Geological Processes: Weathering to Deposition

Sep 1, 2024

Lecture Notes: Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition


  • Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition are key geological processes:
    • Weathering: Breaking down and changing rocks due to environmental exposure.
    • Erosion: Transporting weathered sediments from one location to another.
    • Deposition: Dropping off sediments at a new location.


  • Definition: The process of breaking down rocks into smaller pieces or changing them due to environmental factors.
  • Types of Weathering:
    • Physical/Mechanical Weathering: Breakdown of rocks without changing their composition.
    • Chemical Weathering: Rocks are chemically altered due to reactions with substances like water or air.

Physical/Mechanical Weathering

  • Characteristics: Changes size and shape without altering composition.
  • Examples:
    • Frost Action/Ice Wedging: Water seeps into cracks, freezes, expands, and breaks rocks.
    • Exfoliation: Temperature changes cause rocks to expand and contract, leading to peeling and cracking.
    • Abrasion: Grinding of rock against rock, wind, water, or glaciers.
    • Root Wedging: Plant roots grow into cracks, breaking rocks apart.

Chemical Weathering

  • Characteristics: Alters the chemical composition of rocks.
  • Examples:
    • Oxidation: Formation of rust when iron reacts with oxygen in air or water.
    • Carbonation: Carbonic acid in water dissolves rocks like limestone, forming caves and sinkholes.


  • Definition: Transportation of sediments weathered from rocks.
  • Example: Ocean currents moving fragments of granite from one location to another.


  • Definition: The dropping off of sediments at a new location.
  • Example: Depositing of granite pieces onto a distant coastline.

Factors Affecting Weathering

  1. Climate:
    • Hot and dry areas see less weathering.
    • Hot and wet climates increase chemical weathering.
    • Cold climates favor frost action.
  2. Hardness of Rock:
    • Softer rocks weather faster than harder rocks.
  3. Surface Area:
    • More exposed surface area leads to faster weathering.


  • Overview of the processes of weathering, erosion, and deposition.
  • Noted factors that influence the rate and type of weathering.
  • Preview of upcoming content on erosion, transportation, and deposition processes.