Handwritten Digits Classification with TensorFlow

Aug 14, 2024

Handwritten Digits Classification using TensorFlow


  • Target audience: Extreme beginners in computer vision and deep learning.
  • Demo: Recognizing handwritten digits from 0 to 9 using a deep learning architecture based on Microsoft Paint.

Understanding Images

  • An image is represented as a matrix of integers (e.g., 800x600 pixels).
  • Pixel values range from 0 (black) to 255 (white), with values in between representing shades of gray.
  • Color images have three channels (Red, Green, Blue).

Handwritten Digit Images

  • MNIST dataset: Contains 60,000 images of handwritten digits (28x28 pixels).
  • Digits can be written in different styles by different people.

Deep Learning Architecture Overview

  1. Convolution Layer
    • Acts as a feature extractor by using filters (kernels).
    • Example: A 5x5 filter extracts features based on pixel values.
  2. Pooling Layer
    • Reduces the size of feature maps (e.g., max pooling).
    • Helps retain important features while reducing computation.
  3. Dense Layer
    • Fully connected layer that sums up all extracted features.
    • The final dense layer corresponds to the number of classes (10 for digits 0-9).
  4. Decision Layer
    • Classification layer that predicts the digit.

Data Preparation

  • Normalization: Scaling pixel values between 0 and 1 for better convergence.
  • Train/Test Split: Important to separate training and testing datasets to evaluate model performance.
  • MNIST dataset loaded via TensorFlow.

Implementation Steps

  1. Environment Setup
    • Use Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook for coding.
    • Install necessary libraries: TensorFlow, OpenCV, Matplotlib, NumPy.
  2. Loading the Dataset
    • Use TensorFlow's keras API to load the MNIST dataset.
    • Split dataset into training and testing data.
  3. Model Creation
    • Utilize the Sequential model from TensorFlow.
    • Add convolution, pooling, and dense layers accordingly.
    • Use activation functions (e.g., ReLU for hidden layers, softmax for the output layer).
  4. Model Compilation
    • Use Adam optimizer and categorical cross-entropy loss for multi-class classification.
  5. Model Training
    • Train the model using model.fit() on training data.
    • Monitor accuracy during training and validation.
  6. Model Evaluation
    • Test the model on the test dataset for accuracy evaluation.

Prediction and Visualization

  • Predict handwritten digits using the trained model.
  • Process custom images: Resize, convert to grayscale, normalize, and reshape for model input.
  • Display predictions for user-drawn digits.


  • A video demonstration was provided, showing real-time prediction of handwritten digits using a webcam.


  • The lecture covered the basics of implementing a handwritten digit classification project using TensorFlow.
  • Encouraged viewers to explore more on computer vision and deep learning.