Transcript for:
Effective Study Techniques for Productivity

*productive day vlog Good morning, it's Bunny. I asked you guys on Instagram if you wanted to see productive day vlog or self-care vlog and you chose the productive day vlog in this video I will be focusing on studying I like to clean my desk before I study otherwise, it is really hard to focus when it is messy. when I'm done, I open my laptop, this is my desktop before I start, I like to make a list of all the things I want to study today and of course, I listen to music when I'm studying I listen to mostly lo-fi and melodies if you are interested I'll leave my study playlist down in the description. It is really hard for me to stay in one place and study for a long period of time I get easily distracted but I learned this trick. My English teacher taught me when I was in the 10th or 11th grade in my opinion, this is the most effective way for me to study okay, so you study for 25 minutes then you take a 5-minute break and then you do it over and over again. I'm gonna use a graph to explain this method this section is your focus and the bottom section is time some people choose to study for a whole hour straight without taking any breaks However, there is a flaw. your attention span is at its peak in the first 20 minutes and then it decreases in the next 40 minutes which means you are less likely to observe the material you are studying If you take this into consideration, you are productive in the first 20 minutes and wasting your time and energy in the next 40 minutes However, if you separate this time where one session is 25 minutes think of this blue line as a 5-minute break each session is 25 minutes now if you can see you are able to be productive during these 20 minutes and right when your attention span is decreasing, you take a 5-minute break to recharge and go back to studying for another 25 minutes this way, you will be more productive during your study sessions this method is the most effective way for me to study it is a struggle for me to study in one place for a long period of time but when I separate my time into 20 minutes it doesn't feel like I am studying for hours but for only 25 minutes at a time time will pass so fast when you start using this method but even if it feels like that, you are able to observe more material. I enjoy taking notes I like it when they are short, clear and colorful it makes me interested to study I use many highlighters and these are some of my notes before a test or an exam, I would review my notes and it is so satisfying to look at my notes when it is messy and unorganized it is stressful and I don't understand it so I really appreciate clear organized notes Furthermore, when you are studying designate a study place for yourself for instance, when you sit behind this desk, you will only study. during your 5-minute break, get up and go somewhere else and when you're ready to study go back and sit behind that desk Especially during this pandemic, it is hard to distinguish study time and chill time that's why it is important to find a place in your room that is only meant for studying/working. In the future, it will be easier for you to study. Hope you guys enjoyed this productive day vlog hope it motivated you to study and gave you a method to study more effectively if you enjoyed it, like this video follow me on instagram, and write on the comment section below what kind of videos you would like to see or your favorite study methods. that's it, bye!