Neural Networks and Activation Functions Overview

Sep 8, 2024

Lecture Notes: Neural Networks and Activation Functions


  • Neural Networks: Systems designed to mimic the human brain.
  • Purpose: Transform data to uncover patterns, much like the Pythagorean theorem unravels geometric relationships.

Importance of Data Transformation

  • Raw data is often not suitable for direct use by algorithms.
  • Data Transformation: Essential for effective learning, prediction, and problem-solving.
  • Pre-processing Steps:
    • Normalization: Scaling data to a standard range.
    • Feature Extraction: Identifying important patterns or features.
    • Encoding Categorical Variables: Converting non-numeric data to a numeric format.

Role of Activation Functions

  • Activation Functions: Introduce non-linearities into the network, crucial for modeling complex relationships.
  • Without them, networks would only learn linear relationships, limiting pattern recognition capabilities.

Common Activation Functions

Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU)

  • Functionality: Transfers positive input values unchanged; converts negatives to zero.
  • Advantages:
    • Simple and efficient computation.
    • Faster learning compared to sigmoid or tanh functions.
    • Avoids the Vanishing Gradient problem.
  • Drawbacks:
    • Dying Neurons: Neurons stop learning due to zero outputs.
    • Sensitive to outliers.

Leaky ReLU

  • Difference from ReLU: Allows negative inputs to pass with a small slope.
  • Advantage: Mitigates dying neurons by keeping small positive outputs for negative inputs.

Sigmoid Function

  • Output Range: Transforms inputs to a range between 0 and 1.
  • Drawbacks:
    • Vanishing Gradient Issue: Makes deep network layers less sensitive to training.

Vanishing Gradient Problem

  • Explanation: Gradients diminish as they move backward through deep layers, akin to whispered instructions losing volume.
  • Solutions:
    • Use different activation functions.
    • Carefully initialize weights.
    • Ensure strong gradient signals during training.


  • Choosing Activation Functions: Critical for addressing dying neurons and vanishing gradients.
  • Task-Specific Selection: Choose the most suitable activation function based on the task requirements.

Understanding these aspects ensures better learning outcomes in neural networks.