Transcript for:
Lecture on Jewish Tradition and Teachings

foreign [Music] we pray to Hashem that everything we say should be Ms it should be truth and we shouldn't Veer to the right that left from uh the belshem Tov tradition's tradition as we received it by pupil after pupil after pupil I had the privilege of receiving reppin ahmed's teachings from Rabbi avram weitz Handler he was seen past at a young age at 48 he was a talmud of Revolution binder is the books the eight volumes he put it together and he had Missouri and each one that brought me close to bresliff and and taught me that ins and outs of the Cote and Shem I'm going to give a brief introduction into ripping to look at Moran so nowhere to accomplish it always say it like this is something rebi Nach and we will learn in this Torah that you have to learn from everything in life to observe everything in life and you don't throw your past best experiences away there's one thing about uh when a soldier goes into Mission the Army he has to know okay what are you doing what are you doing right now what's your job right now what's your job your job not somebody else's job what do you want to accomplish where's your goal this is exactly what we have to ask ourselves because serving Hashem it's like a war Robbie knockman writes it all through look at temaron we are fighting tooth and nail against evil inclination that wants to do everything in his power to keep us away from Hashem Rabbi nachman says that the challenge will be so difficult as we come closer to the mashiach that gaining emuna will be like climbing a glass wall the glass panes in the background climbing the less well with your fingernails and that's how difficult it's gonna be in Muna so we have so many forces in modern society that are trying to tell us that uh truck against Torah and against the shemchospital but now that's uh they all come and go and we're still here okay so rebi nachman in breast liver tradition we have the five siddiquim that have the aspect of Moses what's the aspect of Moses Moses says last week just a week ago it was we celebrated the reception of Torah and Mount Sinai Moses brought down the written Torah on Mount Sinai and then Moses passed his nashama a torch because the King Solomon calls him a tort says Adam that the candle of Hashem of the torch of Hashem is that human soul so the soul never dies it goes from one that comes and another body another body until it has a job to do Moses and that's why the Gomorrah one and the Gomorrah talks that the greater the greater the generation McMorrow calls him Moses okay Moses is the nickname in the gumar for the greater generation so Moses who brought down the written Torah passed on his soul to reputation we celebrated his yard site brought down the esoteric Torah that's the Zora the basis of kalapa kabbola and then revision he wasn't finished he passed the soul of Moses on to the a result what did a reason bring down he brought down the Torah of Kabbalah Kabbalah comes to the Ariza he's not finished he passed the soul this torch of Moses it's like a relay race passing the torch and he passed it on to the balship the Nuance of the balship was the Torah of hasidis he brought down the Torah of hasidus up till then told a simple person's time Torah was elitist the junior was elitist there were maybe two percent Taurus Scholars and 98 are laborers and and what they call Yiddish Vasa trackers stopping water and then Wood Choppers and there was the elite no balship says every one of us is an elite every one of us lead and so balship brought the Torah to everyone that everyone could go to Hashem it's not Torah it's not elitist it's very egalitarian and because every nichelman get closer this is a theme all through liquite one thing that Rabbi nachman it's like a kaleidoscope we will see that no matter what spiritual level you are Rabbi not going to talk to you even a person never learn Gomorrah kabala understands one way for his soul or his or her soul a person is steeping Gomorrah see something else a person's keeping good morning Kabbalah see something else it's like a kaleidoscope you see whatever uh you can on your level okay so you're not competing against anyone else in this learning but you're competing against yourself it's yourself and your own War you have inside you your evil inclination is your esos angel but it's not Esau's Angel it's Alan's Angel and it's Angelus Angel and it's David's Angel it's Angel it's Eric's Angel and fear is Angel you all have your each individual angel that you're fighting against that wants to keep you away from Hashem why because when you get close to Shem this is your mission on Earth this is your mission on Earth it's particular details of your mission varies from person to person but overall in this generation we're all here to learn a move to get close to Hashem so rabi Natan he he will explain soon we'll give a very short introduction because to learn his introduction and death it would take a lot of weeks to only be bogged down on that okay but we go for the balship brought the tour of hasidis and he passed it on to the fifth torch carrier which is the great grandson of belshimtov and Rabbi nachman says my fire shall burn until the coming of mashiach what did he mean the torch he's carrying it he's going to carry this torch it's coming what did Rabbi nachman bring us rebi nachman brought us the Torah of emuna that the exact the nuances not exactly new ones Robin says there's no Nuance it's all everything he says it's in the Torah it's in Kabbalah it's in the midrish it's all through the holy books but people didn't get there he brought this to the Forefront to our eye level to show us how to get close to a ship for example the fact of personal prayer he put the dude personal presentation whereby nachman and Rabbi nachman's definition of that's what we said faith that you could have your own personal relationship with the almighty wow that's great there's nothing more gratifying as soon as a person has his or her own personal relationship with the money is teachers will be learning this as we go on and then it's all through this theme that permeates all of liquite and you're happy you're happy and even when you have challenging situations you're connected to the almighty and you share your challenge you're not alone you're not alone you're never alone and this is the greatest greatest feeling in the world when you feel that someone is with you always and you're always protected okay so that's the five once again I'm gonna review the five Souls of Moses Moses himself then he brought the Torah of the Zora the esoteric Torah and then the resale the tour of Kabbalah and then the balship which is a tour of Muna and this is what we're learning in liquite okay so now in the introduction he explains what rabbination want to accomplish now many people many people look at Rippy dochman's teachings and and their living room teachings coffee Coffee House teachings they're not living room teachings not Coffee House teachings our entire purpose in these lessons are to get closer to Hashem to strengthen ourselves to get closer to Hashem and rebe nachman is the doctor of the Soul he's the one that's to strengthen our souls strengthen ourselves a person once they uh once it strengthen his body go to a a trainer a physical therapist that rubbing Offman is a is a neoma therapist he's the best in the summer trainer that could ever be and this is where we're going to strengthen our souls okay so rabinathan explains that there are three things that we learn in liquite we go in the introduction I'm going to translate this in Hebrew and say this in rabinatan's own words and not translated he talks about all of liquite and he says all of Rabbi nachman's teachings this wonderful wonderful advice how to get close to Hashem this cherished friends is our mission getting close to this is the declared intent of Rabbi nachman as rabinatan brought it down how to get closer to Hashem he says there is nothing lacking to learn every single Mitzvah every bit of Holiness every bit of every good advice for the soul that is needed by any person in the world any person in the world this is rabi nachman's license that the whole world can learn is Torah okay and on any spiritual level so it doesn't matter if a person is a what level is in Israel America Vietnam Cambodia Uganda lower Mesopotamia it doesn't matter where the person is advice he'll get close to Hashem and be happier okay he says and this awesome awesome book there's no advice for no person in the world to getting closer to Hashem that is not mentioned in this book so this is where we're going okay so we're in the who that's Ravi nachman and the why is getting close to Hashem now that we know what we're going to do let's get into mohanallah should help us and it should be a big blessing reppin Ahmed starts Torah alif if you have your print out you can follow your printout and the Torah Allah for Abby nachman starts out with a passage of Psalm 119 and it's a significant passage because In this passage entire teachings are encapsulated in this passage rabi nachman is a later teaching he says he says there is an aspect of Torah or something small holds something very big and here we have one passage holds maybe not the Torah once you stay back we could do we'll get to four weeks just on this one one passage the passage on Psalm 119 it's the first passage in Psalm 118 Psalm 118 is the longest Solomon all of uh and all of the The Book of Psalms it has 100 and 77 verses 177 versus cortical base each one of the element base uh 176. it's tracked a Bubba Buster is the longest track date and the good bar that has 177 pages okay in simple translation by the way I would translate according to shot according to rabi nachman's intent this is not a Ben Yehuda a Google Translation a Google Translation would be fortunate are the people that walk the perfect path okay that they walk in the way of Hashem that's the Google Translation the proper translation will say Australia fortunate but Ashley has deep intent with this Ashley will see at the end of Torah aleph that ashay comes from the means look observe so Ashley also means fortunate what he said but happy this is the key to happiness open our eyes how many people never open their eyes Rabbi nachman once looked at a young man it was running to make money he says slow down young man did you look at the sun today did you did you look at the Blue Sky look up look up at the sky people go through and especially nowadays with the kyphosis they're walking with their necks down look I can't see people you go see their faces they're all with the smartphones in the street I think smart even speaking on the phone that's something intimate we don't eat sandwiches and let's say this we don't eat we don't eat while walk down the street people eat one on the like on the boardwalk or walking down the sidewalk no eating is at home you make a blessing eat on the table and I particularly I don't think conversing is something this something should be in the whole privacy of your home price of your office why everyone in the street and sometimes you people think they look like a girl they go about the big uh this big Bluetooth in their ear when I first started going with my I had hearing aids I said I didn't even hearing difficulties it was left over my Army days and as I get older they're getting more cute and I was whoop is self-conscious about the hearing aids and somebody said they said what are you self-conscious about the hearing aids look people they're Bluetooth the size of how much are cannons and a year and you've got these little hearing aids that no one sees you don't have to be kinds of it but you see people walking with it with the cell phones they're down there first of all it's dangerous you have to protect your soul they don't want to look across the street and one thing is drivers that one eye on the road one on the cell phone that they need two eyes on the road and two hands on the wheel okay so it's dangerous thing but every sister says look how much in life that people miss when they don't observe so when you observe and You observe the beauty in hashem's World especially now today's the first of June it's a beautiful season wherever you go and it weather's nice and there's flowers and the water get it warm okay open your eyes and you'll be happy so you open your eyes and rubbing up one says means something Perfection that people rabeno Yona translates this as perfect Midas a person that goes and Robin says the date King David allude to this and the very first Psalm okay when he says uh it says he said Derek Siddiqui mentioned that the way of the sadik the way of righteous people the way for each people to raise people Rabbi says right here this is the path of perfection but not only Perfection he has his own definition of tamimus that will see this assumption should help us we'd be able to learn all of liquite and we get to the second part in Torah 19 this is one of rabi nachman's Hallmark teachings that a person should serve a shame with Simplicity and with innocence and for his innocent like innocent as a baby and I said baby a baby doesn't have sin a baby is white babies that they smell they smell wonderful even if they soil their diaper they still smell good their skin because they don't have sin gives a person a bad odor is a sinner when a person transgresses a person does Good Deeds it gets up spiritually it has it it gets a a scent of of Heaven on him and walks around with a scent of heaven and and this is this is the beneficial benefits says it's the innocent path remember says innocence doesn't mean stupidity when somebody says you're going to say naive that's not naive innocence means that despite all the garbage in the world this is the opposite of what David in London calls the eyebrows the eyebrows they're the ones with the hawkmas they're the ones with the the intelligent they don't if they don't use a seven syllable word then it's not election no the proper things that we learn are understandable comprehensible and that's why Ruby knockman's teachings they're comprehensible to person on any level it doesn't matter because it says them simply now you can delve in deeply and deeper and deeper but this is what this is simply what King Solomon says that the words of the wise they're given over pleasantly pleasantly it is simply pleasantly Simplicity Pleasant is not complicated it's not complicated not pleasant and upset they upset the soul things that are simple are pleasing to the soul okay I say this is a to me my death people that walk repine is talking about happy are people that walk the innocent path the innocent path of Torah it means that they don't ask what's politically correct political correctness is the opposite they don't ask what uh you know they said they're afraid they said the Torah okay they say the Torah says that this is forbidden but oh no that uh and today in Jerusalem uh a gay parade and if you don't support that then you're you're a hobo your phobia and you didn't come on come on all I care about what's written in Torah what's written in the Torah and this is we don't care this is Simplicity and simplicity because you know what Hashem is utterly simple Hashem is utterly simple the soul which is a tiny part of Hashem is utterly simple okay King David says about the words of Torah and Rabbi nachman now says that the happy are the people that walk on the innocent path that go in the path of Hashem that walk in the path of Torah walk in the path of Torah where do we learn this we learn this right out of Torah it's the last Parsha in and if you walk in my laws and Rashi right there says they should be busy and Torah be walking in Torah so what does rebe Nathan say you're happy if your whole Shem it's not once again it's not Parlor Room Torah and it's not parlorum conversation and it's not coffee house intelligencia okay it's Simplicity of getting close to Hashem the Simplicity of the truth of Torah and King David tells us yes funny bread enough men he's a dissented about Shem talk about was the center of King David and David King David was still the balship the greatest doctor of the Soul ever lived he says that the words of Torah are straight or straight they like the soul the soul is straight Hashem that's what's it what do we say about something that's not true it's crooked Hashem is so straight hashem's name is truth truth is straight it's Simplicity hashem's color is white utter Purity utter Simplicity utter Simplicity that complicated as soon as we have things that are complicated and pseudo-intellectual and six and seven syllable words it's not a Shem it's not Hashem it's a person on an ego trip and trying to show that it knows something and people talk confusing because they don't have anything to say you can see the greatest Torah Minds you heard Rubio that he was the greatest voice sake of the previous generation great Safari postsec and maybe one of the greatest of all times uh lecture from ribial fadia was so clear it was so Crystal Clear go right into your shama okay and he could have Kiki he knew Kabbalah by heart he used to learn Kabbalah with the belzeroth at midnight and a lot of people don't know this the bells are the bells are red but it was it was the Kabbalah of uh and rabbavati would learn the retrieval Torah all day long he knew it on the back his hand how about tour in the back of the sand he could read all of Gamora and and the Kebab in the back of his hand and he had 58 000 books on his wall and he knew them all he knew them all and this is something I saw with my own eyes and it's so simple so simple this is Robina rip nachman remember says wants us to walk in the path of Hashem it's not to sit down and to have an intellectual exercise oh how nice it is for the Shema to have a discourse no no no no set aside time today and speak to Hashem this is what you got to do this is a very simple right to the intravenous to the neshamin right to the vein to the nishoma okay so that is Hashem happy are the people to walk the innocent path and they walk in the path of hashems Torah walking's Torah okay that robino it gives us our marching orders from Psalm 119 and now we start with liquite's writings starts so the first word and I get chills up my spine he says duh duh da means no you should know like no full well duh so the word yeah to Know da da if you ever seen a mezuzah if you look at a mezuzah the Muslim residency is written four times bigger than the other letters and Hashem the one hero Israel the Lord of God the Lord is one the dalid of echad is also four times bigger so if you take the two oversized letters you got odd and that's infinity infinity that the Hashem is here forever and if you turn them around you get duh he takes in one word he gives us the secret of the almighty that the Hashem is omniscient whatever we learn in hashem's Torah forget about this money in the bank that's it you're free home free any single word we learn in Torah it is success for forever and ever it's a success for the nishoma forever and ever okay so Remy nagman says da whenever he says something that this is an intrinsic truth that goes through all of Torah goes through any all of our life he says duh that's not the only place we're gonna see this and look at him we're on but when Rabbi Zaba says stand up and listen we stand up and listen every word he says but this is especially okay he said duh foreign he says by way of the Torah they all are requests and all our prayers are received what's the difference between a prayer and a bakasha a request if you look at this the first three blessings and the last three blessings of the Israel that we praise Hashem we bless Hashem and we started with for example you go go into the king and say nice things to the king before you ask for what you want Buck a shelter our own personal requests we ask for a good health and we ask for our sense we ask for ability to learn Torah we ask for whatever we want to ask for we ask for our partners so we ask for our soul mates we ask for uh mashiach we ask for a rebuilt Holy Temple we ask for everything we ask for this is an even our personal prayer is the same thing we have artificial and have our bucket okay and says that's in the noun they say why why would not double this up double he says to do a double language that he says by way of the Torah we learn that our prayers and our requests that we pray for and that we ask for are accepted because hey don't go to sleep but it's not an automatic pilot he's giving us something very very thing this is but people don't pay attention they learn they fly by says a prayer you have to pray for it and a request you have to ask for it that people come that I hear this all the time Rabbi what is this where's that where's my partner so where's my soul mate excuse me did you ask Hashem for a soul mate did you ask Hashem for a new job did you ask Hashem for your health you're running around to the doctors running around to the lawyers around CPA did you ask Hashem you know what's that got to do with it it's got everything to do with it Hashem is the first and only address and as soon as the person realizes that Hashem is our physician okay sometimes we have to do our ishtabulous we have to make effort uh we wrote about this in our book about what depending on a person's individual spiritual level the higher the spiritual level then the less the less effort he has to do and the lower the spiritual level the more he's got to break his head against the wall if a person is on a very high spiritual level pray pray to him and pray to him once they say they're definitely sick so he went to a doctor that is maybe not done and and his wife and everybody said to a doctor in limber but pray for it first of all we have to exhaust our spiritual options and when we see that uh our parents say sometimes we have to do ishta let's do the next next step so we have to can't have a prayer without praying you can't have requests without requesting not only that Rabbi nachman is teaching us something very very essential here rabbin Ahmed says we have to pray for everything and since we have to request everything everything Hashem is a story rabinatan once came in to the synagogue and review not then was lacking a button okay and uh says he says you look like a schlumber you look so slovenly that's not proper you're a talmouth and you're a rabbi and with the way you look this is a reflection of torrent you should be looking good so what have a button and with him he said rabbit could they call her be nothing says he says Dad to this extent this I need to ask for for a button and Rabbi nachman says a button is something too big or too small to ask for we need to ask hashan for everything why did Robin Ahmed teaches that we ask Hashem for everything and then when we get something we don't think it's the might of our right hand when a person gets something without prayer then he or she is liable to think well this is my prowess this is my ability whatever no we ask Hashem for everything and this is why Rabbi nachman doubles on language called all the prayers and all the requests that we pray for that we ask for now let's go to the next step this is really this is like today's newspaperches what happens as soon as we learn Torah everybody nothing gave us a tip let's go with this this first this first sense by way of our Torah that we pray for our toe refuels the prayers and the requests that we pray for and that we request and this is The Prestige of Israel the importance of Israel Jewish people and this enables our prayers to be answered even we have we invoke Divine favor and when a person has favorites called and learn about this more in a moment uh then someone finds favor finds favor in your eyes it gets appealing it makes it appealing and a person will readily give you what what you want okay so bye learning Torah imagine that our prayer is a fuselage of an airplane that fuselage of the airplane Can't Get Off The Runway inside the airplane which you don't see is an engine it's a jet engine the jet engine is the Torah by learning the Torah Torah is the fuel the fuels that's yet engine by learning Torah this gives power to the ancient to run down the one way and take off that are our philod our prayers and our requests they go up this is by an airplane but this it gives it power to the airplane to take off and this is what Reven is teaching us and some people they hold it he said did some people think that maybe you have someone and and you shiver and coil that thinks he's an intellectual and he's a Victorious scholar uh that doesn't cut it because Ravi nachman first told gave us that Psalm 119 that we walk in the way of Torah it's not just sit by your desk or sit by your standard in the way of Torah do you walk in the way of Torah if you do business fairly are you smile at people do you do you don't get angry you don't do anything to insult another human being you act cordially telling people this is oh where there's so many so on the behalf of the Mitzvahs are between man and fellow man the other half are between man and the almighty but a person that walks in the way of Torah he lives his Torah and when a person learns Torah to live his Torah this is the real Torah and this is the Torah that we learn that gives the power to fuel our prayers and our requests okay everyone on whatever level they are you know whatever level they are that they could learn what you need to learn for example uh there's plenty of you know now we're learning now the noahide laws but there's so much to learn the no hide laws so much I know I had no high doesn't have to learn the laws of of cautious he has to learn the laws of no hide laws about all the recepts have been not to not to murder and not to steal and and what what real amuna and Muna is for what rabinatan wrote here in vietnames for people all over the universe and that's why rubbing's teachings for people all over the universe okay so we all have to learn amuna everybody learns zamuna okay so you have to learn we learn what we need to learn but this is everyone on his or her particular spiritual level by learning what you have to learn on your level this gives fuel to your prayers to be received and prayers accepted both your spiritual prayers and your material prayers because we say Amen if there's no flower there's no Torah can't person can't can't learn to or an empty stomach but we got a problem up uh we've got a problem the next paragraph now whenever it says now this is now just as fresh as that now it was in uh the late 1790s when he wrote this Torah that because of our sins now the entire Prestige of the Jewish people it's just plot it failed it's like a a balloon that bursted why what's going on Islam is not just talking about we're not talking about Jews and non-jews we're talking about the world of Torah and the world non-torah you see this this is news right here in Israel in Israel there's a culture War a culture where the the secular culture is bombarding the Torah culture and the Torah culture is is fighting for its life because the Torah culture today in Israel to be that they they call it they call the khasir and they call us blacks like like blacks in Selma Alabama in the 1950s because we wear black coats and they did you know the blacks but it's very similar The Prestige The Prestige of uh and the general populace you see the the secular media it's full of Venom it's full of Venom that against the against people learn targets atory society and fighting for Life what went on what's going on here and this is we're talking about the secular Jews against other Jews this is crazy this is crazy if someone would say that it writes something like that in a in a newspaper in in the United States or in Britain they'd call them tremendous anti-semite but everything on the Israeli media it all goes and really not going to say this right here he says that uh Prestige and the importance of the world of Tolerance could be fall why Islam the charm is by them oh what's it a big thing are you working high tech the high-tech and so many things even within our society to our society uh there's the weak side of the camp is looking outside I think maybe something on the outside world is better exactly someone like me that I came from the outside world and and been there done that and I've been been in University plenty years and been Yeshiva and what you learn in a half a year Yeshiva is a lot more than you learn in a bachelor's degree in a master's degree a lot of facts but to think Yeshiva teaches you to think Torah teach you to think Torah affects your nisham which where benuona said and his interpretation of Psalm 119 that we learned very beginning that this is the Torah perfects a person's character that's the ashrae happy is the person that's learned toward to the extent that he's correct his character which means corrected Karen don't get angry anymore you humble this week's Parsha outside of Israel uh this week we're on bahalot but outside of Israel on NASA there's gonna be a few weeks where it's a disparage uh where one Parsha out of outside but this week in Israel and this week's Parsha says and Moses was the most humble man who ever walked the face of the Earth because Moses he was close to Moses Moses was it Torah and Moses was so close to Hashem so the more a person is humble imagine that a person's ego is an iron curtain that blocks out Divine Light and the more a person breaks down that Iron Curtain the more he or she can imbibe Divine Light and the more you imbibe Divine Light the more you reflect that Divine Light and the more you reflect that Divine Light the more you have you have favor you have charm thing that's what redmi nachman is talking about right here and because as a whole our society as a whole has gone away from October values and they think that high tech is the big thing the high-tech it terrifies look at my my shelf it's the books and the some books are 10 years old some books are 50 years old some because they're 100 years old some books are a thousand years old they're all true and true and true and true look on a high-tech Engineers we don't have a book on there that's more than 18 months old because it all it all goes and that's why we respect previous generations when we get close to the previous generations because they're close to Mount Sinai but uh somebody in high tech previous generation they're primitive they don't want to get there and I think they know everything but they don't no and it's the same person with the the iPhone seven or eight or nine or ten I don't know what they're up to now and with the kyphosis and things sorry sir sorry sir if uh you don't know the constellations in the sky you don't know the color of the sky and uh you can explain to me how photosynthesis works no no sorry take your high tech and we love the world right so the more we get into Torah and we get into Torah that we live our Torah the more we invoke charm ourselves and the more our words are received we'll see this right now okay so we said rubbing office says because the charm has fallen away from us there's no void in spirituality if the charm Falls away from the Torah World it goes somewhere and it goes into the high-tech World goes into the modern world to the secular world says it right there knew and that's why rubbing alcohol said my fire is going to burn until mashiach he knew exactly what would happen until mashiach comes he says right there okay now when we go back to learning that Torah in order to perfect our character and in order to practice what we learn in order to implement in our lives what we learn and to walk in those ways of of of Torah then wow this is this is uh this is bringing bringing back the hand bring back the favor and bringing back the prestige of amisael imagine the wind was the greatest Prestige time the whole simple when King Solomon all the world would come and want to hear King Solomon's wisdom and King Solomon with all the all the uh the money in the world if people everybody wanted to donate to the Holy Temple and they all came everybody wasn't this was the attraction the wonder of the world was the Holy Temple and that was the height of the charm because everybody was learning Torah everybody's learning Torah so this is what the Torah said what did King Solomon call the Torah it calls it ayeletal you're looking in Judean desert there is a beautiful animal it's called the Yael in English I think it's the Ibex Ibex you get ill and you could see especially in the nege if you go in the negative desert and you see it early in the morning see them walking on the cliffs they've got the most unbelievable balance and the Gomorrah talks about a lot of the uh uh a lot of the Miracles with the how they have to give birth on the side of a cliff and job talks about that it's unbelievable and it's a beautiful beautiful majestic animal and so the Torah looks like this beautiful majestic animal of love is using a play on words he's using this proverb from King Psalms that play on words which means a female ibex of favor means to uplift the favor to put favor on someone's face to put favorites that it will uplift favor to a person a person will become favorable in the eyes of other people and this is a play in words that repeat is using that's why he's mentioning this particular passage in Proverbs okay in the Proverbs of the fifth chapter of proverbs number 19 now he says it he says that this is the Torah is this beautiful like this beautiful animal that brings favor and you become beautiful when you learn Torah and you learn Torah not as an intellectual exercise not as Hawkman knowledge to be a highbrow to be an intellectual to look down other people no no no no not to when you learn Torah to become a better person to get closer to Hashem this makes you beautiful and there's no especially for a man or woman there's no Gillette or no Helena Rubenstein that can make this person so beautiful as learning Torah because this it gives it gives a first claim this is right at the Gomorrah right a Reuben says page 74. more attracted Reuben call it philosoph that by way of Torah by way of our Torah all our prayers are received and all our requests are received [Music] thank you [Music]