I think the the quick answer on that one is no you can you can't be both the partner and a subcontractor on on the same project uh you can be you can have that role in different projects but not in the same in the same project is the 40% Max subcontractor cost would be it could be extended to a higher value I'm not sure could you go I'm not sure I understand the question is is could could could it be I think the question is could it go beyond 40% is I what I understand the question to be um and I think the answer for that is no you can do more than 40% but I think 40% is the maximum that we can we can find eligible in the uh in in the project itself and what do you have in mind concerning the risk register so uh we we can have a a bit you know with myself or one of the other uh project directors we can have a bit of a conversation about that so it's essentially U the the program guide describes the the minimum risk that we'd like to see uh addressed within the risk register so it's really uh just a an Excel file uh will will suffice where you list out the risks and Associate you know what are some of your strategies in in in in managing those risks um is there a mechanism or platform for academic and research institutions to connect with industry to collaborate on this um good question I think this event is is part of those mechanisms but is there a specific platform or uh institution to connect with industry Partners collaborate on this uh I and I'll look to my colleagues if they there's something that is Escapes Me by all means do uh do jump in uh yes Roshan by all means go go ahead we do have the collaboration corner on our website where if companies are interested in posting opportunities we'll be happy to do that we can push that info through our newsletter to all of our members across Canada but also you can reach out to us uh as the PD directors and we'll be happy to look for opportunities where there may be areas of collaboration yeah thank you thanks ran I forgot about that and so yeah we'll make sure to have the link in the uh as we send out the the recording and the slides we'll make sure to uh to link to the collaboration Corner also yes thank you um what about supplies and materials not all the supplies are found at Canada at Fair cost oops sorry this is scrolling um what about supplies and materials not all the supplies are found in Canada at Fair cost uh um supplies materials if memory serves me correctly can be uh are not bound to Canadian so you can purchase supplies and materials from from from abroad um so I think that should that should not be an issue there but uh maybe let's have further conversation if there's there's an issue uh that's associated there um not for do not for profits that leverage private money dollars public money qualified for submitting funding if private match exceeds public sector will you take leverage funds as revenue from private sector if it's counted as leverage funds so the answer to that is essentially non for-profit if you're if it's more than 50% uh private sector funding uh those are completely eligible for for for for Partnerships uh if it's more than 50% public then those would not be considered eligible for for partners um another question if we're raising funds in q1 can we still apply for the full project or should we reduce project scope for a self-funded option um I would welcome maybe instead of so you know I would welcome a conversation about the scope and what it is that you want to do you know without really having discussed further the the project it's really hard to to to give you a black or white type of answer uh I would suggest reach out to us and let's chat about the project itself and see what can be done um and and depending also on the the SL the stream that you're looking for like the $2 million project or $500,000 project maybe that will change also part of the conversation so I I I I suggest we reach out and we'll uh we'll have a conversation about uh about the project specifically uh thank you uh Kim probably put the link to the collaboration Corner in the uh in the uh in the chat uh on the non for-profit are you saying the match is on the project and not the qualification for organization also can the not for profit be primary applicant yes if you if the non for-profit is majority funded by industry they can be the uh the primary applicant for sure um regarding oh sorry regarding non-for-profit what does philanthropic backing count does philanthropic backing count as they considered a non-for-profit primarily funded publicly versus privately funding uh really good question that has not come up uh in the past I we will I don't know the answer to that one we defer to our finance folks and just make sure that uh it's it's uh respecting both the spirit and the letter of uh our our our program law um so I don't know the answer to that one we'll have to Circle back to you and just make sure that we're giving you the right guidance on on that okay are there and there I think there's Q&A so those are the ones I seen there's questions so who would own the IP from the projects uh so the IP from projects that's a conversation to be had within the consortia obviously the partners bring their own background IP to the project there's developments that occur during the the uh the project itself so any arising IP um that's a conversation to be had within the uh consortia the partners of the uh the projects um so who would own the IP I think there's there's not one answer to that I think it's an ongoing conversation between between the the partners um if there's some of my IP colleagues and and gen IP colleagues or some colleagues that want to chime in by all means uh please please do uh to uh to add more to that uh to that uh to that answer another question are there opportunities for early stage small businesses to partner with large organizations if so is there a list of participating industry Partners so the answer is yes of course uh we're looking for uh for partners to work together and it could be two smmes but it could be a large organization and a small organization industry Partners available again the collaboration Corner uh will be a good place to to to uh to look for that and either that or chat with any one of us to to identify some industry Partners to to work with you uh I have a project idea how can I find a partner so I I was suggest get in touch with us um and you know one of the directors will be uh will certainly be in contact with you and and uh you know work through the project and and work with you on developing a project can Consortium include a lead applicant and other partners who are nonfinancial uh we will need uh a lead and a partner that will be financially contributing and and technically working on the project you can have non-financial partners for sure but we will need at least an applicant and a a a partner that will be involved in the project so contributing time effort and money into into the project but yes you can have then other non-financial partners once those those two initial partners are are found can you please explain expl the role of universities uh so universities can be uh can be subcontractors so you can universities can be one of the two partners uh of of the project but they certainly certainly can be subcontractors to uh one of the the lead or uh the partner companies uh so dep depending on the scope of work they can you know some of the work can be done by universities uh as subcontracting to uh the larger the larger scope of of of work and what are the criterias for selection for big projects versus smaller ones are you ranking established players vers versus emerging ones very good question so the criterias are the same eight questions uh for both the smaller projects stream one stream two so same eight questions the only difference is uh the 4,000 characters versus 7 ,000 characters in terms of size of the answer that is that that is being looked for um and are you ranking established versus emerging ones no we're ranking U on the quality really of the the proposals so you saw the five uh pillars if you will for all engine projects and the quality of uh the answers and the proposals that are being uh that are being sent to us it's really that's that's that's what's driving the uh selection criterias okay that covers the questions that were I think available to everyone let me see if there's other questions that showed up for panelists I'm not seeing any new ones okay [Music] I no open questions so okay very good oh hold on maybe there's a new one so so new one came in so if universities act as subcontractor can there contribute be inclin instead of financial um typically uh the subcontractor would be like a finan uh effort the in kind can occur also but the in kind is not um as per the the program guide the inide is not uh refundable so there's no it's not part of what's eligible for for refunding so I I my my suggestion here again would be let's have a conversation and understand what it is that you're thinking of in terms of the project and see if that makes sense or doesn't make sense in in your financial setup for for for the project uh you know it's without having the full context it's hard to give you a a cut and dry type type of answer okay going on 12:45 1242 is there a new question that came in uh Will Canadian space mining Association able to apply is that what I'm seeing can Canadian space mining Association be able to apply so anyone uh any Canadian uh entity is able so I'm not really familiar with Canadian space mining Association um and again same thing goes with with what we said about uh if it's if that Association is is funded by industry uh more than 50% oh sorry uh I think someone added more details space mining Corporation apply so again if it's a it's if it's a Canadian entity and they uh are Corporation yeah okay uh so going back if it's an association the 50% plus one you know 50% and and more uh Public Funding versus private funding that applies if it's Canan space mining Corporation is is uh uh Canadian entity and and meets the requirements of course they can apply like any other Canadian entity um if the subcontractor is developing most of the IP would it be considered a non-contributing partner um again I I I would prefer for that type of very more detailed let's let's have a conversation and and discuss what is the uh let's let's have a discussion about what is the uh the uh the scope of the work and see whether or not that makes sense or or not isn't it a conflict of interest in CS set the stage for framing this competition okay very good question um they they did participate they did uh contribute to writing the isru report uh but they are not at all involved in any of the uh assessment or uh review of the projects that that get evaluated so I I want to put that question to rest uh so thank you for raising it but uh but yeah that they they are not part at all of the uh evaluation or assessment that will be done by completely independent third party um uh experts from from engine and they will not be part of that effort so thank you for raising that so uh we want to make sure that that is abundantly clear uh from from the get-go okay thank you for those additional questions and thank you for raising all very very good uh questions uh that uh that uh perhaps were still unclear in either my presentation or in the program guide so thank you for erasing those okay not seeing any new questions we'll give it one minute but uh this was very very good thank you very much everyone for attending um we'll we'll close the webinar in a minute we'll make sure to get you the recording and the slides for um for the webinar uh if there's any further questions please reach out uh M4 M4 m4m uh or just reach out to any of us uh you'll have our contact info in the uh in the uh in the slide deck um and with that thank you very much looking forward to a lot of continued conversation on some of the some of the exchanges that I saw in the U in the chat conversation much appreciated thank you everyone have a great rest of the day and we'll chat we'll chat soon thank you