Transcript for:
Strategi dan Psikologi Pasar saham

Hi, good evening friends, success is always with you and I hope you are in good health. Okay tonight I want to talk about the market maker strategy, stomp and stomp , to forget Fir, it's scary, the lizard stomps. market Maker think logical line of thought, Hi, learn to know the logical line of thought of a market maker. Hi so that you know so that you can understand How you respond and behave in the market Okay, now let's see, every day the weakness or mistake of retail is when they want to sell they are always in line to sell or the term 'drying' is mentioned in my previous post, always wants to sell in line, even in God's position, yes, if you have quarters or 100 lots, divide this level, this level is so much, this is so much up to 100 eh lo or 1000 - the log was finished up in the direction of Hi, it's right stop if in the bit position you are already profitable, you continue to queue, you are in line, you grind it with a grinder bro, with ambiguity billing with this ambiguity, right, you're waiting in line, you don't want to sell, you don't necessarily make a profit, while tinybit is certain. Fortunately, it's already profitable, just selling it at my store but nothing to do. So you want to make big profits. today the luck was big but I learned a lot This is the mentality of a prospective great person or big trader like that Hey you, if you want to make a lot of profit, you have to increase your capital Yes, it's impossible to profit five million, scalping today, want to profit 50 million and 10 sips Hi single at the Polsek so it's impossible to be a modem 5 million 10 million want to make a profit of 100000000 it's impossible that you have to invest not a scale fight Hi Okay so I want to tell you the secret don't sell it on cover or in the US because the probability is that you already know this is definitely profitable, this isn't necessarily good for you why do I want you to make a decision if you are already selling profit Because that's how you are grateful Hi If you are grateful Tu han will give you again God will give you again if you are never grateful and bothered God is confused Brother this guy bought only 5000000 bought it already gave profit below 700,000 already gave 600,000 profit how come you still don't know yourself so a lot of capital not a lot of waiting for a long time Hey So I was happy with that mother, Sir, I didn't gain much from this, but I learned a lot of things, it's amazing, OK, now you write it down, Hey , the kanggo over is thick, Hi, but the stock has gone up crazy . the world until you are amazed at the extraordinary time finally daybird and you who are said to have finally been shot Okay so if the over is thick or typically thick but it goes up it means the market maker really wants to sell uh Hi So if he targets netcell today The Bourne Shell today is 200 billion So if Diane by 25-50 billion she will do that because Mr. net by with a bigger netcell, for example, for example yes he has 25000000000 capital to go up Bay and then he can netcell 100 miles Yogyakarta do it So you have to know in the world of Capital market, especially the stock market, nothing is free, nothing is free So if every stock goes up, of course there is a purpose. So you write it down earlier If it was thick but the stock price went up, it means that the Mega market wants to sell Hi, So you have to sell quickly before you are sacked so you have seen this video I hope you are not one of the Hi who was sacked by the second market maker if the original is thick But how come it's actually why is the stock price falling, Mr. Hai, because the market is blooming, there is a budget every day for net Baitul there is a budget, the term is bloated, so today they can bloat 25000000000 they stick and discipline today can't be more than 05 billion, that's called bloated why if it's in the In the real world, yes, we are bloated, we just take bloating or anti-wind medicine whatever the Hai kem dude, it's gone, eh, but in the stock market, if it's bloated, Tea Plus 2 has to pay if you don't pay it, you're at the Forselkad. So they want to increase this stock but they don't want to net either they don't want to bloat a lot, so their way of getting rid of people who are lining up to sell is they broke down what they wanted to increase Ah come on, sell mobile internet while selling while I'm mentally afraid of retail, finally the retailer whose partner was sold out of position trying to try to sell seeds looking for a profit, hopefully it's still profitable Hey sometimes it doesn't have time to even lose in the end Carlos is the one happens and I think you have every day Hi experiencing experiences like this you must be smiling right there must be a smile Hi because the market Maker has studied psychology Yes, I have studied market physiology, you have learned and the Market Maker also watches videos every night traders, traders who talk great, talk great, they are learned to be ridiculed like this p Market developments are like that, millennial developments are like this but Hi You don't realize that your logic is continuously carried or sent by market Mega to turn it into emotion So you don't use logic anymore in trading, so this is my knowledge Jarkep Hi and you can look for it in Indonesia anyone wants to teach this science slow, no, right , on average, I don't have any market experience. My maker 2007 trades, edits Kyuhyun, every day trades one stall, a minimum of 280-300 billion, 18 transaction valuations are like that Hi So if today there are 4 or 5 8 of my trades have reached trillion Hi So it's not a small transaction, so I'm sorry, how come these details don't understand, I see stock gurus aren't lacking in Indonesia, there are hundreds of stock gurus but I don't understand market psychology, that's why I want to teach you the Market Maker algorithm so that you learn the logical flow of a logical line of thought, OK? Just think logically, this isn't illogical, isn't it? Hi, you didn't buy this stock on purpose, no I'm giving examples of all the blue chip stocks that I gave I know the stock and I know the movement and I teach you even if you want to learn Sir, please try and sack me I want How does it feel to be carried. Come on. Let's teach each other how many stocks are in the stock in this stock exchange, the fundamentals are good, but there are no guards or chests to protect the stock. You can try to tinker with it here, bro. Hey, who knows, you may also be sacked So, we study together and I want you to have a strong learning mentality so that you will be successful, so don't be half-hearted if you continue to be in the stock market and you can't be more successful or you can't have more money than other jobs, it's better we do other work, yes, we want to trade cigarettes , what kind of cigarettes do we get? There's a lot of profit and a lot of profit. That's a lot of capital, so if you have 5000000 capital, if you look there, you've made a profit of Rp. 100, you have made a profit of 200,000. Hey you, follow the Instagram account, Juan's mom, the profit is big, Garden, 300,000, 500,000 , but how many RDMs are there? That's the order, yes, if Hi a day profit is 300,000 but there are 10 when million, three million is the salary of a Superman Is Dead 1 month, reinisa Ali, if a day is three million, Bakti a month is 60 million. Hi, the smallest is 20000107, my son is very relaxed, 20 million, he goes straight to the sofa and sleeps, how come he doesn't trade anymore, he gets 20 million jupil, Hi So if you have a small capital, you can't make big profits unless you buy it from the bottom and wait for it to go up, investing OK Success always for you to wait for my next discussion about DPS What is DPS Okay watch the next video so it's always for you hi hi